
Chapter 2

Lin: System If I use one is they will loyal or not

[ all the creatures or people who got summoned by the system will be in the slave state, this is let for the safety of the host ]

Lin: I can understand that, well let use the summoning ticket then

as I said A magic circle opened in front of me and light comes with smoke, after some time the whole process has gone and there in front of me was only a small figure a young girl with black wings and black hair, her clothes upper clothes cover her shoulder and her breast and lower part wit fully cover legs leaving her stomach and arms naked. her breast easily in C size and her big butts

As she open her eyes and got on her knees toward me and collar appear on her neck with a strip attached to it and comes to my hand and the status window opened

[ Name: Akeno( Lin Feng Slave )

Race: Fallen angel

Talent: S-thunder element

Level 1

Strength: 100

Agility: 200

Vitality: 500 ]

seeing the status her only talent is low others all are others is more than me. and I left the strip. as the collar also disappear with it

Lin: System is the collar is a magic item

[ yes host this is a slave collar whose bearer will become the slave who gives it to the wearer when it is not showing it will become a mark near the heart ]

As the system said I see toward her heart area which is covered by now clothes seeing my gaze Akeno all let her clothes upon her mark let go. as her mark is not big but has the same collar designs I try to touch Collar appear again on her neck but I let it go again

Lin: okay Akeno stand up sit and also unfold the wings of your now

Akeno: okay master

Lin: system now tell me about zombies and you said they also have element power

[ every living being can awake talent commonly are elements talents in which also rarety depends ]

Lin: when they will awake and how much damage is done and what is going on in this world

[ host after the governments fall survivors also make groups hold cities and places that have no zombies, zombies also increasing in now both quality and quantity ]

[ now every awakened can be divided into levels level 1 to level 9 demi-god level, lower god rank level, mid-god level, and main-god level ]

[ zombies can use awake talent when they reach level 3 other living doesn't have this requirement they can awake at any time ]

Lin: when humans and other creatures start learning their talents zombies can be reduced very fast

[ no host when zombies reach lower god rank they can birth to other zombies in a lot of numbers ]

Lin: I see that means it is very difficult for zombies to eradicate and when god rank comes it can kill very fast

[ no host god ranks cannot kill mortal rank in a fight that's the law already made by the world ]

Lin: when the world starts making law

[ every world has law and they make it every time if needed ]

Lin: I do not remember any law in the previous world, well anyway now tell me how to get points

[ by killing others by your hand or subordinate hands ]

Lin: how many level zombie has been appear

[ level 6 already appears]

Lin: now tell me where am I now