
Doomsday: Gacha System

What happens when you take two worst possible ideas for a fanfic (According to some readers) Gacha System and Harem... Well... This Happens... Just read the fanfic and you'll see ----------- A teenage boy was walking down the street on a sunny day, everything was peaceful... Apart from the fact that a robotic A.I inside you just told you that an Apocalypse will happen in just about a week. Of course as everyone would've guessed, this robotic A.I inside the teenager's head... Is a system! quite frankly, a gacha system. And what do we love about gachas? Of course! Its extremely low drop rate the higher the rarity is, the thrill that comes when you finally roll the gacha not knowing what it will give, the thrill when you finally found out the drops of the roll, only to find out that most of it is at the lowest rarity. But don't take my word for it, this gacha system isn't an ordinary gacha system! Well aside from the fact that it also contains objects from anime or people from certain anime, then yeah... its an ordinary gacha with the drop rates not increased. Naturally, the teenager or know known as Zahard is happy that he got a system, well he would be if an apocalypse wouldn't happen in a week. Read, as we follow the life of Zahard in this soon to be Apocalyptic world with his too sentient system. ----------- The story will take place in the modern world, the apocalypse will happen in the modern world, the only fanfic part of this story is the content of the Gacha system which includes drops that are from certain animes. Sometimes... We like to do the unexpected to the readers... Heh- ----------- I do not own the Cover art...

Freix_Gren · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 11 - You should've made sure I stayed dead kid...

(A/N: My hand is hurting but im bored so i'll write another chapter again....)


"So.... Why'd you bring me here kid?" Sans curiously asked.

We are currently in the sparring field on the second floor of the bunker...

"Just... For safety purposes, nothing much..." I nervously answered Sans.

Sans could see im nervous for some reason and so he asked me, "Something wrong kid?"

"Yes... I dragged you here because... Of the one I'm going to summon..." I answered Sans.

"Heh... Just do it," Sans snickered.

"Well... You said so..."

"System, use ||Character Card: Chara||"

[ Do you want to use ||Character Card: Chara||? ]

[ Y/N? ]


[ Using ||Character Card: Chara ]

[ Congratulations! Summoning Successful ]

"Sans! Get ready!"

"Huh? What do you mean kid?" Sans said in a confused tone.

The usual bright light shone and slowly dissipated...

"Heh... Heh... Heh... So this is why you were nervous kid... Didn't expect it to be the damned human girl," Sans' left iris turn into a blueish yellowish color.

I saw a girl wearing a lime and cream-colored striped shirt and red-brown pants and shoes. She has peach skin and brown hair, rosy cheeks, open brown eyes, and a creepy smile... It's Chara

((Chara's Picture here))

"Hahahahaha. So this is where you were all along comedian, you can't believe how much time i spent trying to find you," Chara said while licking her knife.

"Heh... So no matter where i am, you'd always end up finding me no matter what huh?" said Sans as he summoned 6 Gaster blasters around Chara.

"First one to make the move wins kid," The Gaster blasters fired at the same time.

Chara managed to jump in time just before the Gaster blasters fired.

"Oh? What's this? You actually took the initiative to attack Comedian. Looks like this will be even more fun than before," Chara said before disappearing into thin air and appearing behind sans in a second.

"Behind you~" Chara swung the knife vertically, unfortunately... Sans wasn't OP without a reason.

"Heh... You're getting rusty kid, maybe you should stop resetting for once heheheh..." Sans laughed, he then summon gaster blasters and fired them on chara on the same direction, Chara jumped over them as usual but Sans already struck a sharp bone to her heart.

"Maybe i really am getting rusty, but I think you might be forgetting something about me here Sans..." Chara appeared on the place where she was summoned, seems like she set that as her spawnpoint.

"I WILL COME BACK EVEN AFTER DYING, HAHAHAHAHA!" Chara laughed maniacally, Chara summoned a lot of knives and sent them towards sans.

Sans didn't stay idle though as he also summoned a lot of sharp bones towards Chara, he managed to also impale Chara with his Bone spikes.

"I WILL BECOME EVEN MORE STRONGER AS MY DETERMINATION TO KILL YOU GROWS SANS!!!" Chara rushed towards Sans this time, she summoned knives to counter Sans' bones and began to continuously attempt to slash Sans.

Sans summoned another sharp bone but this time, he used it as a sword.

Both were clashing together, sparks were being created from each clash of their weapons, Sans locked Chara in a Bone Cage, Chara tried to cut through the Bone Cage but before she succeeded on doing so, she was already kill by Sans.

"Come on kid, I think it's time to stop all of this, don't you get tired causing genocide over, and over, and over, and over, and over again?!" Sans tried to talk to Chara but he was only replied with a horizontal slash by Chara's knife.

"That is probably the best joke i have ever heard from you out of all the awful jokes you made," Chara said as she is consecutively sending slashes after slashes to Sans.

"That hurts to know that you know? Just because im all bones doesn't mean I can't feel pain heheheh..." Sans controlled gravity and sent Chara onwards a Bone spike as she got impaled by it again.

"Sans, Sans, Sans... How much more resets do you need to completely breakdown? Just thinking about you having a breakdown is really satisfying already, what more if you actually breakdown in front of me Sans~" Chara said as she combined all of her summoned knives into one gigantic knife and sent it towards Sans.

Sans barely dodged the Gigantic Knife, but as he turned to look at Chara, he found out that she wasn't there anymore.

"Behind?!" Sans instantly looked behind him only to find no one.

"ABOVE YOU COMEDIAN!!" Sans the looked above him, he saw Chara sending a bunch of knives again at him.

Sans tried to impale Chara only to be met with disappointment as Chara was getting faster every time she dies.

"It won't work on me again Sans~ How about you just stand there and let me kill you," Chara began to continuously slash at Sans again.

They began the 2nd round of their weapon clashing.

Sans found an opening and sent a sharp bone towards Chara's left hip.

Chara was able to immediately dodge the incoming bone projectile being thrown at her but she was met by a Gaster Blaster blowing her to cinders.

"You're getting better now you old sack of bones," Chara said.

"Listen kid... Why can't we just settle this like civilized people, what do you say?" Sans said as he wiped off the sweat on his skull.

"Civilized People? HAH! DON'T SCREW WITH ME COMEDIAN! YOU'RE A GODDAMN SKELETON!" Chara said as she engaged in another attack exchange with Sans.

Sans once again controlled gravity and sent Chara towards a bone spike behind her, Chara managed to avoid being impaled this time around as she cut down the bone spike at the right time.

Sans resorted to continuously making Chara's body crash to the ground over and over again, the impact of all the crash was enough to kill Chara.

"I am so irritated by that gravity manipulation that you have but... There's still no use Hahahaha!" Chara once again laughed maniacally.

"Goddammit... I refuse to be sent on that endless loop of genocide again..." said Sans as his left palm opened as closed suddenly.

Chara died after Sans did that.

Sans was breath became heavy as he wiped his sweat from his skull...

"I told you already comedian... You better best just let me kill you again than fight a losing battle," said Chara.

Sans destroyed Chara's soul... Over, and over, and over, and over again. I watched the intense battle at the side, where is Scáthach when we needed her the most...

<Inside the System...>

"It seems like this human girl is the culprit for that skeleton's suffering, I could tell how many time he had suffered from her hands."

"The skeleton seems pretty strong for an undead, If he wasn't lazy and he had a decent amount of stamina then he could put up a fight with me without using Gaebólg, with that being said... He will definitely lose in an instant if i use Gaebólg."

"This human girl also seem pretty strong herself, she can get stronger everytime she dies, albeit a little but still an improvement. She also seems to get revived indefinitely, that shining star at the place where Zahard summoned her might be the reason. But the indefinite revival also has a fatal weakness, if you can somehow destroy the shining star then you'll also get rid of her constant revival."

"I should probably train Zahard after their fight, he also seems to be thinking the same thing as me so I'll just wait for him to ask..."

<Back to Zahard's POV>

The endless cycle of Chara's death is still really unnerving even though i know she can't die. They have been fighting for over 2 hours or more now, and Sans is showing signs of extreme fatigue and exhaustion.

"You know Sans... Both of us are made out of LOVE, but you lack the passion to increase it. This is the end comedian... Both of us may be made out of LOVE, but... I think I'm stronger than you," Chara said with a creepy and unnerving smile.

"Heh... In the end... The endless loop is still inevitable huh? The Goddess of Luck gave you misfortune instead of fortune for summoning Chara, Zahard..." Sans said, he can barely stand on his own two feet.

"Enough chit-chat comedian, It's time to end this..."

Chara slashed at Sans' chest, blood was staining Sans' shirt and his mouth was giving out blood... Sans fell down on his knees before finally falling down the ground. Strangely... Sans seemed to have smirked.

Chara pulled out her knife from Sans' chest before looking at the place she and Sans was fighting.

"This doesn't look like Asgore's castle..." said Chara, Chara was looking around the place, her eyes filled with confusion before she finally laid her eyes on me.

"Oh? I didn't know Asgore turned into a handsome red-haired man, That's great because I hate humans. Well... Time to finish all of this so I could finally reset." Chara said as she disappeared into thin air, I could sense her behind me, so I sent a roundhouse kick behind me. My kick hit her as she was sent tumbling in the ground, her knife also fell which I immediately grabbed.

As Chara saw me wielding the knife, she immediately rushed towards me, aiming to get the knife im holding.

Before Chara could reach me however, blue strings seemed to get a hold of her arms and feet, lifting her into the air.

I then looked towards to Sans as I recognized where the blue strings could have originated ans my guesses were correct.

I saw a black skeleton who was wearing black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble "tears". 

((Error Sans' Picture here))

Error Sans... The Puppeteer...

"Y̵̝͚̪̗̠̳͎̐̍̏́́̍̚ͅo̴͓̹͐̐͋̉̌̾ṵ̵̯̹̔͗̽̀̏ ̸͕̟͙̭̘͚̣̩͑̆ș̷̨͇̬̰̬͙͊͗̚͠h̴̲̻̎͐̌ô̸͚̿̆̐͆͠ṵ̷̼͚̇͆͋̈́̆̚͜͠ĺ̸̝͍̣̪̱̃̆͝d̴͖̼̳̣̗͉̹́'̷̢̢̄͋͆͠͠v̶̨͎̰̮̭͔͎͖̅͘e̶̼̦̗͓̼̣̾̆̀͒͘͜͜ ̴̭̼̿ͅm̴̧̩͓̜͎̰͑̂̔͆̎́̚ͅạ̵̮͌͒͆́̈́͑̈́ḋ̶͙̗̠̰͎̼̈́̊͆͐e̷̢̢̻̼̳̿̀͒̌͛͗̚͘ ̵͓̹͍͛͂̔̃́̃͠s̸̛̜̊͒̈́͗̿̈́ụ̸̍͐̄̕r̸̛̲é̸̖͠ ̷̣̠̰͝î̶̱̱̖̏̾͋̅͠ ̶̧͚̹̲̲̤̙̐̂͒̐̚s̷̺̭̥̀͌͝͝t̵͔̗̥͇̺͕̩̻͊̌ȧ̶͉̗͘͜ý̴͇̖̮̬͉͈̗e̶̛̛̜͈̩̟̾̆̅̈́̚d̸̖̮̤̙͔̽ ̶̩̦͎̙̋̅̑͌ḑ̵̡̫̘͖̣̥́ë̴͈́̑̈́̈́̇̈ă̵̧̺̝͋̌d̶̢̗͚͍̱̑̿̀̃̚̕͜ ̵̧̡̧̲͈͕̝̱̇̈͐k̶͉̙̗̭̖̭̟͗̂̀̿ĩ̴̱͌͑̄͐ḋ̷̞̝̣̮̼̣̰̍͌̂"


(A/N: Now you might ask, why did error sans appear? it's Sans' skill ||One of us is All of us|| I will rarely make Sans use that skill though so don't worry. I hope the skill didn't ruin the fanfic for ya)

(A/N: Should i also make a character sheet to keep track of the MC's stats and skills?)

(A/N: Chara is the 2nd confirmed waifu btw, just saying)

Last Chapter for today i need sum rest

Freix_Grencreators' thoughts