
Doomsday Base Building

It was early in the afternoon. Dark as pitch-black, and the land was damped with silence. Only the cold breeze whispered amidst the calm and soundless skies. Though below it was a small settlement burning in crimson flames. Decimated beyond relief with rubbles everywhere. Cold corpses were strewn throughout the settlement, with some bodies ripped apart into bloodied pieces. Puddles of velvet blood formed, and chunks of flesh dangled along the concrete walls in gory ways. It was a horrifying sight, but this was the reality in the world of Terra.  Near the building where the former leader of the settlement resided was a young man leaning on the concrete wall. There were no emotions on his face as he held a revolver tightly under his fingers. His name was Duke Shepherd. Before the end, he was but a humble college student.  Duke was the only remaining survivor in the small settlement after it was overrun by an aberrant flood. He initially wanted to rest eternally using the revolver when he gazed upon what was left. But he couldn't find the strength to do so. Despite the unending tragedies and suffering... He wanted to live.  | Initializing... |  "Huh?"  | Connecting to the Bio-Apparatus... Bio-Apparatus connected! | | Activating Doomsday Base Building Protocol... Protocol activated! | | Enlisting Unit #01 Codename: Director... Unit Enlisted! | | Congratulations on the Protocol Activation, Director Duke Shepherd! | | Let us start building, shall we? |  ―――――― | Genre: Apocalypse, Kingdom-Building, Army-Building, Zombies, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Horror, Violence, Military |

Savant_Paragon · Romance
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48 Chs

Military Restructuring: Building an Army!

| You have unlocked... |

| Building(s) |

-| Barracks(Military) |-| Armored Factory(Military) |-| Communication Tower(Military) |-| Fusion Reactor Plant(Military) |-| Research Station(Military) |-| Arsenal Refinery(Military) |-| Drone Forge(Military) |-| Aircraft Dock(Military) |-| Intelligence Bureau(Military) |-| Cerberus Branch(Military) |-

-| Apartment Block(Utility) |-| Water Distillation Plant(Utility) |-| Automatic Farm(Utility) |-| Radio Station(Utility) |-| Fuel Assembly(Utility) |-| Warehouse(Utility) |-| Oil Refinery Plant(Utility) |-| Oil Well(Utility) |-| Police Station(Utility) |-| Fire Station(Utility) |-| Hospital(Utility) |

| Unit(s) |

-| Grenadier(Military) |-| Marksman(Military) |-| War Medic(Military) |-| Mechanic Specialist(Military) |-| Combat Engineer(Military) |-| Mechanized Hound(Military) |-| Cerberus Officer(Military) |-| Drone Specialist(Military) |-| Spy(Military) |-| Communication Operator(Military) |-

-| Logistic Staff(Utility) |-| Worker(Utility) |-| Radio Operator(Utility) |-| Storage Staff(Utility) |-| Lawyer(Utility) |-| Enforcer(Utility) |-| Doctor(Utility) |-| Firefighter(Utility) |-| Chef(Utility) |-

| Vehicle(s) |

-| H10 Armored Truck(Military) |-| H20 Transport Truck(Military) |-| Panther APC(Military) |-| Hammer IFV(Military) |-

-| Cargo Truck(Utility) |-| Enforcer Car(Utility) |-| Medical Ambulance(Utility) |-| Vulcan Firetruck(Utility) |-| Mobile Crane(Utility) |-

| Supply(s) |

-| Arsenal Container(Military) |-| Ammunition Container(Military) |-| Ordinance Container(Military) |-| Equipment Container(Military) | Electronic Hardware Container(Military) |-| Mechanical Supply Container(Military) |-

-| Food Container(Utility) |-| Fuel Container(Utility) |-| Rapid Response Equipment Container(Utility) |-| Machinery Container(Utility) |-| Medication Container(Utility) |-

"Wha- This is a lot..." Duke didn't know what to say after seeing the bombardment of digital displays shrouding the entirety of his perception. His heart was divided by excitement, curiosity, and shock. But nonetheless, the unexpectedness was a welcome one.

Frankly, to Duke, the effects of the doomsday base upgrade were beyond his simple expectations. It was within his thoughts for new things to emerge, perhaps a few new units.

But this... Wasn't it too much? 

The upgrade from level 0 to level 1 brought him an unprecedented number in the Doomsday Mall. He even felt nervous that his newly acquired wealth wouldn't be enough. Though obviously, it would be far from enough. 

'From buildings, units, vehicles, to supplies. All categories have new additions that I could buy, but I doubt my wealth would be enough. I'll have to terminate more aberrants. Thankfully, the operation coincides with my intentions. I have to finish the mission and get the rewards.'

'Then, at long last, start expanding the Cerberus.'

'However, I'm mostly excited about the new units, followed by the new vehicle types. The two will primarily aid me in creating a new yet rigid foundation for the Cerberus Military. Using them... I could also hope to conclude the mission earlier than expected.' 

Duke was deep in thought, which was silently noticed by Aurora. But she kept quiet and calmly awaited for her Director to conclude his inner thoughts. He must have an intriguing idea if he was stuck inside his head for quite a while. 

After a long while, Duke got out of his trance, but the smile on his face got wider and wider. Unknowingly, Aurora followed suit as a smirk emerged on her gorgeous face. Her golden irises quietly glinted, desiring to hear the thoughts of her Director. 

It was quite a sight for the Director and Administrator to be acting in such a devious manner.

"Aurora, I need you to help me structure the military." Duke requested while opening the Doomsday Mall with his thoughts. While he wanted to save his wealth. It would honestly be better to invest his points in Cerberus's Military. Then, a digital display emerged before him. 

It displayed the Doomsday Mall, which hadn't changed much despite the number of things he had unlocked from the Doomsday Base Upgrade. Though, whether it changed or not didn't matter. What mattered the most was the things he got. 

<◉ >

|| Doomsday Mall ||

●| Building(s) |

●| Unit(s) |

●| Vehicle(s) |

●| Supply(s) |

➤| Source Point(s) : 7623 |

<◉ >

Duke's wealth in the Protocol wasn't to be underestimated. While he knew that it would be drained into nothing in his purchasing spree. Having over seven thousand source points was still quite an achievement. Especially when it hadn't been a long while since he left the headquarters. 

'7,623 Source Points... The amount of things I can buy with it. Dozens of Vanguards, hundreds of Sentinels, and perhaps even more with the newly-unlocked units.' It was hard to not get excited despite Duke telling himself not to get his thoughts too high. 

But he didn't like wasting his time admiring the amount of wealth he had. Aurora was waiting for him to say more about his thoughts. He needed to check the prices of the units, vehicles, and supplies. On the other hand, buildings would be for later. 

After all, only after the crusade will he return to the headquarters. For now, there was no need to think much about the buildings. 

As if following his thought process, the Doomsday Mall display changed. And what followed was the materialization of new information regarding the unit(s) tab. Duke squinted his eyes, reading the detailed info with scrutiny. 

The grenadier unit was somewhat interesting since their responsibilities were pointed at explosive ordinances and armaments. According to the information, they mostly carried several grenades and an armament called Rupture 07. It was an anti-tank weapon loaded with lance missiles.

The unit's price was 15 Source Points, which wasn't as expensive as Duke as previously thought. Anyway, the next unit type was the quality.

The marksman unit was an information-gathering unit engaging in concealment and assassination. One can consider them as snipers of some sort. In Cerberus, they were primarily scouts for the military. Using the info, Duke concluded the unit had a menacing anti-material rifle. 

In simpler terms, anyone hit by them would explode. The price was the same as the grenadier unit, which made sense. The marksman was about 15 Source Points in the Doomsday Mall.

Another one was the war medic unit. A principal unit type in the military that would lower the casualties of soldiers. Even if the war medic didn't have combat abilities. Duke wouldn't hesitate to purchase the unit. 

Fortunately, though... Their combat abilities were only slightly lesser than the Sentinels. The price they had was also excellent. They only cost about 10 Source Points.

The next ones were the combat engineer unit and the mechanic specialist unit. One would wonder the difference between the two, but the contrast was simple. A combat engineer can be a builder or a demolisher. While the mechanic specialist repairs and maintains military vehicles.

The two were also essential for a squad since no one would want to be defenseless in the middle of nowhere, while none would also desire to be stranded in a desolate wasteland. The price of the two units was the same as the Sentinels. Only about 10 Source Points. 

Following the two was a strange unit. It was the mechanized hound unit. It was practically a robot dog that could shoot bullets and launch tiny rockets from their bodies. The mechanized hound was a monster of a force. One of them could probably demolish a squad of Sentinels.

After all, they were fast, agile, and had the perception of great distances. Because of their high capabilities, they were also expensive. The mechanized hound was the only unit that had the price of 30 Source Points in the unlocked units. 

'Robot dogs, huh... I wonder if they're cute? Do they wag their tails like normal dogs?' Duke questioned the existence of the mechanized hounds. The only way for his questions to be answered was to purchase them and see for himself. But that was for later.

Nonetheless, after the robot dog was the Cerberus officer. The unit was an upgraded and strategic version of the Sentinels. They wore intimidating officer uniforms and were good leaders. This kind of unit type belonged to the upper echelon of a platoon or a company. The price was 20 Source Points.

The upcoming unit had high similarities to the aviation pilots. This was the drone specialist unit. They control drones via a holographic control projected by their bracelets. They wore lighter clothing than the aviation pilots but still had the innate dominance of the Cerberus.

The cost of the drone specialist unit was cheaper than a Sentinel. Perhaps their combat abilities were significantly weaker. Their price was 8 Source Points.

Afterward was the complete intelligence-gathering unit. It was the spy. Spies have good acting skills combined with their superb assassination capabilities. They can puncture any organization with ease and can gather information with efficiency. So their price rivaled a Cerberus officer.

About 20 Source Points for a spy unit.

And lastly, the final of the military units was the communication operator. This type of unit was valuable to the Cerberus military. After all, they were the transport of information. They communicate through an enigmatic military language, making any interception basically impossible. 

Their price should be 10 Source Points.

These were the units he had recently gained. While they were utility units, he didn't have any use of them until he returned to the headquarters. But there was one unit he was interested in. It was the logistic staff unit that would help ease some of Aurora's burdens. 

Duke listed the cost and information of the units on a piece of paper. Since he wanted to discuss with Aurora the upcoming structure of the Cerberus military. Aurora curiously gazes at her Director. After all, five minutes had passed since he had spoken. 

Aurora understood that her Director needed her help structuring the military. He seemed somewhat deep in thought about the soldiers he would need to summon to complete the military structure. When Duke listed everything, he gave the paper to his Administrator. 

After receiving the paper, Aurora softly reads it with her mind. The units written within it were familiar to her. Several seconds passed as Aurora placed the sheet of paper on the table. A sly smile slowly formed on her face. 

"This is expensive, Director. I have a feeling you're planning to summon them in vast numbers. And the cost you have given me... While cheap in single quantities. When in large numbers, it's expensive."

"I understand your worries, Aurora. But I have already solved the funding problems." Duke smirked since his solution involved her. But before that, he needed to explain the future structure of Cerberus.

"I want a squad to have 12 members of the military. In a single assault squad, there will be 4 Sentinels, 2 War Medics, 1 Marksman, 1 Combat Engineer, 1 Mechanic Specialist, 1 Communication Operator, 1 Drone Specialist, and 1 Grenadier." He explained the structure of an assault squad.

"The cost should be about 128 Source Points, but this is merely the basic cost. But what about the general upkeep cost of a squad?" Aurora felt a headache bashing her head after hearing the price of a single squad.

"Calm down, Aurora. Please don't be surprised about my next words." Duke pre-emptively warned Aurora since his plan was more enormous than the so-called assault squad. Aurora just raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

"I plan to summon two companies worth of personnel. Each company will have five platoons. Four platoons will be assault platoons, with the remaining being a support platoon. Then, a single platoon will have five squads with the same structure as a platoon. Four assault squads and one support squad." 

"A single support platoon will have five support squads. A support squad will consist of 3 War Medics, 2 Combat Engineer, 2 Mechanic Specialists, 2 Logistic Staffs, 2 Communication Operators and 1 Drone Specialists." 

"Also, a platoon will be led by an officer." 

The military structure that Duke had given was simple, but Aurora was entirely frozen. Duke already saw a loading icon atop her head as if she was trying to understand what had happened. He understood why she became broken. A massive jump in personnel was a logistical nightmare. 

"An assault platoon will hold 16 Sentinels, 11 War Medics, 6 Combat Engineers, 6 Mechanic Specialist, 6 Communication Operator, 5 Drone Specialist, 4 Marksmen, 4 Grenadiers, and 2 Logistic Staffs."

"A support platoon will hold 15 War Medics, 10 Combat Engineers, 10 Mechanic Specialists, 10 Logistic Staffs, 10 Communication Operators, and 5 Drone Specialists."

"This means a single company will have 64 Sentinels, 59 War Medics, 34 Combat Engineers, 34 Mechanic Specialists, 34 Communication Operators, 25 Drone Specialists, 18 Logistic Staffs, 16 Marksmen, and 16 Grenadiers. And two companies..."

"What the hell, Duke!!! Do you want to go bankrupt!? 128 Sentinels, 118 War Medics, 68 Combat Engineers, 68 Mechanic Specialists, 68 Communication Operators, 50 Drone Specialists, 36 Logistic Staffs, 32 Marksmen, and 32 Grenadiers! Are you planning to go to war!?" 

For the first time, Aurora called Duke by his name. 

Yeah, Duke? You planning to go to war, or something?

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