
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

The unbearable pain

(Please read the note at the end of the chapter. Thank you)


"It hurts! my throat! The pain is too much, I can't take take it anymore!", a boy screamed inwardly as he clenched his fists. His jet black hair was illuminated by the moon's light, giving it an ecstatic glow.

His body laid on the ground where it seemed to have been dropped. He had bruises all over his face. He was clad in a black suit with a bow tie around its neck. His tight fitting trousers had been mangled and exposed his feet which were covered in a thick red liquid. The same red liquid could be seen all over his chest and had soiled his shirt. It had even transcended his body and was now flowing freely on the ground, leaving behind a blood stained trail.

As the moonlight shone brightly upon his body, a shiny metal splattered with the red liquid could be seen sticking out but halfway inside his throat. On closer inspection it was a kitchen knife and it seemed to be stuck in place. It was what was preventing the boy from screaming for help. The red liquid was gushing out of the area in heaps and bounds.

The setting was a cemetery in the middle of nowhere. An air of melancholy was evident and continued to linger in the nearby surroundings of the person, arousing a desolate feeling in the boy. His vision was getting blurry with each passing moment. Howls of wolves were occasionally heard throughout the whole place. The gravestones were arranged in such a way that they formed various triangles successively. Even though the place was a reasonable place a person to die, one could not hope meeting his end in a place like this.

At this point there was no hope for the boy, to keep fighting was to prolong the intolerable pain which would by all means result in an inevitable death. The end was drawing nearer and nearer with each passing second.

Eyes began to slowly twitch and his heart beat could be heard throughout his ears. Was it death beating its chest in joy to receive his poor soul. The metallic taste in his mouth made the situation unbearable but it could get worse at any point in time.

"The world is a tragedy to one and a blessing to another, that's why I have to keep fighting", these words kept ringing in his head in accordance with his rising heartbeat. He had heard these words some where but he couldn't pinpoint the place or the person who had said it. Well it didn't matter anymore since the time had come for him to also perish by the hands of this corrupt system.


"Just remembering how pathetic I was on that faithful day makes me wanna puke. That's what happens if you believe that one can attain peace by living a normal life. There is nothing like a normal life in this world. It can never exist at the expense of these iron handed bastards who rule the system. They make their own rules and then later spit on them. They do whatever they want because they think there is no one in the world to give them the retribution they deserve. They think they are gods, but they are just mere mortals crazed by power. You may think that I hate the government but you will understand me once you hear my story. I am Abel, I don't have a family name since I don't have one in the first place. This is the story of how I placed the government in check."


(Some years ago..)

"Pull yourself up loser, I'm not done with you. Your face still looks nice and normal which is pissing me off, I have to destroy that face of yours in order to pique my satisfaction. I'm going to take my time and make sure you enjoy.., I mean you will feel each pain like never before, loser."

These were the disturbing words of a blonde haired boy, clouded by a sadistic attitude. He wore a school uniform which had the insignia of the school at the back of it, below it were the words: "LYSANDER ACADEMY ". The words were boldly written in such a way that they stood out on their own.

Behind him were two others who wore the same outfit as the latter. They both had the unpleasant sadistic smiles on their faces as they speculated what was happening in front of them. It was a sight they would sell the world to see. It was a pity for the one on the receiving end though. The two boys, both had black hair which went down to their necks. They looked abit similar but critical differences could be observed if one payed close attention to them.

The boy being on on the receiving end of this alter humiliation was a boy with a frail physique, which made him look like could fall dead at any point in time. His physique spoke much about his background. His jet black hair stretched beyond his neck line even at that tender age. I guess his current state was due to malnutrition and stress. He had a minimal handsome face which always kind of got him into trouble. Bullies just couldn't stand his face.

"I will scar you for life. I will make sure that I burn that face of yours in a way that you won't be able to recognize it for the rest of your life. You will always remember me each time you look inside your mirror."

The frail looking boy stared at him in horror as he awaited the torture. It was something he had expected to happen already. What was out of his equation was the reason why, the boy wanted to destroy his face so bad. It was almost as if he had been fantasizing about it all day and the thought of it was sending shivers down his spine.


Flames erupted from the blonde haired boy's hand as he opened it while staring at his prey wth contempt. Students were watching what was taking place in the hallway of the school but they had decided not to waste their sweat on trash. What will one gain from saving such a frail soul. They prayed that their friend ended his life immediately to help spare the government some of its expenditure.

Tears started rolling down the boy's cheeks as he stared at his bullies. He cursed inwardly for not skipping school that day. If he had skipped school, all of this dilemma would have been just a fantasy of that maniac's mind. Being powerless to opressers was very annoying. The humanity you once had is gone forever and it is being replaced by an empty shell which bore the scars.

"Riley, please s-stop this. I'm not feeling well today. If you go on with this round of beating, the tendency of my survival would be less than the length of your hair. If it is my face that disgusts you then I will wear a mask to c-cover it...", before the poor boy could finish his sentence, he was sent flying through the huge hallway of the school.

It seems the attack had broken most of the bones in his chest. The metallic taste of blood could be felt in the his mouth as he continued the trajectory with him being the projectile. All the talk was for nothing, he couldn't believe that even after being so polite with him, this was the unfortunate outcome.

He braced himself for the impact as his back connected with the floor, breaking and disassembling some of the bones in his back.The pain from the impact shot throughout his whole body almost instantly. It was as if his body was on fire at the moment and there was no way of quenching it.

All that could be done now was to wait for the worst to happen.

Fwoosh! Swush!

He turned and saw two fireballs heading in his direction at an incredible speed. The idea of running was something someone will adore at this stage but since there were two of the fireballs, running just meant he would move with his blind spot facing the attack. That was something he couldn't risk since he was too poor to purchase a medicinal pill.

Those kind of damages done to the body could also last forever. He also couldn't die here, he had a future ahead of him which he wasn't going to give up on. He later on made his mind and stood his ground while staring at the approaching fireball. They were approaching with intensity. The anxiety worsened due to this.

When the fireballs were few inches away from their target, they fused together into a bigger version and progressed but it became much slower compared to the others. Upon seeing this an idea had popped into his tiny brain. He turned his back on the fireball and sped towards the edge of the hallway.

It was very funny to see a frail looking child run like that but his life depended on it though. In no time he was able to reach the end of the halway due to the decrease in speed of the approaching fireballs when they had fused. He turned instantly and noticed the ball was few inches from hitting him. A smile appeared on his lifeless face for the first time.

Bad thoughts were flooding his little brain. Before he took any step he had to make sure he had dealt with the fireball. It inched closer and closer but he continued to stand. When the fireball was a few seconds before touching him. He immediately hopped out of the way and observed as the part of the wall scorched by the fire begun to slowly revert back to normal. It was the school's auto repair ability which doing its job at the moment. Swallowing hard, he had thought of how his body would have been scorched if he had stayed in the same position.

"I guess mother luck is on your side today. I don't know how you got that idea though, I guess your skull isn't that hollow. Your humiliation will be one I will make sure you don't regret", Riley said and dashed towards his opponent while he had his hands encircled in flames.

Riley had his flaming hand released towards the boy's chest, with his eyes glowing in anticipation to a wonderful session of nonstop bullying. "You are a nuisance, a rat who won't stay out of our way. Don't worry because by my crimson flames I will purge your heart of that stubbornness. "

His was in a state of palpitation, and he could drop dead at any moment. Out of fear the boy ran away from the place in hopes of meeting a teacher on his way. That was the only way he would be able to escape the claws of this predator. True by his thoughts, when the next turn was made, a teacher was seen coming towards the hallway he was running from.

"Please help me!, they wanna burn my face. Please save me!",

he said out loud as he approached the teacher. This was his redemption. There was a few feet left before he would have to collide with the teacher. A collision he had wanted to avoid but the speed at which he was going, just couldn't allow that.


The sound erupted throughout the hallway.

The intensity of the slap had cause most of his teeth to uproot forcibly. It was something he had never expected from a teacher.


he blurted out before bursting into tears uncontrollably. The teacher stared at him with contempt before opening his lips.

" Die already you good for nothing bastard. Thank your lucky stars that you were accepted into this honourable institution. Useless entities like you do not belong in the spotlight. You will either die on your own or get eaten by the predators in the end. Show me your magicka and I will help defend you", he finally said before walking away unconcerned by the calamity which was to befall the poor child.

"Abel, you've got nowhere to run to now. Your face is mine", Riley said diabolically as dashed towards his prey at high speed. He readied his fists as he proceeded towards Abel with his hands still in flames.

Abel sat on the ground and closed his eyes as he awaited his impending doom.


He screamed in pain as Riley lifted him up by the throat with a flaming hand. The flames were burning his skin slowly which made the pain endless.


The sound was heard as Abel's body was slammed onto the floor. The sounds which followed were that of countless bones inside the frail body breaking profusely. Riley relived the moment over and over again until there was nothing left to be broken.

He then continued to stomp him in the guts. Laughs and giggles escaped his lips as he continued with his assault. He was looking like a maniac who couldn't stop playing with his new toy.

The metallic taste inside Abel's mouth was no longer an odd feeling since his body had now become used to it. Even though it wasn't pleasant to taste his very own blood, he had no choice but to comply.

To put the cherry on the ice cream, he stomped his boot on Abel's face to the extent that it's imprints were left on the poor guy's face. What have he done to deserve this kind of treatment from his peers?. They didn't even take into consideration his physique but decided to destroy him immediately. Were they human afterall? No, they saw themselves to be gods but they were just mere mortals crazed by power and this even affected their offsprings, mentality and beliefs.

After this day, Abel made a promise to never cry again because tears wasn't going to change anything now his enemies only fancied his cries and wails. They were diabolical and he wasn't going to give in to their devilish fantasies.

(Please if any error is identified don't hesitate to report. Together let's build up "DEMO". Read and add to your library.)