
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Tales from the past

A smile, that was all that Abel could display to ease the tension that was building up between them. Jazzlyn was lost deep in the trenches of her thoughts. Taking each word in consideration, her perspective about the boy in front of him was changing slowly. "He saved me because I am a non-evolved, how silly of him to say. I thought it was because of my beauty since he had no idea of my family's riches", she pondered over and over again while trying to find understanding.

"What is wrong? You look as if you are in a world of your own", he questioned with his curiosity piqued.

"Huh, are you talking to me? Sorry, I was just thinking about what you said. I'm glad to know that not all humans have lost their sanity nowadays". "No need to worry about my words they just came out when I opened my lips. Sorry, if they have offended you", he pleaded with sincerity. "There is no need to say that, you are chivalrous ".

"How come you are this rich but you still decide to live a low life and allow those evolved brats to get their way with you? I thought it was because you had no money to purchase one of those crystals that's why you are a non-evolved but on second thought, I know there is a much deeper explanation behind your actions", Abel asked out of curiosity. His stats were really doing their thing. This amount of confidence was something he had never thought of achieving.

Jazzlyn swallowed hard when she heard what he had said. The question was something she had never expected. He had hit the nail right on its head and the question asked was a hammer which had hit her in the head. She displayed a bright smile on her face to disperse tension but it all proved futile, Abel kept staring at her right in the eye.

She finally sighed in defeat when the situation became a little awkward for her to maintain. She could not stand the gaze anymore. "You are being creepy", she blurted out in frustration. "I know, I just want to know the reason why you decided to remain powerless. You are not like me; you have a chance to change your fate but you have decided not to".

He tried to make his words as convincing as he could in other to gain her trust. he had not planned to dive deep into her personal life but he knew how cruel the

world could be wanted to know the explanation for her actions.

Jazzlyn cleared her throat when she was ready to tell her story. "I am the second daughter of the house of Clarke. Many would think that it is a blessing being a royal of that family but those who live there, bear witness of the suffering I pass through every day. On the night I was born my mother died because

she gave birth to me. She had given birth to me at home so I wasn't able to absorb any energy crystal.

Most of my family members especially my older sister hated my guts. They reminded me every day that I'm the reason why her mother died.

I thought it was a simple joke but her attitude towards me said everything. I'm the last born of the family and we are four in total. At the age of five, I was diagnosed of a disease which made my body's system unable to absorb energy from the energy crystals. This information broke my spirit and will to live.

All I wanted to do was prove my worth to the family. They thought I was a curse to the family and did want anything to do with me. After hearing about my inability to possess magicka they said it was my mother's spirit which was taking revenge on me.

I wondered why anyone would say such a thing to a young girl like I was. That was inhuman of them but they weren't human after all, they believed they were gods and I was just a mere mortal who wanted to be in their league.

I tried to further both my intellect and physical strength over the years but what I gained from them was very little.

I have twin brothers who are just some few years ahead of my age but they treated me like their equals. They told me that our elder sister was just jealous of my beauty but I

knew they were trying to brighten my mood. They were both funny and loving but after they completed the two-year military program the leaders issued to increase the firepower of the faction, their funny and loving attitude had disappeared completely.

I don't know the kind of training they went through to become like that but I believe that training turned my dear brothers into monsters. They were never meant to be like that. I would have sold out all that I had to bring them back to their initial state but the damage had already been done and there was no way of stopping it.

Nowadays they handle most of the family's affairs since our older sister decided to chase after a man rather than concentrate on the family.

She had almost bankrupted the family once when she wanted to impress that man. She used the family's fortune to gamble for the heart of a man. The man was not bad though but bankrupting the family because of your lust was despicable. Her attitude was unheard of. She left the family some years ago when she could not bear the shame. I heard she had finally gotten the man she was chasing. I'm happy for her as a sister.

My father also was a strong warrior who assisted the Blaze faction during the time of the rebellion. His family was added to the main branch of the faction because of his contributions. He never accepted failure to be an option and that is why I admire him even after his death.

He died a natural death almost smooth and void of pain. He was one of the few people who never saw me as a failure so when I saw him lying on his death bed on that faithful day, I felt huge sword stab me right in the stomach.

I had never expected a hero like him to fall that easily but I knew that as how the world was. You just come and you go, that is the simple principle behind life. Nothing lasts forever and everything was bound to come to an end one way or the other. We just don't know when to expect that day. The day we

will have to give up our ghosts even though we don't want to.

I just want to live my life in a better way than they have expected or predicted it to be and I don't want the consequence of my actions and decisions to affect my family. That is why I have always preferred to stay silent. I want to keep the Clarke family's reputation as clean and serene as it can be. This is my story and I don't want you to feel sympathetic or empathetic about it.

I don't expect mercy from anyone. I brought this upon myself by letting my mother die when she had given birth to me and I regret that action of mine".

Abel stared at the table for some time after hearing the entire story of her family and how she ended up not having and magicka. He now knew that they were more alike and was starting to understand her more. Her perspective of the world was quite sour since the world had treated her like trash even

though she was from a prestigious family.

He could feel her emotions when she had told the tale of her life. No one would have believed her but Abel could feel the truth in each word she spoke. He was finally glad that she had opened up her perspective of the world to him.

"You do not have to blame yourself for what happened to your mother. She died due to maybe excessive blood loss after child birth or she could not have gotten through with the afterbirth and had the placenta rotten in her stomach. Either way say some prayers for her for giving birth to a beautiful child like you.

Do you know how many people are dying to have a child just like you? if no, then why are you cursing yourself for what happened in the past? That would be ungrateful of you to your dear mother. I know she would be sad that you are blaming yourself for her death. Please don't do that if you do not want to

look sympathetic or empathetic.

I can not promise you that I will not feel sympathetic towards you but I can promise that your safety is now my priority. I cannot let you pass through what I have endured for ten years. You do not deserve that, Jazzlyn", he said with his fist on his chest. He had made a promise to protect someone who was non-evolved like himself and he was proud of that.

Jazzlyn on the other side was just amused by how this guy was bragging to protect without even knowing the strength of his twin brothers. She had decided not to tell them because she knew they would destroy the whole school because of her. She wasn't ready to be expelled out of the academy

because of his brother's actions.

"I accept your offer and I would like to pay you if you are able to go through with it", she said while nodding in approval. Her terms were what every business minded fella would love to take but Abel wasn't that business minded at the time. We will have to forgive him for that. The only business he had was the delivery and that almost costed him his life.

"Thank you but I do not think a tip is necessary, okay", he replied with a bright smile.