
Doom: Punisher of Dc

death is final is what we’re told but it wasn’t for me.I was brought back in my Favorite game and it was hell no it was worse then hell and i come to hate the very line i thought was so cool Rip&Tear.It became me it was the only thing i could think to keep straight and not break.it was my duty and i wanted it to end it all of it for good but it end me to.I lost it and was on auto-Pilot that what i believe how i fell just wanted it all gone so i took it the hit that end ever thing the war the demon this fight and me it was over i was finish and the it happen again.I was back but this time it was how i asked for no short end deal this time but i did have to wait to reawaken but i had dream as i did and a Trauma that was branded on to my very soul that brought a need to punish those demons and now even those who have sin greatly. “this not my own it a fanfic watch and see how this story goes should be fun work something out for this”

6BigBoneMeat9 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 2.[Entrance To Doom]

~A group of seven men can be seen as they enter a service elevator but one of them is not look to good as he sways back-and-forth trying to keep balance as if dizzy one of the other spot this and Confront him about it~

[man#3]{ Hey, john are you ok you're not looking so hot~looking around a-bit as if check on something before leaning in close to john to say~if you need little something to focus i might have something for you.. it'll get that *poker face* back -ahi ah ah~ he says while jabbing him with his Elbow Whilst chuckling~}John replies"while groan to himself at his friends Ethics"

[john]{ I don't need a fix Portman just a headache_... and you best remember we're on a job so "stay clean".!.} say's john rubbing His temples and looking up - a 30 min later - the Elevator drops finally stop and the door opens and as they walk though Scientist and security can be rush place to place whilst Discussion something~ some guy greets us with his name and Department~

[some guy]{Sanford Crosby.

UAC Public Relations.~"silence " being the only thing to greet him alone with a stern questioning look from the man infront "he drop his up risen hand and some what cheery Expression"and Continues~ Follow me,Please.}-after a while of walk though Corredor's and hall-someone breaks the Long and daunting silence;

[john]{How many people you got there?} with a Quick reply

[Crosby]{UAC employs 85 permanent research staff on Olduvai.~ continuing to walk in silence for abit more reaching a dome research area with two floors before saying~ welcome to ark gentlemen.~*Initiating molecular mapping drive*( alarms buzzing ) as they continue onto the center of the room *All personnel prepare for activation* while Walking around Crosby Direct them in caution procedure

[Crosby]{ Keep your Distance from the core or you might get sucked in!} "A nervous Rookie Interject"

[Rookie]{.. Uh you use that thing before?}~ while eyeing the "julattice gel" like orb floating in the center of the room with caution~as a more veteran look guy reply's

[man#4]{Once.On a training mission.}then another reply's

[man#5]{ Hope you had a good dinner,Kid.}*computer:Interplanet coordinates locked and engage.All telemetry Verified and transmissions are five by five.*the leader of the group steps forward to say some orders*

[leader]{ As soon as we get through, shut down the surface elevator.Make sure that we get the standard quarantine of six hours.}replied with

[Crosby]{Ready to proceed.}*computer: Ark travel, in 15 seconds and counting.-( Alarm blaring )-Particle tracking engaged.~ as the Computer countdown John makes his way over to the orb before reaching out to touch it~ *Computer:Five... Four... Three... Two... One*(*Swissh*) As he reach it pulls him in Transported in near seconds reach mar his Nausea increases abit Not enough to make them throw up like the rest though as he sees them slowly appearing to each throw up abit at Arrival.

as portman Finishes up throwing up he starts to complain about have cut Vacation short.

[Portman]{Why can't UAC rent-a-cops take care of this bullshit?}~With another question asked because of the queasiness caused by the transportation[The Kid]{Is it always that rough?}A guy in a Wheel-chair replies[???]{ Believe me, it used to be a lot rougher.There was a time when the art travel were susceptible to- - Let's say, major turbulence.}not get what that Implies;

[The Kid]{What's he mean?}~Looking at John questionably~[john]{He means,he went to one galaxy his ass went to another.}

[???]{Call it a scientific miscalculation.Unbelievable as it may seem,UAC does make the guy tiny mistake.Marcus Pinzrowsky.You can call me Pinky.now follow me plz.

[leader]{Where are the personnel who aren't locked down in the lab?}he Replies

[Pinky]{ in the Atrium.}

[ leader]{ Put it us up.}

[ Pinky]{Activating remote Personal surveillance.}~ as he pull up the live cams on their guns it Footage can be seen on the •"desk like computer"•screen to his right~

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6. Destroyer

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[ leader]{Circle up, man. On my three- - one... two... three.~ aims their gun at each other~[ Pinky]{kill-cams up and running.} ~pinky say's as he check the screen~[ leader]{People, this room is a code red, Which means no-one gets in without our permission.^And it stays our at all cost.Mac,Stay here with our friend and secure the door.-.. Men, on me, let's move out.~whilst move to the Circular vault of a door with Pressure locks "he Command"~open the door.}Continuing to walk through the short circular hall that's just passed the door"Mac"it locks it backup. Take a right as they reach the end other the hall reaching another with a few turns their at stairs leading to a big room, As they go the a few people "stare And whisper" as they pass by.

[UAC Personnel]{Who Call in the military?}

As they Approach the center They see quite a few people chatting and walking by going along their business.

~ask there Current position less than subtle way~[Destroyer]{Where the fuck are we?}Replying to them sarcasm[Goat]{A couple million light-years from breakfast.}~some guy try to He does his part[UAC]{When can I start evacuating people out Through the ark?}but is replied With the on definite answer[Sarge]{We're at a level five quarantine.Nobody goes any anywhere.}~Portman continuing on with is less than work ethic approach to flirting and his Crude smile Proceeded to use Position Goof around~

[Portman]{Ladies,We're under a level five quarantine;So i'm just going to have to strip search you girls.}~Ladies in Question look at them blankly neither one of them states what they're thinking~

[woman]{ I don't think so.}~cutting her off before she could Continue~

[Portman]{ Hold that thought~switching the group of girls to the to pretty blonde that's walk by and repeat the same thing to her~We're under a level five quarantine,so i'm going have to strip search ya..}~being Interrupted by Sarge he stops and Assuming Innocent as if he did nothing~[Sarge]{Portman!} "he said Quick an sharp"[Portman]{what?}

[UAC]{Sergeant this is Dr.Samantha grim, the UAC Science officer assign to retrieve data from the lab.}



~john Quizzes and Shift abit to Adjust his Uncountable stomach and headache while look at Dr.Grimm with his What are you doing *face* showing is Displeasure of her coming a long~[Dr.Grimm]{hi "John"}~*Showing her displeasure with his decisions*~[John]{hi "Samantha"}[destroyer]{Hello samantha!}~ everyone look at him with a really now Can you keep it to yourself, while john try and get samantha off the mission~

[john]{Sarge, this operation's a code red.We don't have room for passengers.}

[Samantha]{Excuse me, but i have orders to retrieve data from three servers; Anthropology, Forensic archaeology and genetics.}~John being a smart ass and somewhat sarcastic replies~

[John]{This is a military operation, doctor.We're really not here to retrieve your science homework.}[Samantha]{look, I idea why don't you ask your CO what your orders are.}~ john looking to Sarge for Confirmation, "He says"

Try to contain and neutralize the threat protect civilians and retrieve you UAC property."John"Looking a little upset he couldn't throw Samantha off the board of operation, As she farther instate her Involvement~

[Samantha]{Are we finally done here?Because I've got a job to do.If you'll follow me.}~Sarge fighting and checking make sure any problems aren't farther insinuated~[Sarge]{You chose this,Reaper. Is this going to spoil my day?

[John]{No sir.} ~As Destroyer make another tactless move~

[Destroyer]{Tell me you didn't let a fine looking piece of ass like that get away from you.}~little bit more Agitated and frustrated then usually because of the pain and headaches he was feeling again, he said~[John]{She's my sister.}~ that sound more like watch it i could mess you up~[Destroyer]{No shit ..uh oh i mean is it alright-_if i go for it}~not sure on what really he just asked, John reply with a groan~

[John]{if aim for her it better not be a tap & go}~not really wanting to be in the know but want his sister safe he give a fair warning~[Duke]{don't do this again,man}

[Destroyer]{You mean with the mustang, i said was sorry about that i don't know. This time i do and even have a ok, i think.Plus ain't she with you- - oh ok..uhh i see you think i don't know well happy trails.[Sarge]{There's three sections to Carmack's lab complex.}

[Samantha]{Archaeology, genetics and weapons research.}~Sarge take interesting weapons research asked~[Sarge]{You test weapons up here?It a dead planet.}

[Samantha]{Do you want that stuffs tested here or in your own backyard?We are primarily in archaeologists operation.Weapons research is in its own separate facility.Yeah nothing to do with Dr. Carmack's work.}

~Samantha continue to explain if you Facility operation and primary subjects of work while walk the hall as john Condition only worsen as he went further on in the mission,reaching the door Sarge ask a question about the count in the lab~

[Sarge]{How many inside in the lab shut down}

[Samantha]{Only Dr. Carmack's team, that six people.In one of the carbon dating labs There was an internal phone left off the hook.}

[Sarge]{Did you get any information from it?}~Samantha looking over to the "UAC" on her right as if to signal go ahead, understand what she wanted he played a recording* click *- as the the tape start nothing but screams make it though clear, the fear felt in their voice is carried cross it a makes it very Obvious it was of people run for their live's and the one's that were caught were Winch with terrier of pain beyond measure had Occurred*screams & wailing* of great Magnitude was all that was really audible.-as the recorder turns off *click*~

[Sarge]{Open the door}

(*beeping*) - as Samantha scans her ID badge to unlock the door and then input the password -

(* hisses *) "the door release it metric locks and air tight pressure seal pin lock, let the 15inch vault door of steel crack open" Sarge grip his gun and prepares to open fire if Necessary, while gave a command too two of Subordinates;

[Sarge]{Portman, Goat, lead on.}

hi everyone back with next chapter it slow but if u think about if it builds better Suspense and Tension for the hyper when it arrives

so hope it enjoyable and please comment a little i don’t bit promise if you not food or some kinda Tasty Dessert no worries Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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