A variant of Doctor Doom in a world where he never got to ascend to godhood receives the opportunity to try again; To be reborn. He wakes up in the body of a 14-year-old Harry Potter, as his name is read from the Goblet of Fire. Survive? Nay. Doom would thrive.
Pre-Chapter A/N: Happy New Year! It's still groovy to say that right? We're only two weeks into the year. Either way, I hope you're all still keeping up with your new year's resolutions. I'm just getting started on mine. Here we go with the first chapter of 2025. Lovely to have you all here, and I hope you enjoy this one. If you do, feel free to head over to patreon (www.patreon.com/Oghenevwogaga) and read the next three chapters- I update there daily so there's always something for you to read. It's also a new year, so this is probably the best time to buy an annual membership on my page if you're the kind of person that would do well with one. Have fun.
I stared at my reflection in the conjured mirror. I was wearing presentable robes and had come up with a good plan after research into the intended target. Getting a date was a lot like an assassination, I had come to learn. You had to learn the target's likes and dislikes, the ins and outs of their daily routine, and then stalk them for a long period of time before deciding the right time to strike. For me, that would come at the end of Arithmancy class. That was the time when she was most excited, without being overtaken by excitement like she would have been after Ancient Runes or Charms. It was a good course that left her in a good mood, unlike Potions, or even Defence Against the Dark Arts now that we had been saddled with the delightfully charming Mr. Wetherby who droned on and on about the dangers of practical magic.
I checked my watch and noted that it was almost time for her to be done with the class. I knew that she did not want to be asked out in private. In fact, she looked down on men who did that, seeing them as cowards. I'd gotten that from riffling through the mind of her friend, Hilda Hilgerth. Sure, I wasn't going to risk using legilimency on her because it was possible that I'd accidentally leave behind some impulse to say yes to me and then that would take all the fun out of this game of mine, but her friends were free game. A good thing they were because I would not have realised that, unlike literally every other woman in the world, she despised both flowers and chocolates.
Of course, she had an affinity for jewelry, so I'd gone ahead to have something simple and tasteful made. It was a simple silver necklace with an emerald in the pendant. Expensive, but not prohibitively so. Most ministry workers would probably be able to afford something like it if they saved for a bit, of course, I hadn't needed to do any saving and had just been able to wave away the price like it did not matter- because it didn't.
I looked at the necklace again before snapping the jewelry box closed and slipping it into the pocket of my robes. Matilda wanted to be asked in front of her friends in a way that reminded her of her mother's tales about how her father had first asked her to Hogsmeade. Hilgerth privately thought the expectation was stupid and unrealistic but had wholeheartedly agreed with the idea because she knew that one of the boys who intended to ask her out- Connerty- would quiver at the thought of asking in public, and Hilgerth herself had a massive crush on Connerty right from their first year.
It was a standard love triangle. It was only when I'd begun stalking the Ravenclaw witches and making my plan that I'd realised just how many things the average group of female friends kept from each other. It wasn't even limited to only one sort of secret. Everything from boy drama to special revision sheets for the Charms NEWTs were hidden even as they smiled to each other's faces and pretended things were alright.
I shook my head, removing the thought from my mind as spending time wondering about the behaviour of teenage girls would be a waste of time and lead to nothing but a massive headache. I smoothly slid from behind the portrait of Aquila the Eagle-Eyed and made a sharp left, looking like a man on a mission. So singleminded and focused on my goal, I never even noticed my failure to use my standard array of cloaking spells until I noticed the eyes begin to follow me. I ignored it with a raised neck and moved forwards and onwards.
There was nothing that could be done about it now, so what did it matter. I never even noticed that one pair of eyes followed my movements with an intensity that was unmatched by everyone else. I walked, not paying attention to the footsteps that followed mine until I rounded off to a deserted corridor and suddenly felt soft hands grab my shoulder and push me into the classroom.
Finally, she thought with a smile. If not for rules preventing Champions from spending extensive periods away from the host school, she would have begun to doubt that he even slept in Hogwarts at all. The boy-who-lived was one difficult to wizard to seek out, and she could see him now. Of course, nothing went her way because she could recognise that look on his face. She was Veela, of course. Love and sex were their domains, and a man in the throes of an infatuation stuck out like a redhead in the South of France.
The determination in his gait also alarmed her. A man on a mission in the throes of an infatuation meant only a single thing. He had found someone to ask to the ball, and that person wasn't her. If it were her, he would have spared her a second look as he walked past her. Without even thinking about the effects, she broke away from her friends and began to follow him. Sophie turned to ask questions, but she just shushed her and continued on her way. She would have to pay for that later, but she cared little for that right now.
Right now, she was a woman on a mission, and like every Veela before her, she would not fail.
She followed his steps, hurrying after him as his legs covered the ground at a speed that bellied their length. She caught up to him just as he was rounding the corner. Without even thinking it through, she pushed him through the nearest door and right into the classroom within. Thank the Flames, it was empty, she thought. But then in less than a second, she felt something poke into her ribs. She looked down into his eyes. They glinted with some sort of amusement, those beautiful emerald orbs.
"Fleur Delacour. This better not be some attempt to get rid of the competition because I'd be disappointed at the effort you've put in" He sounded extremely amused.
"Of course not," She said, letting go of his shoulders and taking a step back. She reached out to the door with her hands behind her, not turning away from him and slammed it shut.
"Privacy wards, if you please?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. Another test, she wanted to know how he'd do it. He brought his wand to bear, waving it around them and casting the ward without incantation or even the complete motion. She stilled her breath for a second to listen, and she heard it. The ward. A beautiful thing, she noted. Just like the rest of his magic. It spoke of skill, and training, and excellence. All the traits that would appeal to a Veela. It was almost intoxicating, she noted, and then she cleared her mind. She was not here to be seduced by Harry Potter. Quite the opposite in fact, she thought with a wry smile.
"So are you going to tell me what it is you want? And while you do so, please cut out that allure of yours" He asked with quirked lips. Something was amusing him here.
"I'm only trying to prevent you from making a mistake"
"Oh, and what mistake is that."
"Asking someone not named Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball"
"French arrogance. How quaint. I'll entertain you. Tell me why that would be a mistake, while you're at it, tell me why you even want me to take you".
"You're a man with ambition and power aplenty. I am Veela. I can feel it. When we stood together against that hellhound, I could feel it in your being and…. your magic. Your magic is delicious. I'd expected you to ask me and left my hand empty for you to take it, but now it seems you want to make a mistake and seek a lesser prize."
"So you want me to take you because I have ambition and power?" He sounded skeptical. She could feel it already, she was losing him.
"What do you know about Veela, Monsieur Potter?"
"Not much, to be honest. Most of my research into magical creatures has focused on how to kill them, and since there's nothing that makes killing a Veela any harder than killing the average witch, my interest has not been piqued."
"I'll forgive the ignorance for you are British, after all. Whatever information you could gain from your people would be woefully inaccurate so it is perhaps for the best that I inform you." She said, and then he looked down at his watch. She quelled the spark of irritation that built in her mind. He was still thinking about that lesser woman, even now.
"Veela are not just creatures of sex, passion, and lust, as media would enjoy portraying us as. Yes, I can not deny that we do have such aspects baked into our very being, but they are far from the main point. A better way to put it would be to say that we are creatures of the mind and magic. Nothing gets both the mind and magic of a person roaring quite like sex and lust so that is where that comes in" She explained, taking note of the way his eyes narrowed at her.
"What does that mean?"
"Pardonnez-moi?" She asked instantly, not sure what he meant.
"I mean, what does it mean to be a creature of the mind and magic. Explain what that does?"
"It means that we can sense magic like we have a sixth sense organ just for it. Usually, it's attached to a different sense. Some Veela can taste magic, others can feel it against their skin, some of us can even see it."
"And you can…hear magic?"
"How perceptive oof you, 'Arry. You don't mind me calling you 'Arry, do you? But yes, I can hear magic, and occasionally when the times are right and the factors pull through in my favour, I can even see it."
"See it as in mage sight?" Now, she was sure that she had his interest. His eyes had not left hers for a second as she explained her people's gifts to him. Mother would berate her for selling herself like some sort of common whore if she could see her now, but Fleur was beginning to find that she did not particularly care for what others thought. This man could resist her allure even when standing next to her. She could hear his magic, and had been overtaken by emotion and forced to her bed when the first task had ended. She had put it out of mind, almost immediately. But these days any time she closed her eyes, her mind when to the lightning that 'Arry Potter had conjured in the hopes of smiting a hellhound as dangerous as Cwn Annwn. The fact that he had succeeded on defeating the hellhound in the end had been something else as well.
"Not as detailed as that when it comes to me, but yes, some of my people have been born with the ability of natural magical sight on the level of the famed mage sight."
"Interesting. But you don't have it so that doesn't matter to me, does it?" Now she got the feeling that he was purposefully trying to get on her nerves.
"Okay, I have only five minutes to make it all the way across the castle, so I'll be quick here. This person I am going to ask has a father who serves as the British Representative to the ICW, and a pair of brothers, one an aurora, and the other an ICW hit-wizard. Nothing you can offer matches up to that." She could not help herself, she actually started laughing at that.
He quirked his eyebrow but did not react further, waiting for her to explain. She decided to put him out off his misery after a few seconds.
"You have no idea who I am, do you? My father is the Head of ICW Department of Magical Law Enforcement. My mother sits at the high council of the largest Veela conclave in Europe. My family can offer you more than any other" She said, enjoying the shock she could sense in him even if she didn't get the pleasure of seeing it on his face.
"So you want me to ask you to the Yule Ball, and you don't mind that I'd be doing it because of your family connections and not out of genuine attraction to you?"
"I am Veela, Monsieur Potter. You do a fantastic job of hiding it, but I would not even be here if you weren't attracted to me. The other things are just icing on Chocolate cake." She said with a smirk that she could not resist. She had him now.
"Still, shouldn't things like this be based off some form of love, or at least infatuation?"
"You'll be using me, Monsieur Potter, and I will be using you in turn. I am attracted to your magic, and your ambition. You are the Boy-Who-Lived, practically destined to wield immense political power in time, and you presently wield magical power beyond even some fully matured wizards. Just consider this as quid pro quo." She concluded.
"Well, you've got me with that. I could never say no to a good deal" He said the last word with emphasis, practically leering at her and devouring her with his eyes. She preened at the feeling, enjoying the displayed interest.
"So would you do me the honour of escorting me to the yule ball, Fleur Delacour?" He asked, pulling out a jewelry box from his pocket with flair. When he opened it, she gazed down at the necklace contained within and resisted the urge to set it, and the one presenting it to her on fire.
"Non, Monsieur Potter. You will ask me to the ball in the Great Hall tomorrow night. You will do it with flowers, and chocolates, and with a piece of jewelry that befits me." She said with a sniff and turned around to leave the classroom.
"What the hell?" She heard him sputter, and smiled to herself.
"I could just ask McKinnon, you know?"
"If you did that, you'd be a fool, and I have no interest in being with a fool" She said, getting the last word in and leaving the room with a flourish.
"15 Hawthorne Lane" I said as I tossed the Floo powder into the fireplace. In an instant, the fire from the Fireplace offered by the Room of Requirement turned a bright green and then there was a head made of flames floating above the fireplace. A very familiar head, if at least slightly better put together than it had been some months earlier when he had last seen the man fleeing on the back of a hippogriff.
"If it isn't my rogue godson. Finally remembered this old man, have you? And after enrolling in a life-threatening tournament and duelling a death eater of all things" he did not sound pleased at all.
"How do you know about Crouch?" The ministry was putting significant effort into burying that particular story.
"Is that the problem?" He asked sardonically. "The problem should be the fact that I heard from someone who wasn't you. What in the hells were you thinking?" The man looked to be at his wit's end.
"Sirius, calm down. Calm down. I admit it, it was my fault for not reaching out to you for weeks, but I got tossed into this tournament and when I get in life-threatening situations, I tend to get deeper in my shell and I don't really have the reflex of reaching out to adults to help, so I didn't. I'm sorry if you felt hard done by" I said, not even having to try very hard to manipulate the man as the rage almost instantly disappeared from his visage. The subtle reminder that I hadn't had the best childhood had done just as I expected it to. I had no need to remind him that the reason I hadn't had an ideal childhood had been his fault. He was constantly thinking about it already, so there was no need gilding the lily.
"Okay then. Just tell you've been okay."
"I have. A bit better than okay, even. I've found this place, and its perfect for you, I think".
"You found a place?" The man sounded doubtful.
"Yup. A room in Hogwarts that isn't on the Marauder's Map".
"A room not on the map? That's impossible. We found everything."
"Did you? Or did you just think you found everything?" I asked teasingly.
"Trust me, we tore through that castle multiple times. If there were any passages or hidden rooms we didn't find, then they didn't exist".
"Well, I found two rooms you didn't. Only one of them is useful to you, though. Where do you think I'm calling from?"
"Educate me then, Ja-Harry"
"This is the Room of Requirements. Best I can tell, it's been here for as long as the castle has and morphs itself to become whatever the room's master desires".
"You didn't even let me finish the sentence"
"What part of anything are you having a problem understanding" I retorted, getting a full-blown bark of laughter from him.
"And the second room?"
"Have you heard about the Chamber of Secrets?"
"Heard about it? How do you think we spent our entire fourth year? It's a myth".
"Is it?" I asked with a coy smile.
"You didn't" He said
"You did" He amended when he noticed that my smile hadn't dropped.
"So what was Slytherin's monster? James was certain that it was a euphemism for Snivellus' knickers" He added the last bit with a cackle.
"A basilisk"
A/N; Fleur is an interesting character for me to write for many reasons. I'd request that you throw away anything you know about her- whether from canon or from Fanon. This character will be entirely mine, and while I will occasionally borrow from the canon or Fanon depictions, do not expect anything even close to religious adherence.. As always, the following two chapters are up on pa-treon. If you just want to read complete chapters and not my work in real-time, then feel free to purchase this story as a collection on my Patreon (www.patreon.com/Oghenevwogaga) page so you get to read each chapter after I finish it and not neecessarily the daily updates available with a regular patreon membership- nice way to support this story and me while you're at it. Enjoy!