
Don Vittorio.

- Why are you doing all this? - Ellis asked. - Once you told me that I couldn't buy it ... - Vittorio recalled, holding out his pen to Ellis. - Well, look what I just did: I bought the lady for half a million dollars. --------------- All Ellis Barker was longing for was to pay the last mortgage payment on the house she and her brother, Jason, inherited, and thus close her brother's debts. At least until the young woman arrived at the bank and her destiny crossed paths with Vittorio Amorielle, a mobster who will spare no effort to get what he wants, and from that moment on, that was Ellis. And it was thanks to Jason's debts that Vittorio was able not only to buy Ellis, but to marry her. But will they be able to deal with the consequences of this union?

Pauliny_Nunes · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs


"And it's for all these reasons that I scheduled this meeting," said the man in the gray suit to the shareholders present in the room, when the door opened, allowing Vittorio to enter the room.

Vittorio walked chair by chair, staring at the participants in search of Grecco until he reached the man standing at the head of the table.

"What are the reasons?" asked the mafioso, approaching the man, annoyed. That man was not Tommaso Grecco.

"Mr. Amorielle..." the man stammered nervously. "You here? I mean, I didn't expect you here today..."

"Yes, I'm here because I AM THE OWNER OF THE BANK. And I certainly didn't expect a meeting IN MY BANK to discuss matters OF MY BANK," replied Vittorio, getting close to the man to the point of making him sit down. Amorielle touched the man's shoulder and then said, "You sat in MY PLACE."

"Sorry," the man apologized, quickly standing up and sitting in another chair.

"So, tell me, who called this meeting?" asked Vittorio, placing his hands on the table. "By the way, I know it was Tommaso Grecco, but what I want to know is where is he?"

"Mr. Grecco couldn't come..." the man in the gray suit said almost in a whisper.

"What did you say?" Vittorio turned to him, serious.

"Mr. Tommaso Grecco decided not to attend and asked me to represent him."

"And may I know the reason why he scheduled it and didn't come?" Vittorio interlaced his fingers. "Is he such a coward that he sent his secretary to handle his business with the shareholders?"

"No, he's not a coward, Mr. Amorielle."

"No, then why isn't your boss here?" Vittorio asked.

"He's not here because he feared for his safety," the man replied, staring at the mafioso. "He feared because everyone knows what happened to Domenico, so Mr. Grecco believed that could happen to him."

"And who would do that to him?" Vittorio asked.

"You, sir," the man quickly replied, receiving an intimidating look. "I mean, we all suspect that you killed Domenico Wild to take over the bank."

"All of you?" Vittorio asked, looking at each of the shareholders, who nervously shook their heads. "It seems it's not all of you, just your boss."

"And yet, he is one of the most important shareholders of the bank," the man retorted.

"What's your name?"

"William, sir."

"William, do you really think that if I were the man your boss wants to sell to... do you really think everyone here would still be alive?" Vittorio asked, approaching the man again. He put his face close to William's and continued, "Do you think you would be alive right now if I had done that to Domenico?"

"No, no, I... I can't say."

"If I were that man..." Vittorio continued, grabbing William's tie. He adjusted it while speaking, "I would have entered this room, approached you, held your throat, suffocating you until your tongue came out in search of air, and then I would cut it off and make you swallow it... Did I do that, William?"

"No, sir," William replied, his eyes wide, looking at Vittorio's hands on his neck.

"There you go. Just as I didn't kill Domenico," Vittorio affirmed before stepping back. He returned to his chair and then turned to the other shareholders. "I know you all think that what happened to Domenico is related to the bank's sale. However, I assure you that I bought the bank before his death, and I'm confident that the police investigation will reach that conclusion. It was just a sad coincidence. So, I tell you and ask all of you to tell your clients and those involved with the bank that they don't need to worry because they are in the cleanest hands they have ever seen: mine. Does anyone have a different opinion? Is anyone against me buying the bank? Please speak up now."

They all looked at each other and then began shaking their heads, denying being opposed to Vittorio, who looked triumphantly at William.

"Great," Vittorio said as he sat back in his seat. "Now let's discuss another matter."

"What would that be?" William asked, curious.

"The removal of Tommaso Grecco as a shareholder," Vittorio replied.

Vittorio got into his car, frustrated. Although he had successfully removed Grecco from the Wild Bank unanimously, it wasn't enough. He had imagined a different scenario, where he would enter the meeting room and kill Grecco. However, his enemy, always astute, sent his messenger instead. Yes, William's presence was a message that Grecco was keeping an eye on Don, but he wasn't close enough to take risks. And Vittorio needed him to take risks, at least once. And that's what he was thinking when he saw William entering the parking lot and heading towards his black car. Without thinking twice, Vittorio opened the envelope with Ellis's contract, tore off the blank part at the end of the page, and then wrote, "Vittorio Amorielle and Ellis Barker, invite." Then he got out of the vehicle, followed by Rocco, who didn't quite understand the boss's actions until he noticed William.

"William," Vittorio called, grabbing the man's attention. They were alone in the parking lot, and that was not good.

"Don Vittorio," William replied, nervous. He tried to open the door of his car, but Rocco's hand prevented him.

"Your name is William, right?" Vittorio asked, standing in front of the man.

"Yes..." the man affirmed, sweating nervously.

"Are you nervous, William?" Vittorio pointed at the man's forehead. "Are you afraid of me?"

"No, sir. It's just that I'm in a hurry. I have another commitment that I'm late for," William replied.

"Are you going to meet with Tommaso?"

"No... It's another commitment... Nothing involving Mr. Grecco."

"I see. But at some point, you will meet with him, right?" Vittorio emphasized. "To discuss the vote."

"Oh, I was planning to do it over the phone..." William explained.

"I prefer you do it in person," Vittorio retorted, leaning on William's car.

"Well, I'm sorry, but Mr. Grecco is very busy. I doubt he will be interested in a meeting with me."

"I understand... However, I think if you add a message from me to him, I'm sure he will be interested. After all, you're an excellent messenger."

"I can try... I can't guarantee anything," William explained, shrugging.

"Great. I'm sure the way you deliver the message will pique his interest," Vittorio emphasized, getting closer to the man.

"Don Vittorio, please, don't kill me," the man pleaded, nervous.

"But, William, I've already told you that I don't kill anyone," Vittorio emphasized before smiling at the man, who timidly returned the smile. Then Vittorio's expression turned serious, and he looked at Rocco, saying, "However, I can't say the same for Rocco. Cut his tongue, Rocco."

Rocco grabbed the man by the throat, suffocating him to the point where he stuck his tongue out, allowing the brute to cut it off with his switchblade. Amorielle's man then took the tongue and stuffed it back into William's mouth, choking him with his own blood. He forced the man to close his mouth until he saw his boss raise his hand.

"Wait," Vittorio ordered. He approached and then put the paper in William's suit pocket. "Take it to Grecco."

Vittorio finally stepped back, leaving his capo to finish the job.