
Who is your leader?

It was Thursday after school and many first years were beginning to get a handle of their surrounding. At this time there were many hidden tigers that still hid low for the time being. At the same time in a certain lounge in the east area of the school, Don and friends were preparing for their battle with the second years.

"You leader?! in what world? Its obvious that i should be the leader of the party." Elijah exclaimed. Mark smirked with a dark gaze.

"It more shocking if i am not the leader. If you have already forgotten i-"

"I am the kings great grand whatever blah blah blah. who gives a shit honestly. What are you without that title?" Elijah interrupted as he mimicked Mark. Mark's face darkened even more as he heard this.

"You dare talk about the Magnolia name like that? It seems you have forgotten that you are standing in front of mount Tai! If you want, we can have a rematch and i will not go so easily on you. I'll make sure to use my blue flames to the highest capacity!" Elijah just scoffed as he heard this.

"Don't act as if its something so special. Even Maryline's teacher has a blue flames variant." Mark's face turned red as he heard this.

"You dare compare a generic blue flame variant to magnolia's royal blue flame blood?!" Elijah smirked as he heard this.

"Yeah. I dare."

"Why you!" Before Mark could say anything else, Maryline stepped between them.

"Ok, lets stop it right here. Mark just give up. When it comes to smack talking, Elijah is number 1. If you continue, your the only one that will continue to look foolish in the end." Maryline warned. She had seen many people fall at the hands of Elijah's disses.

They both calmed down for a second. Drew looked at them a little annoyed.

"Umm can I continue my speech now. uninterrupted?" Drew had been explaining the rules of challenges when suddenly the two of them started yelling once a said leader.

"Ok, as i was saying before I was interrupted, look at your student card." Everyone took their student card out.

"Right here, in the bottom left corner, you will see a number. for all of us it should say 300. This is our students points. It can be used to buy equipment, armor, fay crystals, you name it. This points are vary vital. There are many ways to gain them. You can get them during a school raid, in exams, when you beat a record and finally, when you win against another challenger. During challenges, both sides bargain a material of equal cost in order to start the battle. The winners not only gain the material, but also gain 30 points while the losers loses 20 points. Fights can be 1 vs 1. 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3. Some important rules when it comes to challenges are as followed:

1: Bargain must be of equal price

2: Both sides must agree to the fight

3: No lethal magic spell can be used

4: When a person KO's or forfeits the match the fight is over

5: The team with the most wins, will win overall

After the match is over, the leaders of both side will shake hands."

""And that leader is me."" Elijah and Mark said confidently. Their face turned sourer when they realized that they both said the same thing.

"Hey, why don't you do as my sister says. Stay down. If you can't even handle my thrash talking, then how would you handle others that come to challenge you? " Elijah said cockily. Mark turned back to Elijah with a dark face.

"How dare you!" Maryline sighed as she saw this. 'Well I tried.' After some minutes, Mark was completely trash talked. His eyes were ready to burn Elijah at the steak.

"I think you still don't remember that I can thrash you! How about a little history lesson!" Mark states as fire started to form in his hands. Elijah smirked as a glint of excitement formed.

"Lets see if I am still the same person." Elijah formed balls of fire in his arms and went into his ready position.

"Wait stop it does not have to be this way!" Before they could even move, they heard an unfamiliar yet familiar voice. It was Stephanie.

When Stephanie saw that the plants and trees were still ok she sighed in relief. Suddenly she turned to see everyone's surprised faces. none of them had ever her talk so loud and clear. Her face quickly reddened.

"u-um what I-I mean is that...Why don't we v-vote??" Her confidence from before was quickly replaced with stammers as nervousness.

Don and Lars were the first to get over the shock.

"I think that is a great idea" Lars reassured.

"Yeah, that is fair. How about right hand for Elijah and left hand for Mark." Don added. The others quickly nodded as well.

"Geez, who would have thought this war would be so intense. I think it is pretty obvious who should be leader. It should be Elijah. He is not as cocky and he is one of the smartest in our group. He also doesn't burst in anger so easily and instead calculates things in his head. " Drew said this and raised his right hand. Elijah smiled brightly as she heard this. Vivian scoffed.

"Where is Elijah a good leader. Out of all of us, he has the lowest talent. He has a tendency to get in people's black list and his control of magic is terrible. On the other hand, Mark has probably spent his whole life dealing with officials and other high ranking personnel. He has grown up to become a leader unlike the bumpkin. " Vivian then raised her left hand. Mark turned to Elijah with a cocky smile.

"I may be a little biased since I am his sister but I know that Elijah could make a great leader. He is very dependable is situations and since he is not the strongest in the world, he never underestimates opponents. He has a kind of odd 6th sense and is able to sense those who have bad intentions.He never gives up without a fight and tries to solve every problem that comes his way. As a leader these are great abilities." Maryline smiled at Elijah as she raised are right hand. Elijah smiled back.

"It is true that Elijah has his own good traits but so does Mark. He has great strength and confidence. He never stands down from a fight. My senses tell me that in the future he will live up to his name and become a great king. It will first start with becoming a great leader." Lars said this as he calmly raised his left hand. Mark nodded to Lars as he heard this.

"I-I agree." Stephanie said this quietly as she raised her left hand. Mark was shocked at this decision.

"Well Elijah is tough and cool. He has the same aura as my grandfather. He seems like he would be a great leader." Adem raised his right hand.

Everyone turned to Don. Don sighed as he saw this. He had guessed that this may happen since Mark and Elijah were both about evenly respected in their little group.

"Well if you want my opinion.." Don raised both his hands.

"Both of you have traits that would make you great leaders. But together I feel like as co leader, the two of you would make up for each other's weakness and become a very strong team. So what you guys say?"

The group looked at each other and started to murmur. Elijah and Mark turned to each other.

Stephen king has a son named Joe. I am not joking, but he is.


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