

Widowed Bettina Palmer was shock when she heard her ex Antonio Madras is back in town. The man she had left to marry his worst enemy after he sent him to jail, who had later on left town heart broken and bitter. Billionaire Antonio blinded by his hatred for Bettina but the inability to keep his hands off her as they were consume with sizzling passion whenever they were together. In his quest for revenge, he fell more and more in love with her till he realizes why he can never let her go cause she will forever remain his. Excerpt: "Do you regret it?", She heard the voice of the man she had been thinking of when she wanted to leave. ANTONIO She had turned so fast her face going white with shock as she had thought earlier that she was alone. "When did he come or was he here before me", she wondered looking at him as he stood up. He had stood up slowly in all his 6ft2inches glory to stare down at her as he repeated his question. She realized that she couldn't speak. " Cat got your tongue?", he asked her as he drew closer to her and look down at her. "T...T", she had stuttered not knowing what to say to him cause she had always planned to avoid him not speak with him. " Don't call me that ", he shouted as he held her chin making her face hurt. " You lost the right to call me that when you betrayed our love", he whispered as gold eyes met grey. " I am sorry", she whispered as tears stream down her eyes. She didn't know what he planned to do as he kept on holding her but she didn't expect the kiss from him. The shock did not make her respond at first while he forcefully probe her mouth open with his tongue. Overcoming the shock, she had open her mouth taking in his tongue and letting out a moan. The kiss was a rough one like when a person is starved for so long of a meal. He had roughly taken her blouse apart, popping buttons as he continue kissing her. She had moaned into his mouth when he roll her pointed and arouse nipples with his hands.

jerqueency99 · Urbain
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9 Chs


Betty paced up and down outside her room in the employee's quarter.

"She saw him today", she thought still pacing her hands clamped over her mouth.

She didn't knew how she would feel if she see him that was her thoughts previously when she heard he was back that he owned the plantation she works and even more companies.

Seeing him today made her realise that she has never stopped loving him...

Gosh he was handsome previously but he was more handsome now looking refined.

She could not tell how he felt about seeing her as he had such a blank look on his face unlike him of nine years ago.

She never dreamt they would see each other again after he left town.

No one needs to tell her how world apart they now where.

She wondered "if he would ask her to leave or if he had heard she was a widow?".

She was scared of what he would do to her and how he would treat her.

Antonio hates betrayers the most which she knew and she knows that he won't forgive her nomatter what.

If it was only her, she would take whatever he dish because she knows what happened years ago destroyed him but she wasn't alone, she had a daughter who she loves more than life itself and who she had poured all her love on after the decision she had made years ago.

She wish she could take her daughter and run away but she couldn't because she can't afford it even now they barely made ends meet from her salary.

"Momma are you not coming in?", a childish voice call out which brought her back from her thoughts.

She turned to look at her beautiful daughter with her black curly long hair who was pouting her lips after speaking having watched her mom spend a long time outside their room making no move to come in.

" Hey sweetie ! I am", she said with a smile as she walked slowly into their room.

She hugged her immediately she got inside trying to reassure herself that all will be well.

" Momma are you okay?", Ella asked her rubbing her back.

"Yes sweetie", she said still hugging her breathing in her scent of rose flower gotten from the shampoo she use in washing her hair.

" Momma loves you so much Ella", she said to her little girl while placing kisses on her forehead then her cheeks.

" I love you too momma", Ella said back to her giving her a kiss on her cheek which brought a smile to her removing the previous tension off her shoulder and She watch her playfully hop away .

She will survive no matter the decision Antonio decides to take because she have her daughter who she loves so much with her.

She made dinner  for herself and Ella but she didn't have appetite for food because her mind was still on her earlier encounter with Antonio.

After dinner, she sat on the chair in her room staring into space thinking about him and tears spilled down her face.

She remembered the last time she saw him before now.

He had been in jail then, she and Andres her husband had gone to visit him. She didn't want to go but reluctantly went due to Andres being persistent and insisting on it.

The visit had not gone well and She had never expected it to giving that she left him for someone just barely  weeks he got into jail and even got married.

She remembered how he had looked at her..... the shock, surprise and silent tears that had spilled down his eyes while her husband had looked on with a mocking smile at him and the curses he had spew at her. He had had a look of hate in his eyes.

He had told her she will never be happy and truly his words all came to past.

While everyone else in Lovelorn thought she was living her best life due to the fact that Andres was rich,

She wasn't ever happy in her marriage, it was from one pain to another and she had lived every second in it with her heart in her throat and the inability to tell the world the hurts she was passing through just pretending that all was well because she felt it was karma visiting her for hurting him.

Even though, alot of people would disagree giving what happened that she didn't cause she thought so.

The only joy she had was from the moment she discovered she was pregnant and then she had given birth to Ella. She had been so happy then knowing that she would never be alone after being an orphan for so long.

Ella had been her solace from everything happening to her then and from the judgement of people she had called friends. The joy of having her daughter and her pride.

When Andres died and left her with nothing, she had stood up and work hard to put food on she and her daughter's table.

At the beginning tongues had wagged saying "she wouldn't know how to survive alone cause she never know the real meaning of being alone only to depend on men that first it was Antonio then Andres",  and she was gossiped about but she didn't care except to do her best.

Doing whatever odd jobs she get to survive till the establishment of Antonio company which had been Godsent as it came with free housing for staffs where she has been working for few years now but she didn't know he owned it until recently. 

The shock she had felt when she heard he owned it took her days to get over and contrary to what people might think that she will be sad when she heard she hadn't.

She had been so happy for him and grateful to God for it cause he deserved happiness after the pain she had caused him.