

Widowed Bettina Palmer was shock when she heard her ex Antonio Madras is back in town. The man she had left to marry his worst enemy after he sent him to jail, who had later on left town heart broken and bitter. Billionaire Antonio blinded by his hatred for Bettina but the inability to keep his hands off her as they were consume with sizzling passion whenever they were together. In his quest for revenge, he fell more and more in love with her till he realizes why he can never let her go cause she will forever remain his. Excerpt: "Do you regret it?", She heard the voice of the man she had been thinking of when she wanted to leave. ANTONIO She had turned so fast her face going white with shock as she had thought earlier that she was alone. "When did he come or was he here before me", she wondered looking at him as he stood up. He had stood up slowly in all his 6ft2inches glory to stare down at her as he repeated his question. She realized that she couldn't speak. " Cat got your tongue?", he asked her as he drew closer to her and look down at her. "T...T", she had stuttered not knowing what to say to him cause she had always planned to avoid him not speak with him. " Don't call me that ", he shouted as he held her chin making her face hurt. " You lost the right to call me that when you betrayed our love", he whispered as gold eyes met grey. " I am sorry", she whispered as tears stream down her eyes. She didn't know what he planned to do as he kept on holding her but she didn't expect the kiss from him. The shock did not make her respond at first while he forcefully probe her mouth open with his tongue. Overcoming the shock, she had open her mouth taking in his tongue and letting out a moan. The kiss was a rough one like when a person is starved for so long of a meal. He had roughly taken her blouse apart, popping buttons as he continue kissing her. She had moaned into his mouth when he roll her pointed and arouse nipples with his hands.

jerqueency99 · Urbain
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Antonio Madras stared at his reflection on the window louvers, at 30 he was good looking most women will say" he is as handsome as sin" with black hair which he often tie to the back with a black band.

He is about 6ft2inches tall with high cheek bone, kissable lips with a gym fitted body to die for and look good in everything he wears.

It has been two months since he came back to Lovelorn where he had stayed growing up, he has his own company here.

He was damn rich now a far cry from the poor orphan boy who couldn't afford a car or good clothes even sometimes starved cos he couldn't afford groceries.

Lovelorn helds a lot of memories for him, there were happy times and sad times but the sad time outweighs the happy ones because of his later experience which made him leave town.

He remembered when he left years ago, a poor and heartbroken man not just simply because he was accused of a crime which he didn't commit that had then landed him in jail till he was suddenly free but the shock of how the love of his life betrayed and married the man who was responsible for the crime being pinned on him and who also happens to be his worst enemy all because of money.

Those moments had been the darkest time of his life and his lover betrayal had hurt more deeply than the shame and pain he had to bear in jail.

One minute she had been there for him, coming over everyday tears streaming down her eyes, her face red rimmed because of crying too much and her looking pale and awful...

" T please don't give up I know you are innocent and I know Andre is just doing this to come between us but he can't because our love is strong", she had said while grabbing his chained hands and peppering them with kisses.


How he had believed her thinking truly nothing would come between them and these had been his strength but he was so wrong, damn wrong about her and how she truly feels about him.

After spending few weeks in prison and the state lawyer given to him couldn't get any evidence that prove he was innocent of the charges he was accused of, he had resign himself to the fact that when he would be charge to court that he was going to be jailed and that had got him pacing in the cell wondering what would happen to his woman not even worried about himself or how going to jail will affect his future till a police had informed him that he had  visitors....

"Mr Antonio", the maid called which had brought him back to the present.

"Yes Martha", he replied as he turned to face her.

"Mister bucho is here to see you", she announced and he went to the sitting  room and met bucho sitting down.

Bucho stood up immediately he noticed Antonio his boss in the room.

"Good morning boss", he greeted with a smile.

"Bucho I have told you to stop saying boss. for Christ 's sake! You are my best friend and my brother too", he told him irritated by the way bucho treats him and this made bucho smile.

He considered him as his best friend and brother because not only did they grow up together but during the darkest time of his life when noone had believed or stood by him ,his best friend had and when he needed money to leave town he had came through.

He wasn't the ungrateful type after what had happened he considers his best friend family.

When he started making money and wanted to setup a company in Lovelorn, he made Bucho to head and manage it. The owner of the company had remain a mystery to people for years till he showed up giving all of them a shocker.

"Boss,we are best friends I know but it is working time, I need to respect that ", Bucho replied him.

Bucho believes in respecting work ethics and wanted them to always maintain a boundary of employee and employer at work but önce off work they are back to being best buddies.

"okay, okay", Antonio consented shrugging his shoulder.

He understood him perfectly well, he knows Bucho don't want anyone to think he is being treated different because they were friends.

After a brief discussion, they decided to head over to the company.

They went riding their different cars and  when they got there Antonio was satisfied with the workers way of working.

He got off the elevator and decided to walk around a bit to view the company.

As he did,he was shocked by what he saw...

The golden hair and the petite figure made him pause and inhaled sharply cos he knew who owns that body anytime any day even in the dark he could identify that body.

As if they were communicating with each other telepathically, she slowly turned to face him and their eyes met.

"Bettina", he thoughts as he stares at the face which has remained ageless despite it being nine years since he last saw her.


"Antonio", she thoughts

He barely held his own emotions under control as he watched the play of emotions on her face ranging from surprise, to shock then fear.

To him, she has always been an open book or so he thought until the betrayal.

He got back into his car and drove back to the house.

Bucho was surprised when he passed by him with a Stony face not even pausing to say any word to him until he looked ahead and discovered Bettina's presence.

He didn't need a soothsayer to tell him the kind of mood his best friend was in right now after seeing her.

"he needed to go and comfort him", he thoughts as he also got into his car and headed back to the Antonio's house.