
Chapther 4

G Pov

After I put Morgan into the closet I ran back to my father.

"This is what you get from now being home" he said angry while he started hitting me. After 10 minutes of crying and screaming he finally walked out so I stood up walked to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and walked to Morgan and opened the door. When I opened the door Morgan came out and hugs me tight and I hughed her back.She started to cry and I wiped her tears.

"How are you not upset" she said while she was still crying.

"I am used to it" I thought to myself so I just smiled at her.

"You are allowed to cry" she said. And I thought: "No I'm not it only makes it worse"

"That was scary you are never coming back her" she said while trying to pull me out of the house. But I refused. I couldn't go I didnt want to get hurt again I had to stay.

"You know I dont care what you say. You csnt stay here." She said while dragging me to her house but when we were almost there I ran away fast but she follows me.

"I will get my mom. It's not safe there" she said and I shakes my head. As mrs Stanley walked over to us I ran faster to the trailer and locked myself again.

D pov

I looked out of the window of my house and I say Grayson running away from Morgan and she followed. So I walked over to them.

"Where have the two of you been" I said and I saw Grayson running away from me and Morgan followed him. We arrived at his trailer and I saw him locking it. I remember that Jack always had a spare key near his door so I grabbed that and walked in. I saw all the bottle of beer kn the ground and i also saw blood on the ground. I got scared and walkes to Grayson

"Hey Gray come on let's go" I said to him but he just shakes his head, so j picked him up.

"You have to talk to me okay" I said and he shakes his head again

"You have to talk to me or the police" I said but he shakes his head more.

"Yes" and ones again he shakes his head.

"Can you say one word. One word like hi?" And he shakes his head. I didnt know what to do anymore.

"Can you write?" I asked him and he nodded for the first time. So I gave him a pen and paper.

"Can you tell me what he did?" I asked him and he started writing

(This is writing)

"no" he wrote

"Please Grayson. You have to" I said

"I can't" I read

"Yes" I said. It went like that for about 10 minutes and then I picked him up and csrries him home. J held him tight so he couldn't escape. He just cried into me. When we arrived home I locked the door and sent Morgan to her room and put Grayson kn the ground.

"You need to tell me, Grayon otherwise I csnt protect you" I said and he shakes his head ones more.

"Please you have to talk. This isnt heatly nor good for you. Please just talk to me" I said concerned and he grapped a piece of paper and wrote.

" I havent spoken in 3 years and I am not planning on speaking ever again" I read and he walked away