
You're not from around here

"Take one step further and I'll kill you." The gun was pointed right at her head, which made a sudden anger burst up in Li Zhen. She had done nothing besides passing along this man who was previously wounded.

Even when she did him the favor of wrapping up his wounds as an act of kindness in this wilderness, he pointed a gun at her head and not even said a simple 'thank you.'

"Oh yeah, go on. I truly wish to see if you'll shoot, in fact, it'd be better if you shoot. It was my fault for helping a random stranger, i obviously deserve to die for it!" She picked up her medicinal bag and walked forward fearlessly.

It was only then that the man realized that his wounds were covered with a white cloth tightly-wrapped around his skin. Embarrassed, he was about to say something when he heard the girl say something once again, "Get out of my house. I do not wish to treat such ungrateful people."

"I apologize, i was just being cautious." he looked down at the wooden floor, as if ashamed to meet her eyes.

"Hmph." the girl seemed to have been satisfied with that apology, as she poured a soup-like thing into a bowl.

"Here, take this and drink. You were asleep for the whole day because of the drugs i used on your wounds. Eat a lot and then you can leave tommorow if you want. Or maybe if you'd like, i have some space here, you can stay here for a few days until your wounds recover."

All he could see was her back as she turned to do the dishes.

This kindness that she had shown him. It was something he hasn't seen in the big city. "if it's indeed okay with you, i would be grateful to stay here for a few days."

She didn't speak for a while until she was done with her work. "You're not from around here, are you? That uniform that you're wearing, it doesn't seem like a soldiers."

He stopped abruptly. It was indeed true, he wasn't a soldier. And yet he was carrying a gun. He kept silent.

Seeing that the man was not willing to talk, Li Zhen came forward and approached him. With a swift and agile movement, she was right behind his back without giving him the chance to react.


"Sh, don't move." the knife in front of his throat had only just appeared. "Heh, Miss, you're not from around here too, are you?" the sudden laughter from him was very appealing.

Li Zhen's face was indifferent, but she had tightened the grip on the knife. "Tell me, or I'll make sure you'll not have the chance to say it anymore."

Thr situation was not very good, seeing that Li Zhen was seriously trying to kill him, the man put up his hands. "Alright, Alright. I'll talk."

Li Zhen put down her knife, but instead of pointing it at his throat like earlier, she pointed it at his back.

"I'm indeed from not around here. I'm from country Z, I'm sure you know where that is, my background is pretty average, My family was in the military for years at my grandfather's side. That's the reason i got my hands on a gun."

"I was being chased by a couple of people i had offended, or maybe their target was not me from the beginning. I'm pretty sure I'm a scapegoat."

Li Zhen knew the man didn't tell her the whole truth, but it didn't matter much since she knew he wouldn't talk about it even if she were to probe further.

"Su Yan, nice to meet you."

"You're seriously saying nice to meet you to a person who is pointing a knife to your back?"

"Well, you're a pretty lady. So i guess I'll just have to die to see the forbidden fruit."

He suddenly turned around, startling Li Zhen. Her knife dropped and with a thud, she was pressed down on the bed. "Now, pretty lady, may i know your name?"

"I don't think I have any obligation to tell you."

She fearlessly looked into the eyes of the man, her gaze fierce.

"Indeed, but I would very much like to know the name of my dear savior." he shot a harmless smile.

"This is how you treat your so-called-savior?"

Seeing that the man got off her, Li Zhen sat up.

"Li Zhen."

"Alright, Li Li, I'll be in your care for the next few days."

"That's an awful nickname. I don't like it."

Li Zhen frowned upon hearing him, she looked at him with an angry face. As if he had not seen her angry expression, Su Yan seemed to have pondered over something again.

"No, it should be Miss Fairy. Isn't it lovely, you're my savior, thus like a fairy to me, you needn't thank me for giving you such a good nickname!" This seemed to have angered Li Zhen further as she threw the pillow beside her to his face.

"Oh madam, don't get angry! You will get wrinkles."