
This bastard called Yun Han

... But not all were as busy as thinking about Sam, the rabbit. The girl had reached Philadelphia that morning and was currently on motorbike to her destination.

The speed was very fast, it was very exhilarating to her, who had been travelling around on a ship. Her ear piece allowed her to listen to a few songs, while she looked at the road ahead.

After kicking open the door to the apartment, she looked at the man who was slouched on the sofa. He lazily asked, tilting his silver head, "Right on time, dear. You should really go check out the mess upstairs, i believe you'll want to cry."

And she did want to cry! This bastard had called her to come here because things had supposedly gone hectic, so what was this disgusting mess of kitchen? Had he really called here because of this? She really wanted to punch him in the face!

She turned to see the man smiling at her leisurely, "That's your punishment for running away. Clean that up, dearie."

"I am—" The woman originally wanted to refuse but when she saw the seemingly-harmless smile, she knew the conversation won't get anywhere.

The free girl from before had suddenly become a maid working at his apartment. After she was done, she looked once again at Yun Han who lay asleep on his bed. Without no blanket, he was sleeping with the AC on, what a reckless man.

She covered him with a blanket, after laying beside him. She had finally gotten tired, after all that work, she just wanted to get some rest. That must've been the reason she didn't notice when the man had pulled her into his arms while she was asleep, defencelessly.

He planted a kiss on her hair, then went back to sleep.

He had good dreams, dreams in which he was with his dear.

Night had come, the pair had slept throughout the whole evening. When the girl discovered she was in his arms, her ears turned red.

Shit, did I just sleep in the devil's arms? If it was a dream, she would surely want to end it right now.

Normally, one would feel blessed by waking up in the arms of such a good looking person. But for Xun An, it was simply cursed because the devil was simply too beautiful to resist.

She had always been weak to beauty, it was way too tempting, all right?!

Xun An tried to wiggle her way out, and fortunately for her, she succeeded. The room was partly-dark since they fell asleep in noon, but the city lights had made it possible for them to see.

"Yun Han, wake up." before i do something to you!

The silver-haired man woke up, he had always been a light-sleeper. It was just that he too hadn't slept a lot the past few days.

He looked as if he was in a daze, After noticing the girl had left his room, he called a number.

Xun An was in the other bedroom at the time, the last time she had been here, she had left a few dresses. Though she was not sure whether they would fit, she was positive that she had not gained much weight the past few months.

After picking out a light pink dress, she entered the bathroom for a shower. Yun Han who had just ended his long chat went out to see what the girl was doing, he ended up seeing her drying her hair.

He had never been a very romantic person, there was no way he was going to help her with it. He went up to her and threw some heels at her bed, "Dear, wear those. We're going out to dinner."


"i can't stomach your terrible cooking." the man curled his lips as he chuckled.

"That was years ago!" besides, her cooking was not that bad.