
He hoped to Meet The Girl Who Cooked him Porridge

Time had passed very quickly, it was almost spring and flowers had started to bloom at the back of the mountains. Su Yan, who had intended to stay for a few days ended up staying with Li Zhen for two whole months.

His injuries were completely healed and he would somtimes come with Li Zhen down to the village. Rumours had circulated about the man who always sticked close to the mountain girl.

Yet Li Zhen didn't seem the least bit bothered, as she kept stoking the fire while the rice was getting cooked. She had gotten used to cooking for two people over the time. After she was done, she turned to look at the man who had just come in.

"We don't need that much wood, I'll go to the village tommorow to give the villagers some." she frowned upon looking at the whole heap of twigs and branches.

"As you wish." Su Yan laid down on her bed as if it was her own. Events had led to Su Yan accidentaly destroying the other bed when he jumped on the bed while dodging a bowl throwing by Li Zhen at him.

Since he now usually slept at the sofa, he sometimes laid down on Li Zhen's bed for comfort.

The two continued their small chat, at least until the sound of people running down the mountain, towards their house. Li Zhen had noticed it immediately, the atmosphere had completely changed in a second.

The room was awfully quiet, only the sound of the wood getting burned in the fire filled the entire room.

Armed men soon kicked down the door, only to find Su Yan smiling at them as he sat on the bed.

"Young Master, we've come to save you."

The leading man gave a salute, earning a sarcastic chuckle from Su Yan, "You sure are quick. Tell me, what do you intend to save me from when you're this late?"

"We got a report about a wanted criminal from the Europe here, they are residing here while pretending to be a normal citizen of the mountains." the man stopped after he noticed the bone-chilling smile on Su Yan's face.

"Well let's go." he took a sip of the soup on the table after smiling. It seems he had to bid farewell to his miss fairy a bit too soon.

Not too far away, the soldiers had secured the mountain, in order to prevent anyone to escape. Su Yan was escorted to a car, in which he left the mountain.

Outside his window, he looked at the huge figure of the mountain getting smaller and smaller as the distance between them seemed to grow.

But it wasn't out of sight, this was like his relationship with Miss fairy. They were far away, but still knew something that bounded them together. If fate were to exist, he hoped to see the mountain girl who cooked him that delicious porridge again.

That night, the internet was filled with news about how a female criminal was caught in the village down the mountain. It seemed to be a night full of events, as what happened that night remained a mystery.

〈Somewhere in Time after that〉

The heat in the room was getting too much to bear for a certain someone, his head full of silver hair shined in the sunlight. The magazine in his hands was thrown onto the table and he lazily yawned, while turning to the door.

"Boss, we've secured the items. It seems like the northern traders were indeed having plans to betray us, but we've done as you ordered and killed them."

The man in black kept his head low, it was a scene that represented Hierarchy, which was not seen nowadays.

"Yeah, yeah Skeleton. Now, how about you go and get me some desert, ice cream, pheraphs."

"I can't do that."

The man turned to look at the person who had just rejected him, he frowned, "You're really getting despicable, skeleton, tell me, did that girl forbid you from doing this for me?"

"Yes, and i actually agree with her. I'm taking my leave if there's nothing else." Skeleton turned around and left the room.

"Tch, am i your boss or she?" the visible frown on his face was full of annoyance, but maybe he himself didn't know, the corners of his mouth raised a little.