
Don't Let Tobi Out!

[Based on the Naruto Series, Alfir presents to you 'Don't Let Tobi Out!!'] [AU] “No one cared who I was until I put on a mask.” One very unusual morning, Obito Uchiha wakes up a different person. Well, he is still the same in some sense… He is still that same boy who laughs, jokes, and plays around but there is more. Inside his head are memories of a distant future of an alternate version of himself— a version of Obito Uchiha he never thought possible. The kind that brings pain, suffering, and hate. On top of the extra lifetime of memories, the young Obito also now has an extra friend living inside his head… Tobi wearing an orange mask with a spiral pattern converging on his right eye is standing before his bed. This Tobi is rather hysterical, “Say, nice to meet’cha, ya meat of sack, please call me Tobi! And we are going to have lots and lots and lots of fun! Kehahahah~!” Eh? Huh? Wha-at? Tobi continues, referring to himself in the third person, “Don’t worry, Tobi~ is a good boi!” #Serious #No Harem #No Self-insert #Naruto Fanfic #OP Protagonist #Character Growth #Weak to Strong #Misunderstanding ************************ I will upload five chapters a week on average. Author’s words, “Hello! There is no need to read this ‘Author’s Words’ but I am very happy to share my thoughts. I have been dreading, writing a fanfic about the Naruto Series for years because I freaking love its story to the point I fear violating it! But here I am! This Fanfic ‘Don’t Let Tobi Out!!’ centers on Obito Uchiha as the main protagonist when he is still just starting as an average tad weak little Genin. For some mysterious reason, he wakes up one day with memories of a future version of himself! What happens next? Of course, with all of the wickedness the future Obito has done, a normal kid like little Obito would go insane and mentally break! But who is Obito Uchiha? He is among the characters with the strongest mental fortitude in the Naruto Series… The tragedy he experienced gives me the chills even just by recalling it. I will be honest, when ‘Tobi’ first appeared in the anime, I already had the suspicion that this guy was definitely hiding something! So imagine my thrill when Tobi revealed himself as Obito! Unusually goofy characters are frequently the most suspicious especially if they are a member of something like an Evil Organization. Obito has been my favorite character in the Naruto Series, following Minato next to him. Okay… enough with the side track. This fanfic here is like a Time Regression story with the MC possessing memories of the future but with a twist. You see, the ‘young Obito’ has survived the awakening of his memories of the distant future version of himself. He remains the untainted and pure-hearted kid despite the painful knowledge of perhaps a tragic destiny! As a self-coping mechanism in part of his surviving the ‘information overload’ of knowledge from the future, he develops a split personality— he subconsciously has created ‘Tobi’, thus the title of this fanfic— Don’t Let Tobi Out!! Jinchuriki? Bah! Obito is sealing a kind of complicated ‘madness’ in him, so that’s mighty new! And sheesh… I swear, when moments this ‘Tobi’ gets out once in a while, there will either be a bloodbath or… maybe just some normal baths with rubber ducks.” More Author’s words, “Okay, okay… this is the last one, I swear. My intention for writing this fanfic is so that I can give Obito a second chance, this is for the sake of Obito Uchiha, the character itself. This will not be a self-insert. I will do my best to stay true to the world-building of the Naruto Universe, and if I do make mistakes, just know that everything that will be happening in this fanfic is going to be in an Alternate Universe. Uuh… and also, this fanfic is written with the extra intent of forgetting the Boruto Series. Also, the book cover is not mine.”

Alfir · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs

Dumbasses Arguing

Obito stands in the moonlit night, victorious after his intense training session. He strikes a confident pose, admiring the precision of his kunais and shurikens hitting the target boards.

"Ha! Not bad, if I do say so myself," he mutters, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips.

The moon hangs above, casting a silvery glow on the training ground. Obito wipes the sweat off his forehead, feeling the tangible progress in his skills. His efforts are paying off faster than he anticipated, and the satisfaction is evident in his expression.

But then, a subtle shift in the air catches his attention. His activated Sharingan detects a presence at 7 o'clock. Obito's eyes narrow, and he calls out into the night.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

A tense moment passes, and Obito remains on guard. Suddenly, the presence vanishes like a wisp of smoke, leaving Obito alone in the moonlit stillness. He senses the emptiness around him, a frown forming on his face.

"What the...?" he mumbles, perplexed.

Obito considers pursuing the mysterious visitor, but exhaustion washes over him. He lets out a sigh, deciding it's best to let the peeping figure go for now.

"Guess they're not in the mood for a chat," he mutters to himself, lowering his guard. With a shrug, Obito turns away, acknowledging his fatigue. The night remains silent, save for the rustling leaves and the distant howl of a nocturnal creature. "But man, my limbs are aching…"

Obito picks up the pace as he retrieves his kunais and shurikens.

The makeshift training ground that he is in, is the one that he has built and improved for the past three years. He personally has cut the grass, removed the trees, and seized the space. It is a place where he can unwind and train on his lonesome without disturbance. The reason for the making of his personal makeshift Training Grounds is mostly because using the official training grounds costs him Ryo, and he rather save his money.

There are allocated Training Grounds for Ninjas where they can train and request resources, but they cost money. Minato-sensei has requested a Training Ground for the next month, solely shouldering the cost for it, so the thought of it makes Obito uncomfortable that he has been absent for the past three days. Tomorrow, he must make amends and rejoin the team's training.

As Obito picks up his projectile weapons, the sound of clapping echoes through the night. He whirls around to find Tobi by the swings, an unsettling smiling gaze on his masked face. It's the ghost of Obito's future, the embodiment of what he might become.

"Well, well, if it isn't the master of Shurikenjutsu," Tobi says with a mockingly exaggerated applause.

Obito narrows his eyes, a mix of annoyance and curiosity playing on his face. "What are you doing here, Tobi?"

Tobi chuckles behind his mask. "Just here to witness the great Obito Uchiha in action. But I have to say, your Shurikenjutsu could use some work."

Obito clenches his fists, a defensive edge in his voice. "I don't need your commentary, and your standards are broken… I am a Genin."

Tobi raises an eyebrow, "Oh, lighten up, Obito. I'm just here to help. Moreover, what if you are a Genin? Do you want me to praise you for throwing some metal stuff with lackluster killing intent? Bah~!"

Obito scoffs, "Help? From you? I doubt it. All I hear is complaining."

Tobi grins beneath the mask, "You doubt everything. But think about it. I've got a shortcut for you. Inherited muscle memory from your future self. Just trace the moves, imitate them, and voilà – your combat abilities will be on par with mine in no time."

Obito glares at Tobi, skepticism in his eyes. "Inherited muscle memory? You're talking nonsense. I am already doing that by referring on the inherited memories in my head."

Tobi shrugs casually, "Call it what you want, but it's the truth. I've seen your future, Obito, and let me tell you, it's impressive. With a little effort, you can surpass even the great Tobi."

Obito smirks, "Dreaming, Tobi. That's all you're doing. And you are not great, you are a clown. An alter-ego born from the future Obito's disguise."

Tobi tilts his head mockingly, "Call it what you will, but remember, I'm you – just better, stronger, and more cunning. Take my advice or don't, it's your choice. But deep down, you know I'm right."

Tobi adds, "You won't return to your peak strength anytime soon, so you should know better," his words are filled with implications.

Obito will inevitably lack many things if he so decides to diverge and take another path in this timeline— the loss of Mangekyou Sharingan, not to mention the Hashirama Senju's Cells that will be transplanted to him by Madara… will prove to be a great deduction to his strength.

Tobi's words linger in the night air, and Obito finds himself conflicted. The memories of his future self, the darkness he glimpsed, the path he had taken under Madara's influence – they all weigh heavily on his mind. His eyes narrow as he studies the masked figure before him, a distorted reflection of what could be.

Obito takes a step forward, the moonlight casting shadows on his determined face. "I don't need your shortcuts. You should also know better that we cannot repeat that dark future… I'll forge my own path."

Tobi chuckles, the eerie sound echoing in the silent training ground. "Stubborn, as always. You can deny it all you want, but deep down, you know the truth. The power you could wield, the strength you could attain. Lacking power is a sin, and without it, you cannot achieve anything."

Obito shakes his head, dispelling the intrusive thoughts. "I won't be swayed by your promises or the twisted destiny I glimpsed. I'll choose my own fate."

Tobi's gaze intensifies as he leans against the swings, the mask hiding whatever expression lies beneath. "Fate is not chosen… It chooses you, dumbass."

Obito's fists clench, determination fueling his resolve. "I've seen where that path leads. I won't let it consume me."

Tobi's laughter resonates in the night, unsettling and ominous. "You're just delaying the inevitable. But… Good! I like that spirit! But say, weakling, what can you achieve with that measly little talent of yours?"

Ignoring Tobi's taunts, Obito turns away, picking up his projectiles. The moonlight glints off the cold metal, and Obito's mind races with conflicting emotions

Tobi's masked face contorts into a mocking grin, though unseen from the mask, his tone says it all. "You know, Obito, if you want to awaken that Mangekyou Sharingan of yours, maybe you should experience the joy of watching Rin die in your arms again. It worked once, right?"

Obito freezes mid-motion, his grip on the shurikens tightening. He shoots a glare at Tobi, anger simmering beneath the surface. "You find that amusing, do you? You bastard. You are me. How dare you say that?"

Tobi's laughter echoes in the night. "Oh, come on, lighten up. It's just a joke, or maybe not. Who knows what the future holds?"

Obito grits his teeth, choosing to ignore Tobi's provocations. He refocuses on picking up his kunais and shurikens from the target boards so he can resume his training. However, Tobi is not done teasing.

"And to perfect that Mangekyou Sharingan of yours, you'll need a little extra boost. Hashirama Senju's Cells, my friend. Your body can't handle the strain without it. What if we go grave digging tonight? Hey, we can do it tomorrow too?"

Obito narrows his eyes at Tobi, frustration evident in his voice. "You are the dumbass, and what am I going to do with the First Hokage's corpse? It is not like I can transplant his cells. There has to be another way."

Tobi chuckles, unfazed by Obito's resistance. "You're always looking for another way, aren't you? What about getting hitched with Orochimaru? Woah! That's solid proof plan, right? Have him transplant the cells!!"

Obito, ignoring Tobi's ominous words, mutters under his breath, "I rather not get involved with him. He is a snake literally and metaphorically. As I said, there must be another path."

Tobi's mocking tone pierces the air as he continues his relentless banter. "Another path? Obito, you're living in a dream. What resources do you have? You're just a neglected outcast within the Uchiha, treated like a shadow. Even if you awakened that Sharingan of yours, do you really think the Uchiha will send a mentor your way? They'd rather focus on their precious inner-circle assets."

Obito remains silent, his jaw clenched, as the harsh reality of his situation sinks in. Tobi's words cut deep, highlighting the isolation and lack of support he faces within his own clan.

Tobi, undeterred by Obito's quiet demeanor, presses on. "Face it, Obito. You're on your own. The Uchiha won't give you the time of day, let alone the resources you need. Your dreams of finding a different path are nothing more than wishful thinking. Let's do some villain stuff!!"

Obito looks away, his gaze fixed on the moonlit training ground. The frustration and anger smolder within him, but he keeps his thoughts to himself. Tobi's words have struck a nerve, forcing him to confront the harsh truth of his position.

Tobi rises from the swing, his footsteps echoing in the quiet night as he paces around. "You're playing a dangerous game, Obito. Destiny is a tricky thing, and defying it comes with consequences. Be careful what you wish for."

Obito, still engrossed in his training, glances at Tobi with a furrowed brow. "Shut up, you are noisy."

Tobi chuckles ominously. "Bold words, dumbass. Maybe it would be better for you to die now than to bring about the tragedy that awaits."

Obito stops, a mixture of shock and disbelief on his face. "Suicide? Is that really the better choice?"

Tobi tilts his head, his masked gaze fixed on Obito. "I don't know. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. The threads of fate are complex. You might end up causing more harm than good."

Obito sighs, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders. "Is this what you're really thinking, Tobi? How about the opposite? How can you be certain I won't do more good than harm?"

Tobi's response is cryptic, "I'm not the one you should be asking. You should ask yourself this questions."

Obito meets Tobi's masked gaze, frustration evident in his eyes. "You're infuriating. Do you even care about anything?"

Tobi continues to walk around, his tone enigmatic. "Tobi cares about the inevitable, and what is its opposite if not avoidable? If what is certain can be reversed, then this Tobi will be more than happy to be of assistance. After all, Tobi is you."

Obito pauses in his training, leveling a piercing gaze at Tobi. "You know, for someone who claims to be a part of me, you've been pretty hard to understand. I've been going in and out of the hospital for the past two days, even had a Yamanaka medical-nin check my memories. Nothing. You're like a… ghost."

Tobi snickers, the sound muffled by his mask. "Well, I am a ghost from the future! You really think some random Yamanaka Ninja can find me that easily, Obito? Kehahahah! Dumbass!"

Obito narrows his eyes, a barbed tone in his voice. "Then what are you? A manifestation of my darkest thoughts? From what I understand, you are born from the inherited memories as my split personality, aren't you? And at some point, aren't you going to usurp me?"

Tobi chuckles, circling Obito with an air of amusement. "Split personality? Yes. Usurp? No. Think of me as a guardian, Obito. A self-defense mechanism your brain conjured up to protect you."

Obito scoffs, skepticism etched on his face. "Protect me? From what? Your twisted advice?"

Tobi grins beneath the mask. "No, Obito. From the harsh realities you refuse to face. A split personality is the mind's way of shielding itself. I'm here to help you, whether you like it or not… whether I like it or not. Dumbass, do you think I wanted to be here?"

Obito's eyes narrow further, suspicion lingering in his gaze. "Protecting me by suggesting suicide? Doesn't sound like protection to me."

Tobi's laughter reverberates through the night. "Oh, Obito, you're missing the point. I won't take over. I'm not here to usurp your mind. I'm here to ensure you do… the right thing."

Obito's eyes narrow in contemplation as a different theory forms in his mind. "What if you're not a result of split personality, Tobi? What if the Obito of the future has cast a powerful space-time ninjutsu, allowing his consciousness to travel back to the past? What if you're the future me, trying to change the course of events?"

Tobi, caught off guard by this unexpected hypothesis, remains silent for a moment. The masked visage betrays no emotion as he processes Obito's words.

Obito presses on, his voice carrying a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. "Maybe that's why you're so elusive, why you don't appear in my memories, and even a Yamanaka ninja cannot detect you. You're not a defense mechanism; you're a time-traveling version of me."

Tobi finally breaks his silence, a sardonic chuckle escaping from behind the mask. "Time travel, Obito? You've been reading too many scrolls. You think I'm the future you, trying to change things? If that is the case, that would have been better, because that will mean he would want to protect this life more than you ever will. Not because you inherited his memories, doesn't mean you own them."

Obito, undeterred by Tobi's words, continues, "It makes sense. You're here to guide me, protect me from the mistakes I made in the future. That's why you made me see those memories. That's it, isn't it? Obito?"

Tobi's laughter echoes again, but this time there's a hint of uncertainty in the air. "You really think I'm your future self? That's a stretch, Obito. Distort your own memory, expand your own delusions, and you will only suffer."

Obito's gaze remains fixed on Tobi, a determined glint in his eyes. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But it's a theory worth considering. If you're truly here to help, then who else could you be?"

Tobi's laughter bursts into the night, a mocking sound that shatters Obito's theory. "Time travel? Really, Obito? You've got quite the imagination. You're reaching for the stars with that one."

Obito, his theory challenged, narrows his eyes but remains silent, waiting for Tobi's response.

Tobi's laughter subsides, and he looks at Obito with a smirk. "You're not entirely wrong, though. While I can't rebuttal your wild theory, there's actually a scarier possibility you haven't considered."

Obito raises an eyebrow, intrigued and cautious. "What are you talking about?"

Tobi chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eye. "What if, Obito, we're not in the past or the future? What if we're just in a dream, caught in a powerful Genjutsu so illogical that we can't even question whether it's fake or real?"

Obito's gaze hardens as he processes Tobi's words. "A dream? That's your third theory? You're just mocking me now." Obito begins to sweat.

Tobi grins behind the mask. "Think about it, Obito. The world around us, the events unfolding – it's all so surreal. Maybe we're just puppets in someone else's dream, living out a story that doesn't make sense."

Obito's frustration grows, his voice tinged with irritation. "This is no time for jokes, Tobi!"

Tobi, unfazed, continues to amuse himself. "Uncomfortable, isn't it? In a world where reality itself might be an illusion? Good luck with that. Maybe the truth is stranger than any theory you could come up with."

The Infinite Tsukuyomi is a powerful genjutsu that has been the centerpiece of Madara Uchiha's plan for the world, something that the future Obito has believed to be necessary for the sake of true happiness. This memory about Infinite Tsukuyomi has also been inherited by little Obito so he knows what Tobi means, and that it is not entirely baseless.

Obito sighs, a mixture of frustration and resignation in his voice. "You're a real pain in the ass, Tobi."

Tobi suppresses a chuckle, the masked face giving away nothing. "Well, I'm here to keep things interesting. So, what's your plan now?"

Obito looks at Tobi, determination in his eyes. "Short term, I need to pass the Chunin Exams with flying colors. I can't afford to fall behind."

Tobi raises an eyebrow, a sly grin forming beneath the mask. "Why bother? Kakashi will carry the whole team anyway."

Obito scowls at Tobi's dismissive remark. "It's not just about Kakashi. I need to leave an impression on the higher-ups this time. It might be useful someday."

Tobi watches Obito with a calculating gaze, probing for the little Obito's intentions. "What's your long-term goal, Obito? This is just me, but I feel like the Chunin Exams aren't a big deal anyway."

Obito's eyes flicker with a mix of determination and weariness. "Survive the Kanabi Bridge incident."

Tobi nods, acknowledging Obito's straightforward response. "Survival. A simple yet crucial goal. But you know, survival sometimes requires more than just strength. Moreover, there is Madara behind the scenes. Who actually knows how far is his reach?"

Obito narrows his eyes, recalling the lessons from the future Madara Uchiha. "I know the importance of schemes, of playing the game. But I won't blindly follow someone else's agenda. Moreover, I have you… You should know how far is his reach exactly, don't you?"

Tobi smirks, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "You've learned well, Obito."

Tobi resumes his seat on the swing. "All these grand plans of survival and independence, Obito. But let's be real, it's all too difficult with your current strength."

Obito glances at Tobi, a spark of irritation in his eyes. "I'll get stronger. I'll find a way."

Tobi laughs, an offending edge to his voice. "Strength, my friend, isn't just about physical prowess. The Sharingan, for instance, requires more than just training. It needs opportunity – the kind that comes with experiencing despair, sadness, loss."

Obito furrows his brow, the weight of Tobi's words sinking in. "I'll find opportunities without resorting to that."

Tobi leans forward, his masked face inches from Obito's. "Opportunities for the Uchiha mean experiencing heavy mental stress. It's the only way the Sharingan awakens. So, what's your plan, Obito? Kill your grandma? Kill Rin? How far are you willing to go?"

Obito recoils at the suggestion, a mix of anger and disgust in his eyes. "I won't resort to killing the ones I care about just for power."

Tobi reclines on the swing, a satisfied grin on his face. "Then, my other self, you'll have to find another way. But mark my words, strength comes at a cost, and sometimes that cost is higher than you're willing to pay."

Obito looks at Tobi, a determined glint in his eyes. "I need a mentor, someone who understands the path I want to take. Someone who can guide me. And I've decided, Tobi, it's going to be you."

Tobi's masked face betrays no emotion as he absorbs Obito's unexpected declaration. "Me? You want me as your mentor? You really are full of surprises, Obito."

Obito nods, conviction in his voice. "I've learned from the best, or the worst, depending on how you see it. And I need someone who knows the ropes, who can teach me the skills and strategies necessary to survive."

Tobi raises an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism lingering in his tone. "Survival, yes. But how do you plan on awakening your Mangekyou? It's not like you can just kill someone close to you, as I suggested before."

Obito smirks, a touch of cunning in his eyes. "There are other ways, Tobi. I can reawaken it by being subjected to a powerful genjutsu. The Yamanaka clan specializes in the mind too, so I can involve one of them to help me if any genjutsu user won't be as cooperative."

Tobi chuckles, a mix of surprise and approval. "Bold move, Obito. Using the Yamanaka's mental prowess to trigger the Mangekyou. It might just work. Hey, you are making good use of your inherited memories already. Trick question. Are you Obito still the Obito who your grandma knows? Or that Obito has already been replaced by something evil? Say, an evil spirit?"

Obito sighs, "That's not funny. Shut up."

Tobi stands and runs to Obito, and ever persistent, he leans forward, his masked gaze fixed on Obito. "And what's your plan if you suffer blurring, and loss of vision? Without Hashirama Senju's cells, your Mangekyou becomes half useless."

Obito smirks, confidence in his response. "Simple. I'll learn Sage Chakra."

Tobi's expression freezes for a moment before he bursts into laughter, a hearty sound that echoes through the night. "Sage Chakra, Obito? You really are an ambitious dumbass!"

Obito scowls at Tobi's laughter but remains undeterred. "It's not impossible. I've seen it. I just need to find a way to access Sage Mode."

"Stoopid~!" Tobi laughs. "Yeah, you saw it, but you never experienced it! Dumbass!!"

Tobi wipes away fake tears of laughter, still chuckling. "Oh, Obito, you're a special kind of genius. Good luck with that, genius of idiots. I'll be watching your progress with bated breath."

Obito rolls his eyes at Tobi's sarcasm but can't help but feel a spark of irritation. "I swear, fuck you…"