
Don't let them know

Lily_Cameron · Urbain
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In the beginning

Let's travel back to the time of the 1700s right before the industrial revolution a strange phenomenon happened that differs from the history that we know, what that phenomenon was and is still happening is the revelation of what most people would call demons appeared in this world seemingly out of nowhere. And as humans are to do in such situations they panic, feel fear, and flock to any sense of normalcy they can find.

Over the 60 years since demons or as they to be called dæmons appeared the humans discover that the dæmons are unable to hurt them as they find out they are one of the few beings able to control and harness aêther (ay-ther) to such an extent to be able to "influence" the dæmons actions and in rare cases thoughts to the point of servitude and in ever increasing cases slavery and complete control over the body but not mind.

As humans are prone to do they use this power to advance at a exponential rate, and with the help of their new "allies" they find that steam power is the most efficient way to run their new lively hoods and with the discovery of the dæmons ability to manipulate fire and water in perfect tandem they are found to be useful in most menial tasks as the humans are above such savagery and will not dirty their hands in such filth.

During the reconciliation of the world and the world powers it was decided that they would all be ruled under one banner, and thus The Empire Of Hadal was born in honor of the first emperor Hadrian Eruri von Malek whom with the royal family and the higher nobility resides in the floating city of Dragol.