
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

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20 Chs

Wild Day

"Gojo-sama, it's already late at night. Aren't you going to bed yet?"

The servant's back stood on end as he saw the piercing blue eyes of young master Gojo Satoru staring sharply at him. Quickly, the servant bowed his head to the floor, showing respect to The Blessed Child of Gojo Clan.

"I'm not ready to sleep yet, so just leave me alone," said Young Master Gojo, turning away and walking towards the garden. The servant hurriedly moved away from the garden to obey Young Master Gojo's command. After a few meters, he muttered,

"What a spoiled brat," and walked off to report the behaviour of Young Master Gojo to the elder of the Gojo Clan.

Satoru felt that tonight the air was somehow different, although his Six Eyes did not detect anything unusual. This world was still filled with negative energy, cursed energy, and curses. People openly or silently cursed each other, consumed by hatred.

This was a familiar part of Satoru's life at the age of 11.

It was a common human behaviour to curse someone they despised, which in turn summoned curses into the world. However, tonight, Satoru had a premonition that something significant was going to happen.

Something Big.

Something that could change the cursed fate of this world.

So, he made the decision to stay up for this night only, despite having a busy schedule tomorrow. His curiosity could not be easily quelled.

He waited, alone, in the garden, for something to happen. Four hours had passed, and yet, nothing occurred.

Perhaps it was just his intuition playing tricks on him, urging him to stay awake.

He rose from his seat and strolled towards the gate, ready to leave the Gojo Clan's serene sanctuary. Suddenly, his steps came to a halt, frozen in awe. Satoru's Six Eyes widened as his gaze fixed upon the northern sky.

His incredulity soared as he beheld a breathtaking spectacle. A cascade of radiant energy descended from the heavens, resembling a comet ablaze with ethereal brilliance.

Cursed energy is typically associated with dark hues such as black and deep navy. These colours symbolize the negative energy often associated with cursed energy. Normally, the presence of cursed energy instilled fear and anxiety in ordinary people who come close to it.

Yet, this energy shimmered with an array of vibrant hues, predominantly in shades of crimson, orange, and ivory. It was akin to witnessing a rainbow emerging after a heavy rainfall, warming the hearts of all who beheld it.

Unbeknownst to Satoru, a warm smile formed on his face as he absorbed the captivating sight.

His hand instinctively reached towards the sky, as if yearning to grasp and hold onto this peculiar energy, to experience its warmth. However, in a fleeting moment, the energy vanished, dispersing like dust carried away by the wind.

It disappeared in the far northern region, beyond where the Gojo Clan Residence stood.

Satoru really wants to follow the path where this energy originates. However, he decides against it.

It would seem strange if Satoru asked his servant to take him to the northern area without any apparent reason. The Jujutsu elders would immediately become suspicious of Satoru's behaviour.

The worst-case scenario is that the Jujutsu elders' subordinates would discover the source of the energy before Satoru does, which could lead to complications. Furthermore, Satoru is confident that no one else knows about the existence of this strange energy except for himself.

Only with his Six Eyes can he clearly see the presence and form of the energy. When this peculiar energy appears, cursed energy remains the same.

Curses still roam freely.

Nothing has changed.

This will just be a little secret that Satoru promises himself not to tell anyone until he discovers the origin of this peculiar energy.

It's a Binding Vow.


Wasuke felt twice his age with what had just happened this morning. His eyes were fixed on the woman with red hair named Uzumaki Kushina, who was sitting with her legs folded behind her. Kushina's face was downcast, her cheeks flushed the same colour as her red hair, and she felt embarrassed about what had just happened in Wasuke's living room.

The day before, Wasuke was just a normal Japanese senior citizen, living a normal life with his family, without any spiritual disturbances.

Don't get him wrong, Wasuke believed in the existence of the supernatural, but he believed that the world of the occult was hidden from the view of the outside world. He believed in the existence of invisible supernatural beings capable of disrupting people's lives without their knowledge.

However, Wasuke didn't believe in magic or the tricks performed by street magicians when he went grocery shopping. In his opinion, magic was nothing more than deception carried out by skilled individuals who manipulated people with their tricks, making them believe they could perform magic. In reality, it was all just an optical illusion.

That was Wasuke's principle regarding magic.

But after seeing the state of his living room this morning, he felt like taking back his words.

The furniture in his living room was still wet after being drenched by a sudden heavy rain that appeared inside the room. Even his son, Jin, had to remove the sofa, living room table, and carpet that seemed to be melting like wax, rendering them unusable.

All of this was because of Uzumaki Kushina, who wanted to extinguish a fire that had started inside the living room house by magically summoning a heavy rain that would put off the fire.

The stress that Wasuke was already experiencing increased with the chaotic state of his living room.

Fortunately, his twin grandsons were still sound asleep in their room upstairs while a literal storm was happening in the living room. Today was truly strange for Wasuke. He could only sigh deeply through his nose.

Honestly, Wasuke was somewhat confused about what to do. Uzumaki Kushina didn't seem to be a native of Sendai, and she likely came from a remote island area in Japan that was not as developed as the modern era.

Moreover, with Uzumaki's way of speaking, always adding "Dattebane" as an ending and claiming to be from Konohagakure No Sato (Hidden Village in Leaf), Wasuke deduced that Uzumaki Kushina lived in a secluded island region.

Maybe in her place, there were many wizards who could perform magic like Uzumaki, summoning storms inside the living room while the weather outside was bright and sunny, with the morning sun shining through the glass windows of Wasuke's house.

This caused damage to the furniture in Wasuke's living room, and Uzumaki Kushina didn't have the yen currency to pay for it. When asked for compensation, she innocently asked,

"What's a yen, Dattebane? I only have Ryo with me."

Wasuke really wanted to empathize with Uzumaki Kushina's current situation because firstly, she was seriously injured when Wasuke's son, Gin, found her unconscious and exposed in a park.

Secondly, Uzumaki Kushina doesn't have a single yen to replace the damaged household items that were ruined due to her actions.

Lastly, Uzumaki Kushina seemed confused when Wasuke mentioned Japanese cities and was amazed by ordinary modern household items like TVs as if she had never seen a flat-screen TV in her entire life.

But, right now. Wasuke is giving zero fuck about that facts.

"So, how do you intend to make up for the mess you created in my living room?" Wasuke asked sternly, fixing his gaze on Uzumaki Kushina. She hung her head in shame, fully aware of the consequences of her actions.

"Dad, please," Jin pleaded, feeling sympathetic towards the woman being reprimanded by her father.

"Hush, Jin! I directed that question at Uzumaki, not you!" Wasuke snapped back at his son, shutting down any further interference.

"But we have insurance to cover damages to the furniture. There's no need to treat Uzumaki-san like this." Jin reasoned, trying to find a practical solution.

"Oh, how convenient that you seem to have forgotten. If we want to claim home furniture insurance from the insurance company, we need to give them an accurate account of what happened. What am I supposed to tell them when they ask why my living room furniture is damaged and flooded?" Wasuke's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Should I say, 'Oh, you see, a woman accidentally almost set my house on fire, so she decided to summon a literal storm inside my living room to put it out'—just your usual Sunday morning?" Wasuke finished with a hint of mockery, making it clear that the situation was far from ordinary.

Jin could only exhale in frustration towards his father, who stubbornly insisted that Uzumaki-san should compensate for what had just happened. However, before Jin could respond to his father's words, Uzumaki Kushina spoke up.

"I... I may not have anything valuable left to compensate for what I have done. But I still want to make it up to you in any way possible, even if it means offering my own body, dattebane!" Uzumaki Kushina said firmly, bowing her head respectfully to Wasuke.

Jin's cheeks immediately flushed red upon hearing the ambiguity in Uzumaki-san's words about offering her body. His mind quickly shook off any lewd thoughts.

"We need money, not a whore,"


"N-No, that's not what I meant, Dattebane! Since birth, I have had a strong body. So let me use my body to work and pay for the damages to your equipment," Uzumaki Kushina said, her cheeks blushing red.

Wasuke closed his eyes momentarily, pondering Uzumaki Kushina's offer.

"Alright, you can work off the damage to my furniture using your physical labour," Wasuke said.

"Yes, when do I start-?" Kushina's question was interrupted by Wasuke.

"Hold on, before we proceed, I have a question. Have you ever babysat a baby before?" Wasuke asked.

"Back when I was a teenager, frequently, dattebane," Kushina answered, recalling her days as a genin when she often took on D-rank missions with her team to babysit wealthy civilian children. A smile appeared on Wasuke's face upon hearing Kushina's response.

"That's good then. As compensation for the damaged furniture, you can become a babysitter for my twin grandsons," replied Wasuke.

"What?! Dad, that's not necessary. We don't need a babysitter to take care of Yuuji and Sukuna," Jin countered, failing to see the point of hiring Uzumaki-san as the babysitter for his twin sons. Wasuke could only roll his eyes at his son's response.

"Jin, do you realize that you work at the office from 8 am to 6 pm every day, Monday to Saturday? When you come home from work, you're often so exhausted that you fall asleep on the couch without even changing or having dinner first. You only have free time for your twin sons on Sundays. As for me, I'm 50 years old now, not as young as before. Worse things could happen to them like they could get hurt under my supervision. I need someone to watch over them when I fall asleep after taking my medication. Just so you know, the medication prescribed by the doctor makes me sleepy. That's why I only take it at night, even though the recommended dosage is three times a day," Wasuke explained at length. However, Jin insisted on his point of view.

"But we have Irumi-san, our neighbour, who can help us watch over Yuuji and Sukuna for a while," Jin argued.

"Heh, Irumi can only watch over them occasionally, for a maximum of one hour. Otherwise, we can't rely on him as a temporary guardian for your twin children," Wasuke explained.

This time, Jin was at a loss for words.

What his father said had some truth to it.

It made sense.

Sometimes his workload at the office was overwhelming, and even after coming home, he would continue working on unfinished tasks. Yuuji and Sukuna still needed extra supervision as they were only three months old.

Seeing his son speechless in response to his arguments, Wasuke smiled with victory. Then his attention turned to Uzumaki Kushina, who had been quietly observing Jin and Wasuke's argument.

"Congratulations, You're Hired."
