
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

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20 Chs

The Misunderstanding

They're explainable reasons why Shi Woo is Ex-detective turn into mediator guy of Sorcerer Killer.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil suburbs near the northern part of Sendai City, there exists a charming public park—a hidden gem cherished by the locals. Families and friends gather here to unwind, escaping the hustle and bustle of their daily lives.

Today, however, is a quiet weekday. The usual throng of visitors is noticeably absent. Many are toiling away at work, striving to make ends meet, or diligently attending school. Understandably, the park's tranquility is interrupted only by the rhythmic footsteps of elderly parents, dedicated to maintaining their fitness, and the gentle cooing of housewives cradling their precious babies.

Among these visitors, Yuna and her son Megumi stand out. Yuna, with her warm smile, watches over Megumi as he seen around the playground with his little eyes, who looks curious about plants around him. The sun casts a gentle glow, and the rustling leaves provide a soothing soundtrack—a perfect backdrop for their precious moments together.

Couple minutes ago, when they were still at their apartment. Yuna, just getting over being sick, really didn't want to use a baby carrier. She knew it could be risky—if she suddenly felt a lot of pain, she might pass out, putting both her and her son in danger.

The thought of Megumi getting hurt if she fell while carrying him was too much to bear. So, she decided to use a stroller instead. It was safer and would protect Megumi if her pain came back. Yuna was determined to do what's best for her son, no matter what.

Because the apartment elevator is under repair. It's a bit of a hassle to lift her son and the baby stroller together from the fourth floor via the stairs. Usually, she will ask her husband to do it, but unfortunately he still doesn't come home yet. But at the end, she managed to do it all alone by herself and luckily her sickness didn't recur at all on her way to the ground floor so no accident was happening and nobody was hurt.

Yuna's trek from her cozy apartment to the city park was like a scene straight out of a drama. Every step felt like lifting weights, and her head was spinning so much she could barely see straight. But she was on a mission, nothing was going to stop her from getting to that park to see Kushina.

Dragging herself step by step, Yuna finally made it to the park. She plopped down on the nearest bench, grateful for the tree's shade. It was a short walk, but you wouldn't know it looking at her—she was drenched in sweat, panting like she'd just finished a sprint. It's crazy how a illness can knock you down so hard, making a simple walk feel like a battle. She was so over it. Fishing out her flip phone, she checked the time.

'It's 9:20 a.m. Only 10 minutes to go before Kushina shows up,' Yuna thought to herself. Chilling on a bench in the city park, she kept an eye on her son, Megumi, who was on a mission to snag some butterflies.

Little Megumi was all in, trying to grab the fluttering beauties with his tiny hands. But no luck – those butterflies were always one step ahead, dodging every catch. Watching Megumi's frustrated pout, Yuna couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. The kid was totally channeling his dad – same grumpy pout and all.

Like father, like son.

Out of the blue, her flip phone buzzed. Flipping it open, Yuna spotted an unread message waiting for her.




Sendai City Hospital

12-1 Hirose Dori,

Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577,


Date: June 20, 2001

Ref: SCH/06/2001/HD

Subject: Dialysis Schedule

Dear Yuna,

Apartment 44

123 Sakura Lane,

Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0002,


Please be reminded of your scheduled dialysis sessions at our Hemodialysis Unit, located within Second Floor of Sendai City Hospital. Sessions are held every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.00 a.m - 16.00 p.m.

For any questions, reach us at (022) 1553-5678.

Thank you.


Haruka Ren, MD, PhD

Cancer Specialist, Sendai City Hospital.




Yuna was totally feeling devastated after she got that text. She knew she needed go to the hospital to deal with her illness. Her doctor had just tell her a few days back about not skipping out on her regular check-ups.

But today? Today was something else.

It was the very first time she was celebrating an anniversary of her own.

She'd never been in any kind of relationship before she met her husband, no boyfriends or girlfriends, nothing.

Back in her high school days, she'd always be curious about those couples celebrating their anniversaries, wondering what all the fuss was about. Fast forward three years, and here's Yuna, feeling that urge to celebrate her own marriage anniversary. It's like this magical moment that lets you see how far you've come with your partner.

So she chose not to go to the hospital. She didn't want her last months to be a blur of hospital visits, missing out on precious time with her family and friends. And there's another thing—hospitals freak her out.

She sees these eerie shadows of curses slinking through the halls, slipping in and out of rooms, especially when someone's just died in the ICU and their loved ones start breaking down in hospital hallway. Curses seem to flock around them, and nobody notices but Yuna, watching from a distance.

It's enough to make her stay away, especially on a day that's meant to be about love and memories.

Yuna seem lost in her thought of silence. Unbeknownst to her, Kushina was right behind her, poised to spring a surprise just like they did when they first met. But noticing Yuna's somber expression, Kushina's playful plan to startle her dissolved.

Instead, she spoke to Yuna in a gentle tone, careful not to alarm her.

"Hey, Yuna. Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Oh, Kushina! Sorry, I didn't realize you were coming. I'm fine, just daydreaming," said Yuna, smiling softly at Kushina. If Kushina had been an ordinary civilian, she might have easily believed Yuna's words. However, Kushina, having worked as a Kunoichi, had honed her skills to detect lies from the truth.

'Why did she lie to me?' thought Kushina.

"Are you sure? Your face looks pale. Are you really alright?" Kushina asked again, her tone laced with worry.

"I'm 100% okay. Don't worry about me. By the way, did you just arrive, or have you been waiting in the park for a long time?" Yuna asked, attempting to change the subject. Kushina caught on to what Yuna was doing and decided to play along. She was confident that Yuna would eventually open up about her troubles, and Kushina was ready to help her newest friend in any way she could.

"I just got here. Sorry if you've been waiting too long for me, dattebane!"

"Don't worry! I only arrived a few minutes ago, so no need to feel bad! Oh, and I just remembered," Yuna continued, "Kushina, this is my beloved son, his name is Megumi."

Hearing his name, Megumi quickly turned towards Yuna and Kushina standing near the stroller. His tiny hands reached up as Yuna moved to pick him up, and Megumi's green eyes met Kushina's violet ones for the first time.

"Wow! He's very cute! Hi, Megumi, nice to meet you, dattebane!"

Megumi, only seven months old, didn't quite understand what was happening but acted on instinct. Feeling shy upon seeing Kushina's beaming smile, he blushed and buried his face in his mother's neck.

"I'm sorry, Kushina. He's a bit shy around new people," Yuna explained, her tone reflecting her concern. Kushina wasn't upset by her son's behavior; instead, she chuckled softly at Megumi's shyness.

"It's okay, Yuna-chan."


"Eh, is it cool if I call you Yuna-chan? Or Did you not like it?" Kushina asked, a hint of worry in her voice, hoping she hadn't stepped over a line.

"No, no! I love it! It's just... nobody's ever called me ' chan' before," Yuna replied, her cheeks coloring with a shy smile.

"But, like, don't you have a best friend who also calls you that?" Kushina's brow furrowed in confusion. Yuna simply shook her head.

"No, I've never really had someone I'd call a friend, let alone a best friend. So...., I guess you're the first, huh?"

"Seriously?! Oh wow, I'm super honoured to be the first to call you Yuna-chan!" Kushina's excitement bubbled over as she pulled both Yuna and Megumi into a tight hug. Yuna's face turned an even deeper shade of red, while her little one, Megumi, looked puzzled at his mom's flushed face and reached out to touch her cheek with his small fingers.

"So, Yuna-chan and Megu-kun.....Ready for some epic fun today, dattebane?!" Kushina bubbled over with excitement, throwing both hands up high.

Yuna let out a gentle giggle and playfully hoisted a hand up too. Little Megumi, spotting his mom and Kushina with their hands waving around, couldn't resist joining in—up went his adorable little hands.





Shi Woo was in line at the minimarket, ready to pay for his haul. His basket was loaded with about 25 things: bath soap, a shaving kit, a whopping 15 packs of instant noodles, 3 beers, and topping it off, 5 boxes of cigarettes.

Hey, Sue Him. He likes his cigarettes rather than his own lungs. Better to die young and be happy rather than die old, miserable and possibly turn into a cursed spirit.

While waiting in line, Shi Woo opened his flip phone to check the time and if there were the newest messages from Toji.

'Zero, just as I expected and it already 14.00 p.m,' Shi Woo thought, exhaling through his nose.

Toji was unusually slow on the uptake, not sensing an ex-clan heir's presence—especially a Zenin. The kid might be a genius in his own right, but his smarts don't stack up against the Six Eyes Brat's talent.

Shi Woo's mind drifted to Toji, recalling their chat from two weeks back, right before his latest mission. He nearly groaned aloud, remembering how Toji had handed him a laundry list of tasks to safeguard his family, particularly his petite wife. Sure, she's kind of cute and homely, but no offense, she's just not his type.

Shi Woo steers clear of dating anyone connected to a colleague—especially Toji's wife. He's quite fond of his life and, well, his sperm of his future children. Thanks, but no thanks.

Who would've thought that Toji, the Sorcerer Killer, the Heavenly Tyrant, and the Monkey of Zenin, would end up being a doting husband?

There's nothing wrong with a husband loving his wife. It's quite lucky to find your true match in this harsh, cursed world. Toji was a tough nut to crack before he met his future wife, not the easiest guy to talk with, even after knowing him for ages.

But post-marriage Toji?

He's kept his 'couldn't care less' vibe, but mention his wife, and you won't get a threat from Toji. Instead, he might just turn sociable and decent for what seems like the first time in his life, chatting you up like an old drinking buddy that you meet at your local bar.

Shi Woo still remembers that damn night two years ago when Toji personally handed him a wedding invitation between Toji and his 18-year-old wife, while Toji, a 21-year-old man.

At the time, he had just woken up from sleep, was totally confused by Toji's sudden appearance at his apartment door at 12 o'clock in the night. Shi Woo thought that Toji had only brought a letter detailing about Toji's debt and that he wanted him to settle his debt before embarking on his next mission. But, Shi Woo never considered the possibility that the letter was actually a wedding invitation!

Furthermore, Toji's marriage to a woman so young was a total shock!

He thought of Toji as a manwhore, a walking incubus, and many brothels in Japan likely knew him by reputation alone.

So when Shi Woo found himself standing as Toji's best man at the wedding, he couldn't help but think that the woman was either a former prostitute who was a total pro in bed or someone who was completely messed up in the head.

There was no way in hell he could have predicted that a woman like Yuna, who seemed like a sweet, shy, and innocent high school girl, was married to Toji!

And to make matters even more unbelievable, she was a goddamn virgin (Toji: "She told me she wouldn't do it with anyone except her future husband, so I married her," he said nonchalantly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Gong Shi Woo was stunned), even though she have been dating Toji for a year when she's only 17 years old!

It was like something out of a twisted nightmare, and Shi Woo couldn't help but curse his luck for being stuck in this bizarre situation.

Either Toji cursed her to fall in love with him or Toji groomed her due to her young age.

It appears that Shi Woo may be a despicable individual. Throughout his life, he has committed numerous heinous acts. He not only kills people but also facilitates the hiring of dangerous individuals to murder others or cursed spirits.

Despite his questionable nature, he is a former detective who still maintains a moral compass, particularly when it comes to sexual matters, especially involving someone who appears to be still in high school.

That's when he draw fucking the line.

(Unless, it's consentsual)

After the wedding is over, Shi Woo sneaks up on Yuna, trying to figure out if Toji is somehow controlling her mind to make her want to marry him. He wants to know if Yuna feels trapped and helpless, unable to break free from Toji's grasp.

If that's the case, he is ready to help her at any moment, so she can finally escape Toji's clutches.

Yuna let out a gentle chuckle at Shi Woo's accusation towards Toji, her husband. She likely thought he was just joking about Toji being a dangerous person. However, Shi Woo suddenly realized that Toji probably doesn't share the truth about his job or past life as an ex-Zenin with his wife.

Yuna thought Toji was just working part-time construction, unaware of his actual role as a mercenary. He had always suggested that Toji be honest with his wife about his life, as it's only a matter of time before she starts questioning him. But Toji is a stubborn man who refused to listen to Shi Woo's advice.

As expected, Yuna discovered Toji's dark secrets, including the cursed spirit and stash of cursed weapons hidden within their home. The mystery surrounding how she finally saw cursed spirits for the first time remains unsolved, with he still trying to figure it out.

To be honest, the negative and cursed energy within her was initially decreasing, becoming even smaller than that of a normal civilian.

However, this changed about two weeks ago, and it's been gradually increasing ever since.

It's very unique phenomenal that Shi Woo never thought would ever happen.

He also noticed Yuna's frequent visits to Sendai City Hospital on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays over the past two weeks. As part of his job assigned by Toji to keep an eye on Yuna for safety reasons, he monitored Yuna through the CCTV cameras installed around the apartment.

When Yuna was inside the apartment or hospital, he would give her space by not watching her, only occasionally checking the CCTV outside the apartment and sometimes while Yuna walking around the neighborhood at night.

Shi woo hears in the past two weeks how Yuna seems a little bit sick, by hearing the frequent sound of her throwing up inside the bathroom. That's only one thing is happening.

Yuna is pregnant, again.

It's seems like Toji pull out game is quite weaker than Shi Woo thought or Toji had breeding kink with his wife.

Who knows.

The cashier's monotone voice broke the silence, "Next in line." Shi Woo, who had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, finally got his chance to pay for the items he wanted.

"Fucking finally," he muttered under his breath, relieved to be moving forward.

The cashier's bored tone echoed through the minimarket as she announced, "That will be 1250 yen." Shi Woo's thoughts were consumed by the rising costs of everything,

"Fuck, everything is so goddamn expensive these days."

He reached for his wallet, pulled it out of his pocket, and handed over 2000 yen, waiting for his change.

As he waited, his eyes wandered around the store without realizing it, and he caught sight of Yuna, engrossed in conversation with a unknown man sporting blonde hair, a spiked hairstyle, and piercing sky blue eyes. The man was also busy talking while pushing a stroller containing Megumi, Yuna's & Toji's son.

"Here is your change-..!"

However, Shi Woo's sudden and abrupt refusal of his change left her stunned. He handed her the items he had purchased and said,

"You can keep the change, but make sure to watch over my stuff. I'll be right back!" The cashier was left speechless, her eyes fixed on Shi Woo as he swiftly exited the minimarket to pursue Yuna, Megumi, and the mysterious blonde man.





Two Hours Ago

"I'm really sorry about this, Ma'am, but when you made the reservation, you specifically asked for a romantic themed lunch for one toddler, one woman, and one man. If you bring other people who aren't suitable for that order, we can't let you in," the hostess explained to Yuna.

"What?! Why can't we go in? I mean, I already booked seats for three people, and I didn't even bring more than three people, so why can't I sit?" Yuna asked, confused.

"Our restaurant has a policy that romantic-themed reservations must align with your order. You've ordered one toddler chair, one chair for a woman, and one for a man—not one toddler seat and two women's chairs,"

"That's the most ridiculous policy I've ever heard! My husband couldn't make it today, so I brought my best friend in his place. Are you saying we can't be seated just because we're both women? I've already paid a deposit!" Yuna retorted, frustrated with the restaurant's rules.

"I'm truly sorry, ma'am. I can't override our policy. If you can't be seated today, we can either reschedule or refund your deposit," the hostess offered. But Yuna wasn't interested in rescheduling.

She had already waited a month to secure a reservation at this restaurant and didn't want to wait another. Next month, Yuna might be in a hospital, in a coma due to her illness. This could be the only anniversary celebration she can have before her condition worsens and she becomes too weak to move.

Yuna took a deep breath and let it out, feeling like her anniversary today might not be as special as she had hoped. She was about to ask the hostess for her deposit back when Kushina suddenly placed her fingers over Yuna's mouth.

"Wait, hold on a second," Kushina said. "I think I just saw someone we know walking by. Stay here; I'll be right back, dattebane!"

"Wait, Kushina! Where are you going?" Yuna called out, watching as Kushina dashed from the restaurant's entrance and vanished into the mall's bustling crowd. Yuna was left standing there, puzzled by Kushina's sudden departure.

Just two minutes later, the restaurant's guest guard seemed a bit frustrated with Yuna, who hadn't made a clear decision, causing a long line to form behind her.

"Ma'am, I need you to make a choice. Do you want to reschedule, or would you like a refund?" the hostess asked, her tone firmer than before.

"Can we wait a little longer?" Yuna asked in a worried voice.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am. But there's a long line of customers waiting for a table, and we can't delay any further. So, what will it be?" the hostess pressed, unable to engage in any more chit-chat.

"Alright, could I have my money back—..." Yuna's request was cut short by the excited screams of women nearby, captivated by something.

"Kyaa, look at him! He's so handsome!"

"He looks like a model, doesn't he?!"

"Is he single? I mean, if he's not interested, I'd still want to get to know him better."

"He does have a bit of a feminine look to him, doesn't he?"

"I don't care if he's not my type; I still find him attractive."

"Dude, you already have a girlfriend. You shouldn't be talking about this."

"Who cares? We could always consider a threesome."

As Yuna turned around to see what was causing the commotion behind her, she noticed a man around 25 years old with the striking features of an international model. He had a tall, athletic build, fair skin, and blonde hair styled in a spiky, shoulder-length style with bangs reaching down to his shoulders. He was walking towards her with a confident stride.

"Hey, sorry I was a bit late," said the man to Yuna, smiling. Yuna was absolutely sure she'd never met this guy in her life, but something about him reminded her of someone—especially the smile.

Someone with red long hair.

"Kushina, is that yo-...?" Yuna hadn't finished her words. The man beside her quickly nudged her body gently, causing it to sway slightly toward the floor, but he deftly caught her.

"Whoa! Easy there! You look a bit sick. Can you guys hurry up and set up our seats? My wife seems a little bit too hungry from waiting so long," said the man, smiling at the Hostess. The hostess seems awestruck by the warm gaze given by the handsome blonde-haired man in front of her, and her cheeks turned red.

"A-alright, sir. Sorry for the wait! But can you please tell me your full name so we can enter it in our guest book today?"

"It's Namikaze Minato," replied the man.