
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

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24 Chs

The Hospital

Another Canon Divergence is happening, and Kushina is still clueless about it.




After eating at the restaurant, Kushina (who was still in Minato form) and Yuna walked to explore the shops in the mall. The two of them walked hand in hand, followed by the tiny little Megumi, who was in a baby stroller being pushed by Kushina. Since today was Yuna's wedding anniversary, Kushina also pulled Yuna into a fashion boutique to buy a dress for her anniversary gift.

Yuna of course, tried to refuse, especially when she saw the luxurious boutique shop they were entering, which likely sold very expensive goods. But Kushina remained adamant and gently pushed her friend into the dressing room to try on several dresses the boutique maid had picked up.

Meanwhile, Kushina and Megumi waited outside the dressing room. He(she) would be the judge to decide whether the dress Yuna was wearing was good or not right.

After the fashion show session lasted about 45 minutes, Yuna finally came out of the dressing room wearing a long sundress in shades between sky blue and sea blue with golden tulip motifs and white roses on the edge of the dress.

"So? How about this one, good or not?" Yuna asked as she slowly turned her body to show Kushina the sundress from all angles.


"Kush-Minato? You okay?"

"... Gel,"

"Sorry, I didn't hear what you were talking about,"

"... Angel,"

"What Angel? Does this dress have an angel motif on it?" Yuna asked while looking at the dress she was wearing.

"I said you look like an Angel," Kushina said, and that was a sign that Yuna's cheeks turned red hearing Kushina's praise and her heart started beating fast. So nervous and embarrassed, Yuna stumbled out of the changing room carrying the sundress to the cashier, trying not to make eye contact with Kushina. Meanwhile, Kushina could only grin mischievously at Yuna's still shy attitude.

"Your total purchases come out to 135,000 yen (845.12 USD). Do you want to pay with credit, debit, or cash?"

"Credit-.." Yuna started to say, but Kushina cut her off by handing his(her) debit card to the cashier.

"Just debit," Kushina said.

"Ku-Minato, you don't have to pay. I'm taking you out today, so I'll just pay," Yuna said.

"I already said I wanted to buy a dress for you. That means I'll pay," Kushina replied.

"But...," Yuna started to protest.

"Nope, I don't want to hear rejection from you. Besides, consider this my gift for your special day," Kushina said with a smile, making Yuna blush.

"Oh, I almost forgot to give you the details. Since it's approaching the boutique company's birthday, we're giving a 60% discount for every purchase our customers make for three days before the birthday and an additional 20% discount for paired consumers. So your total spending will be 27,000 yen (169.02 USD)," the cashier said.

"Wow, really, dattebane?!" Kushina exclaimed, stunned by the big discount.

Yuna couldn't believe her luck. It was like she had hit the jackpot! How could it not be, stores with international high brands offering discounts of up to 80%!

This was the first time she had heard of it!

Meanwhile, Kushina happily paid for Yuna's dress using the debit card Jin gave her. In Kushina's heart, she felt very grateful that this shop was holding a discount and they were lucky enough to buy a barely-fitting dress when a boutique shop was holding a big discount like this, because in fact Wasuke had give a limit how much money she can spend for shopping of around 50,000 yen using a debit card.

However, Jin whispered to Kushina that she could shop using Jin's credit card as much as she wanted. However, Kushina still tried to shop under 50,000 yen. She didn't want to cause further trouble to the Itadori. Kushina already owed them a lot of gratitude. She didn't want become more a big burden.

After shopping at the boutique shop, the three of them went back to exploring the mall before deciding to leave in the afternoon to head home. During their journey to Yuna's apartment, they accidentally passed one of Sendai's city parks, which seemed busy with people attending a festival. The sweet aroma of grilled food wafted through the air, making Yuna's stomach growl with hunger. Kushina pulled Yuna's hand to enter and explore the festival.

"Wait a minute, Kus-Minato, don't you go back to your village using the city bus? It's already afternoon and almost evening. The City Bus Terminal will be closing soon. We should go home!" Yuna said, her voice carried away by the gentle breeze.

"Don't think about it I can just go home later using other transportation or walking. It will be fine But first, let's see the festival together!" Kushina replied, his(her) blue eyes sparkling with excitement. Yuna couldn't do anything but obey, so the three of them walked into the festival in Sendai city park. The vibrant colors of the festival stalls and the lively music filled the air, making Yuna feel like she was in a dream. It was like a festival Yuna often visits with her husband during the holiday season. There were food stalls serving steaming hot ramen and crispy tempura, and various festival games that attracted a crowd of people. Kushina played one of the games and won a tiny wolf doll, which she then gave to Megumi. Yuna could only chuckle softly when she saw her son, who looked so happy with the doll and hugged it tightly with his two tiny hands.

The three of them went back through the festival and saw a group of people dancing in pairs in the middle. The rhythmic beat of the music and the laughter of the crowd created an infectious energy that made Yuna want to join in. Yuna had always wanted to try dancing with her husband Toji in the middle of a festival once in her life because she thought it was a very romantic dance to do with a partner. However, she knew her husband had a rather closed personality, so she knew he wouldn't like taking part in activities like dancing, especially in a crowd. So she abandoned her intention to tried asking him to dance together at the festival.

However, she was surprised when Kushina pulled her hand towards the dance floor and, like it or not, Yuna followed Kushina's dancing movements and ended up dancing together. The soft, cool breeze blew through her hair as she twirled around the dance floor, her heart beating in time with the music. She didn't know how long they spent dancing because, according to Yuna, time seemed short when she danced with Kushina. A smile appeared on her face and joy enveloped her heart.

This was truly the best day for her.

However, in the middle of their dancing, Yuna felt very dizzy and almost fainted if it wasn't for Kushina, who deftly caught her body just before she fell to the ground. Kushina's strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close as they swayed to the music, the scent of his(her) perfume filling Yuna's senses.

"Hey, Yuna-chan, are you okay?"

"I feel a little dizzy and nauseous. Can we go sit for a minute?" Yuna replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Kushina supported Yuna's body and they chose to sit in the shade of a cherry tree. Kushina deftly opened a bottle of mineral water for Yuna to drink, but Yuna's eyes kept darting towards the food stalls nearby, her stomach growling with hunger.

"You still nauseous?" Kushina asked while gently wiping Yuna's forehead with a tissue. She saw how pale her friend's face was, which made Kushina a little worried about her condition. Yuna only answered Kushina's worried question by smiling gently and shaking her head slowly.

Then by reflex, Yuna vomited. The liquid that she vomited onto the ground contained a mixture of lunch and snacks and even fresh blood. Seeing Yuna who continued to vomit profusely without stopping, Kushina took the initiative to help her friend by using a little Iryo-Nin which she poured into the palm of her hand to help Yuna not feel too nauseous.

Kushina also placed one palm on Yuna's stomach and the other on Yuna's back. Then she activated Iryo-Nin and slowly massaged Yuna. At first, Yuna seemed to be getting better so she stopped vomiting. However, Kushina had just done Iryo-Nin for a few minutes. Suddenly, Yuna's body convulsed violently, which then caused Yuna to fall unconscious right into Kushina's arms.

Kushina panicked and her heart started racing. She felt her palms growing sweaty and her breath quickening. She could hear her own ragged breathing and the sound of her own heart pounding in her chest. She could feel her body trembling with fear and her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

Kushina's eyes darted around the area, searching for any sign of help. She saw the food stalls nearby, the vibrant colors of the festival stalls, and the lively music filling the air. But all she could think about was getting Yuna to safety.

Then she decided to immediately lift Yuna's body and Megumi's baby stroller to the nearest hospital or similar to their initial position. Several people in the city park were very surprised when a handsome man with yellow hair who was carrying a woman and a baby in stroller at the same time suddenly appeared in front of them and asked where the nearest hospital was before finally disappearing from before them again in an instant.

Like the wind blows.

Some people thought what they had just seen was due to drinking too much sake at the festival, while others felt scared thinking that they had just talked to a ghost.

Kushina burst into the emergency room, causing several nurses to become upset with her actions. However, upon seeing Yuna's limp body, the nurses quickly provided help and treatment to her as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Kushina was asked several questions by a nurse.

"What is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm her close friend," Kushina replied honestly, her voice shaking slightly with worry. The nurse's eyebrows raised at Kushina's answer.

"You are not her husband?" the nurse asked in a disbelieving tone, her expression skeptical.

"No, I'm just a friend," Kushina said, her voice steady but her eyes welling up with tears. She could tell from the nurse's face that she didn't believe her, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

"Do you know what disease the patient is suffering from?"

"I don't know about that. Yuna never talked about her illness. He always changed the subject when I wanted to ask about it. Is she going to be okay?!" Kushina asked, her voice filled with desperation and fear. The nurse nodded sympathetically and made a note on the chart.

"The patient is now being treated with incentives. I can't confirm how the patient will feel in the next few hours. But I want to ask, in the past few hours, what did the patient eat and drink and do?"

"I don't know what Yuna ate for breakfast. But for lunch we ate sea fish like crab and ramen. Then in the afternoon we ate Margarita pizza and a few minutes later we had time to eat takoyaki at the food stalls at the festival in the park. Then we danced for a while, then Yuna said she felt dizzy, and then she vomited until ... So much blood came out,"

"Does the patient have a history of allergies to food or medicine? Maybe the patient is allergic to sea food?"

"I don't think so...? Because at lunch we also ate grilled crab at the restaurant and Yuna was fine, she didn't vomit at all, so I don't think it was the seafood from takoyaki that made her vomit until she vomited blood like that," The nurse nodded, her expression understanding.

"Can I ask your full name?" the nurse asked, her voice softening slightly.

"Namikaze Minato,"

"Okay, Namikaze-san. Doctors at this time are diagnosing and treating patients as best we can. It is possible that the time required could be quite long. Do you want to wait here or go home first?"

"I'll just wait here," Kushina said, her voice filled with determination and hope for Yuna's recovery.

The nurse nodded and smiled. "I'll make sure to keep you updated on Yuna's condition. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have."

"Okay, thank you, dattebane,"

Kushina, still in her Minato form, sat in a waiting chair in the hospital emergency room, cradling Megumi in her arms. Megumi was sleeping soundly, but Kushina's mind was consumed by worry about Yuna's condition.

Her anxiety was palpable, and without her realizing it, her chakra spread throughout the hospital, affecting the cursed spirits present. The level 4, 3, and 2 grade cursed spirits, feeling restless, began to leave the hospital, seeking to avoid Kushina's chakra. The hospital environment, for the first time, which was often known by Jujutsu Sorcerers from various eras, as the most cursed famous place them to attend, because the hospital was also famous as a place that produced cursed spirits and cursed energy of all time, was now transformed into a more peaceful and calm.

The air was cleaner, the noise levels were reduced, and the overall atmosphere was more serene. This is making, everyone else in the hospital, except for Kushina, felt a sudden sense of relief, as if a burden had been lifted from their bodies and minds. They could finally sleep peacefully, free from the nightmares that haunted them.

Kushina's heart was heavy with uncertainty about Yuna's fate. Was it because she used Iryo-Nin on Yuna's body? Did her chakra not match the negative energy and cursed energy in Yuna's body? Kushina had previously used Iryo-Nin on Jin and Naoya's bodies without any issues. Their bodies had even become more receptive to her chakra, despite the presence of negative and cursed energy. So why did Kushina feel the negative energy and cursed energy in Yuna's body rejecting her chakra completely? Why did it happen? Kushina wished she had paid more attention to Tsunade Baa-chan's explanation of Iryo-Nin in the past, as she might have been able to heal Yuna instantly.

Before Kushina could dwell on her thoughts further, a nale doctor emerged from the emergency room where Yuna was being treated and approached Kushina, who was lost in thought.

"Namikaze Minato? I'm Doctor Haruka Ren. You can call me Ren. I'm the doctor who treats the patient on behalf of Yuna."

"Yes, it's me. So, how is my friend's condition, doctor? Will she be okay?"

"I have good news and bad news. The good news is that your friend is now in stable condition, even though she hasn't woken up from fainting yet. The bad news is that after we diagnosed it, Patient Yuna had a history of blood cancer, which we usually call Acute myeloid leukemia or AML leukemia," Doctor Ren said, his voice tinged with sadness.

"What disease is that? What symptoms?" Kushina asked, her voice trembling with worry.

"Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a blood cancer that attacks white blood cells. White blood cells normally help the body fight infection, but in AML, immature white blood cells (myeloblasts) multiply quickly and don't function properly. You can just imagine the bone marrow as a blood cell factory. When a person has AML, this factory breaks down and produces too many defective myeloblasts. These myeloblasts then spread into the bloodstream and interfere with other normal blood cells. Symptoms of AML can vary, but common ones include fever, fatigue, easy bruising, and excessive bleeding, and others," Doctor Ren explained, his words heavy with the weight of the diagnosis.

"....Can my friend recover from AML?" Kushina asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"....I apologize beforehand for conveying this..... However, it is impossible for people with AML to recover completely. There is no medicine that can cure cancer, let alone cancer that is in the final stages like this. Most likely your friend will live, according to my estimates, only up to a maximum of six months, perhaps much shorter considering that the cancer your friend is suffering from is very aggressive in attacking her body, and that is even if she is hospitalized intensively," Doctor Ren said, his voice filled with regret.

Kushina's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to the doctor's words. She felt a lump form in her throat as she thought about her friend's condition. Tears dripped from her cheeks and fell onto Megumi, who was sleeping in her arms, causing Megumi to wake up again and then Megumi also cried because he suddenly woke up.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Megumi-chan... I don't mean to wake you up," whispered Kushina, trying to calm Megumi back to sleep. Luckily, her efforts were successful and little Megumi fell asleep again.

"...I am truly sorry for your girlfriend," said Doctor Ren in a sad tone.

"...I-is there... anything I can do to help her?" asked Kushina in a whispered tone so as not to wake Megumi again.

"Today I actually informed the patient earlier this morning via message that today she has to undergo dialysis and chemotherapy as I have scheduled. However, when I waited today the patient did not come, and it was possible that the cause was that the AML blood cancer she was suffering from became more malignant, causing bleeding in several parts of her stomach and small intestine. Even though Patient Yuna is now in a stable condition, she now lacks blood in her body and needs blood donation assistance. The very bad news is that Patient Yuna has a very rare blood type, namely AB-, the hospital is currently running out of stock for blood types that are suitable for blood type AB-. So, does Patient Yuna have close family or relatives who have the same blood type?"

"I do not think so. Yuna once told me a little that she was an orphan and had no blood family. But wait a minute, which blood type can donate blood type AB-?"

"AB- can accept blood donors AB-, A-, B-, and O-,"

"I have blood type O-, that means I can donate my blood, right?!" Kushina asked in an excited tone, her eyes shining with hope.

"That's actually good news. You have a universal blood type. So yes, you can donate your blood to help your girlfriend, but first I have to check your vitality first before you can donate blood," Doctor Ren said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"Sure! But Wait, I just remembered. Can I borrow a telephone to call my house first? I don't want my family to worry if I don't come home tonight," asked Kushina.

"Sure, you can use my phone," said Doctor Ren, handing over his folding cellphone to Kushina. Luckily, Wasuke and Jin had previously taught Kushina a few days ago how to use a cellphone, so she wasn't too confused about which button she should press. After telling Wasuke that she might not be able to go home today because she was in the hospital, Kushina returned the cellphone to the Doctor.

"Okay, let's do it, dattebane," Kushina said, her voice filled with determination.





Meanwhile, Kushina was donating blood just a few rooms away from her own room. In another part of the hospital, a young woman in her mid-twenties was busy giving birth to her first child.

Her husband had passed away due to kidney failure just a few weeks ago, leaving her to face this moment alone. Two days right after her husband funeral, the woman packed her stuff then decided to move away from Tokyo to find another city to live. She chooses Sendai. When contractions started, she packed her clothes and headed to the hospital city to deliver the baby on her own.

It had been almost 24 hours, and the young woman was experiencing severe contractions. Fortunately, she had reached her 10th vaginal opening, so the nurse and doctor treating her told her to try to push the baby out.

"Come on, push again, Miss!" the nurse urged.

" ARGG! I AM TRYING!" the woman shouted in a gasping voice, trying to push the baby out.

"A LITTLE MORE, MISS ONE TIME! PUSH! COME ON!" the nurse encouraged.

The woman used all her strength and pushed as hard as she could to get the baby out of her womb. Suddenly, the sound of a baby crying filled the hospital delivery room, and the woman felt a wave of relief wash over her. The nurses and doctors quickly cut the amniotic cord and cleaned the baby before handing it to the mother who had worked so hard to bring it into the world.

"Congratulations, Miss. Your son has been born," one of the nurses said, congratulating the young woman who had just become a mother. The woman couldn't respond with words because she felt drained from screaming and pushing her son out, but her face showed happiness as she held her son in her arms.

"What would you like to name your son, Miss?" the nurse asked.

"...Muta, Kokichi Muta," the woman whispered, gently kissing her son's forehead. However, the calm atmosphere suddenly turned to horror and darkness. The baby in her arms began to bleed from his nostrils and mouth, causing the doctor and nurse to panic and take the baby away from her grasp.

"What happened to my baby? Why did you take him from me?" the young woman asked, refusing to accept her baby being taken away. Her voice was laced with desperation and panic as she clutched at the air, her eyes pleading for her baby back.

"Miss Kokichi, please calm down first. Your baby is experiencing complications, and other doctors and nurses are trying to help him. You don't need to worry," the nurse said, trying to calm her.

"Where is my baby? Where is he?! GIVE HIM BACK!" The young woman didn't listen to the nurse's explanation and tried to find her baby, so the nurse and doctors in the room had to give her an anesthetic injection to stop her rebelling. Her body shook with sobs as she felt her baby slipping away from her grasp. The once-happy mother now felt like she was drowning in a sea of despair and confusion.

It turned out that the newborn baby had been taken to the intensive care unit for examination. In an instant, the doctor discovered internal bleeding caused by one of the large intestines being cut off. The doctor deftly performed Intestinal Atresia surgery to connect the baby's severed large intestine. When the doctors and nurses were preparing to carry out surgery, one of the nurses ran into the blood donation room.

"Excuse me, Doctor Haruka-san?" asked the nurse.

"Oh yeah, what's wrong, Nurse Chen?" asked Doctor Ren, his eyes narrowing slightly with concern.

"Do we still have blood donations left for type B- blood donor recipients?" asked the nurse, her voice steady but with a hint of urgency.

"What happened, Nurse Chen?" asked Doctor Ren, his posture straightening slightly as he leaned forward.

"There has been a code red in the delivery room. Newborn babies experience internal bleeding due to their large intestine being cut off. Now the surgical team is still preparing surgical equipment, and it is very likely that the baby will need a blood transfusion during the surgery, so do we still have blood types that we can give to the baby?" asked the nurse, her hands fidgeting slightly as she spoke.

"...I got really bad news, I just finished a blood transfusion to one of my patients. And her blood type is Ab-, and just barely, there is a blood donor who's known a patient Ab-, who has universal blood, namely O-. So yeah, I'm afraid we run out of those blood types. So what's left is A+ and B+," said Doctor Ren, his voice dropping to a whisper as he glanced around the room nervously.

"What?! Are you sure?! We need it as soon as possible, there is a baby dying in need of blood!" exclaimed Nurse Chen, her face reddening with frustration.

"I'm sure, you can check the fridge if you don't believe me," said Doctor Ren, his eyes darting to the nurse before quickly looking away.

Doctor Ren was confused when Nurse Chen suddenly walked out of the room in a hurry. Seeing the nurse's strange behavior, Doctor Ren followed her, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of what was happening.

"Hey, what are you trying to do?" Doctor Ren asked.

"I'll use the hospital intercom mic to announce that we need blood donors of type B," Nurse Chen said. But before she could finish, Doctor Ren grabbed her, stopping her from walking.

"What?! Are you crazy?! It's already midnight. People are sleeping. Do you want to get fired by the hospital manager?!!" Doctor Ren exclaimed.

"So what should I do? A baby needs a blood transfusion within 30 minutes. How else can we tell everyone we need blood type B apart from using the intercom mic? Do you want me to knock on each door and ask each person individually?" Nurse Chen rebelled in Doctor Ren's arms.

"Hey, excuse me, Doctor," Kushina interrupted.

Doctor Ren and Nurse Chen stopped arguing and returned to their professional demeanor.

"Oh, Minato-san, you haven't fallen asleep yet? It's past midnight. Aren't you sleepy?" Doctor Ren asked.

"No, I'm used to staying up late. But now I really need to pee. Can you tell me where the toilet is?"

"The toilet is at the end of the hall on the right, with a yellow door," Doctor Ren replied.

"Okay, thanks..."

"Wait a minute!" Nurse Chen's order made Kushina pause.

"Yes, do you need anything?"

"What's your blood type, Minato-san?" Nurse Chen asked.

"O-, why are you asking?"

"Perfect There's a baby in need of a blood donor. Can you please donate your blood?"

"No! You're crazy, Nurse Chen! I just took his blood for donation a few hours ago!" Doctor Ren interrupted.

"Oh, donating blood again, huh? That's fine," Kushina replied casually. This time Doctor Ren's shocked face turned towards Kushina.

"No! No! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I just took 450ml of your blood. You need at least 56 more days to donate blood again. If more than 450ml is taken, you could suffer from anemia!"

"It will be fine. When I was a kid, I was seriously injured and lost more than a bag of blood, and I was fine. So yeah, I'm okay donating my blood again,"

"Look you seem don't get it. I am just literally took 450ml of your blood. That's 10% blood of your body! You need at least 56 more days to donate blood again. If more than 450ml is taken, you could suffer from anemia or a serious illness or Worse YOU DIED!"

"It will be fine. Look when I was a kid I was seriously injured and lost more than a bag of blood and I was fine So yeah, I'm okay donating my blood again. Beside, I promise you I will willingly give the consent to you taking my blood, so don't worry about getting in trouble," Kushina said, finally convincing Doctor Ren.

" ALRIGHT! FINE! I am definitely crossing doctor ethic code around the fucking world, but I will help you. BUT FIRST! I want you to sign a letter to make it official that you willingly give me your consent. I don't want to get sued or fired!" Doctor Ren said, rubbing his temples, which felt dizzy from Kushina's behavior.

"Atta boy. Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret,"







Far from Sendai City, in the heart of Tokyo and Kyoto City, something clandestine unfolded. Unbeknownst to ordinary citizens of Japan, scattered individuals—subordinates of the Elders in the Jujutsu world—scoured every street and building. Their purpose? A race to find something, or rather, someone.

Yoshinobu Gakuganji, one of members of The Higher Up in Jujutsu Sect, stood in a dimly lit room. His gaze, sharp as a blade, bore into the subordinate before him. The flicker of candlelight danced across his furrowed brow, emphasizing the weight of stress etched into his features.

"Did you locate the infant?" he inquired, voice low and measured.

"Negative, Yoshinobu-Sama," the subordinate replied honestly, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "The woman's apartment stands empty, and no one has sighted her recent whereabouts."

"You may leave," Gakuganji dismissed the subordinate, who bowed respectfully before exiting the room. Meanwhile, Gakuganji pondered his next steps, fingers tracing the hilt of an unseen blade—a decision poised on the edge of destiny for his region.

Five hours ago, at exactly 7 PM Japan time, the higher-ups of the Jujutsu Sect found themselves huddled in an emergency meeting. The air was thick with unease as they discussed a series of mysterious letters that had appeared out of nowhere.

Each member of the higher-ups had discovered an envelope from an unknown sender in their private quarters, a fact that sent chills down their spines. No one knew where the letters came from or who sent them, which meant someone had managed to sneak into their most secure areas without triggering a single alarm or being spotted by anyone. The room buzzed with nervous energy as they debated what to do.

Some of the more hot-headed higher-ups wanted to burn the letters immediately, their faces red with anger at the thought of an intruder breaching their defenses. They argued fiercely for hunting down the perpetrator who dared to infiltrate their sacred territory.

Others, however, couldn't hide their curiosity about the contents of the letters. They wondered aloud why someone would go to such extreme lengths just to deliver a message, their voices tinged with both fear and intrigue.

As the debate raged on, the tension in the room grew palpable. Voices raised, fists pounded on tables, and accusations flew as each member tried to convince the others of their point of view. The usually composed higher-ups found themselves at odds, their unity threatened by this unexpected situation.

For a full hour, the argument continued, with neither side willing to back down. The room felt like a pressure cooker ready to explode at any moment.

Finally, after heated exchanges and tense silences, they reached a fragile agreement to open the letters and read their contents.

But even this decision didn't come without precautions. Taking no chances, they meticulously installed powerful talismans around the room, their hands shaking slightly as they placed each one. The air crackled with spiritual energy as the protective barriers went up.

With bated breath, they instructed their most trusted subordinates to open the letters. As the seals on the envelopes were broken, everyone in the room held their breath, unsure of what secrets or dangers the mysterious messages might reveal. The rustle of paper seemed deafening in the silence as the subordinates unfolded the letters, ready to read aloud the words that had caused such upheaval in the Jujutsu world.

Each letter contained different contents, but they all shared a chilling message. The letters announced that a baby boy would be born tonight by a non-jujutsu woman womb, and this child would be born with the Heavenly Restriction. This meant that the baby's body would gradually become as fragile as thinnest glass in the world, but it would also possess an abundance of cursed energy. This massive cursed energy would envelop all of Japan, casting a dark shadow over the land.

The higher-ups were divided on what to believe. Some, like those from the Zenin Clan, dismissed the letter as a prank by an unknown sender. They suggested that they should just simply arrest the perpetrator and put an end to the hoax. Others, like those from the Kamo Clan, countered that if the letter was fake, why would someone go to such lengths to deliver it? They argued that the unknown sender must have been determined to make the letters and sneak into their territory just to deliver the message.

Meanwhile, the higher-ups from the Gojo Clan remained silent, their faces expressionless. They didn't say a word, but their silence spoke volumes.

After the meeting, they agreed to hunt down the person who sent the letter. However, secretly, each of them dispatched their subordinates to scour every corner of Tokyo and Kyoto, searching for any sign of the baby mentioned in the letter.

If the baby truly existed, the higher-ups of the Jujutsu Sect could use their power to transform the baby into an adult and command it as they pleased. They hoped to create their own version of Gojo Satoru, a powerful subordinate who would do their bidding.

As the night wore on, the higher-ups of the Jujutsu Sect continued their search, their eyes fixed on the shadows. They knew that the fate of Japan Jujutsu hung in the balance, and they were determined to find the baby before anyone else can lay their hand on the baby.
















Author Note :

"I want to apologize in advance to my readers who have been following my story. I was supposed to update this chapter a week ago, but things took a devastating turn. On June 21, 2024, my colleague, who I knew well, was brutally murdered.

She was only 27 and left behind a one-year-old baby without a mother. The police are still searching for the suspect, but they believe her husband might have been involved since he was the first to find her body covered in blood in their home. However, I'm certain her husband wasn't the killer. I've spoken to him, and he's a kind, caring, and friendly person. There's something that's been bothering me. My murdered coworker's house is made of wood, has holes in the walls, making it far from soundproof and quite small.

Besides the husband and wife, there are other family members living in the house, including the husband's older brother, grandmother, grandfather, and in-laws. It's puzzling that nobody heard her screaming for help. It seems too professional for a first-time killer, and someone in the family thinks it might have been a hitman who snuck into the house.

Additionally, just a few days before she died, my coworker told me that before joining our company, she was sexually harassed by a male colleague at her previous job. She immediately reported it to HR, and they fired the guy. However, she said she saw her ex-coworker stalking her on her way home. She and her husband planned to report it to the police, but unfortunately, she was murdered before they could. I just hope they find the murder culprit because she's deserves the justice for what really happened to her."