
Don't Come Home Just, Yet | Naruto x JJK

Kushina died at the end of the Third Ninja War. She should be in Pure Lands. Instead, she gets stranded in an unknown guy's house with his newborn two sons & his old father. And things just getting weird.................... in the good ways. Or Uzumaki Kushina is somehow derailed the fate of Jujutsu World by just being there. Kenjaku gonna want some refund for dealing with this shīt.

SeruAz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Sleeping Beauty is Finally Awake

Summary: Naoya is finally awake and oh boy... The Itadori is definitely ready for him.

Naoya was feeling really dizzy and sick both in his head and his belly. When he finally managed to open his eyes, all he could see was this dim LED light. It took a bit for his eyes to adjust, but then he realized he was on a bed that wasn't his.

The room looked like someone else's bedroom, with stuff lying around everywhere. He checked for any hidden barriers talismans but didn't find any, so he figured that maybe the person living there wasn't a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Then it hit him – he almost got taken out by a special grade curse, but some woman with long red hair saved him and took down the curse like it was nothing. Naoya knew he had to stay sharp and get out of there.

As Fast. As. Possible.

Naoya attempted to get out of bed, but as soon as he tried to sit up, a sharp pain in his stomach forced him back down. He was sweating coldly and could feel fresh blood from his stomach wound. Absorbed in his pain, he didn't notice three people had entered his room.

"Kid, are you okay?!" one of them exclaimed. "Kushina-san, can you heal him again, please?"

"Sure thing, Dattebane!" Kushina responded.

As Kushina worked, Naoya's dizziness subsided, and the pain in his stomach eased. He felt warm and peaceful like being wrapped in a cozy blanket on a cold winter day.

He noticed the woman with long red hair—Kushina, the same person who had saved him from a dangerous curse—her palms glowing green over his wound.

"I've healed the wound again, but he needs new bandages, Dattebane," Kushina said.

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Thanks, Kushina-San. Dad, can you give me a hand?" the pink-haired man asked.

Together with an older man, they gently lifted Naoya to change his bandages. They carefully manoeuvred Naoya, their actions gentle yet efficient as they replaced the bloodied bandages with clean ones.

Once they were done, a wave of exhaustion washed over Naoya, beckoning him towards the sweet oblivion of sleep. However, Wasuke, the elder of the group, had other plans.

"No rest for you just yet, Kid. You've been out for a whole day; you need to get some food in you first," he insisted with a firm but kind voice.

"Kushina, put the kids to bed, then bring food to my room. We'll eat here," Wasuke directed, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Jin, once you're done tidying up, come help with the dishes."

"Got it, Wasuke-san/Okay, Dad." Kushina and Jin replied.

Wasuke turned his attention back to Naoya, who was sprawled out on the bed, his gaze flitting about the room—a clear sign he was still awake with them.

With a tender touch, Wasuke placed a warm, moist cloth on Naoya's forehead, a small act to comfort him. Then, reaching into the cupboard, he pulled out a thick blanket, draping it over Naoya to protect him from the creeping chill of the night.

"Dinner's served, Dad," Jin called out, his voice echoing slightly in the room where he and Kushina had arranged their simple meal on the floor.

"Could you just mix a little white rice with the chicken soup in one bowl for me?" Wasuke asked, his voice gentle but firm. Kushina nodded, her movements efficient as she combined the rice and soup into a bowl and handed it to Wasuke.

As Kushina and Jin settled down to their meal on the floor, Wasuke remained perched on the edge of the bed, a guardian by Naoya's side. He took his time, blowing on each spoonful of the rice and soup mixture to cool it before offering it to Naoya.

Naoya, weak as he was, attempted to turn his head away, rejecting the meal. But Wasuke was patient, even taking a bite himself to show that the food was safe—free from harm. This small gesture of trust was enough, and eventually, Naoya relented, allowing a few spoonfuls to pass his lips.

After the meal, Kushina gathered the used dishes, Jin swept the floor clean of any crumbs, and Wasuke administered a dose of pain relief to Naoya.

With his belly now slightly full and the medicine starting to work its magic, Naoya could feel the tendrils of sleep tugging at him once more. This time, however, Wasuke offered no resistance, instead choosing to dim the lights, casting the room into a soft glow that beckoned for rest.

As Naoya's eyes grew heavy, the last image he held onto was that of Wasuke, stepping quietly out of the room, the door closing with a soft click as darkness and tranquillity enveloped him, guiding him into a peaceful slumber for the first time in his life.


As Wasuke gently shut the door behind him, a wave of sympathy washed over him for the young boy lying inside. The boy's injuries were severe, a harsh reminder of the fragility of life. Yet, Wasuke clung to a hopeful belief that the boy would recover by the next day, provided he avoided any reckless actions that could exacerbate his wounds.

In his fifty years, Wasuke had never experienced such a tumultuous week. His heart had nearly given out on three separate occasions.

The first was when Jin, his son, carried Kushina's unconscious and bloodied form into their home. The second was the discovery of grotesque creatures lurking in Jin's bedroom. The third, and most shocking, was when Kushina and Jin burst through the door in the dead of night, bringing with them the battered body of a boy to Wasuke.

Jin and Kushina explained that the boy had been ambushed by one of the monstrous entities that roamed the city streets, far larger and more menacing than any they had seen before. It was only through Kushina's timely intervention that the boy was spared from a fatal blow.

Wasuke's life had been thrown into chaos, each day a new drop in a relentless rollercoaster ride.

Descending the stairs to the first floor, Wasuke's gaze fell upon Kushina and Jin. They were seated at the dining table, surrounded by the comforting aroma of hot coffee and tea, patiently awaiting his presence. Taking his place at the table, Wasuke exhaled a deep breath, ready to address the pressing matters at hand.

With a solemn voice, he initiated the conversation that would unravel the events of the past week.

"Alright," Wasuke began, his eyes meeting those of his family,

"Let's talk about what's just happened."


"...You better have a really good fucking reason for ringing me up at this fucking hour," Toji grumbled into the phone, his voice heavy with sleep and annoyance.

"Ease up, Big Guy. Trust me, it's worth the wake-up call," Shi Woo responded with a hint of urgency.

" Tokyo's been buzzing with some major news lately. Just a few days back, the Zenin clan's next in line got kicked out after losing a tournament fight with that Six Eyes kid."

"...You're fucking kidding me?"

"Dead serious, Toji. The kid barely got out with his life. The last anyone saw, he was hightailing it to Akita City, then poof—vanished into thin air."

Toji's brow furrowed. "So what? You expect me to play detective now?" He could almost hear Shi Woo's eye roll over the line.

"Not just any detective. Find the kid, but keep your hands clean. Unless you're itching for that bounty the Zenin is waving around, all you need to do is track him down."

"I'm not that fucking desperate, you know," Toji snapped back, his voice laced with contempt. The thought of taking Zenin money? He'd sooner take a swing at his own hand with his Playful Cloud than accept their dirty cash.

Shi Woo chuckled. " We'll see about that. So, are you in or what?"

Toji sighed, the weight of the night pressing down on him.

"...Fine, I'm in."


Kushina, Jin, and Wasuke were quiet after discussing invisible entities that can harm people unnoticed. Wasuke felt his age catching up with him as he listened to his son's explanation of these beings.

"Why have these beings appeared?" Wasuke queried.

"From what I understand, it's our human tendency to emit negative energy when we're feeling low like when we are sad or even depressed. This energy can accumulate and eventually manifest as cursed energy, which in turn can create curses," Jin elaborated.

"That's why I felt something unsettling in the city!" Kushina realized, tapping her forehead and smiling reassuringly. Jin's expression turned to one of confusion.

"Could you clarify, Kushina-san?" he requested.

"I have this innate ability to sense the energies around me, particularly when I'm feeling nervous. Upon entering the city, my anxiety was heightened, and it seemed as though my chakra was reaching out, scanning my surroundings. I detected not only curses but also a dark aura within everyone. It's likely the negative energy you mentioned that I was picking up on," Kushina explained.

"Are we also carrying this energy?" Wasuke inquired with concern.

"Let me concentrate, Dattebane," Kushina said, closing her eyes to enhance her perception.

"Interestingly, you both carry far less negative energy than the average city dweller, and... do I sense chakra within you as well?"

"Chakra exists within us?" Jin asked, taken aback.

"It's uncertain. You're the first two individuals here whom I've sensed possessing chakra. In my realm, all beings, not just humans, are imbued with chakra, unless they are oblivious already death. As for this world, it's unclear," Kushina confessed, her hand idly scratching her head.

"Fascinating," Wasuke remarked thoughtfully, his fingers running through his beard.

".....Could this explain my ability to bench press 800kg (1763 pounds)?" Jin pondered aloud.

"You've lifted WHAT?! " Wasuke exclaimed in disbelief.

"After learning about the Jujutsu world, Natsuto-san encouraged me to attempt bench pressing. The weight was around 800kg (1763 pounds), and to my surprise, I managed it single-handedly," Jin recounted.

"Son? Are you sure you're not drunk? That sounds impossible," Wasuke said, sceptical.

"I'm sober! Watch this!" Jin declared, effortlessly lifting a large sofa with one hand.

"Alright, son," Wasuke acknowledged, astonished.

"I remember my peak was lifting 200 pounds back in high school. Now I wonder, is this newfound strength a result of the negative energy or chakra within me?" Jin mused.

"In my world, even young children, as genin, incorporate weights into their training. A typical genin can manage around 400kg (882 pounds), and those from clans can handle significantly more. The most impressive feat I've heard of was 890kg (1962 pounds), Dattebane," Kushina shared with a hint of pride.

"So, lifting 800kg is considered normal?" Jin asked, seeking confirmation. Kushina simply nodded, leaving Jin astounded by the revelation. Glancing at the clock, Wasuke announced,

"It's almost one in the morning. Let's continue this conversation tomorrow, fresh-eyed rather than with bags under our eyes." With that, they retired to their rooms for the night.


The sun peeked through the curtains as Yuna stirred awake, the other side of the bed cold and empty. Her gaze drifted to a hastily scribbled note on the cupboard:

"Rushed off for an urgent job. Back soon. - Toji"

A small sigh escaped her lips. It was typical of Toji to be whisked away by work, especially when their anniversary was just around the corner. She clung to the hope that he'd remember their plans—a simple yet special family outing. They'd roam the city streets, maybe stop at a bustling food stall, share laughs over a picnic in the park or unwind in the warmth of an Onsen.

Nothing extravagant, just a day filled with joy and relaxation.

Pushing aside her concerns, Yuna swung her legs off the bed, her feet touching the cool floor. It was time to get the day started. She headed to the kitchen, pausing at Toji's collection of cursed weapons. After a serious talk some time ago, he had shown her where he kept them—just in case. She selected a knife ( cause it was the only one that fit her small hands) and cautiously stepped out of the bedroom.

Toji had been thorough, enlisting fellow curse users to secure their apartment with talismans, creating a barrier against curses. But Yuna wasn't one to let her guard down. Knife in hand, she patrolled each room, her eyes scanning for any sign of curses.

The apartment remained still, undisturbed. With a relieved exhale, she returned the knife to its hiding place and moved on to her next task—checking on her son's peaceful slumber and starting to make breakfast.




Yuna was in the midst of breakfast preparations when an unexpected sound at the door caught her attention. With a hint of surprise, she swiftly turned off the stove and approached the door, discreetly arming herself with the concealed cursed knife her husband had insisted she keep close—just in case.

Peering through the peephole, Yuna's gaze fell upon the familiar figure of Kikyo's grandmother, a cherished neighbour known for her warmth and friendliness, despite her advanced years. She resided in the corner apartment, a constant presence of kindness in the building.

"Kikyo-san! It's been too long, please come in!" Yuna greeted, opening the door with a welcoming gesture.

"Oh, Yuna-chan, there's no need. I'm just here for a quick visit," Grandma Kikyo replied, a gentle smile on her face.

"My son is picking me up this morning, but before I head over, I made his favourite orange juice. Somehow, I ended up with far too much. He adores it, but there's no way he could drink all of this, so I thought I'd share with our neighbours."

Yuna couldn't help but laugh.

"You're too kind, Grandma. Thank you so much for thinking of us!"

"Don't mention it, dear! I've made enough to supply the entire building, and there's still plenty left for my son. I should get going; he's probably waiting for me in the parking lot. Say hello to Toji and Megumi for me, will you? " With a playful chuckle, Grandma Kikyo handed over two bottles of freshly squeezed juice and waved goodbye.

"Take care, Kikyo-san!" Yuna called out after her, her voice brimming with enthusiasm and her smile radiating warmth.

She held a deep fondness for Kikyo-san, who had been nothing but supportive since Yuna and Toji first moved in. Unlike others who might have whispered cruel rumours, like how Yuna is a sugar baby or Toji is gonna divorce her after finding out she's pregnant.

Grandma Kikyo had always been there for them, even offering to care for their newborn son, Megumi, so they could rest. She was the grandmother Yuna and Toji had always wished for.

As Yuna closed the door, a peculiar scent lingered in the air.

'Is that... rotten chicken? ' she wondered, shrugging off the thought as one of Kikyo-san's eccentric culinary experiments.

With a shake of her head, Yuna returned to the kitchen, the day's warmth lingering in her heart.


As the first light of dawn began to pierce the night, Grandma Kikyo made her way to the parking lot, a heavy suitcase rolling at her side. The world was hushed at 6 AM, the apartment complex wrapped in a blanket of stillness.

Upon her arrival, a black sedan with windows dark as midnight waited in the shadows. A young man, dressed in a coat as black as the car's tinted glass, stepped out. He moved with a respectful urgency, opening the door and bowing slightly to allow Grandma Kikyo to enter with ease.

Once inside, the young man carefully placed the suitcase in the trunk and took the driver's seat. The sedan then slipped away from the building, its departure as silent as the morning, heading towards the outskirts of Sendai.

Inside, the only sounds were the steady hum of the engine and the soft murmur of the air conditioning, a quiet backdrop to the tension between the two occupants.

"Take us immediately to HQ," Grandma Kikyo commanded, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

The young man nodded, "I understand, My Lord. But what about the bodies in the suitcase?" His voice was calm, betraying no emotion.

"Make it look like an accident, a casualty of the road," she replied coldly. "Attend to it after we reach HQ."

"As you wish, Kenjaku-Sama,"