
Don't Be Damned

A tomb of a great ruler unearthed and the rise of a legendary incarnation. Magic was unleashed and throughout the world, hunters emerged to fight the denizens of the underworld. War is imminent, will we win or become one of the Damned?

Azmirka · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


17 years later, when the treaty was signed, Alexandris got support from a lot of nations making its rebuilding relatively easy and quick. With the help of modern equipment combined with magic, Alexandris only took them a full year to completely rebuild it to its former glory.

Alexander kept some of the initial architecture of Atlantis and combined it with the modern world, making it a mix of ancient and modern.

As you enter Alexandris, the breathtaking buildings and houses of different sizes made of intricately carved stone or marble. The roads are wide and strong unlike in any other city making transportation in the country convenient. There are also water roads in which a small boat can fit and freely travel, it connects to every part of the country and connects to the ocean.

In the very heart of the country, is the palace of Alexander III. It is a masterpiece of modern and ancient architecture combined. It was heavily inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The palace was built with multiple levels rising one above the other supported by Greek columns creating a pyramid-like structure. In the plains of the palace was a magnificent and fragrant garden full of flowers from different parts of the world. In the middle of the palace was a majestic cascading waterfall, it is truly a sight to behold and also serves as the irrigation system of the garden.

But the most beautiful of them all was the view of Alexandris in the highest terrace of the palace. From the radiance of the rising sun, the dying light of the setting sun, and faint illumination of the moon in the darkness of night can all be seen in its full glory.

The university of magic called Verdant University of Magic and Arts. It wasn't your usual university, it was incredibly large and even bigger than Alexander's palace. There are five main buildings that each have its own color and uniqueness with a large banner with an insignia planted in front of it. There are also a number of smaller buildings that are used for dormitories, experiments, extracurriculars, and events.

The university also included a very large and celestial looking observatory, a small coliseum that resembles the work of the Romans, the modern Library of Alexandria which is sought after by students and scholars around the world, and finally the favorite place of the students which is the floating gardens, as the name suggests, it is a series of gardens hovering in the air filled by fragrant fauna and wooden benches for the students to relax on.

In the heart of the country, Alexander was taking a walk with a young man by his side. The streets were filled with different people of different cultures. Some were taking pictures of the two while some just simply stopped and gazed at them.

The young man on his side has short black hair and almond color skin. He was average looking but certainly knows how to carry himself with confidence. He has a very serious look on his face with his gaze as sharp as a razor.

"It's been a long time since we walked like this Kisig. The last time we did, you were still a little boy half my size always clinging to Antigonus" Alexander said sincerely.

"I don't remember such things happening" Kisig said in a cold tone.

"You would probably never admit it, you know, I miss that cheerful and reckless kid back then." Alexander said.

Kisig didn't speak a single word after that as they have finally reached their destination. A huge white marble building that resembles Greek Architecture. It had small stone walls, an iron gate, and a guardhouse beside it.

Seeing the two, the guard was flustered and quickly greeted them before opening the gates.

Inside the building, it was full of people on the sides and in the center was thirty people dressed in ancient Macedonian clothing. They were new recruits who were picked to join the guild.

Standing in front of them, Alexander gave them a few words of welcome and encouragement. He also said a very important message not only to the recruits but to everyone inside.

"Due to the recent improvements in the guild, I would like to announce our very first Captain who shall lead you in the gate expeditions, Captain Kisig of the Everlast Guild" Alexander proudly said.

Loud applauses and cheers filled the hall.

"My life is in your hands, Kisig"

"You better treat us to a feast after this Kisig"

"Kisig you bastard!!! You just got lucky."

As soon as the crowd settles down, Alexander signals Kisig to come in front to give a message to the fresh recruits and to the members of the guild.

"I will not permit any weakness and to those who'll be on my team, I'll work each and every one of you till you can't speak anymore."

As soon as Kisig finishes his message, he just simply leaves the building without any single care in the world. His words caused disarray among the new recruits with the majority not wanting to work with him and the few remaining rising up to his challenge.

Outside of the building, Kisig felt a sudden hug from his back. He was quite surprised but as soon as he hears the voice, he calms down.

He saw his sister, Marikit. She has long black silky hair, tanned and flawless skin, her eyes were as blue as the ocean and her smile, her goddamn smile makes you weak in the knees. She has a short stature but that only complimented her beauty more. It wasn't far-fetched to call her the beauty of Alexandris.

"Congratulations brother, I'm so proud of you!! You better treat me some good food later."

Kisig turns around to see his sister and give a faint smile.

"I will Marikit, I'll take you to your favorite restaurant." Kisig said as he hugs his little sister back.

Alexander who was peaking from the door sees this and just warmly smiles.

"There's the kid that I used to know." Alexander thought to himself.


In the city of Kyoto in Japan, in the office of the guild (Sakura Stream) were people having a serious discussion of the current affairs of some rival countries and the gates.

"It seems like the Supreme Leader of North Korea is making some bold decisions. Do you think he'll finally do it?" A man wearing a simple black kimono said.

"Of course, he finally has the means to take over the South father." A lady dressed in a pink kimono said.

"Hmm, then we should also prepare to help the South if push comes to shove."

"Don't worry father, I'm sure Alexander will stop this before the North Koreans start their march."

The door of the office opens suddenly, a little girl rushed towards the man in the black kimono and hugged him.

"Grandfatherrrrr! I'm hungry, I want to eat some mochi and chocolates, and candy, and drink some hot milk but the man there doesn't want to give me some." The little girl said in a mischievous and cute manner.

"Now now, Yui, the doctors said not to let you eat some sweets. But I promise you, once you're all better, I will give you everything you want." The man in the black Kimono said in a cute voice.

Another person enters the office, he was out of breath when he reached it as if there was something urgent. He looked at the man in the black kimono with a panicked expression on his face.

"Ishikawa-sama, we're in trouble. An S Class gate appeared a couple of blocks downtown."

"Oh no, it's been 17 years since the last S class gate, contact the Everlast guild immediately and ask for assistance." Ishikawa, said.

"We already did, but another S Class gate appeared there too."

"Oh no, quickly gather all of our personnel and make preparations to close the gate. Let's hope Alexander could help us in time."


In Alexandris, the gate that appeared was twice as large as the one that appeared 10 years ago. Near the gate was the Alexander, the Diadochi, and the members of the Everlast guild.

"You're first expedition as captain is gonna be an easy clear, don't you think so Kisig?" Alexander said in a sarcastic manner.

Kisig didn't utter a single word and just stared at the massive gate.

"Sire, I received reports from the Japanese guild that an S class gate appeared there. They are also asking for our assistance. I declined it for now."

"Very well, let's take care of this gate fir.... actually, on second thought, Kisig, I want you to lead a team to help the Japanese close their gate. You can take Antigonus with you." Alexander said in a serious tone.

"Very well, I shall depart at once."

Before leaving, Kisig picks twelve members from the guild to accompany him.

"Are you sure he is ready Alexander?" Antigonus said in a worried tone.

"I trust him; besides you'll be there with him. If anything goes wrong take care of it."

"Very well, we shall report our triumph in our return."

Hearing Alexander's orders, Marikit rushed towards his brother, worried that he may not return.

"Brother, promise me! promise me that you will return safe. You still owe me that dinner!" Marikit said in a worried and sad voice.

"I will, don't worry. Once I close this gate, I'll return immediately here. So, wait for me, okay?"

After saying their messages, Marikit hugs Kisig tightly, crying on his chest while Kisig gently pats her head. Once his sister settles down, he leaves with the purpose of stopping his sister's tears from dropping.