
Part 6.16; The Part Where Someone Strong Shows Up

Two Days Later

"Wow. Y'all are weak. Really weak. Aren't they weak Klahadore?" I asked the butler as I examined the line of barrels where we have left the nobles. Within two days eleven of them had died. It takes like... two weeks I guess for the average guy to starve to death and I can go without food for two months. I don't like going without food for two months, but I can do it.

From what Dulchi had told me about nobles and from what I've gleaned from Elizabeth they think they're above everybody else. Elizabeth doesn't even poop. But I'm part of everybody else and these nobles definitely aren't above me. If they were above me they'd be much taller then me. Maybe they think they're above me because they live in tall houses, but in that case they're not naturally above me.

I sigh. I've gone off rambling and now I'm slightly lost and confused by what is happening. If this happens anymore more I'm going to need to get a notebook or something to organize my thoughts... Except I can't read, so a notebook is useless. Huh. I might just be screwed no matter how I look at it.

Klahadore has done well in the past two days on Diz-Harmony. He's found a much fancier suit to wear, some grease to slick his hair back, and he's just generally much cleaner than he has been. Except for the fact he smells like blood. But that's not really that big of a deal in the big picture. After all I smell like things worse than blood so I could care less about how he smells.

The butler from Impel Down mainly fallows me around at a respectable distance and directs groups to gather what's left of the citizens to put them work. Or as he puts it, 'making them useful'. Mainly the survivors are digging a giant hole. The whole idea behind the hole is that's it's going to be their grave.

Graves in general make me uneasy. When someone died in Impel Down they're body was either completely destroyed or fed to some animals in the prison. Leaving a body laying in the ground for no good reason seems weird, but Clair showed up again briefly from wherever she had been hiding and said a mass grave was needed to send the proper message.

Bah! I'm off topic again.

Klahadore pushed his classes up and responded to my original statement I had made. "Yes Captain. These wretches are weak. Enough have died, I suppose you are going to begin questioning them?"

I breathed in and out. "Yeah... I'll start with the one with teal hair."

When I said that the noble in question began squirming around and making muffled noises. Their teal hair was so long that it reached all the way from the top of the barrel down to the ground and then some. It annoyed me a little with how long their hair was so that's why I'm calling them out first.

They're struggling only increases as I approach their barrel. They stop when I reach my hand out and grab a fistful of their hair. One sharp tug pulls the lower half of their head out of the salt they were buried in and I get a good look at their face.

As they begin to cough weakly I realize that this weak... I look at their face closely before I make a mistake. Yeah, they're a woman. I think... It's difficult to tell because they're kinda pretty but also kinda muscular. Anyways,I realize they won't be able to answer me because they're weak and their throat is probably pretty dry.

I motion with my hands and almost instantly Schmee is there with a jug of water. This guy seems to show up whenever I need him the most. I'm starting to get a little concerned to be honest. I really hope he's not watching me sleep.

Just as soon as he arrives Schmee disappears somewhere and I jerk the woman's mouth open. Then I pour water down her throat until she starts to gag. When she does I stop and wait until she catches her breath before pouring the water again. When the jug is empty I throw it to the side and look her in the eyes.

Huh. She's starting back at me with defiance. I didn't see that coming at all. Good for her.

"Alright. I have two questions for you. Answer them well and I take you out if this salt barrel. Do the opposite and of course I'll do the opposite and rebury you for a while. It will be really boring and possibly fatal."

She spoke and her voice confirmed that she was actually a woman. She said, "I'll never answer any of questions you monster!"

"Really?" I said surprised. "What if they're really dumb and easy to answer questions?"

She frowned, and her doing so made her cough for some reason. When she stopped hacking up her lung she asked, "How dumb?"

"Well I wanted to know why your hair is so long."

She gave me a look I correctly identified as the 'are you serious' look and simply stated, "It's extra long so I can style it however I want whenever I want."

Okay. A dumb answer for a dumb question, that's fair.

"Here's my next question. Well, it's more like an order I guess if you want to get into a grammar fight. Tell me everything you know about the Revolutionaries and this island."

She opened her mouth to respond but before she speaks her eyes widen in surprise and a voice speaks behind me. "How about instead of her telling you about the Revolutionaries, how about I do it?"

I turn around and there is a man standing there. He's shorter than me, but that's not saying much considering that I'm very tall. He's wearing a very fancy blue coat and dress shirt and I see a pipe strapped to his back. A top hat sits on his blond hair that barely covers a scar going across his face and his sunken eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

He smirks, but he seems really tired for some reason so it doesn't suit him. "My name is Sabo. I'm a Revolutionary. I came here to meet a contact and friend on he island but him and his entire family are dead. Dead because of you."

I frown. I begin to scratch my head and I mutter, "Sabo, Sabo, Sabo. Hmmm. Nope, doesn't seem familiar-"

Chapter 583

"- but I've been wrong before. Do you know me?"

He nods. "Yeah. I know you. I don't like you Fennoh."

"My name isn't Fennoh..."

We stand there for several moments as the wind blows softly and begin to size each other up. I'm not entirely sure, but my instincts are telling me that if I fought this guy it wouldn't end well. It wouldn't end well for anybody at all.

Sabo flexes his fingers and each joint cracks. My piss poor danger sense goes off and now I know that he wants to fight me.

This isn't going to be fun.