
Don't Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

From love, marriage, heartbreak, pain, to divorce- Mu Chuqing has been through it all in a few years with Sheng Yuchen. After not seeing each other for years, she imagines that they would be like strangers. But why is that man looking at her with anger even when holding his fiancée in his arms? Why can’t they be like strangers? Will he forever humiliate and torture her? Why can’t Sheng Yuchen let her go? Just what kind of cruel man is her ex-husband? … Ever since that night three years ago, Sheng Yuchen has not slept peacefully. Every time she cries, her tears fall like acid on his heart. His blood boils when he sees her smiling at other men the way she used to smile at him, and the beast in him might as well destroy everything around. He can’t let her go. He won’t let her go. Even if his heart gets charred with her tears. … This isn’t a love-at-first-sight story! “Boss! Miss Mu is back!” “Got it.” The man responds indifferently. “Boss, someone gave Miss Mu a bouquet of roses!” “Adulterer! Humph!” The man finally raises his head, narrows his eyes, and snorts. “Boss, Miss. Mu and that man watched a movie today, had a candlelight dinner, and…” “And what…” “They kissed!” The man’s eyes spits fire, and he can’t sit still anymore. He suddenly stands up from the sofa. “B-Boss, bad news. Miss. Mu and that man are going to get married in the Netherlands!” The man slams the table. “Which plane? Shoot it down!” “Yes!” “Wait!” The man suddenly stops him. “Boss, do you have any other instructions?” “Blast the male adulterer. If she loses even a hair on her, I’m afraid you won’t be able to handle what comes next!” “…”

Li Nannan · Urbain
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60 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

Sheng Yuchen embraced Chang Chu and left. Not long after, Zuo Yi hurriedly rushed to the restaurant.

There were so many guests in the restaurant, but Zuo Yi was composed. After deleting all the videos and photos in everybody's hands at the restaurant, he ignored the clamor people created and calmly left with his two staff.

In just half an hour, there wasn't a single trace on any major social media websites about Miss Chang having a conflict with someone.

When Mu Chuqing returned to the office, she felt that the atmosphere was somewhat different. Every time she passed by, the soft chatter immediately ceased, then they looked at her a little strangely before hurriedly ducking their heads down to do their work.

Mu Chuqing's eyebrows furrowed. She stood at the office area and spoke in a serious tone, "What kind of work requires you to whisper? Say it out, let me know what is going on!"

Nobody dared to even raise their heads.

When Mu Chuqing saw the situation, her delicate eyebrows frowned even deeper. Her cold and calm gaze scanned through the large office area as everyone quietly ducked their heads down. She snorted coldly, turned around, and left.

When she reached the top floor, the few secretaries were rather diligently working properly. She walked past the secretaries and headed into the washroom.

Seeing the gradually leaving Mu Chuqing, a few secretaries secretly let out a long sigh of relief. One of them even said gratefully, "Luckily saved by the sound of the elevator, if not…"

Naturally, Mu Chuqing did not hear all these words.

Now, she was already standing at the door of the washroom. Her eyes were slightly narrowed as she carefully listened to the conversation coming from inside the washroom.

"This person's true nature won't change so easily. What do you think she's planning?"

"She had already divorced with CEO Sheng for three years, and he is just about to marry his beloved, yet she still caused such a ruckus. The key is that she didn't even have to do it personally. I heard that the person who helped her fight was an employee in our company. Who knows whether they were smart or foolish? Just to suck up to their top boss, they dared to offend the crown prince of City Fu…"

"Who cares, they were probably just used. The human mind is complicated. Besides, she was even ruthless enough to push a pregnant woman down the stairs three years ago, what does using a small employee even matter? Alright, alright, let's stop chatting, let's go!"


Before the two of them even stepped out of the washroom, they turned around and saw Mu Chuqing standing at the door. Her face looked sour, and her gaze was as sharp as a knife.

"C-CEO Mu!" The two of them were so shocked they lowered their heads, shrinking their shoulders in, appearing all frightful and scared.

Even though they didn't outright name the person, she clearly knew who they were referring to!

Mu Chuqing's heart still hurt a little. However, Sheng Yuchen seemed to have tried to cover up the situation as soon as he could back when it happened.

But why did they know all of this?

It was just half a second, but Mu Chuqing laughed coldly in her heart. In this world, the person who wanted her to suffer the most, must be that person, right?

"Gossiping about me behind my back, but I still have to pay you guys a salary. Should I be thanking you two for not saying that I'm stupid!"

Mu Chuqing coldly glared at those two people. Her voice was authoritative, yet filled with coldness, but no one knew that her heart was even more icy cold.

"CEO Mu, we're sorry!"

The two of them couldn't argue or make excuses for their mistakes, so they could only try their best to make up for their mistakes.

However, Mu Chuqing just laughed sarcastically.

This word "sorry", she had honestly heard it too many times.

So much so that she was almost about to habitually say "never mind".

That's right, three years ago, no matter whether it was Chang Chu or Sheng Yuchen, she had forgiven them way too many times!