
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urbain
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283 Chs

The boy

This experience involves my brother, and I believe that what I am going to share with you is still residing in my parents house 'till this day. One night my brother came home late from his college night class which was about thirty minutes away from our home. At this point of the night, my parents and I were asleep in our rooms upstairs. My brother entered through our side door and the only light that was on in the whole entire house was a small lantern like light on the wall in our kitchen. To give you a visual of this part of my house, as you enter through the side door, you walk up three steps and make a left and now you are in the kitchen, from the kitchen you make a right and you are in the dining room which runs right into our living room. After my brother finished up in the kitchen, he turned the lights off and proceeded to head through the dining room and living room to get to the stairs, to head up to bed. In our dining room we have windows which allows natural light to come in. When telling my parents and I what happened, he said that on this particular night he mentioned that the moonlight shown through the dining room and stopped at the foot of our dark living room. As he was walking through the dining room he said that he saw a silhouette of a young boy. Now to mention, my brother and I are 15 years apart, so his first initial reaction was to call my name and ask why I was standing in the middle of the living room in the dark. He called my name again and the silhouette remained still and did not answer. My brother then proceeded to go up the stairs and went to check in my room to see if it was me, but he found me asleep in my bed. He then went back downstairs to check once more on the silhouette but it was gone.

Fast forward several years, I was now 22 at the time and living with my parents still as I finished up college. As I was in our basement one morning moving laundry from the washer to the dryer, I heard a soft voice say "hey". A voice of a child, but no one was there. I immediately was overcome with fear. I knew I was not imagining things because my dog, who was laying on the landing of the staircase, came down as if he heard something too. After that day, I always looked over my shoulder while doing laundry because of what called out to me that morning. Do you guys think it could be the same thing my brother saw or could it be different? By the amount of fear that came over me, I don't think it was something pleasant.