
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urbain
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283 Chs


After Double Dee's recovered mentally from the spirit charging at her in the bar she realized that we weren't teasing he or trying to scare her. She slept in my room a few times when I was at work and would text me saying, ", something was shaking your bed while I was sleeping" or "I heard footsteps in your room". A few other employees have experienced similar occurrences and one housekeeper even woke up to a figure sitting on her bed touching your leg.

A week goes by after all of this and my close friend who we'll call Lug Nuts came to visit me with his fiance and his fiance's friend before he shipped out to basic training. I didn't tell them about the paranormal activity and I booked them room 138 and room 138 had more complaints and concerns made to front desk about hearing foot steps, voices, and the lights/tv turning on and off. I know I'm a dick for setting Lug Nuts and his fiance and her friend up in that room but I know Lug Nuts would be fine and could handle whatever, he was attacked at the age of 15 by a random older gentleman when we were walking his dogs and he beat the guy up without asking for help so I knew he could more than likely handle a tv turning on and off.

When they arrived we were walking to their room when his fiance stops and asks, " Who's that little blonde girl peaking out from behind the soda machines?" We all stop to go look and nothing is there behind the vending machine. Once they get situated we go back to employee housing and play cards against the humanity until it's time for them to clock out and go to bed. Before Lug Nuts goes to bed I pull him aside and tell him that what his fiance saw was a ghost that walks around the grounds. She's harmless but she's very curious. He looks at me and says,"Dang flabbit OP why do you always have ghosts and shit around you?" We laugh and I walk them back to their room. Come tomorrow morning I meet them for breakfast and his fiance tells me this, "We heard voices in the bathroom, something grabbed Dreadlocks(fiance's friend) by the foot when she was sleeping, and she crawled into bed with us and on top of that something kept turning on the TV throughout the night." I come clean and tell them about the the blonde girl in the white dress and how she's been seen at the lodge since it had opened in the early/mid 2000s and that this ground used to be for Alaskan native tribes until the made a partnership with Princess touring. After they leave my coworkers Sanchez and Gare Bear head to my cousin's for some indulgence of free alcohol and Alaskan grown marijuana.

We share our experiences at the hotel with my cousin and she mentions this cabin called The Bayless House. It's a real house owned by a family out in glennallen and my family has ties to that house since the 70s. This next part of the story I've heard from 4 different family members who lived/babysat at the Bayless House so please be patient.

This first story I've heard from my mom, aunt, and my grandmother who was there for this first story.

So my grandmother was babysitting for the family who lived there in the 70s and everyone knew of this house because it has a bad past involving rape, murder, DV, and people dabbling in voodoo/black magic whatever you want to call it

And she had just put the baby to sleep and sat in the couch to study. About 5 minutes goed by when she hears a loud scraping and scratching sound coming from upstairs. She panics and runs to open the door when she hears loud banging and then the baby screaming. She can't bust the door down because something is holding it shut. So my grandmother get ahold of some of the college football players and it took 5 guys who are 6ft tall weighing about 200lbs to break the door down. Once they get in they see that the 6ft tall dresser had been dragged infront of the door and the babies crip was flipped over and thrown across the room and the baby was in the closet wrapped up unharmed. The floor was covered with deep scratch marks from the dresser and baby crib. My grandmother never went back to the Bayless House and a short while later the baby had died of a lung disease while it was on the way to the hospital.

This second story I've heard multiple times from my mom, grandmother, and my aunt and cousin who there when this happened.

So the Bayless house looks like the cabin from evil dead or the cabin in the woods. Only difference is this cabin is two stories and has a concrete shelter right outside the front of the house and a garage the same size as the cabin itself and the trees are all wrapped around it like the forest is trying to swallow it.

Just want to paint you a picture of how evil this place looks.

So my cousin and Aunt went there with friends when they were fresh out of college and wanted to play with an Ouija board to see if they could get some sort of reply. Well one of their friends who we'll call Christ because she was super religious kept begging them to leave and that they shouldn't be there. The rest of the group ignore her and start asking questions and not really getting a reply but Christ starts to freak out and is screaming at them to leave. Christ then stars to get a bloody nose and she starts to convulse and the runs into a corner of the bedroom on the first floor. My cousin and Aunt and the group go after her and hear her sobbing and speaking in tongues. My cousin goes to reach out and get her when Christ turns around and latches onto my cousins forearm with her teeth. It took all 6 girls to get Christ off my cousin. Once they got out of the cabin and my cousin got her wounds cleaned they noticed that the teeth marks were all K9 teeth. There were no marks of human teeth to be found in her.

Now Gare Bear and myself wanted to go and Sanchez said fuck that I'm not getting possessed so my cousin have Gate Bear and I directions to go. We drop Sanchez off at the employee housing and drive to the Bayless House. We pull up and automatically nope the fuck out. We want a bigger group with us just in case. However, we found some abandoned trailers near the Copper Rail Depot Saloon(CRD for short) and we decide hey let's go exploring but first let's grab Hockey Stick (Coworker) and Pretty Boy(other co-worker who had really pretty eyes for a guy). So we gather up the group and the first trailer we go into is all torn apar. Broken windows, cut up beds, knocked out walls and as we're leaving Pretty Boy falls into a hole. This hole turned out to be a cellar that someone had built under the trailer. We turn on our flashlights and go in. It's all brick and there's like a maze under the trailer with empty chambers and we come into a big room and manage to find a light switch. The light works but unfortunately it shown us what the true use for this cellar. In the room is an old rusty bed frame with a dirty mattress in it and on each end of the bed there are rusty handcuffs and scratched along the wall along with old dirty underwear in the floor. We all stop and stare at one another. Gate Bear begins to cry a little and I feel like the last bit of humanity and sanity in me dies. We all get out of there losing our shit. After we calm down we go to the second trailer. Better condition but furniture is turned all over, there's spoiled and rotten food in the fridge and freezer and Hockey Stick decides hey I'm going to throw an M80 into this pot of rotting meat in the freezer. Once it goes off Hockey Stick is laughing until he opens the freezer and realizes that the rotting meat in the pot was actually a decomposing cat someone had thrown in there and left to die. At this point we realized there's nothing but sick fucks out here and bad energy. When we get to the third trailer we agree to no more shenanigans just get in explore and leave and don't take shit we go in through the window and once we're all inside we realized this trailer hasn't been touched since the 1990s. It was like a time capsule in the shape of a trailer. Now clothes and stuff were thrown about but we split up to go explore. The trailer was a double wide and we had lots to explore. Gare Bear and I took the master bedroom and the bathroom to the right while Hockey Stick and Pretty Boy took the back of the trailer.

I wish I could tell you we learned our lesson when it came to touching shit but we didn't. I found boxes of .308 ammo which I took because I own firearms, Gare Bear found oxycodone and other pills in the medicine cabinet that king expired, Pretty Boy took videography in college and found a camcorder which he snuck into his backpack, Hockey Stick took vintage hockey cards since he loved hockey. Before we left we found a photo album and was looking through it and it looked like an old man and his wife lived there quite some time. Once we left and got back to the employee housing we passed out for the night...or so we thought.

The entire night I had nightmares of domestic violence, yelling, torture, and rape. When the 4 us met up on a break I spoke up about my nightmares and the others had experienced the same nightmares and even recalled seeing the old man appear a few times in their nightmares. Gare Bear and I collected all the items we took and we drove back to the trailer around midnight when the bar a few buildings away was in full swing and would cover any noise we made. Garrett and I sneak back through the window and start putting stuff back. When we meet up again in the living room we promise no more taking stuff and that we will honor that promise when we hear something fall in the back of trailer. We both jumped into each other and made a break for the window when we both got stuck trying to get out at the same time. We could hear something coming down the hallway at full force stomping and pounding when Gare Bear shoved me back into the trailer and jumps out. I stand up thinking wtf dude?! When Gare Bear reached through and Yanks me out with one hand and carry's me to the car. As we're in the car we see the blinds shuttering and a light turning on and off and the window we left open had started to close on its own. We peel out and head home.

We promise each other after the Bayless House no more exploring.

I'll post part 5 tonight and it'll be the end of the story. It doesn't end at the Bayless House. I'm sorry I'm taking forever but I ended up leaving my house for the weekend telling these stories is causing me to relive them in my sleep and I'm away out of the city camping with a friend to try and clear my head. The wilderness is kind of helping but I'll finish tonight. I'll also be going back to Alaska next month. If I can visit those places again I'll post pics.

Thank you