
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urbain
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283 Chs


After my grandmother experienced the ghost boy in the room things were quiet for a while. The last time we had experienced any activity was at Tonsina lodge far up North near copper center Alaska. I don't remember when my grandmother used to work there back in the 70s I believe? She told me of a man named Charlie who had hung himself in the hotel and his spirit still haunts the lodge. my grandmother and her sisters who had worked there used to have their hair pulled and their butts grabbed by a shadow figure which they assumed was Charlie. I got to explore Tonsina Lodge with my family in the late 2000s when it was still run down. It has been through renovations and is up and running now. I'm not sure if charlie's room is still there but when I visited they left his room as he had it. The rope he used to hang himself was still in his room. People had left him flowers, cards, cigarettes, Hustler mags, and money around the noose that laid on his bed to show respect.

We heard some voices and my grandma thinks she caught a face in the window from outside the Lodge but it's disputable. I did however capture a giant red orb above my youngest sisters head and in the photo she's staring directly at it. In the orb you can almost make out a face. I believe my grandmother has the photo. I will contact her this weekend and try to see if she can find it.

Fast forward to 2008. I'm now 14 and noticed that some activity has been going on around my dad's apartment ( I lived with my dad for the following years to come) and my favorite Misfits beanie would disappear along with both my dad's and step mom's keys. One minute my hat/their keys would be hanging up and then they're not on the hooks. We'd split up and look throughout the apartment which consists of 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room so it shouldn't be hard to find the missing keys/hat.

After almost an hour to an hour and a half we'd give up and just sit on the couch to rethink and re-trace our steps when we'd hear a jingle and the keys would be back on the hook or we would hear what sounded like a towel being dropped gently and my hat would be in middle of the floor.

A few months go by and no activity until one night I have a dream where I'm in the shoes of a Corpsman on Iwo Jima and I can hear a Marine screaming out for me in tall grass and when I run over to him I try packing his wounds when I realized he's dead then I hear someone yell out behind me, "Tennōheika Banzai!".

When I turned around a Japanese soldier disguised as a bush sticks a bayonet through my chest. I woke up from the dream and my chest was really sore. I lifted up my shirt to see a giant red scratch going from above my left nipple down to my belly button. I no longer have the pic my dad took of it.

My grandmother and a few others who have supernatural gifts and believes it was one of my past lives. They could be right but it could've just been a nightmare. I do kind of believe in reincarnation since I've started to find many photos of people throughout history who look exactly like me.

Fast forward to summer of 2009. I had just landed my first job working as housekeeping at the Copper River Princess Lodge. It's built on Alaskan Native land which once was used for ceremonies a long time ago. I've heard stories from family members who have previously worked there and they would tell me about the blond girl in a white dress who wanders through the hotel and occasionally the parking lot. Most guest who see her think she's lost and try to approach her but by the time they do she's gone. I don't know any information on her besides that.

One day I get done cleaning a room when a guest comes out and complains that the people on the third floor are very rude and wouldn't stop moving furniture. Confuses I asked him what do you mean third floor? This Lodge is only two stories?

His eyes widened and he walked back into his room to grab his stuff and leave.

For those of you who worked in the hotel industry probably have heard of or experienced norovirus. A toilet and a bucket will be your closest friend for a few days.

I was home alone one of the 4 days I was out and my grandmothers dog was sleeping next to me when he began to growl at the door and bark. I thought oh maybe someone's home. I stumbled out of bed and opened the door to see who it was. Nobody was in the house but me. I called out but no reply. I then crawled back into bed with the dog when he began barking and growling again at the door. I thought he might need to go to the bathroom so I opened the door again and he began to back further into the room. That's when a very cold chill ran down my back and the room started feeling like the window was open during the snowy season. I closed the door and put the blanket over me thinking maybe it was just the virus. Moments later I hear foot steps going up and down the hallway like someone was pacing back and forth impatiently. I open up the door and it stops. I look up and down the hallway and call out and no reply when the room gets cold again I'm looking around when I notice I can see my breath which wasn't normal for July I go to close the door again but before I do I hear someone exhale and see someone else's breathe form infront of my. I immediately shut the door, lock it, and stuff my suit case amongst anything else I could fit infront of it. While I'm barricading the door my grandmothers dog is going crazy on the bed barking, lunging at the door, and frantically looking for whatever it is that's spooking both of us. After a short while of everything being quiet I crawl back into bed with the dog and pass out. I wake up a short while later and I jump back in the bed after I had noticed everything infront of the door is moved aside and the door unlocked. I call out to see if someone is home and yet again no reply. I call my grandmother to see if she had stopped by and she hasn't been home all day. She's been on Glennallen shopping and checking in on my grandpa at the electric company. I decided I'm not staying in the house so I grab the dog and a pillow and blanket and sleep on the hammock until my grandparents are home. I run it by my grandmother who was more upset that the fact I slept outside (it was daytime) and that a bear could have gotten me. My grandparents believe me but they've never experienced anything in that house and they lived there since the 1970s.

It is now 2010. My mom had moved out of the trailer park and into a nice two story house. For the first 6 months it's quiet until my mom has her 4th kid. My youngest sister is brought home after a few days at the hospital when activity starts. My mom has a water bottle that keeps disappearing on her and popping up in a different part of the house. She has my grandmother sleep in the bed with her and my other younger sister who we'll call Julia sleep on a fold out bed next to them since there's lots of strange noises from disembodied voices and footsteps around the hallway of my mom's room.

I stay over a week to help with whatever and I'm sleeping in Julia's rooms across the hall from my mom's. It's 3:45am when I'm startled by the sound of my grandmother yelling at someone to get out. I thought she was talking to my mom's boyfriend (now stepdad) but when I came in the room everyone is huddled up on the bed crying.

The ghost boy from the trailer in the sailor suit was back and my grandmother woke up to him standing over Julia then he turned around and pointed at my new born sister. My grandmother told him, "No. You are not a child, you are a sick disgusting demon and you will not harm my grandbabies, my daughter, or me. You will leave now before I show you something scary". My grandmother told my mom and I this in private not to scare Julia and when she said the demon that it got an angry faced that changed to what looked like an older mans face with no nose and missing have the upper and lower lip on the right side of the face and he darted at her when she screamed, "GET OUT, YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE!" My mom would live in that house for another 4 years with little activity from voices to footsteps.

Unfortunately this is where I end part 2. Tomorrow I'll post part 3. I don't mean to end in an early note but I have to be up early and talking/texting too much about this sometimes will cause something to happen. If I witness anything I'll record whatever it is.

Thank you again. I'll post much more tomorrow when I'm off work. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Goodnight.