
Dominion's Descent

Under the cloak of twilight, a quaint watch store in the heart of the city bore witness to a mysterious arrival. At his doorstep, the store owner found a basket cradling a silent boy with piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom. The old man, moved by the child’s solemn gaze, named him Jake and embraced him as his own. In the fleeting years that followed, Jake grew rapidly, his mind always hungry for knowledge, his questions often leaving the old watchmaker in thoughtful silence. The bond they formed was profound, filled with endless discoveries and quiet moments of shared understanding. Yet, as the shadows of Jake’s thirteenth year fell, the comforting presence of the watchmaker began to fade, thrusting Jake into a journey of self-discovery and untamed destiny. ******************************************** Join our Enchanting Discord Community! Embark on an epic adventure with fellow fans of Dominion's Descent by joining our Discord server! Dive into the depths of the multiverse and share your insights, theories, and fan art with like-minded enthusiasts. Don't miss exclusive announcements, behind-the-scenes content, and opportunities to interact with the authors themselves! Discover the magic that lies within and forge lasting friendships. So, what are you waiting for? Link: https://discord.gg/eRQhdXKUQk ******************************************** Release Schedule: 1-2 Chapters/Per Day Note: I'm currently in the midst of my last semester, and I appreciate your understanding. To provide you with the best possible reading experience, I've adjusted the release schedule.

Oblivion03 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Preparing for the Arcane Sanctuary

Jake meticulously prepared for his upcoming journey to the Arcane Sanctuary. He gathered supplies: medicine, disinfectant, bandages, and other essentials, knowing that these might be crucial for his survival. Despite his thorough preparations, a nagging thought persisted.

"What if these things don't work where I'm going?" he pondered, his brow furrowed with concern.

Nevertheless, he continued packing, his determination unwavering. Shadow sat faithfully by his side, watching Jake with those intelligent eyes that seemed to understand everything.

"Shadow, this is it," Jake said, packing the last of his supplies. "I don't know what's waiting for us, but we need to be ready."

Shadow barked softly in response, his tail wagging slightly. Jake smiled genuinely, feeling a sense of comfort from his loyal companion.

He placed the black ball, the invitation to the Arcane Sanctuary, carefully in his hand. The weight of it was both literal and symbolic, a reminder of the unknown journey that awaited him. But Jake knew he couldn't go just yet. He needed to practice the manuals he had received and ensure he was in peak condition.

The two manuals, Titan's Endurance and Sage's Insight, had become his constant companions. Each day, he practiced the rigorous physical exercises detailed in Titan's Endurance, feeling his body grow stronger and more resilient. In the evenings, he would sit cross-legged, focusing his mind as he practiced the mental techniques from Sage's Insight, sharpening his mental acuity and control.

Days turned into weeks as Jake honed his skills. The techniques from the manuals became more natural to him, and he felt his strength and control increasing with each session.

As his eighteenth birthday approached, a palpable tension filled the air. Jake could feel the anticipation building within him. Tonight was the night he would turn eighteen, and he had decided that it was the perfect moment to embark on his journey.

"Shadow," Jake said, sitting down beside his faithful dog. "It's almost time. We've prepared as much as we can. I hope it's enough."

Shadow nuzzled Jake's hand, his eyes filled with unwavering trust. Jake took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. He held the black ball tightly, ready for whatever came next.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each second bringing him closer to his eighteenth birthday. The room was filled with tense silence, the only sound the rhythmic ticking of the pocket watch that had once belonged to his grandfather.

Jake stood up, his heart pounding. He looked down at Shadow. "Stay close, boy. We're doing this together."

As the clock struck midnight, Jake crushed the black ball in his hand. It disintegrated into a fine dust, and a surge of energy enveloped him. He felt himself floating, unable to feel his body but only his mind. Everything went dark, and he couldn't see or hear anything, enveloped in absolute silence.

Then, suddenly, he heard a robotic voice.

"Welcome to the Arcane Sanctuary—A World of Infinite Possibilities."

Jake's vision started to clear, and he realized he was standing in a vast, dark void. The voice continued, echoing through the emptiness.

"The Arcane Sanctuary is not just a place; it is a world unto itself. A realm where the boundaries of reality are pushed and the limits of power are tested. Do you agree to join?"

Jake hesitated, his mind racing. "Who can create something like this? What kind of power must they possess?" He thought about his journey so far, the mysteries and challenges that had brought him to this moment. After a moment of reflection, he nodded, though he didn't know if the voice could see him.

"Yes, I agree," he said firmly, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination.

As soon as he said yes, he felt his entire being scanned by something as if he was being bathed in front of a huge power.

Another message appeared before him.

[Registration Complete]

[Binding Arcane ID: AS-46729X]

[Compiling Information...]

[Companions Found...Bonding Complete]

Jake glanced around, trying to understand his surroundings. The void began to shift, and he felt a sense of anticipation as new information flowed into his mind. The journey he had prepared for was about to begin in earnest, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

While he was looking around, the void started to take form. Shadows turned into shapes, and shapes turned into structures. It was like watching a world being born from nothingness. Towering spires, sprawling landscapes, and bustling streets emerged around him, each detail more intricate than the last. The Arcane Sanctuary was a living, breathing world.

Prompts kept appearing before Jake's eyes, each one providing more context and details.

[Information Compiled]

[Status Screen Completed]

Jake focused on the prompts, and a detailed screen materialized in front of him.


Arcane ID: AS-46729X

Name: Jake

Species: Origin Human

Power Level: Innate L-3

Profession: <Not Available>

Strength: 12

Speed: 14

Endurance: 9

Mental Capacity: 11

Charm: 6

Luck: 3

Willpower: 4

Companion: Shadow (Loyal Canine)

Inventory: <Empty >


Jake studied the screen, taking in every piece of information. He was shocked by the amount of detailed information presented there. The reality of his new situation was beginning to sink in.

"This is it," he thought, feeling a surge of excitement. "The journey starts here."

As he continued to examine the status screen, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe. The Arcane Sanctuary was unlike anything he had ever imagined, and he was ready to uncover its secrets. With his newfound abilities, he felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead.

The final message blinked into view.

[You will be transported to your starting point soon]

[Warning: The Arcane Sanctuary is a reality where your actions have consequences. Proceed with caution.]

Jake took a deep breath, his mind clear and his resolve firm. "Alright," he thought. "Let's do this."

The world around him solidified, the transition complete. Jake stood at the threshold of a new adventure, ready to embrace the infinite possibilities that the Arcane Sanctuary promised.

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