

To others, you were the usual harlot of the school―to some extent, that was definitely true. However, after copulating with the band of Inarizaki volleyball boys, something shifted your mood entirely. You wanted to make it your set goal, coercing your way into each of their hearts, only to prove a point to your best friend, Akari. Unfortunately, after a significant calamity with the team captain, you were left in turmoil from the absent-minded memories of your childhood. Maybe, after all, you weren't this impetuous person everyone made you out to be...? But, deep down, you were a very misunderstood girl who only wanted to be loved by the people closest to her.

SKNIVEN · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs


It was just your luck. The one day you decided to walk to school, it started to pelt down with rain. And what made it even worse was that you hadn't brought an umbrella with you along the way. With your brisk power walking and your virtuous perseverance, you made it inside the school gates just seconds before the warning bell went off, leaving a sense of relief wash over your body.

You had to find Akari rather pronto, considering your clothes were completely drenched from the pelting that occurred not too long ago.

Quietly cursing at yourself, you made your way into the main building, catching quick, dirty glances from the pupils around you. It was either young lascivious boys who pried their adolescent eyes upon your sheer, white blouse top or other third-year schoolgirls who threw lamentable miens towards you.

You were unequivocally not having a good morning, waking up late to the sound of nothingness as you forgot to set your alarm the night before. You also forgot to go food shopping the other week, causing you to initially starve until break time.

Could things get any worse for you?

Regrettably, though, you did it to yourself. Aside from all the promiscuity adventures you had―resulting in people doing everything for you―living home alone made you absolutely clueless sometimes. You always had those dumb blonde moments, compromising the wrong things to only end up in an even worse situation.

But by now, you were used to it.

"There you are, Y/N!!" Akari, your best friend, beamed towards you, quickly rushing over to you after dropping textbooks back into her locker. She gave you a tight squeeze, pulling you into her embrace energetically. You eyed her for a few seconds after the hug, informing the girl you needed help ASAP. Akari raised an eyebrow questioningly, then let out a loud sigh of realisation of what just happened to you moments ago.

And you questioned your own intelligence sometimes...

Quickly dragging you into the closest bathroom away from curious eyes, she grabbed a thick cotton jumper out of her bag, throwing it in your direction. Notwithstanding her lack of discernment, Akari was more prepared than you. I guess you envied that in a sense; however, you could definitely converge on her level if you weren't as lazy.

She threw you a knowing smile, you returning the gesture. You caught the clothing with ease, rapidly slipping on the sweater, so it depleted the wetness from your thin blouse. "You're a lifesaver! Honestly, Akari!!" She giggled softly, shooting you another warm smile.

While fiddling around with the wet strands of your hair, trying to fix it into a more appropriate hairstyle, Akari stood next to you, "Why were you late anyways?" She shot you a queried response.

You sighed heavily, finally adjusting the hair tie around your low-ish ponytail, "Well, my alarm didn't go off this morning." You shrugged, pulling out a tube of shimmery lip gloss. Akari rolled her eyes in amusement, "Did you even know it was going to rain?" She teased you jokingly.

"No!! I'm not a weather broadcaster!" You whined, slipping the wand back into the cylinder for more product. With a roll of your best friends eyes, she grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from the mirror.

"Gosh, you are such a perfectionist, Y/N... You look fuckable as all hell, trust me! I bet any guy-" She whispered while nudging you, "Or girl would defo hammer your guts out!" Another titter left her mouth, causing your lip to twitch upward into a smirk.

She was so ridiculous sometimes, but you adored her bright, playful aura to its fullest. Without her, your life would definitely be dull―she was basically your only friend at this point. No, scratch that; she was your only friend.

You giggled softly, intertwining your fingers together with hers, "We better get going for class, or Mr Sato will punish us like he did last time." You giggled softly.

With another flick of the eyes, Akari shrugged sarcastically, "Don't tease me like that, Y/N. You know how I feel about our history teacher..." You grinned towards her, "Oh, so now you're admitting your feelings, huh?"

The both of you laughed together in sync, taking in each other's presence. It was a strange sight seeing Akari in such a good mood. You always dealt with her apathetic and pestiferous attitude most days, so you were thankful that you didn't need to handle that today...

You both quickly scurried your way out of the restroom, down the hall of lockers and stopped to check the notice board to see if there was any expensive jewellery lost to administration.

It was pretty typical for the two of you to steal pricey-looking bling, even if it wasn't yours. There had been many incidences where a few individuals threatened to legitimately "kill" you only because you shawled others belongings. To tell you the truth, it made you guffaw more than anything. It satisfied you to see others crumble below you, scramble for something they found somewhat valuable.

"Oh? What's this?" Akari leaned forward, stripping a piece of paper from a pin that kept it attached to the panel. You glanced over, reading the information printed on it.

"Inarizaki Volleyball Club is looking for a manager. If you are interested, please come to the gymnasium after school today." Your best friend scrunched her nose up, passing the paper onto you as you read over it one final time.

"You're not actually thinking about joining that volleyball team, are you, Y/N?" Akari stared at you with a surprised look painted on her face.

You rolled your eyes, glancing up at her, "I mean, it would keep me more occupied considering I fuck around with the same guy's most of the time." You sighed, quickly clutching your heart sarcastically, "Just because you don't get bored of screwing the same guys every day doesn't mean I don't?" A cheeky grin pierced your features, shrugging your shoulders afterwards.

She raised an eyebrow at you suspiciously, "You haven't heard of the Inarizaki Volleyball boy's and how mental they are, though?!" You mimicked her facial expression, lifting your own brows. "Um... Yeah? We're like, just as bad as them, Akari... And besides, they're hot as fuck!"

Your best friend let out a sigh, "You're not wrong about that... But I swear not even Mia Khalifa has caught up to the number of bodies you have!" You gasped loudly, slapping her forearm. Your voice grew to a whisper, "Hey! It's not my fault every guy in this school has a weirdly deranged fetish towards me..."

"What are you students still doing outside of class?" The both of you immediately spun on your heels, standing up straight to the adult in front of you. It was the vice-principle of the school. Akari stutter lightly, "Uhm~ We-"

You sighed, cutting her off, "Sorry, sir." You bowed respectfully, "We were going through the notices and forgot to pay mind to the time. We're heading to class now." You finally raised your head, meeting orbs with the man.

Akari hated to admit it, but she really disliked your conceitedness. You were so... Annoyingly vain...? She couldn't describe it. Knowing you for so long, yet, unable to riddle the pieces you bored under your skin on a daily. I suppose it was a hidden talent of yours―no one truly understanding your real feelings.

It was a dangerous game for everyone. Whoever got involved with you had a series of misfortunate events. Even so, that came with being friends with a pretty little whore like yourself. You blossomed off that sort of recognition anyways―it not affecting you whatsoever.

He threw you a dubious nod, dismissing the two of you. You and Akari went to your first class in peace, the thought of joining the volleyball team still lingering at the back of your skull.

"Y/N... Seriously..." Akari let out an aggravated sigh. She was disobliging right now, and you didn't know why. School had just finished, and you were genuinely considering heading to the gymnasium that accompanied the large oval, yet it seemed as though your best friend was highly against you doing just that.

"Please reconsider it! I'm telling you, you don't want to get involved with them!" You bit the inside of your cheek, suppressing any vexating tones towards Akari.

Why didn't she want you signing up anyway? Was it personal?

You let out a heavy sigh, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Why are you so worried about me seeing those boys anyway? You know what I'm like!" A soft chuckle left your lips in an attempt to reassure the strawberry blonde-haired female. She stuttered lightly, "Y-Yeah, but you haven't experienced what they are like! Especially that blonde twin. He's mad!"

A humming sound left your mouth, immediately biting your lip afterwards. You raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "And you have?" There was a slight pause, Akari regretting what she had just said. She attempted to open her mouth to speak, but ultimately, nothing came out.

You instantly held a hand over your mouth, forcing a wheeze back, "No... Fucking way- Have you slept with Atsumu Miya?!"

You couldn't help but let out an astonished laugh, forcing everyone in the hall to catch your gaze. At this point, you were coming apart at the seams, totally taken off guard about what your best friend had done.

You certainly did not see that coming from her. You knew she slept around just as much as you, but she seemed genuinely scared of the group of boys.

It made you curious.

A grimacing look was plastered on Akari's face, a mixture between anger and despondency intertwined with one another. She grabbed your wrist firmly, pulling you into the female's bathroom. Small chuckles continued to spill from your lips as she threw her hands up in the air in total humiliation.

"Okay!! Look, it's a long story! But please, don't get involved with them, Y/N... They will ruin you..." Letting out a heaving sigh, you wiped away the wetness from the corner of your eyes.

"Look, look-" You chortled, readjusting your posture. "I'm not weak like you, Akari baby... What are they going to do anyway? Break my heart?" Another boisterous laugh left your lips as you held your stomach from the laughter.

Akari's cheeks grew red, sooner howling at you with clenched fists, her stunning ocean blue eyes narrowing the more you taunted her. She seemed very sincere about her feelings, but you found it amusing how she was so scared of them when the both of you did just as much.

"You know what, Y/N? I don't care. Go fuck your life up; it's not like you're not doing that already. Your dad would be soooo proud, wouldn't he be?"

Your mood shifted entirely, your orbs tapering at her fiery remark. It made you feel fucking scornful. Why was she bringing something like this up? You were only bantering with her; unfortunately, she didn't catch your drift, though. After all, no one―not even Akari knew jack-shit about your father. So, why-?

"Fuck off", You hissed, venom seething its way through the tone of your voice. "Don't fucking speak about my father like that again. You don't know fuck all about him!" Akari gritted her teeth, raising her voice even higher. "You're right, but I do know you were the reason why he left!" And with that, the girl stormed out of the bathroom, leaving you in the confinement alone.

What the fuck, Akari? So much for her being in a "good mood".

The accent of her name quickly polluted your agitated thoughts. You wanted to prove to her so, so badly that these boys were nothing more than the slugs you trampled on, on a daily. She had no right to speak to you like that, especially about something she didn't know shit on.

No fucking right.

Quietly walking over to the restroom mirror, you glanced up at the form before you. Sighing heavily, you closed your eyes, humming softly to try and clear the negative thoughts from your brain.

Without notice, a group of young first-year girls made their way into the washroom, bickering loudly. That was your queue to leave, and so you did.

Quickly grabbing your belongings off the floor, you hurried over towards the door, huffing slightly to regain your usual confident self.

And off you went to the gymnasium.