

Although Dola was not foreign to the hustle and bustle of Nigerians, she still found it hard to fit into their some lifestyles. Driven by hatred, betrayal, fear, distrust, anger, mistakes,survival instinct... She unknowingly became a strong willful woman who was immune to all sorts of emotions including love. Being in the highest peak of her career, she later discovered that those her all lessons that she should learn from.She found love,her most amazing experience. * * * "Okay fine! I want you" She said with emotions glimmering through her eyes. This man had...forced her to admit to her own desires...this devil.He bent down to her neck and she arched her back in the hope that he'll kiss her there... "Dola Beg me" He whispered. Is this her wage for torturing him? "Damn" She cursed and he laughed "ahhh".

Lollipop_682 · Urbain
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7 Chs

You need to heal.

Mrs Duru was mute for a while. She didn't know how to respond to this tricky broken hearted girl.

"I.. didn't know any Micheal" Dola's expression changed as the woman said this. "I attended a girls only school"

"Then you can't understand me" Dola said and she leaned back on her chair with a nonchalant expression on her face.

"You know, Dola. I didn't go to a private university like you did. I attended a federal university. University of Ibadan and I didn't meet any Micheal and fall in love with him. I met one David" Seeing that her client was already paying attention to her she proceeded. "I fell in love with him and I got pregnant at my second year in school"

"Did he accept the baby? " Dola asked her expression becoming soft like a child's.

"At first he did. And later we discovered that a Naomi-like person was pregnant for him too" Her voice became sullen.

"Your best friend..." Dola asked and she nodded. It sounded more like a statement.

"It was painful. We were both confused. I was mad beyond expression because I trusted them and they broke that trust. But her name wasn't Naomi, her name was Damilola" Mrs Duru smiled sadly and Dola leaned forward and rested her head on her palm. "I don't know what happened with Michael and Naomi, but I know that you need to heal"

"I need to heal" Dola repeated in a whisper.

"Your next appointment will be this Friday, 11am. I'm going to be free from 10am" Mrs Duru informed. She press her intercom to talk to her secretary. "The next appointment should be in 10minutes"

Dola stood up to leave. She picked up her purse and headed for the door. She looked back and the woman nodded and smiled at her. She didn't know how to reply so she just turned around and pushed the door open.

*         *         *         *         *         *

"How did it go? " Phoenix asked during the family dinner. Her mom was present on the table as well as Jumoke, Phoenix's wife and Iris, their daughter.

"It went well " She answered simply.

"Baby I'm so proud if you. You're a strong woman " Her mom praised smiling from ear to ear.

She smiled. She really missed this, eating with her family. She subjected herself to eating only in her room since everything and everyone was capable of triggering her emotions.

"Will you be going back there? " Phoenix asked to confirm if she was truly okay and comfortable with Mrs Duru. The table went silent for a moment as if a bomb was just activated. They were all sure afraid of what her reaction and response will be.

"Sure" She smiled.

"Dola I can see that you're already improving"  Jumoke commented releasing her breathe. Dola was about to reply when baby Iris suddenly started squealing happily like she got her favorite toy.

They all laughed and continued eating together in harmony.

"Movie night? " Mrs McBride suggested. The woman was obviously happy that she was with her family.

"I'm in " Jummy and Phoenix chorused together and everyone including baby Iris laughed.

"Well I'm in too" Dola announced as she carried restless Iris from her mom's lap. The little one happily fled away from her mother's watchful eyes to meet Dola. She started reaching out to push and pull everything that was on the table

Mrs McBride was so happy that night. She felt blessed to have a wonderful family even after her divorce with her husband. She is even more grateful that her only daughter, Dola was now showing interest in life.

That night, they watched the movie series, Life of a Nigerian couple. The movie is a comedy-like show talking about inter-tribal marriage.

Jumoke rested on her husband's shoulder while Dola rested on her mom's. By then, Iris was already asleep and they family enjoyed the movie together constantly laughing at funny scenes.

*         *         *         *         *         *

"Alright I'll find a solution to that " Phoenix said the person that he was on the phone with. "Thank you very much Mr Brown "

Jumoke hugged her husband from behind after he dropped his phone. He smiled and turned to face her cupping her face.

"Is there a problem baby? " She asked worriedly.

"Not really. I just need someone to manage the branch in Texas. There have been complains about fraud " She nodded and he sighed. "I'm sorry my love. I have to go first thing tomorrow"

"Yeah I know" She frowned and pulled away from him.

"Sweetheart" He called and she faced him. "I'll be back in four days okay" He kissed her forehead and she nodded like an over pampered child.

"So how was your day? " Jumoke asked feeling revitalized.

"It was good. Well until I got the call from work. " He walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. "Come here" He motioned for her to come and she sat on his lap.

"Baby" He called with a serious expression on his face.

"Hm" She wiggled her ass in between his legs to get in a comfortable position.

"There's actually a problem " He looked like he was trying so hard to control his laughter but his silly wife didn't understand until she felt it under her.

"Uhmp Mr McBride!! " She jumped up as if she just sat on something hot. "You have to wake up early tomorrow. Go and sleep "

Phoenix laughed. Did this wife of his think she was going to escape screaming under him tonight?? Well let's see who wins he laughed.

"Mrs McBride is definitely not about to turn down an offer to see the stars tonight " He climbed the bed and brought his face close to hers.

"Can you please move away. I can't sleep with your face so close to me" She complained and turned her back to him.

"Ok ma'am" He responded playfully and started kissing her all over her body. "Are you sure you don't want this? "

She moaned still closing her eyes in pretense and he smiled victoriously. He turned her, that he back was now on the bird and raised her shirt up.

"Hmm yummy " He licked as lips hungrily.

"Baby your mom is...ahh.. Dola" She couldn't complete her statement as her naughty husband wickedly invaded her thinking space.

"Are you moaning my sister's name or you're trying to say something? " Phoenix teased and continued to suck and play with her breast. "Don't worry. My mom will be proud of me when she hear us making babies and for my sis...Did you see the way she bonded with our daughter so quickly."

He paused to remove her shirt completely to have a perfect view of his wife's seductive body and the session was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"What the f**k? " He cursed and Jumoke cautioned him even though she was about to tear the person's face for interrupting their love making session.

"Do I come in or you need to re-trace your dick to it's cage" Dola teased from behind the door.

"Just say whatever you want to say and f**k off" He grabbed his wife's shirt and gave it to her as he headed to the door.

"Your baby keeps crying and I think she needs a little bit of what you're greedily stealing from and... " Dola didn't complete her statement because horny Phoenix suddenly opened the door.

"Arrrgh as much as I miss you running your mouth all the time I don't want you to interrupt some things" He complained as he walked side by side with his sister to his mom's room.

"Eeeya is it my fault that Iris is mad that her dad is stealing from her food? " Dola teased. She enjoyed the poutish look on her big bro's face.

"Dola, I don't think you know or you're just being extra annoying. I'm a marriage man with huge sexual desires " He boasted.

"Mom Phoenix is trying to corrupt my brain with sex talks" She covered both ears with her hands and ran to her mom.

"Shhhh. She's finally going back to her sleep " The woman ignored the two siblings and their bantering session. 

"Sexual" She repeated "Eeeeew nonsense"

Phoenix chuckled and continued to tease his sister.

"Sexual.. Sexual.. Seee..."

"Can you please stop saying that word??" Dola complained still covering her ears with both hands.

"What word? Sexual??" Phoenix teased further. His wife entered the room and rolled her eyes at the two siblings.

"One more word and I'll loose it" Dola picked up the pillow that was close to her and placed it on her lap.

"Sweetheart can we go back to the sexual activity that we were about to engage in before that young lady interrupted??" He intentionally stressed the word to annoy his sister.

"This naughty brother of hers. Hmmp so naughty " Dola thought.

Jumoke face palmed herself out of embarrassment that this naughty husband of hers had caused her.

Mrs McBride smiled at her son's bluntness.

"You can go. Both of you" She permitted and Jumoke could only hid her face behind her husband.

"Mom. You're the best" He happily scooped his wife off her feet and headed to their room to pick off from where they had stopped.

"Eeeeew I'm never going to be getting married" Dola said as she dragged herself to her room.

*         *          *          *          *         *         

"Coming" Dola said as soon as she heard the knock on the door.

"Dola! " A voice called immediately she opened the door startling her.

"Oh my God! Micheal" She punched him on his chest "you scared me"

"Ouch babe it hurts" He held his chest like he got kicked by an elephant there.

"Where? Is it... here? " Dola asked as she squeezed his nipples playfully running her hands on his chest.

"Uhm yeah and down here too " He pointed at his half aroused d**k.

"Hm hmm " That was when Dola noticed a lady behind her boy friend.

"Babe who is she??" She asked ready to bring out every feature of possessiveness. She creased her brows waiting for an explanation.

"Hmm forgive me for not introducing her earlier. This is Tito. She's here to see Naomi" Dola released her facial muscles a bit and looked from the lady to Mike and back to the lady again.

"And Tito meet the love of my life, my queen, adun mi, my compass... Dola" Both ladies finally smiled to each other and shook hands.

"You get good taste oo" Tito commented. And ever adorable Mike grinned widely.

"See as I fresh like this e no pass her work oo" Both ladies laughed and Mike kissed Dola's hand.

"Hmm come in" Dola stepped aside for the duo to come in. "Mimi is not home yet. She went to see Ola"

"I won't advice you to wait for her oo. Yunno nah" Mike turned to face Tito who was already sitted. He winked at her and gestured towards Dola and the lady smiled.

"Got it" She whispered to Mike. "Hmm Dola. I really have to go. I have... "

"She have to attend a night class today so.. " Mike interrupted Tito helping her to complete her statement.

"That's okay. Do you need anything before you leave? " The oh-so-sweet Dola asked.

"Yes...ehhhm No. Nope" Tito replied after Mike gave her a dont-you-dare look. "You can just tell her that I came by"


"Just tell her that I'm from the circle" The lady smiled "She will understand"


"Thank you" she said and reached out to hug Dola.

"F**k you " Micheal mouthed as soon as Dola's back was turned to him and Tito gave him the middle finger back and smiled.

*         *         *         *         *         *

"Ouch" Naomi winced from the forceful pulling that Mike gave her as he instinctively released her hand.

"Are you crazy?" He asked and the girl could only roll her eyes as she continued to massage her wrist with her other hand.

"What is it?" She stretched to look behind him to see if anyone wasn't eaves dropping on them.

"What were you thinking inviting Tito over?? Have you gone nuts or something?" Mike was obviously pissed. Why can't they just leave his woman alone. They already had him and now what.

"Kini. Better calm down oo" Naomi adviced putting in her sweet-innocent face.

"Oh please. I've heard enough of your shit. I thought we had an agreement, why the f*ck are you going back on your words now" Mike looked exhausted . He leaned his back against the wall and faced the annoying creature in front of him. "At least you should know what an agreement is. Your parents did you good of sending you to church and taking you to school"

Naomi almost vomitted blood at this. She was furious." Was this good for nothing... "She paused in her thoughts. " okay he's good for something. At least he's cute but is he really insinuating that she's empty headed "

"You might want to say a word or two dummy" He stared down at her from his thick lashes.

"I didn't know that she was coming. She didn't inform me" Naomi had this sheepish smile on her face that made Mike want to...

"When is the initiation??" Utmost disgust was evident on Mike's face as he said this.

"Tomorrow" Naomi seems to be less interested in the conversation as she was scrolling through her phone as they talked. "I guess she was here to remind me to bring Dola in"

Mike sighed deeply. He was obviously frustrated. Naomi started walking away and he trailed after her. The good thing was that Dola had a class and won't be home until evening else Mike could not think of ways to explain why he was suddenly conversing seriously,now with Naomi.

"Where the hell are you going to??" He pinched the skin between his brows and dragged himself with her.

"Booty call. You don't wanna be a third wheel,do you??" And that was it. Michael totally lost it. How can he be worried about his girlfriend getting initiated into a cult and this godforsaken bitch is just concerned about having an audience when getting pounded??

"Once again. I overrated your level of shame" Mike could only sigh again.' How did he end up with such stupid set of people??'. He thought.

As he was about to give up and walk towards his car he noticed some people who he recognized as members of the school fellowship. He smiled as he remembered when they were all over him to join their Christian fellowship. Back then he wasn't really ready to commit himself to any religion so he always declined. They must have heard then, that he was the newest member of 'the circle'. Maybee and may be not. Not like he cared though.

He was about to turn on his car engine when he noticed 'Sister Naomi' trying to hide from the little crew.

"*od dammit" He slumped on his sterling making his car horn sound 'pooooom'. The sound made 'Sister Naomi ' startle in shock thereby causing her little 'handkerchief' cover to fly off.

She turned back and gave him the middle finger which he ignored and continued his business. He didn't actually do it on purpose. He just figured out why Naomi had been avoiding the 'church people' from the very beginning.

"Pastor ***" Yeah Naomi's pops is a pastor. A well-known and respected one in Ibadan.

Those innocent fellowship members were probably some of the members of her dad's church and she was here messing around. Mike chuckled at the irony. He was criticizing a pastor's daughter for doing something yet he was no different from her.

He watched as the school fellowship members approached his girlfriend's supposedly bestie. They probably thought it was still possible to save her from her self inflicted back slide... If only they knew.

*               *                 *

Heyy, to my loyal readers.

This is actually my first published book and I hope you will support me immensely. It's going to be banger and I do hope you guys stay tuned to the end.Please don't forget to vote for me in appreciation and also drop your reviews and comments. Love y'all.


                                               Lollididit ❦

PS:I really hope you're enjoying this book. Please drop comments and vote. It's not encouraging to have ghost readers. I'm sorry buh y'all I'll not be interpreting the Nigerian languages used, but I  will try to put them in a way that you will be able to comprehend. What do you feel about Dola and Micheal?? Are you envious of their love??

Thanks ❦.