

Although Dola was not foreign to the hustle and bustle of Nigerians, she still found it hard to fit into their some lifestyles. Driven by hatred, betrayal, fear, distrust, anger, mistakes,survival instinct... She unknowingly became a strong willful woman who was immune to all sorts of emotions including love. Being in the highest peak of her career, she later discovered that those her all lessons that she should learn from.She found love,her most amazing experience. * * * "Okay fine! I want you" She said with emotions glimmering through her eyes. This man had...forced her to admit to her own desires...this devil.He bent down to her neck and she arched her back in the hope that he'll kiss her there... "Dola Beg me" He whispered. Is this her wage for torturing him? "Damn" She cursed and he laughed "ahhh".

Lollipop_682 · Urbain
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What happened !??

4 years later...

Phoenix walked up to the cook in the kitchen to remind her for the hmpteenth time that he was going to be serving his sister her breakfast in bed that morning.

It's been 2 years since she graduated from the University of Carmine. She still haven't healed from everything that had happened to her. She completely shut herself away from all life's activities and she stayed indoors. It was a miracle that despite everything she still graduated and came out with a first class. Although, she refused to make use of her certificate or go back to modelling.

Phoenix blamed himself for his sister's plight. She hadn't wanted to stay in Nigeria in the first place and he was the one that convinced her to stay. He enrolled her in a private university because he didn't want her to experience the hard life style of Nigerian Universities. With everything, she still went through the most traumatic experience.

"Master" The cook called and he pulled out of his thoughts "the meal is ready"

"Thanks" He said and pushed the trolley upstairs.He knocked on Dola's door and she refused to open it. After much pressuring and pleading for about 30 minutes, she opened the door.

"Good morning" She greeted slugglishy and Phoenix almost cried at the sight of his sister. She wasn't unkempt or anything. She looked pale, like a soulless body, like life have been taken away from her.

She looked at the food on the trolley and smiled. A smile that didn't reach her eyes"oh sweet Phoenix. I'm jealous of Jumoke and Iris already"

"I am going to work. Do you want to get anything? "Phoenix asked softly

" hmmm"She pretended to think for a while and smiled again. Phoenix knew that she was trying her best to make him believe that she was okay. But, she is very far from okay. "No. I'll call Jummy if I need anything"

He reach out to hug her and whispered in her ears.

"I love you, Dola" That statement seems to hit her hard as she went stiff for a while. She pulled away and hit him playfully.

"I'm really okay. I've been eating these days at least. I love you too. Go before hit that sympathy out of your face" She said and they both laughed.

He walked to the door and turned to look at her again. She was already eating this time and she gave him a 'what is it' look.

"I... I got you a therapist" He said. She had a little bit of a bad history with therapist and he didn't know how she was going to react to it. When she didn't say anything he got scared.

"Dola it's okay. I can just cancel the appointment" She smiled at him again and he didn't know what to do.

"I'll go" She suddenly blurted out"when is it? "

"I'll text you the time and place" She nodded and he left.

*         *         *         *         *         *         *

Dola curled herself into a fetal position. 4 years ago, she didn't believe that she will be in this condition. She haven't told anyone about it, not even her family. She had rejected all their attempt to help her because she believed that no body understood her. She sighed as she stood up to prepare to see the therapist.

*         *         *          *         *          *          *

Dola turned on the shower and reminisced her last shower with Michael. After they had their first sex. The night her life got ruined. She missed him soo much.

"God why me? " She cried as the water ran through her body."Micheal "She screamed as tears streamed down her face.

*          *         *          *          *          *         *

" wakey wakey sleepyhead "Mike's smiley face popped into her view.

" Am I in heaven?" Dola asked still sleepy.

"I took you there. Twice this afternoon" I blushed as I understood what he meant "it was your first time and you kept on getting amazed and wanting to explore everything"

"Micheal" I exclaimed covering my face and kicking him away.

"My lady, shall we go there tonight?" He asked and I screamed 'No'.

"Ouch. That is a big hit unto my pride young lady" He said and I laughed "who will believe that the sex king himself got rejected by his queen" I ignored my seductive boyfriend and wrapped myself in the duvet prepared to have my shower.

"Arrrgh I feel sticky" I complained.

"I can help you with an intense washing ma'am" Mike offered "In fact I can do anything intense"

"Hmm like??" I teased.

"Intense sex" He said casually.

I looked around to throw something at him and I noticed our clothes sprawled on the floor. I picked up a handful and threw it at him. Everything fell before they got to him and he caught one.

Mike: "mmm smells nice"

"... "

They chased each other around the room because Mike kept on sniffing Dola's panties and she wanted it back. In the end, the dragged them selves to the bathroom where they made love again.

*         *         *         *         *         *         *

"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" Mike's Smiley face popped into her view again.

She almost thought things were repeating themselves until she noticed that Mike was fully clothed this time.

"Crazy" She smiled and he leaned in for a kiss.

"About Naomi..." He frowned as Dola interrupted him.

"We won't be talking about her. It's girls stuff don't interfere" He sighed and leaned away backing her.

"Dola" He called.

"Ohhhh he called me Dola. Is it about to rain blood? " She joked. If only she knew that it will truly rain blood.

"When I joined Carmine, I met Don and he introduced me to some other guys. He's my cousin. Do you know that? " Mike asked with a grave expression on his face.

"Of course. You've told me that over and over and over... " Dola joked. He had his back to her so she could see the expression on his face.

"Dola. I'm serious" She stood up and sat beside him and...

"Oh my God" She exclaimed "You're crying"

"It was supposed..." He tried to explain in between tears.

"Shhhhh don't say anything. Calm down" She coaxed.

"No Dola I need to tell you. " He sniffed and she wipped his tears away. "I... I... "

"Baby you really don't have to tell me if you're not ready" She said as tears streamed down her eyes too.

"You need to know" He sniffed again "Oh God!... I... I joined a cult group" He dropped the bomb and waited to see her reaction.

"You're joking right?" She smiled" you're more sensible than that"

"I swear. I won't prank you with something like this" He said as huge drops of tears continued to flow down his face.

She cupped his face and they cried together for a long time. The sight of Dola crying for made him realize how strong their love was.

"Why did you do it? Why? " Dola cried profusely. "Micheal why???"

"I'm sorry" He begged and placed his head on her shoulder.

"Dominic (Don) said it's just a circle of rich kids showcasing their parents wealth. I didn't want to join. I swear babe" He paused a while to let the words sink in "Dola you know me. I didn't want to join but Buzz had eyes for you. He promised to do everything to have you. At that time, you have turned me down for the fourth time and I still loved you. I ignored the feeling while we were in secondary school and I wasn't ready to do it again"

He pulled himself up and faced her, both of them teary eyed. He look at her like an helpless child and it broke her heart.

"I went to Don and he told me that he was part of the circle too. That there was nothing dangerous and I didn't have to do anything than to club with them and do financial donations. Dola I swear it was like that until Buzz met Deja and things changed. It crazy girl even started the girls circle with Biola, the lesbian girl." The reality of everything was making Dola feel sick.

"Who is Deja?" She asked cleaning her face with the duvet.

"Jare. Adejare the one in radiography department" They were both mute for a while.

He stood up and pulled something out of his pocket.

"I was going to wait till our convocation, but I don't know if  I'll live till then" He knelt down and tears clouded his face.

"Don't say that" Dola whispered.

"I'm crazy about you, Dola. What the f**k did you do to me? " He smiled sadly "I love you...are you tired of hearing it?"

I nodded my head and he chuckled "I don't know what the future holds for both of us but I know that whatever it is, I want you by my side and it's not just a temporal feeling it's one that will last forever. I know... I know that this is not the fanciest place... Damn my room is a mess" We laughed. "Dola,will you please marry me? "

"I have never cried as a much as I did today. Not even when my dad left us. I love you Micheal" She looked down"aww I want to put you on suspense but it seems you already know my answer "

They laughed. Again. "I'm not standing up until you say it"

"Well then kneel till God knows when" she laughed and went to pick up her clothes.

"Babe are saying no??. Seriously" He looked shocked and Dola almost exploded from joy.

She suddenly ran to hug him on his knees and shouted "yessss. I'll marry you Mister Coker... My Naughty Mister Coker"

They kissed and hugged each other.

"Uhmm I still have to punish you for teasing me. But, the celebratory sex will have to wait" Mike said immediately they pulled away from each other.

"Okay. So what should we do about the circle" Dola asked and he pouted.

"They fought with another cult group from that polytechnic and I think a guy died. And those guys will be at Carmine any moment to have their revenge" He explained

"Did you join the fight? " She asked wide eyed.

He chuckled and look at her "I can't even fight. I'm not suicidal"

"So what's happening now? "

"It's not compulsory to go with them. The semester is almost over. I'm running to my f**king house" He grinned .

"You can't run forever. They might come after you" She reasoned"What are the consequences?"

"Death" And they both went silent."I won't die on you"

"I know. Not when I'm this in love with you" They both laughed and she became serious "We won't come back to ABK. We will start all over again. In the U.S.Will your parents allow it?"

"They love me. They'll do anything for me" Mike looked into her eyes" But Dola I'm an engineering student in my 4th year are you fucking kidding me? I can't possibly give up 4 years"

"Well if it's between your life and your career..."

"I love my career and... "

"I don't know...you don't hate your life either... "

They kept on arguing and interrupting each other until Dola started crying and they both kept quiet.

*         *         *         *         *        *         *

Dola walked into Dr.Johnson's office. She expected to see an old man in a faded off-white lab coat and a crooked glass on the bridge of his nose but...

"Have your seat miss.."

"Dola. Dola McBride" She said and she sat.

"I am Mrs. Duru" She started "Do you want us to go straight to the point or we still need to beat around the bush for a while?"

"I still have to pick my niece from day care by 3'o clock" Dola said without directly giving her an answer.

"It will be easier for both us if you are willing" Mrs Duru stood up and walked up to her fridge to get two glasses of drinks "I want to be your friend? Can I? "

"Friend" Dola scoffed "I had a friend. Her name was Naomi. She's dead"

The woman paused for a while and gave a sympathetic look. She handed a glass to Dola. "Dola I'm sorry about Naomi. Have it "

"I'm not sorry about her. No thanks I don't want the drink" The woman smiled.


"Naomi tried to poison me with this same drink" Dola didn't understand why she was talking to this woman. With other pschologists, she doesn't even keep to time or listen to their long boring talk. But, this woman was just too tricky asking her questions indirectly.

She didn't apologize this time instead she said...

"I know one Naomi when I was in secondary school, she put a dead lizard on my seat" Dola laughed and the woman laughed too.

"Did you know any Micheal, maybe Mike in secondary school??"

*               *                 *

Heyy, to my loyal readers.

This is actually my first published book and I hope you will support me immensely. It's going to be banger and I do hope you guys stay tuned to the end.Please don't forget to vote for me in appreciation and also drop your reviews and comments. Love y'all.


                                               Lollididit ❦

PS:I really hope you're enjoying this book. Please drop comments and vote. It's not encouraging to have ghost readers. I'm sorry buh y'all I'll not be interpreting the Nigerian languages used, but I  will try to put them in a way that you will be able to comprehend.Thanks ❦.