

And then....

- What ? It was only a dream ???

I was a little desappointed knowing it was only a dream.

Then, i wake up on my bed and try to prepare myself for school.

- How could it be a dream ? Everything was so real

Face to my mirror, i remember the feeling i felt. The sensation of his mouth, his perfume. And again, i feel really appease.

Prepared, i go to school with him in my head. I can tell that it really deconcentrate me.

But at least, it give me peace throughout the day.

Back to home, feeling tired, i was lying on my bed, i remember his lips on mine and i slowly fall asleep.

- You!

I will recognize this voice everywhere

- You will tell me again to leave?

It was his voice, his sweet and lovely voice

- No

He sat by my side and i can feel his body near mine. And then, i remeber, again, our kiss. And i blushed

- You are cute when you blushed like that

And, what he is actually saying won't help me to blushed less.

- You are like a little bee

A bee ? Sorry ?

- A bee ? Nothing else ?

Such a good compliment but i can take it. It seems so bad.

- Sorry, I just want to be romantic

- Romantic and saying that i am a bee ?

- You should take the good part of the compliment

The good part hein? Bee, Bee, what's good with bee... Ass....

- Don't think too much, he said, you will just think about bad thing

- Not at all, i am thinking about the good part of the bee

- Let me guess, those ass ?

haahhaaha, what a odd moment.

- Let me tell you what i though telling you that

- Please

- Just

He touch my hair and i can feel a million butterfly flying in me.

- Just, you are beautifull

It have no relation with a bee but such a compliment from a perfect and an handsome guy like him, only make me wanna touch him and more

And, as he knew what i am thinking, he slowly caress my cheek with the the most sweetness he can give. I am feeling, at this moment, like in heaven. It's like every time when he is near or when i think of him. He made me feel special adn powerfull, like nothink can defeat me. He make me wanna do thing that i should not.

Then, he continue his exploration of my face. He gently caress my lips with his finger and it's like a million volt run along my spine, and it's like time just stop at this moment. Only for us, for this precious moment. And then, i feel like a fire burning my spine.

- You are beautifful

He suddenly kiss me, even if it surprise me, he was not rude but extremely gently, like he wont to break me. And, in this kiss, everything go out. Only this moment count. Only him and me. Only this incredible feeling, his hand everywhere on me, his lips on mine, his perfune around me and the fire becoming more powerfull that burned my spine and my entire body.

When i open my eyes, he desapear. A dream, again. But, in spite of this was only a dream, i still feel his touch, the sensation of his hand on me, the way he say i am beautifful. Everything was real, i am sure. I know that everything happened, and not only in my dream.

Or i go crazy ?