
Doctor Who: The Man At The End Of Time

The lone Man older than time itself, Who will wander through it to find friends make enemys and hopefully find his name This is the story of the being people call The Lonely God. This is my first book please go easy I dont own Doctor Who i only own my OC

Nemty · TV
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At The End Of time

At the end of time there is nothing, No light, No life, Nothing. Apart from the lonely man. This man has been alive since the beginning of time he has watched everything the past, the present and the future, he knows all thats happening through out all of time. He has witnessed countless galaxys be destroyed, civlizations be wiped out, universes collapsing in on them selves. He has been by himself for so long that he even forgot his own name. The people who met have him have given him countless nicknames but the one that stuck with him throught time was, The Lonely God.

But he was no god he knew that he was just a person watching over everything and making sure nothing went wrong. When something would go wrong he would travel to certain point in time to make slight changes there by fixing the inbalance in time. He created himself a libary that would always exist throught time where he would record everything that happens whether it was important or not. Beings that made it to the libary would often look for information about there future but they would never find it because knowing their future was never a good thing. They eventually came to call this libary: The Nexus libary. Sitting in this libary was the man at the end of time he was finishing the final book that will be placed on the final bookshelf of the final libary.

Sitting up from his desk walking along the endless rows of bookshelfs finally reaching the final one, placing the book on the shelf he said to himself "I guess this is the end all the knowledge of time and space in one place there is no longer a need to stay here, I guess i should leave." Packing up his belongings which where only a few items, a half top hat, a cane with a hourglass handle and finally a pocket watch with beatiful engravings on it, the engravings looked alot like runes one would find on gallifrey but if one looked they would notice that they are more advanced than them these runes contained a hint of time. Walking to the door after packing everything up he took one final look at his creation before sighing "Perhaps on this journey I might be able to find companionship and finally stop being lonely". Walking out the door with pocket watch in hand he spins the dial randomaly choosing a time he clicks in the dial while saying "I might even be able to find my name" as he dissapeares leaving the end of time once again lifeless.

(Authors Note: I am not good writer i wrote this because i wanted to try it if you like it let me know and i will continue but i cant promise that it will be good since i have never wrote before but i will try my best also if i do make more chapter i will try to make them much longer than this one but as this was my first attempt I didnt know what else to write about)