
1.Blood Sucking Duchess

"The Duchess* is back!!!!!!!....." in a horrified and scared voice a female entered the office through door and almost screamed.Others still busy working with a relaxed , harmonic but focused attitude were can be said as enjoying their day at their computers and cubicles looked in her direction with shook in their eyes.

The office which was normal and peaceful was now looking as a deserted land though people were present their no one said a word even they got freeze at their respective positions.At last thank to the phone which rang to break this suffocating scene and bringing back them to reality.

It is normal for new employs to be afraid of their heads but despite being long time employs and working for "The Rigveda Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Global Cooperation" a big name in pharmaceutical and medical world got scared just by the news of her arrival.

A man with a briefcase entered in office cubicles and saw the situation,then he turned got some papers from a desk and passed to the manager with a meaningful expression .He was 6 feet tall with gold rimmed glasses with a perfect body mass index and in front of him the manager was just average person.

Manager got back to his usual self and turned to his seat with apologetic look and before he apologized"Sorry' Vice President 'I apologize for our informal behaviour"and took his seat with the permission .

Others followed him and room turned to usual but it was no longer same as before a weird and unusual stress can be seen in the air.

After the man left ,the female in formal attire entered room facing all the curious stares headed straight to manager and said "She is back . I just got secretary Jo's message that they are on their way back to city and can be in the office by 4 ".

As everyone heard this the silent office turned into a market place and each and everyone started their gossip

"She must be back due to that notice".

"No it is just a small matter why she will be back for a matter which can be solved by our law and order department".

"You don't know because you are new but the demoness is too possessive over it ,and can't let it go".

"Whatever the reason is I was hoping for a good time at work since the witch was in UK branch but now it seems like we are all doomed".

"Yes , the blood Sucking Duchess is back".

Listening to hi co-workers words manager Yan took deep sigh 'yes ,they are right she is indeed blood Sucking when it comes to job ,but due to her we exists at this level ,they need to respect her.Despite her ruthless rule over employs,she is our boss'he thought.

Manager Yan stood up at his place and looked at them as he is on a stage addressing his audience he said"My dear colleagues we need to be strong ,this situation is not new to us we need to stand and work together to tackle the the situation I hope u all are understanding what I want to tell u please for the betterment and growth of our cooperation we need to work we need to follow rules ....

..... .....so please respect the orders our superior gives us thank u"

Manager Yan whose dream was to be a politician in teenage turned out to be a manager of the head administration department of "The Rigveda Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Global Cooperation" is now famous for his long and boring speeches.

The department heard him and to their work and started working it was not as earlier now the speed was 4times and the carefulness was more than the speed .Not only this department but other departments in building got to their best .

To continue living each one in the building become erect and boasted their work efficiently .In the all wanted their head and heart working at their places after returning to home to see their family.They could only pray that witch will not in a worse mood today ( because all knew that her mood is always bad) No one has ever seen her laughing or socializing . She is completely aloof and no one dares to close distance with her.



Meanwhile in a luxurious Rolls-Royce with attracted each and every ones interest with driving away living the people in daze the atmosphere inside was intense.

Secretary Jo well-known for his composure and joyful smile was now had no trace of joy on his face while sitting passenger seat he took a peak of his one and only but very scary boss.The woman is not old or ugly .She is just 28 years old and can be said a plain sheet without any trace of makeup . Holding a tablet and a laptop on knees paying concentration to both while cross examining a law suit notice.

Secretary Jo is habitual of her coldness and distinct nature but today he is also not able to cope up with the increase in terror in the air of car.

He has been for 5years with her side despite being a degree holder in business management and heir for family business he chose to work under her. Also being 2years older than her he is terrified with this silence.

'Boss say something scold me curse me or please beat me .... please say something or I will die from heart failure please.....god I can't take it only more please make this witch split out some spells '.

The aura around her was dense wanting others to distance themselves from her .

At last god showed mercy at him (he thought mercy but could be....)an email came and taking glaze in mirror he saw change in her expression.

The woman Dr.Grace Smith and CEO of a international Pharmaceutical company , a successful thoracic surgeon with IQ a bit better than average person is not someone whose experience can be changed or her mood can be affected by such small matters .

Jo was confused and curious too to know what caused change in the expression was a stone face. He knew it must be something which is now a treat to his and other' employees night sleep .

At last when they reached the in front of the main entrance of company all the directors of every division where present to greet her in rows like waiting for a King's arrival (well , in this case it is our queen) .

Jo stepped out and went to back seat door of car opened it carefully letting her step out. She saw everyone standing and didn't show any change in expression , straight she moved in the building all following her with simultaneous greetings .

She straight went to law and order department and smashed the folder in her hand on the table in front of the head of the department.

Hi everyone ,

This is my first novel on web novel story well..yes I am nervous I don't know if my words will connect with u reader ...

So now I just hope u will read it and give me some suggestions and reviews so that I can learn and improve

Now about story it's my original story about a aloof woman who is successful and egoistic no one wants to know what is she .

What is her true self and made her to cover her face with a mask .

FrozenLittleHeartcreators' thoughts