
ch 1

Hey my name is Hannah and i have a husband named Dylan. He is the best person i've ever had, but something feels off about him. since we got married he was a sweetheart but he changed into a cold person which i hate.

Today i decided to surprise him with dinner as he never eats with me and he is always in his office or out with friends... Once i was done setting the table and the food was ready i placed it with a candle in the middle of the table...

i looked at the time and it showed 7:00pm he usually comes home at that time....i waited for some more time.. i looked back at the clock and it showed 7:30pm i was about to go to the room when i heard the door open. "babe your here" i said as i went towards him "come let's eat" i said again, "i'm not hungry...now leave me alone" he said coldly as he pushed me to the side and went upstairs to our room.

it was already 9:00pm so i decided to put the food in the fridge and go to sleep...i quietly opened the door and saw that he was already asleep. i went towards the him and layed down slowly whispering " i don't know what to do anymore Dylan..ever since we got married you change a lot and i don't like that." i grabbed my computer and went downstairs...

I opened a new tab and searched up *trips for married couple* i saw few, but one o them catched my eye which was *Tuscany, Italy* i booked the tickets and it was 1,818 dollars..'thank god he doesn't have work tomorrow' i though and went to sleep.

*The Next day*

i woke up at 5:00am and got our luggage ready, It was 6:30am when i finished so i decided to put the suitcases in the car and went to go wake up Dylan."Honey wake up"i said in a sweet voice as he moved a bit and said "five more minutes" i smiled and went to go get breakfast ready....when i was done i saw that he was already up..i looked at him and smiled. "hurry we have to go" i said and went downstairs leaving a confused Dylan on the room.