

On the 3rd of January Xander left Harry and Hermione with Dan and Emma so he could attend the meeting with Albus. He would have to ride the train with Harry and Hermione so he could provide security for the whole train. It was now part of his job as the Head of Security for Hogwarts.

Xander, Joyce and Minerva were waiting at the school gates for Albus to turn up, there was a brief celebration over Xander's eyes, but they assured him that the unusual colouring would be overlooked as Madam Hooch had unusual eyes too. When Albus did arrive, they were not pleased. He had brought Severus Snape.

"There is no way on God's green earth that that bastard is getting in my school." Xander growled. "If I see him around Harry or Hermione I will consider him a threat and take him out with extreme prejudice."

Albus, Snape and Minerva looked a little confused.

"That means he'll be lucky to be alive by the time Xander is finished with him." Joyce explained with a scowl.

"Professor Snape is a fine Potions Master and teacher. His presence is required to provide the children with a suitable potions education." Albus said calmly.

"Not in this school he's not." Joyce hissed.

"I'm afraid I must insist." He said as he walked through the gate. "It is for the greater good. Come Severus."

Joyce looked on in amusement as Albus strode past. Severus Snape was finding he couldn't get past an invisible barrier.

"Albus, something is blocking the way." Severus hissed.

"That would be me. You will never step foot in this castle or it's grounds again. Should you manage to do so, you will be terminated on sight." Joyce said imperiously.

With that the gates slammed shut.

"Well Albus? Are you prepared to hear and abide by the terms of your probation or should we fire you now and simply promote Minerva?" Xander asked.

Albus however realized he would have to make some sacrifices if he was to keep his position. Headmaster of a school may not seem as important as Chief of the Wizengamot but it allowed him to view the future generations before they made an impact on the world. Not to mention the necessity of staying close to Harry Potter in order to guide him in the future battles.

"I suppose if I must." He sighed. "Severus, I will speak with you later."

Severus was about to cuss up a storm, it was unheard by the other four as Xander teleported them up to the Head's office. Xander had been practicing and had increased the amount of people he could teleport at a time and could now do it without contact.

Joyce meanwhile had sat down in the chair behind the desk. Commandeering the room. Minerva and Xander took two seats on either side of her whilst Xander conjured a simple chair for Albus. Minerva had told them how he liked to conjure fancy things. Likely just to make an impression.

Albus took in the situation and sighed. He sat regally in the provided chair. Fawkes was sitting on his perch eyeing the whole situation carefully.

Joyce started the meeting. "You have been found severely lacking in recent years as headmaster. The only reason you are being allowed a second chance is because of your previous years of effective service.

"You will abide by the following stipulations and terms or you will be fired and removed from the castle.

"One, you will no longer interfere with students lives beyond the needs of their education, health and safety whilst they live in the castle.

"Two, you will report any signs of abuse or neglect from outside the school to the school medic or myself and Xander. The school medic should be the first port of call, myself and Xander only if they are unavailable.

"Three, you will refrain from using your other positions outside of the school to influence the school and it's inhabitants. This includes squashing criminal proceedings against staff and pupils who have broken the law.

"Four, you will abandon all attempts to affect or influence Harry James Potter. Your only concern regarding him, is his education.

"These are the main stipulations. We reserve the right to add to them or remove them as necessary to the safety and security of the school and it's inhabitants.

"Your primary concerns as Headmaster, should be to provide adequate staffing, budgeting, educational curriculum planning and school codes of conduct. Any other matters must be discussed with the Deputy Head, Xander or myself, and yes, we hold veto over any staff appointments. Do you understand and agree."

The terms were meant to be vague and non-specific. Everything apart from the one regarding Harry. The three of them were more concerned with his actions outside of the school and his abuse of his position as Headmaster with regards to Harry.

Albus saw that there was not a lot of room for him to work with. But he also knew that they only had the children's interests at heart.

Albus believed there was sometime before the battle began. He hoped that by that time Harry would have finished his schooling and be ready for Albus to train him. In the meantime, he could work within his role as Headmaster and see to Harry's safety and happiness, hopefully endearing himself to the young boy.

"I agree. But I must state that Harry must return to the Dursley's were he will be safe."

"That is none of your concern." Xander growled.

Albus sighed. He knew when to pick his battles. "Then I agree."

"Understand, Albus, that we will be using our best judgment and not simply reacting without considering all the circumstances. If we feel that your actions were taken in good faith, we will respond accordingly." Joyce offered.

"I appreciate that." Albus said honestly. He did not believe his position to be tenable if it were not the case.

"Then there is one final thing that must be done before we can move on." Joyce said firmly. Her face turned hard and angry. "Get that damn stoned and those bloody traps out of my school!"

Albus went white. Or… whiter. "Madam, I have no where else to hide it. The bank is no longer safe."

"Bullshit." Xander said succinctly, Joyce had told him about the Philosopher's Stone being kept in the castle and how it was a magnet for trouble. "I was told of the report that the bank was broken into. Turns out a rather old goblin forgot to file a report that the vault had been emptied. The next day during an inspection, the alarm was sounded when things didn't tally up.

"The goblins were definitely embarrassed, but not because they failed in security. The old goblin has been forced to retire. Which unfortunately means he is in a shit load of trouble. He has disgraced the Goblin Nation."

The other three adults winced at that. Goblin punishments were harsh. If the old goblin wasn't dead, he'd soon wish he was.

"You have no power to change that?" Albus asked. Although not made known to the public, the Ministry of Magic was well aware of Xander's status.

"Nope. It would be like altering their religion. They'd rebel against me."

"Then what is the purpose of you becoming their king?" He asked.

"For me? Mainly to ensure they don't start another war. They were about ten years from the next one." Xander chuckled.

"You can discuss this later." Joyce said in frustration. "I want that stone and the traps gone."

"I will need to speak with Nicholas regarding his wishes. I believe he will wish the stone destroyed." Albus said sadly. "I will miss him. He has been a good friend."

"What is this 'stone'?" Xander asked. He had only been told it was trouble, he wasn't clear on the 'why'.

"The Philosopher's stone." Joyce answered. "It is used to make the Elixir of life, which, extends the drinkers lifespan indefinitely. It also has the ability to turn any metal into gold."

"Sounds pretty useless to me." Xander shrugged.

"It does have healing properties to rival a phoenix's tears and can increase the holders understanding of Alchemy so that anything is attainable." Albus added.

"Ok, sounding better." Xander conceded. "Ok, we'll go get the stone. I'll have it placed in the deepest vault in Gringotts. Albus, get this Nick guy to contact me. I have a few propositions for him."

As Xander was speaking he started out the door, with the others following.

"Erm, Joyce. Wanna lead the way?" He said sheepishly as he realized he had no idea where he was going.

Ten minutes later and they were outside the locked door on the third floor.

"Ok, so what sort of security is on the door?" Xander asked as he examined it closely.

"It has a lock." Joyce scowled.

"A lock?"

"Just a lock." She emphasized.

"There are other defences beyond the door." Albus pointed out indignantly.

"Yes, but those defences are lethal to nosy young children who can get past this lock with a simple Alohomora." Joyce hissed.

"Ok, moving on." Xander sighed as he phased through the door.

"Did he just walk through the door?" Albus asked in surprise.

Joyce ignored him as she opened the door, the lock accepting her without worry. Minerva rolled her eyes.

"Wait, Fluffy is in there!" Albus called out as he realized just where Xander had gone.

Albus rushed in with his wand out a stunner on his lips as he hoped to immobilize at least one of the heads of the Cerberus.

The sight of Xander scratching one of the heads behind the ear was not what he was expecting.

"Fluffy? Who the hell named this thing Fluffy?" Xander asked incredulously.

"The only person who would think this monster would make a good pet." Minerva said rolling her eyes.

"Ah… Hagrid." Xander muttered. "Well, I've given him orders to play nice with all the staff and students and anyone I point out. He'll make a good guard dog for the school."

"You… gave it orders?" Albus asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, he's a friendly little guy."

"Little?" Minerva asked with a raised eyebrow.

Xander ignored her. "Ok, so I'm guessing we go through the trapdoor." Xander mused as he pulled it open. "See you down there." He said as he stepped in and vanished.

A few seconds later and they heard his voice float back up followed by a billow of smoke. "Your protection was a bush? Fat lot of good that did." Xander's head suddenly reappeared.

Albus looked at him curiously, he didn't see him take a broom down there. He was very shocked when he saw Xander float out of the hole.

"Alright, I burnt the bush away, so we can continue. Minerva you bring Albus and I'll take Joyce." Xander instructed as he pulled Joyce to him and floated them up and into the hole.

"He-He-He can fly?" Albus asked weakly.

Minerva just grabbed him round the waist and began to float up causing the ancient professor to squawk in surprise.

"Great Merlin, how are you doing this?" He asked frantically as he held Minerva tighter.

"Xander taught me." She answered vaguely.

"Nice of you to join us." Xander drawled. He was currently standing in a room with a locked door, two broomsticks and a lot of flying keys. "Why would you leave the solution to the defences in the same damn room as the supposed defence?" Xander asked in disgust.

"It would take a skilled broom rider to catch the key to open this door." Albus said proudly.

Xander looked at him with a look of disappointment. Xander walked over to the door and walked through it. "Yep, real secure." He said sarcastically as he poked his head back through.

Albus huffed indignantly. "The average wizard does not possess your abilities!"

Xander waked back through. "Ok, let's pretend I'm 'average'."

Xander examined the door for a few more seconds. He then reached behind his back and pulled a huge battleaxe from nowhere.

Xander spent a good five minutes hacking the door down as Minerva and Joyce stood wincing and Albus looked on gobsmacked.

"Right, what's next?" He asked as he placed his axe back where it came from.

"Unfortunately, it is my addition to the protections." Minerva admitted. "I dread to think how you intend to defeat this."

In front of them was a huge chess set. Each piece was taller than they were.

"So… what? You have to play or the pieces attack you?"

"Yes." She sighed.

"Right, so I have to either beat the game… or if I was an average wizard…?" He mused to himself. "Aha!" He turned around and marched back into the room of keys. He returned shortly with the two brooms. "I don't know how to ride these, but I'm guessing they will get us past this?"

Minerva sighed but nodded defeated.

A few seconds later and Xander simply teleported them past the chessboard having made his point.

"Which of you is doing that?" Albus asked. He had assumed it was Joyce who was apparating them, but he no longer felt it was wise to make these assumptions around Xander.

"Oh, that's me. Quick and easy." He said happily as he opened the next door. "SWEET MERCIFUL MOTHER!" He squawked as a terrible stench hit his nose and he slammed the door shut. "What… is that?"

"A troll." Joyce said drolly.

"Well congratulations. You may have actually come up with a suitable defence. The smell alone is enough to keep the thieves out." Xander said sarcastically. "Can we just assume that I defeated the troll. We all know I could and I really don't want to be stuck in a room with that smell." He practically begged.

"I will attempt to cast a stunner, as I do not believe it is necessary to kill the beast without good reason." Albus agreed.

"Stunner?" Xander asked.

Minerva cast a stunner at the stone wall. "It knocks the target out for a period of time."

"Hmm, ok. Let me give it a shot." He said as he took a deep breath, held it, and opened the door. A blast of red light and a crash and a thump later and they walked through.

"Oh Xander." Minerva sighed slightly disappointed. "That was far too powerful."

The blast had sent the troll crashing into the wall. It was still embedded in the wall, it's large club rolling at it's feet.

"I'll, er, work on it." He said sheepishly.

They quickly hurried through to avoid the stench. Behind the next door was a wall of fire and a row of potion bottles.

"Please don't tell me they are supposed to put the fire out with what is in the bottles." Xander asked rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Of course not!" Albus said indignantly. "The instructions to find the right bottle is in the riddle. The right bottle will allow the drinker to walk through the fire unharmed."

"Given enough time, anyone with half a brain and an ounce of patience will work it out." Xander said. "How many more are there?"

"This is the last of the defences." Albus answered.

"For the record, Harry and Hermione could get here in less than fifteen minutes. Neville could do it on his own in an hour." Xander stated.

"I find that hard to believe." Albus sniffed.

"I don't." Minerva retorted. "Harry wouldn't even take that long. He could teleport past everything. The Weasley Twins could do it in an hour as well, and they aren't able to use Xander's techniques."

Xander teleported past the wall of fire and returned with a red stone. "I'm gonna take this to Gringotts. You three disassemble this mess and have Hagrid retrieve… Fluffy. I'll be back later with the train." Xander didn't wait for a response, he just vanished.

"For the record, he's very pissed at you. Harry, Neville and Hermione could get here easily. Another student could be killed at anytime." Joyce scowled at Albus. She grabbed Minerva and they vanished, leaving Albus Dumbledore to the clean up.

Xander was very happy to return to Harry and the Grangers. The whole episode with the Philosopher's Stone had pissed him off. The Stone was poorly guarded by lethal traps and tests which an older student could bypass but would kill the younger ones. And the only thing standing between them and death was a locked door.

He couldn't exactly lay all the blame on Dumbledore as the other teachers had been involved. The Stone was now in a vault in the depths of Gringotts guarded by a squad of vicious goblins and two dragons. Xander had never seen anything cooler.

Once everyone was ready they said their goodbyes to Dan and Emma with the promise of lots of letters and then the three vanished as they teleported to Kings Cross via Harry Air.

After dropping the kids and their luggage in a compartment, Xander started to patrol the train and made sure everyone was settled. He then headed back to the kids to rest until he decided to make another pass.

They were joined by Neville who was regaled with their tales and adventures of the holidays. Neville was very excited to find out he would be learning how to teleport and walk through doors.

Xander told the kids about his meeting with Dumbledore and the Philosopher's Stone. They were not sworn to secrecy about the stone, but he did warn them to stick to the story that Dumbledore had been gone for the term on a sabbatical.

Whilst Xander was making another patrol, a certain Slytherin showed a bit of cunning by choosing that time to come and be a bully.

"If it isn't a compartment full of filth." Draco said smarmily. "I'm surprised you even bothered to return. Haven't you learnt that magic isn't for scum like you?"

"Personally I find it interesting that you seem so interested in a compartment of 'filth'." Hermione responded calmly. "Is that because you are so used to it at home?"

Draco's face went red. He was very good at dishing out the abuse but not very good at receiving it. As he was about to respond he and his two goons just vanished.

"Harry… what did you do?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, just made sure they can't be a bother." He said with an innocent look, which neither of the other two believed.

Xander had just spent half an hour heading up the train. He decided to put the kids in the last carriage so that he could guard the rear and leave the front to the driver and conductor. He was taking a slow stroll back when he noticed a line of students in the corridor.

"Something wrong with the compartments?" He asked young Terry Boot, who was at the front of the line.

"No sir, someone is in the loo and we all need to use it too." He said trying not to cross his legs.

"How long they been in there?"

"About fifteen minutes sir." Another boy answered.

Xander sighed and knocked on the door. "You ok in there?"

There was no response. Xander took a look at the lock and saw it was very simple. He didn't know the unlocking charm that Minerva and Joyce had mentioned, but he thought he'd give it a shot. He sent a small amount of magic at the lock, not wanting to blast it off the door. He was rewarded with the sound of the lock opening.

Xander slid the door back and just stared.

Terry Boot just stared.

The rest of the students attempted to get closer… and just stared.

"Draco, although I have no objection to same sex relations, if you want to make out with your boyfriends, I suggest you do it in a compartment. I will also remind you that the rules apply to you as well as heterosexual couples. Above the waist and over the clothes." Xander said desperately trying not to smirk. He had a very good idea of what had happened and how they wound up, all three, stuffed in a tiny cubical.

"Help… me!" Draco wheezed. There really wasn't any room in there.

Xander gave the room a quick glance. He decided to spare them the indignity of been wrenched out… mainly because he didn't want to touch them. He placed a hand on the door frame and focused on expanding the room.

The three boys were quick to escape into the corridor.

"I'm afraid I will have to notify the Headmaster and write your father about this Draco. And you as well." He told Crabbe and Goyle.

Draco went white. "It was all Potter's fault! He put us in here."

Xander knew that was probably true, he also knew there was literally no way to prove it and that they probably deserved it. Xander hated bullies.

"Right… so your saying that little Harry who couldn't lift his own body weight, managed to stuff you and the two hippo's into a tiny bathroom?" Xander asked dubiously.

"He used magic." Draco responded indignantly.

"Ok… so… you're saying he managed to perform a highly powerful and skilful amount of magic to do it and you couldn't defend yourself?"

As Xander predicted, Draco had no desire to allow Harry to be called powerful. "I… er."

"Right, clearly the inbreeding hasn't affected you yet." Xander said sarcastically. "Let's try another route, shall we? Why would Harry want to put you in there?"

Again, Xander knew Draco wouldn't admit he had started whatever had caused Harry to stuff him in the john.

"He… I… he's evil!" Draco blurted triumphantly. He looked to his two cronies and the nodded enthusiastically grunting along in that all too familiar language of goons.

Xander snorted. "Draco, I will be making a report and sending it to your parents. Feel free to file a complaint against Harry. But I will warn you that if you can't come up with some better excuses, you'll find yourself in a lot of trouble."

"Sir… can I…?" Terry was now hopping.

"Oh, sure. Yeah, pee away kid." Xander said stepping out of the way.

The door slammed closed.


Xander raised an eyebrow at the sound of ecstasy but just started walking away. He decided to speak to Fillius about sound proofing the johns except for an emergency. That and more toilets.

The rest of the trip back to the castle was quiet. Although Xander took one look at the stampede that occurred when the train pulled into Hogsmede and made a decision to have the prefects make the dis-embarkment more orderly. He had no desire to die under a herd of hormones.

Xander's new appearance of two eyes was met with a few looks and stares, but nothing more. The Headmasters return was met with even less excitement. Much to Dumbledore's dismay.

A few days later Lucius Malfoy was sitting in his parlour drinking a fine glass of brandy and reading a letter from Hogwarts about his son's behaviour. This was his third time through.

He could understand if there had been numerous complaints about Draco's treatment of the mudbloods, but that was to be understood. And the source of information used as it revealed just who he needed to squash.

But he was not expecting to receive notice that his son had been found, in what could only be considered a compromising position, with two of his minions… friends. Especially as they were both male.

There was no statement that they were engaged in anything beyond being present… but the implications were there.

"Narcissa, my dear, are you aware of Draco's… sexual preferences?" He asked his wife who was seated in a matching armchair and reading a book.

"I didn't think he was old enough to have any." Narcissa frowned as she put her book down.

"It would seem that he was found in a bathroom on the train with young Gregory and Vincent."

"Really?" She asked disbelievingly. "If memory serves, they were barely big enough to handle one person… let alone three."

"I suppose if one is… desperate enough…" Lucius said offhandedly.

"I suppose I will need to educate him over the summer about his duty as the Heir of Malfoy." Lucius muttered.

Narcissa didn't bother responding. As far as she was concerned, as long as that tosser Voldemort didn't come back, Draco could sleep with a Hippogriff. Her own marriage was a farce, and one she wished she could get out of. She was pretty much a broodmare. Her wedding night was more akin to a potions experiment than a romantic union of two bodies. As soon as she was pregnant, she moved into a bedroom of her own. Much to Lucius delight. She had known when marrying him that he was as gay as a summer's day. It was something that was kept very quiet. Apparently Voldemort didn't approve of that sort of thing. He did however approve of using women as she was used by the Malfoy family.

It wasn't a bad arrangement. She was well kept as long as she produced an heir. She was just glad that she hadn't had a stream of girls. She didn't need to become a blonde Molly Weasley.

If Narcissa ever found a way out of this marriage, she would take it. Lucius could have Draco. The little runt was an arrogant nuisance who treated her like a house elf. She had long ago bequeathed her house elf Minnie to her sister Andromeda, especially after she had seen how Dobby was treated. She would not risk her childhood friend in the House of Malfoy. But they did miss each other dearly.

Narcissa didn't care if Lucius took him to the brothel. He went often enough as there were men there to service his needs. It left her with nice quiet evenings, but she oh so wanted someone to love and love her, she was very lonely.

Narcissa responded blandly and unconcernedly to Lucius intent. "As long as you're discreet dear."