


M-Day Chapter 5, a X-Men + Harry Potter Crossover fanfic

13-17 minutes

Chapter 5

The following day Lorna, Remy and Rogue headed off on their trip. Harry decided it was time to implement his plans from his old world. He called an assembly of the students.

"As you know, there are 198, well, 196… wait… 195 mutants left on the planet. Approximately. Maybe." Harry frowned, he needed to make a list at some point. "Anyway, there are a lot of humans out there who hate mutants… why? Because they are idiots, end of story.

"There is a way to counteract that. You need to make mutants invaluable to the planet. Now, the X-Men, based on what Professor Grey has told me, deal with the larger and more dangerous events, invasions, mutants and super powered beings gone wild… the superhero stuff.

"But the X-Men have failed to handle the more mundane side of things. All the general population knows about mutants is what they see on the news, and lets face it, it's usually bad, either mutants doing crime or mutant haters spouting crap.

"They need to see mutants using their abilities for everyday stuff, more importantly they need to experience what mutant powers can do for them."

"Won't they try and control us for our powers?" Laurie asked worriedly.

"They will want to, but if you are out in the public eye providing a service that the average human appreciates, then the population is going to be a little pissed off if someone tries to take away that service and hoard it for themselves. Besides, anyone looking to control or kidnap you has to get through me and the adults first.

"Now, I need a volunteer."

Harry was surprised when Amara stood up and walked over. She still hadn't made a decision on what to do about her soul problem.

"Amara, you can generate heat, fire and control the Earth's magma, yes?"

"I can also fly and sense the Earth's core and movements."

"Excellent, so lets start with the glitzy stuff. Amara would be perfect providing her services to volcanologists around the world who are trying to predict volcanic eruptions in order to protect various human populations."

Amara's face fell. "That's what I was doing before…"

"Ah." Harry pulled her into a one armed hug. He kissed her temple. Fawkes flamed in and landed on Amara's other shoulder gently cooing.

"Let's talk about the more mundane things Amara could do to aid society. Can anyone suggest anything?" He asked.

"She could melt the ice on the walkways and around hospitals and public places." Dani offered when no one spoke up. That brought a smile out of Amara as it was something she used to do when they were all students at the Institute together.

"She could make fires for the homeless." Young Megan Gwynn suggested, Harry loved to hear her talk, her accent was a taste of home, and she could talk and talk and talk…

"Excellent! How could she make money with her power?"

Scott and Hank frowned at this new direction. It was generally considered bad form to use your powers for personal gain.

"She could hire herself out as a heater?" Sofia offered.

"True, anyone else?"

"She could be a glass blower." Hank suggested, he had a feeling he was grasping where Harry was headed. Scott was still in frown mode.

"Yep. Amara, have you thought of anything?"

"Forging, welding, running steam powered locomotives." She said with a grin causing the class to laugh.

Harry laughed as well, glad to see the young woman smile. "Excellent. The key is thinking about what you normally do in a day with your powers, I imagine that more often than not, Amara uses her powers to reheat her hot drinks, Julian likely uses his to lift heavy objects if he loses something, Megan… our short little Welsh girl, probably flies to reach things off the top shelf." This caused a laugh as Megan stuck her tongue out.

"Some of you, like Julian and Amara would be able to do amazing things by offering your services to the fire brigade, rescuing people from burning buildings and the like. Others like Megan could make lots of friends simply working in a supermarket and helping people get things that are too high for them.

"Both are valuable services that make mutants a valuable commodity to the community.

"Now, this does not mean that next week you will be going out to volunteer at the emergency services or get jobs. It just means that I want you to start thinking about what you want to do with your lives and how your powers could help you in your line of work.

"That's it for now, dismissed." Harry told them with a smile.

As the students left, Amara turned to Harry. "I've made my decision, I want to do the soul joining."

Harry smiled, somewhat in relief.

"To you."

Harry was not expecting that. "Amara, joining to someone like me, that you don't have a familial relationship with will likely cause both of us to feel romantic feelings for each other, these types of bonds, they generate and cultivate love, and not of the family type if there isn't an existing basis for it."

"You had a soul mate. Several, yes?"

"Yes." Harry said sadly.

"Then your soul is hurting just as badly as mine. You offered to help me, I offer to help us both." She said firmly.

At the back of the room Dani just shrugged. She clearly knew and couldn't talk her friend out of it.

"I have survived a long time with my damaged soul. How about this, I join you to Dani for a while, if you still feel that you want to help me when you have recovered and gotten over your soul mate, then we will join our souls."

"You can't join me to Dani and then split us, you would leave her damaged." Amara pointed out.

"Damn." She was right. They would be stuck together until Dani found someone else to join to.

"Join us together and we will work on a relationship. Antonio would want me to be happy."

"You know that this won't heal my soul completely. It's been torn apart so many times that it is scarred and I am essentially holding it together with duct tape and faith."

"All the more reason to accept my offer."

Harry sighed. "Ok, we both sleep on it tonight. If neither of us can think up truly honest objection we will do it tomorrow morning."

Amara smiled in relief, she leaned up and kissed Harry on the cheek before heading off to join Dani.

Fawkes hopped off Amara's shoulder and onto Harry's.

"I hope this works out." He said worriedly.

"What exactly could go wrong?" Jean asked as she stepped up beside him, she had been watching with a smile from the corner.

"My soul could completely break down and I lose all my humanity taking her with me and eventually annihilating the universe." Harry stated blandly. "You and the Phoenixes are the only thing keeping my soul together at the moment."

"Yes, which is one of the reasons we brought you here. We are worried that we will fail, plus, we need a rest." She shrugged with an apologetic smile. "There are plenty of people here who you could bond with. Brothers, sisters, sons, daughters… and lovers."

"So this was more to help me than them?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, we told you before, we consider you one of us. We love you like family… well, most of us like family." She smirked. "We want you to heal here, we also want this universe to benefit from your… well, you!"

"And you think Amara will accept this? Or anyone else?"

Jean just giggled. "I happen to know that Amara is trying to convince Dani to help as well."

"Jean, did you tell them? Because I don't recall mentioning what she mentioned." Harry asked with narrowed eyes.

Jean had this absurdly fake innocent look on her face as she placed a hand on her chest. "Moi? Would I ever do anything like that?"

"Just how badly did you romanticise my life?" Harry asked.

"I told them the absolute truth, no frills or thrills. Actually I showed them the memories you and Neville showed me."

Harry sighed again. "You know I haven't been around people for a long time, I haven't been in a relationship in longer! Do they know that too?"

"Harry, would you just trust me?" Jean said exasperatedly. "I know these people, let them help you. If anything goes wrong, Fawkes and I will be here to pick up the pieces."

"Fine, fine."

"Good, now I am going to vanish for a few days. Rachel hasn't called yet and Scott is procrastinating on telling her I'm back. So I am kidnapping him as well, tell Emma for me."

She didn't wait for a response as she vanished in a plume of flame leaving Harry standing there with Fawkes on his shoulder as he recalled the first time someone had tried to convince him that he needed to bond with someone.

Millions of years ago in Harry's home reality:

Harry sat on a chair at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean as he watched Hermione supervise her fellow students from Ancient Runes as they carved various designs into a cliff face on a small island off Japan. When they were finished here they would head off to Africa to apply the second half of the runes to the large crater he had dug earlier that day.

He could barely believe that he was free from destiny now. Voldemort was dead, most of his Death Eaters had been captured, all that was left was cleaning up the rest of the Death Eaters that were hidden amongst the Magical British Empire.

Of course there were still the trials of Dumbledore and Tom Riddle to go through, but Harry would only be called as a witness, Xander would be prosecuting and Neville would be the judge and jury. No one would argue with the decision of a Phoenix. The whole thing was simply a show for the public.

Harry barely noticed as Hermione and Daphne came over to join him, expanding his chair to fit the three of them.

"Enjoying yourself, Harry?" Daphne smirked.

"I am very bored." Harry stated. "I can't leave here because I haven't figured out how to make this permanent." He said as he indicated the area he had sealed off from the rest of the ocean, a good fifty square metres leading straight to the surface. "But there isn't anything else for me to do."

"It leaves us with the opportunity to talk." Hermione stated from where she sat between them.

"About what? Not the whole Riddle thing again." Harry moaned thinking she was going to harp on about his clandestine mission the previous night where he had single handedly eradicated the threat from Voldemort.

"No Harry, something else. It's about Luna."

Harry sat up straight and stared at her. "What?" He demanded sullenly. Luna was still a sore topic for Harry.

"Do you remember Luna's cryptic message to me in her will?" Harry nodded. "Luna told me that you and her were soul mates. That was why you loved each other so much."

"She was my sister!" Harry said with disgust.

"And that is the love that the bond emphasised." Hermione assured him. "You loved her like a sister but you were still soul mates, there is apparently, no requirement for soul mates to be romantically in love."

"So what does this all mean? I'm guessing you aren't trying to make me feel even worse about losing her." Harry frowned.

"Luna told me that you had another potential soul mate. Actually she told me you would have lots of soul mates throughout your long life, but she said that there was another who would be able to take her place and help patch up your soul from the damage caused by her death."

"Daphne?" Harry asked curiously.

"How did you know?!" Hermione asked. "Wait… never mind, stupid question." She muttered as she realised there really wasn't any other reason for Daphne to be a part of this conversation.

"So… what? Luna asked you to sacrifice our relationship so I could be Daphne's soul mate?" He asked sadly.

"For Merlin's sake Harry, do you really think your sister would do that?" Daphne demanded. "Have you forgotten who it was who set your father up with two wives?"

"So… I am going to have two wives?" Harry asked dubiously. He still had trouble with just Hermione.

"Am I really that repulsive to you, Harry?" Daphne glared.

"I think it's safe to say that you are very attractive and that I do like you-"

"Excellent, then it's settled." Daphne interrupted with a pleased smile. "We will start going on dates, I will have to drop out of your classes though." With that she stood up and walked off.

Harry just stared after her. "I wonder if this is what it was like for Dad." Muttered.

"Relax Harry, we'll work it all out. Luna promised this would be good for our relationship." Hermione assured him as she pulled him into a hug. "Without a soul mate you would become more and more insane like Luna's birth father. Unlike him, you can't die."

"So this is what I have to deal with for the rest of my existence? Losing the people I love and having find new people to love?" Harry asked sadly.

"I promise I'll help you prepare for what is to come, we all will." She told him.

Hermione would go on further to learn the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone from Nicholas Flamel so that she and Daphne could stay with him as long as possible. It was the hardest day of his life when he was forced to end their lives himself as insanity took them nearly four thousand years later, but he still loved them and they ensured he had plenty of people to care for him and for him to care for.

Present Day, present reality…

Telling Emma that her boyfriends recently dead-now-alive again wife had taken him to see their temporally and reality displaced daughter, was met with an eye roll by Emma.

"I love the man, but he is terrible at dealing with the inter-personal minutia. The only reason his relationships survived with Jean and myself is because he lets us into his mind. It's no wonder it didn't work with Madelyn."

And that was the end of the discussion.

Harry and the various other adults were often approached by various students over the following days regarding the speech Harry gave on using their powers for others and to get a job.

Harry gave another assembly offering any who wanted it a chance to be human or have their powers turned off temporarily until he could figure out a switch. Anole was quick to volunteer with a few others, but Ben Hammil and Santo weren't sure about being left vulnerable, Hank also refrained for the time being. Harry left the offer open.

There were some unusual cases, like Ruth Aldine, also known as Blindfold. Ruth found Harry to be very intriguing as she could not read him or see his future. The problem for Harry was that Ruth had no eyes, more so, she had no optic nerve and seemed to have no processing centre in her brain to receive external images. So he had no means to give her eyes, not that it phased Ruth, but it irritated Harry and he swore to fix it no matter how long it took.