

"Harry, what the hell are you intending to do with that disgusting piece of cloth?" Neville asked as he teleported into the trunk to monitor Harry's second night examining the horcrux.

Harry looked up and grinned. "This is Dobby's old pillow case, from his days working as the Malfoy's House Elf. I asked him if I could have it to aid me in the destruction of the Dark Lord."

"Well, that explains why Dobby has been strutting around proudly." Neville chuckled. "How exactly is that thing going to help?"

"I am going to remove the soul from the ring and contain it in Dobby's old pillow case."

"Dobby's pillow case is going to be a horcrux?" Neville asked dubiously.

"For a while. I wanted to use a pair of Malfoy's underwear, but anything left was cleaned by the elves."

"Harry, just like your father, you're a sadistic bastard." Neville commented dryly.

"Thanks Nev." Harry returned happily.

"Of course, if your dad was involved, he'd have insisted on using an actual turd. Sirius would have challenged him for the right to provide one."

"And now you understand why he isn't involved." Harry said seriously. "I am not working on any more crap, I already have this piece of Riddle's soul to deal with."

"We should probably stop this train of thought, we just ate." Neville grimaced. "So is transferring the soul a hard job?"

"I think it will be. We might want Fawkes to help." Harry admitted. "Remember when I removed the soul from the tiara? It shot out of there destroying the box on the way. I think this piece will do the same thing so it will be a fight to control it."

"Instead of removing the soul from one object to the other, can't you combine the two objects and then separate them again? That way the soul will always be in a horcrux."

"I'm not sure about manipulating the ring. It's probably important and definitely magical, which is likely why Riddle chose it. I don't want to damage it if I can help it." Harry explained.

"I don't mean combine the actual objects physically, I mean the magic that makes horcuxes."

"Like making a bridge?"

"Kind of, what ever you can make work really." Neville shrugged. "I'm just here to make sure you don't miraculously kill yourself."

"I know it's morbid, but I am curious if it's possible." Harry muttered as he placed the ring on to the dirty cloth and started manipulating the magic.

"It's not." Neville said bluntly.

Harry didn't act surprised. He didn't even look up from his work. "Fawkes tell you?"

"No, I'm becoming more in tune with my Phoenix side. Fawkes says that in a few years I will essentially be a human Phoenix. But I still won't be able to tell you much about what I know."

"A human Phoenix, that must be a first." Harry commented absently. The two objects were now glowing and pulsing.

"Only in this reality, it has happened before though."

The pulsing stopped and Harry held up the dirty cloth. "Well, in this reality, Riddle's soul is were it belongs. With the rest of the filth."

"Congratulations Harry. You have personified 'Poetic Justice'." Neville said clapping sarcastically. "Dobby will be so proud."

"Master's call for Dobby?" The little elf queried as he popped in.

"No, we were just talking about you and how you contributed to defeating the Dark Lord." Harry explained as he brandished the pillowcase. "Behold, the chains that once bound a noble House Elf, now bind the soul fragment of the Darkest Wizard of our age!"

"Xander was right, you could join Dumbledore in the Amateur Dramatics club with Moody." Neville snarked.

"Can… can Dobby spit at the Dark Lord?" The small creature asked nervously.

Harry and Neville shared a look and a shrug, Harry dropped the rag to the floor. "Have at it, Dobs."

Instantly the little elf was spitting and jumping angrily on the rag. "DIRTY! NASTY! MEAN WIZARD! Harry Potter will teach you!" Dobby raged angrily.

Harry and Neville looked on worriedly before Harry grabbed Dobby and pulled the now sobbing elf into a hug.

"Easy Dobby. I'll never let him hurt you again, I promise." Harry soothed.

"Dobby is sorry Master." Dobby sobbed. "Bad wizard hurt Dobby. Old Master let him. Dobby was so scared."

"You're family now Dobby, we take care of family." Neville stated firmly before he changed forms and began to sing. The tune was soft and lilting and soon left Harry holding a sleeping and worn out Dobby.

Harry moved to the side of the room and conjured a comfortable bed for his small friend.

"I guess we forgot that Dobby would have had contact with Riddle." Neville spat sadly as he transformed back.

"Just one more reason to make him pay." Harry sighed as he turned to pick up the ring, totally ignoring the new horcrux.

"What's so special about the ring?" Neville asked.

"There's nothing in the band, the magic is all in the stone. It's nothing like I've ever seen before."

"Well, hand it here. Let's find out if it's lethal." Neville sighed.

Harry looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You forgetting I'm just as indestructible as you? More so as I don't need help getting better, and likely won't turn into a baby when I'm re-born."

Neville flushed in embarrassment. "Good point. I'm really not ready for a repeat run on nappies."

"Ok, brace yourself!" Harry warned as he took a deep breath and slid the ring on his finger.

Both boys flinched and turned their faces away.

"Anything happen?" Neville asked from his defensive posture.

"Not yet."

"Think it will?"

Harry glanced at the ring still sat on his finger. "Nope." He sighed as he stood up straight.

"Different finger?" Neville asked.

"I am not putting this ring where one puts a wedding ring. Hermione would likely castrate me for eternity."

"That's what the Stag Charm is for."

"She'd find a way to crack it." Harry said with certainty.

"Ok, so castration not withstanding, any other ideas?"

"None. It's a powerful ring, but I have no idea what it does."

"I have a question." Neville said with a hint of worry. "Does the ring come off?"

Harry instantly had a deer-in-the-headlights look. He grabbed the ring and started pulling. "GOD DAMMIT!" He screeched. "There is always something!"

"I take it this means you need to cut your finger off?"

"Might as well lose the whole hand, it'll be easier." Harry sighed. He reached for his wand in his pocket only to find it missing. "This is bad. The Elder Wand is missing. I had it when I entered here." Harry said as he frantically started looking around for it.

"Harry, the ring is gone too." Neville pointed out.

"Oh come on!" Harry cried exasperatedly.

"Stick out your hand, we'll lop it off just in case it's not detectable." Neville instructed as he drew his wand.

"You just want to cut my arm off." Harry sneered. "Bloody masochist." He muttered as he rolled up his sleeve and held out his arm.

"No numbing charm?"

"Nah, I've given them up for lent. They don't seem to do anything as I don't seem to feel the pain, the worst I feel is the equivalent of a scratch."

Neville shrugged and with a flick of his wand sliced through Harry's wrist.

"That's new. Do it again."

The hand was still attached.

No matter what they did they couldn't get the hand off. It was half an hour later when Dobby woke to the confusing sight and sound of Neville standing over Harry with a revved up chainsaw as he attempted to remove Harry's legs.

"Master Neville!" Dobby screeched as he vanished the chainsaw, leaving Neville and Harry confused as to what was happening. "You is not supposed to be cutting each other like that!"

"It's alright Dobs. Harry has just gotten a new upgrade and we are trying to figure it out."

Dobby just stared them, blinking occasionally. "You is not cutting bits of Master Harry off?"

"Trying to, but it doesn't work, take a look." Neville said as he waved the elf over. He then proceeded to try and cut off Harry's hand.

Dobby watched as the beam of light moved through Harry's wrist only for the flesh to seal up right behind it with no blood or scarring.

"Dobby is requesting to speak freely." He said still staring.

"Erm, granted." Harry shrugged as he shared an amused look with Neville.

"Bloody hell!" The elf said with pure awe. Dobby's eyes snapped to the two boys and he distinctly blushed. "Sorry Masters."

"No worries, Dobby. We said far worse whilst you were sleeping." Harry laughed.

"Has you told Master Xander?"

"Not yet, we were just trying to figure it out. Might as well do it now." Harry sighed. He knew this was not going to be a fun conversation.

Harry sent out a mental message for all of the family to meet in Xander's office. Neville meanwhile teleported them to the seventh floor where he knocked on the door.

Shortly the entire Family was seated.

"Harry's invulnerability has stepped up a notch." Neville stated without pre-amble. Before anyone could speak, Neville had conjured a sword and sliced through Harry's neck.

Nobody moved, they sat there. They were staring at Harry waiting for him to react… hopefully not by keeling over.

Very slowly Harry turned his gaze to Neville who was still standing there holding the sword. He did not look happy.

"At what point did we decide to test decapitation?" Harry asked quietly.

"'Round about the same time I realised some stuff with my Phoenix-y ways." Neville shrugged.

"And your warning… what? Got lost in the mail?" Harry demanded.

"Would you really have wanted to have to worry about it?"

"Enough!" Minerva screeched. Her heart had only just started beating again and she was still fairly nauseous at seeing her son beheaded. "What is this new knowledge, Neville?" She demanded tightly.

"That is something we need Nicholas Flamel here for." Neville answered before he vanished only to reappear an instant later with both Nicholas and Perenelle.

"Neville Longbottom, what are you doing?" Perenelle demanded irately.

"It's time for Ignotus to come clean." Neville said quietly.

"He found it?" Nicholas asked with tightly controlled anticipation.

"Found it and is currently wearing it."

"Hello! An explanation please!" Nym snapped.

Nicholas cleared his throat somewhat apologetically. "Ah, yes. You see, I am also known as Ignotus Peverell. You may have heard of me?"

Hermione gasped. "You were one of the brothers who owned a Deathly Hallow! You met Death and were supposed to have died… eventually."

"Yes, well there was a lot of poetic licence taken. Mainly my brother Antioch." He said with a roll of his eyes as he sat in a chair his wife had conjured.

"Wait… you're Ignotus Peverell?" Godric asked in surprise.

"I am… Grandfather." He smirked.

"Gabrielle didn't have any sons!" Godric argued.

"No, but her great grandson did. We knew of our lineage but as we were from the maternal Gryffindor line, we had no claim to the name."

"So you and I are related as well?" Harry asked.

"Indeed, you are my many-times-great grandson." Nicholas said proudly. "You actually are my heir, when I pass on you will inherit both the Flamel and Peverell lines."

"Can we get back to the part where Nicky is going to explain Harry's latest upgrades?" Xander demanded.

"Patience Xander. A little history is needed." Nicholas admonished. "Now, as I was saying, most of the story is true. We essentially bypassed Death and he gave us a gift each, the Elder Wand, which Harry took from Dumbledore. My Cloak of Invisibility, handed down from father to son, and finally the Resurrection Stone, perverted by Riddle."

"I don't have them, they vanished… not sure about the Cloak though." Harry pointed out.

"Ah! But you do have them. By claiming the last of the Hallows they are now a part of you. You have become Death." He said with clear pride.

"Death! I thought it was supposed to be the Master of Death!" Hermione cried worriedly.

"Now that is part of the story that only I know." Nicholas explained. "When I removed my cloak to meet Death, he was very upset. He had hoped that either myself or one of my brothers would eventually claim all three and take his place as Death. It seems that he had been around for billions of years, not in this reality, but in alternate realities as well.

"He never told me why he came to this reality, but the fact was he was here and he wanted to rest. He was tired and he felt it was time for a successor."

"Death is… dead?" Sirius asked dubiously.

Nicolas just laughed. "No, he has merely given up the responsibilities of Death. He lives somewhere. Possibly in this reality. You cannot kill a creature such as he."

"But, wouldn't that mean that no one should have died then?" Hermione asked.

"No. Death is not responsible for the miscellaneous deaths of the average being, he is responsible for ensuring that people don't cheat death or succumb to a Death that is not theirs.

"Death is merely responsible for those who attempt to cheat death."

"Voldemort." Sirius snarled.

"Exactly! Over the past millennium there have been numerous dark wizards who were hard to put down because of various extreme measures they had taken to defeat death. Now that Harry is Death, the balance will begin to be restored."

"But why is Harry, 'Death'?" Hermione asked.

"Because Death gave me a task to stay alive until the Deathly Hallows, as they are known, were reunited. I had a feeling it would be Harry, Death seemed to think it would be highly amusing but never elaborated why."

"Because Harry is also the Master of Magic." Neville explained. Seeing their expectant looks he continued. "Harry is a magical nexus. He didn't survive the Killing Curse because he was destined to be Death, he survived because magic can't hurt him. Magic can't actually affect him."

"Phoenix knowledge?" Harry queried the source of his friends information.

Neville just nodded.

"But we cast diagnostic spells all the time on him." Hermione argued.

"That's just because Harry allows it to happen. He is the Master of Magic after all."

"Ok, so… Harry is 'Death', this means he is un-killable and responsible for ensuring people don't try and cheat death, right?" Dan asked.


"What does it mean that he's the 'Master of Magic'?"

"He can commune with magic. It's different than his being 'Death'. He isn't 'Magic'." Nicholas said with air-quotes. "He has a greater control and understanding of magic, to the point that he doesn't have his own magic, per say, he has control of all magic."

"This all sounds very confusing." Minerva sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"It is, I still don't fully understand it and I've been thinking about it for over 800 years. But Harry has plenty of time to figure things out. Just think of this as a benefit and nothing to worry about."

"Will this make Voldemort invulnerable?" Harry asked. "He was able to beat me before, at Azkaban."

"No, because as powerful as you are, you are still, ultimately, human." Nicholas explained. "You still need to train yourself, you need to experiment with your abilities and figure out what you can do. You are un-killable, but not unbeatable. After all, my brothers and I beat the last Death." He smirked.

"Can I just pretend this never happened and go back to… whatever passes for normality in my life?" Harry begged.

"Isn't that what I just said?" Nicholas asked slightly bewildered.

"You just spent twenty minutes or so explaining how Harry was just two steps away from God." Nym said dryly.

"Is it me or is that thing blowing in a non-existent wind?" Neville asked as he and Harry sat staring at the filthy horcrux that was hanging on a conjured washing line.

It was the following day and they were back to work and purposefully trying not to think about Harry's new status.

"It's more that it is being drawn towards Riddle." Harry sighed.

"Wait… it's a Riddle Divining Rod?" Neville asked incredulously.

"Pretty much. Plus I can see links towards what I assume are other horcruxes."

"Ok, but why aren't you happy about this?" Neville asked.

"I can figure out where Riddle is, where the horcruxes are, but I may not be able to figure out where the rest of the Death Eaters are. Even knowing those three things, what order should we deal with them?"


"OW!" Harry cried as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Seriously? Haven't you been paying attention to anything Xander and the others have been trying to teach you?" Neville demanded in annoyance. "DELEGATION!" He roared. "You are not the be all and end all of the world! Sure, you might be the only one that can find these things, but that doesn't mean you should be the one to make all the decisions about handling them." Neville was pacing agitatedly as he ranted.

"So… we tell Xander what we know and leave it to them?"

"NO! We tell Xander and the others and then we ALL sit down and discuss and plan!"

Harry frowned, then a grin spread across his face slowly. "That sounds like a good idea. To the Batcave, Robin!" He declared with a dramatic pose before teleporting out.

"Sweet Merlin." Neville muttered. "And to think, I have to put up with him for eternity."

The following day a full-blown council of war was held. On the magical side was Xander, Mad-Eye, Neville and Harry. The inclusion of two teenage boys was quickly put to rest when it was pointed out that Harry was the only one with the absolute power and ability to do certain things and Neville was a Phoenix. Once a Phoenix was explained to those who didn't know, they quickly ran out of arguments.

On the non-magical side were the Mark Bloomfield, the Prime Minister, Her Majesty the Queen, Agent Marsden and a high ranking officer from each branch of Her Majesty's Armed Forces.

Needless to say, they were the ones making the fuss about Harry and Neville's presence.

"Do you know why there are only four of us from the Magical World here?" Alastor asked in his usual grumpy manner.

"My understanding is that there aren't many Magicals to start with. It makes sense to only have an accurate representation of that fact." General Armstead of Her Majesty's Army said dismissively.

"Actually, it's because the single most powerful Magical being in the world is seated here. He's the one with that lightning bolt scar."

"I hardly think-"

"Yoda." Agent Marsden interrupted with a blunt statement.

"I beg your pardon?" The General sputtered.

"Yoda, a fictional character who whilst highly diminutive in size and stature was said to be one of the most powerful wielders of the Force.

"My understanding is that size doesn't matter when it comes to magic, Lord Gryffindor is recorded as one of the most powerful Magicals alive due to the feats he has performed."

"I believe what Agent Marsden is saying is: Don't assume." Xander smirked.

"Because we all know what happens when you assume." Harry added.

"Bottom line is Potter stays. He is integral to the war due to his unique abilities, his singular knowledge and the fact that he is likely to be the lynch pin of any plans." Alastor said with an air of finality. "Now, Harry, bring us up to speed so we can devise a plan."

"The Goblins, through interrogation of Dumbledore, were able to find another horcrux. I have managed to transfer the soul fragment to another container and examine the magic. Using the horcrux I believe I can track the other horcruxes and Riddle himself.

"What I can't do is track the Death Eaters."

"I had a thought about that, what if we got you a Death Eater, could you experiment with their Mark and see if you can track them?" Xander asked.

Harry shrugged. "I guess. I remember Igor's had a ton of magic, I just didn't know what to do with it."

"We have Snape in custody, use him." Mad-Eye grunted.

"As long as I can knock him out. If I have to put up with his crap I might end up killing him. Or worse." Harry groused.

"Can we go back to what you originally said?" Admiral Jenson requested. "You transferred the soul fragment to another container… what was the previous container and what is the current container?"

"Well… it was a ring of substantial power or ability, but now it is the disgusting garments of slavery once worn by a friend." Harry shrugged.

"Can you elaborate on this ring?" Marsden asked.

"And it's protections now it is no longer housing a piece of Riddle's soul." Admiral Jenson added.

"Short version is the ring had the ability to call forth the spirits of the dead from their rest. It was one of three items that were known as the Deathly Hallows. If the three were combined they would grant the wielder power over death. But we discovered that's not true. As for the protections… it's as safe as it will ever be." Xander snickered.

"Explain please." Jenson demanded warily.

"The ring is now a part of Harry. He doesn't just have power over death, he literally is Death." Neville explained.

"Doesn't matter." Mad-Eye snapped. "Can't change it, just have to adapt. Potter is completely un-killable and can probably waste the Dark Lord with a thought. Our job is to plan our moves to keep the casualties and damage to a minimum."

"I beg to differ!" Jenson retorted angrily. "You just told us that a powerful artefact capable of defeating death is in the hands of a teenaged boy! That absolutely requires discussion, and dare I say, action."

"Well you can discuss it on your own time. You can't do anything about it, trust me, we tried."

"Enough gentlemen." Her Majesty interrupted. "Mr. Moody is correct. It is beyond the scope of these meetings. Furthermore, Lord Gryffindor has my utmost trust. Only Lord Longbottom could possibly be a better choice for a guardian or such dangerous objects."

"The question is, I believe, what order should we handle things in and how." Mark added. "Let's focus, shall we?"

"I don't see why we don't just destroy Riddle and deal with his minions afterwards. It's Riddle that the public fears." Sirius offered.

"Won't that create a power vacuum that will spill out on to the streets?" The Queen asked.

"I doubt it." Xander answered. "Sirius was right to use the term 'minion'. They are all followers, some of them may try to grasp the reins of power but it won't be for long. Harry can probably figure out the Dark Mark in a day or so, after that it is just a matter of tracking down the Death Eaters and interrogating them."

"The hardest part will be capturing them alive." Moody grunted unhappily.

"Why do we need them alive?" General Armstead enquired.

"So we can find out the identities of any unmarked Death Eaters. We want to catch them all, these Death Eaters are the sickest creatures imaginable."

"We could always send Slinky into whatever hideouts we find." Sirius offered.

"I beg your pardon?" Jenson asked offended.

"Slinky, Lord Slytherin's Basilisk. She can petrify a person or kill them with a look. Harry used her to subdue most of the Death Eaters at the Tri-Wizard Tournament final." Sirius explained.

"Oh." Jenson seemed a little disappointed, he had been gearing up for a rant on how this was a serious matter.

"How do you expect to get a 60 foot snake in a house?" Moody demanded in annoyance.

"I… er… magic?" Sirius blurted.

"I think Slinky would work best from the outside, capturing any escapees." Xander offered as he and the boys tried not to laugh.

"This is hardly a laughing matter!" Jenson snapped, he finally saw his opening.

"Yes. Yes it is." Neville snickered.

"The Phoenix has spoken!" Xander declared solemnly.

"Your Majesty, are really expected to work with these… people?"

"Admiral, you would do well to remember your place." She answered imperiously. "Lord Hogwarts is the reigning monarch of two species, Lord Longbottom is a creature of legend renowned for their wisdom and goodness. And Lord Gryffindor is the Master of Magic and Death. They are the highest ranking individuals in the room… possibly the world."

The look The Queen was giving Admiral was one that could melt his medals. Admiral Jenson decided this wasn't worth his career and decided to stick to the facts. Her Majesty merely nodded to the wizards to continue.

"I don't think we will need to be involving non-magical personnel in the capture or killing of Riddle and his minions." Harry mused. "But having them available for support would be useful. Especially regarding communications.

"I think the main concern for the non-magical side of things is protecting or reacting to backlash from the Death Eaters when we start attacking."

The rest of the meeting was used to establish a basic plan to protect the public in the event of backlash from any attack on Riddle and the Death Eaters.

Harry spent the next few evenings working at an RAF base to triangulate the location of Riddle and his horcruxes. Over the next week Unspeakables would perform covert reconnaissance of the locations and report back to finalise plans. The hope was to have Riddle and his minions sorted by Christmas.

This left Harry and the family with some time to relax. Harry had found a nice restaurant in Australia with private rooms and great views of the ocean. He took Hermione there now and again for a date when he wasn't swamped with marking homework.

Sirius, on the other hand, was having a hectic time. He had been appointed as the Interim Minister for Magic. It was an announcement made relatively quietly and the involvement of non-magicals was still classified.

Sirius was spending his days meeting with each department head and discussing the current practices and more often than not getting into heated arguments when he tried to explain why they were so inefficient.

He had taken great pleasure in removing Lockhart from his office and having him arrested. He had promptly promoted Kingsley to Head Auror and the current Head Auror to the Head of the DMLE, at least temporarily. Every night he headed to Hogwarts to beg Amelia to return, but she was more than happy with her current job. Lucius Malfoy was still missing as he hadn't been caught in the purge during the initial take over, but he was definitely not the Chief Warlock anymore.

He wasn't fighting alone though. He had conscripted Sal as his Under-Secretary and personal advisor. Lord Slytherin had tried to object, but Sirius had gone behind his back… to his mother. Joyce had ordered him to quit whining and help the poor man out.

It was currently 6pm in the evening on November 14th and Sal and Sirius were waiting for their next appointment.

"Harry, 'bout time you arrived." Sirius groused as his appointment turned up.

"Blame Dad. He's the one who made me a professor. Now I have to be available to answer students questions." Harry retorted with a smirk.

"And a finer choice he couldn't have made!" Sal interrupted before the pair could build up steam. "Sirius?"

Sirius just rolled his eyes. "Would you care to explain why 80% of the patients at St. Mungo's miraculously got better last night?"

"Divine intervention?" He offered innocently.

Sirius just glared at him.

"Neville was really upset when he visited and started bawling all over everyone?"

Sirius continued with the glare but the corners of his mouth were losing the battle. Sal was sniggering away.


"Stop! We all know it was you. Ridiculous excuses aside." Sirius sighed as he let the smile form. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"That they didn't need to suffer?"

"Do you know the problems this could cause?" Sirius demanded.

"Yes, people could be happy, living their lives. It's an absolute disaster!" Harry declared in mock horror.

"What about the effect this will have on the economy?"

"Why? St. Mungo's will save money on treating patients, families won't suffer if their primary earner is laid up."

"And eventually we won't have a need for all of the medical personnel. Jobs will need to be cut!"

"So… babies won't need delivering? Old people at the end of their lives won't need care?" Harry really couldn't see what the big deal was. "Look, all I've done is free up the work load and the cash. They can now be redirected to the remaining patients to ensure that they are given exceptional care.

"If I can do this for the rest of the world then the world will be a much brighter place. It goes against everything good in the world to have my power and not use it to help people. Do you know just how much work it took for me to heal all those people?" He asked.

"No." Sal commented, he was actually very curious.

"I stood in the middle of each ward and then healed each person by thinking and focusing. I had the whole hospital done in under two hours."


"Imagine how long it would take me to cover all the major hospitals in the world?"

"Could you at least talk to us about this before you pull this sort of crap?" Sirius begged. "Just so that we can have an explanation ready, I had several first generation magicals fearing that their Jesus Christ was coming. You could wind up causing mass hysteria!"


"Yes, 'oh'!" Sirius muttered. "You did good Harry, but there is a reason we are trying to get you to lean on others. You might be Death and the Master of Magic, but you were born human. Even Nev can make mistakes. Look at Fawkes, he made a mistake by choosing Dumbledore!"

"Yeah… I guess your right." Harry sighed in resignation. "I guess this means I should go and let Arthur Bramble know I did the same thing in Sydney and Brisbane?" He asked sheepishly.

Sirius had resigned himself to his fate of seemingly cleaning up after his godson for the rest of his comparatively short life. He, Sal and Harry had taken a quick trip to visit with Arthur Bramble and the Prime Minister of Australia. Unlike in Europe and the British Magical Empire, the other countries didn't have a separation of magical and non-magical governments. They did however keep the two worlds separate.

Both Arthur and the Prime Minister had laughed at Sirius' worry and merely asked Harry what they could do to help speed the process up. The Prime Minister had offered to arrange a meeting with Sirius, Harry and the Queen to offer support to do the same thing in England.

For the first time since he joined the Unspeakables and MI5 when he left Hogwarts, he actually thought about quitting. If only they would let him.