

The following morning, the family was hard pressed to consider all the raiding parties they had stopped a success.

They discovered that the entire debacle had been a distraction whilst Riddle vented himself on primary school that was having its school play.

Two hundred children and their families were tortured and slaughtered. Nobody knew it was happening until reports of the Dark Mark were received.

Classes were sombre affairs. Even Harry couldn't find enthusiasm for his first years.

For Harry and Xander, things were not due to improve that evening. They had to deal with Dumbledore, Snape and Nott. Seeing as Nott was likely to be the most painful and simplest they got him out of the way first.

They entered the Goblin holding area and administered the veritiserum.

"State your name." Xander ordered dispassionately, he really wanted to simply end the life of his daughter's murderer.

"Theodore Alvers Nott." Came the reply.

"Are you a Death Eater?"


"When did you become a Death Eater?"

"During the summer of this year."

"Who told you you are a Death Eater?"

"The Dark Lord Voldemort."

"Why don't you have a Dark Mark?"

"My Lord is incredibly cunning and knows not to mark his agents who must remain secret." A hint of smugness came through in that response.

This was incredibly bad news. They now had the threat of unmarked Death Eaters out in the world.

It was now time to move on to harder subjects.

"Why did you attempt to kidnap the girls from Hogwarts?" Xander's anger was now coming to the fore.

"For the Dark Lord's servants. They would be used, killed and then displayed as a message to the world that My Lord is not to be defied."

There was a distinct growling coming from the corner where Harry was standing. He was clearly so angry that puffs of fire and smoke came billowing from his nose and mouth.

"Why did you kill my daughter, Luna?"

"So the Dark Lord would remember me despite my failure. I will be greatly honoured." Theo declared. There was a great deal of pride coming from the boy. The serum was wearing off, but they had the answers they needed. The goblins would interrogate him again later for logistical information.

"Come on Harry." Xander ordered tightly as he turned and stormed out of the room.

"I know you don't approve of some of my more vicious methods, but I will be taking action against Nott as the King of the Goblins." Xander informed his son tightly.

"What are you going to do?" Surprisingly, Harry didn't seem to worried, just curious.

"There is a film coming out soon. Braveheart, it'll be famous and big. At the end of the movie the lead character is hung, drawn and quartered. It's done in public. Nott will receive the same punishment on the steps of Gringotts." He snarled.

"What about the Queen and her government? They won't approve." Harry pointed out.

"The goblin nation is sovereign. They can object all they want. And they should. But the Death Eaters and Riddle need to be sent a message. We will use the same charms as the ones on the severed heads to prevent young children from seeing, and I will deliver a warning in the papers and on the wireless as well for people to avoid the area if they don't want to see."

"I won't raise a fuss." Harry promised, though he was obviously very conflicted.

"Remember, this is my decision, and mine alone. You have no right to object and no responsibilities to Nott." Xander told him firmly, trying to remove any guilt.

"We both know I could stop you, Dad." Harry sighed. "The fact that I am essentially allowing this to happen does make me somewhat responsible."

Neither bothered countering the other after that. It was clear where the truth lie.

"Ok, Snape or Dumbledore?" Xander asked.

"Snape. Dumbledore will want to argue and debate. Something tells me Snape will have ammunition we can use against him."

They turned left and headed into a nearby cell where the Potions Master was held.

"Snape, you know why we are here." Xander stated calmly. "I seriously hope you have a better story to tell than young Nott, as he is now going to be tortured in public prior to his execution."

Snape held his tongue. But he had gone quite pale.

"Oath or serum?" Harry asked. "Which method would you like to use to verify the truth of your answers. You can take veritiserum, or swear an oath that nothing you say in this cell will be a lie."

Snape raised an eyebrow. He wasn't expecting a choice. "An oath. I'd appreciate a modicum of control over myself."

"Weeeeelll…" Xander drawled. "I wouldn't assume anything till you've read the oath." He grinned handing over a piece of paper.

Snape rolled his eyes. "You're right, there is very little difference, but at least this way I shall be aware. I'll need a wand."

"You can borrow mine." Harry said handing over his pilfered wand, that he took of Dumbledore.

Snape was under no delusions that he could try anything even though he now possessed a weapon. He new Potter and Harris had no need for wands and neither did the goblins he was sure were near by.

"I, Severus Tobias Snape, swear on my life and magic that everything I say in this cell will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." A flash of magic and he handed back the wand.

"Why does Dumbledore trust you?" Xander began without preamble.

"As far as I know it is because I came to him and told him that the Dark Lord intended to kill the Potters and swore to do anything if he would save Lilly."

"But he failed, so why does he still trust you?"

"I don't know." Severus sighed.

"What crimes, in general, did you commit as a Death Eater?"

"Murder, torture."

"No rape?" Harry scowled, the knowledge of what Nott intended still fresh in his mind.

"No, Potter. Belief in something and commitment to something does not automatically make one a sexual deviant." He snarled.

"Nope, just a regular deviant." Xander returned. "Did you know what you were doing was wrong?"

"Of course!" Snape snapped. "I knew I was committing crimes, but there was very little choice if you wanted to amount to anything as a half-blood."

"My mother did ok." Harry pointed out.

"Lilly was the exception. She was singled out by the professors and was tied to a Pureblood. Without that, she would be just like every other muggleborn." Snape retorted.

"Irrelevant, you had choices, now you live with them. Let's move on." Xander interrupted. "What crimes have you committed since you turned from Riddle?"

"I use legillamancy on anyone especially the students, I also create and sell restricted potions."

"That's it?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"I had no need to torture and kill and I take no pleasure in either." He snarled.

"Why did you favour Slytherins over everyone else and persecute Gryffindors especially?" Harry demanded.

Xander rolled his eyes. He was not really looking to get into seemingly trivial school stuff when they could be pumping him for info on Riddle and Dumbledore.

But Snape was bound by oath to answer.

"I am not a nice person. I dislike what they stand for. Favouring Slytherins and persecuting Gryffindors seemed like the way to do that." He answered with a bored air.

"Why did you pick on me?"

"I hate and despise you and your father. I know you are nothing like him, but you carry his blood and he was a bastard. That is all I needed." He hissed angrily, suddenly Snape seemed to calm down. "Various groups believe that everyone should help everyone else. That we should all work for the altruistic goals of equality. Various other groups believe that they deserve what they can take and what others have should be given to them." Snape began to smirk. "By that logic, the altruistic group should be pleased and honoured to serve the whims of the other group. It is, essentially, the fault of the altruistic group who fail to live up to their own believes and through their own hypocrisy start wars because someone actually tries to make the most of what they are offering."

"Moving on!" Xander interrupted quickly before Harry could blow a gasket and pull a Willow.

"Do you know of any secrets of Dumbledore or Riddle that the Order doesn't already know?" Xander queried.

"I know the contents of the prophecy, I know that if you had gone after Riddle immediately after he was reborn, you could have dealt with him, but now he has gotten a grip on his increased powers. I doubt you stand a chance." He sneered.

"Do you know anything else of use?" Harry asked with a roll of his eyes.

"I know potions. I know the size of his army and where they were coming from. I know that he intends to take the smaller countries of the British Empire and use their armies to take Britain."

"So nothing we don't already know then." Harry sneered back.

"Ok, we're done. Someone will be along to take details of what you know soon, then we will decide on your sentence." Xander declared dragging a glaring Harry away from Snape.

"No trial?" Snape asked, he didn't really expect one.

"Why? You already confessed. Now I just have to make sure the punishment fits the crime." Xander shrugged as he pulled Harry out side.

"Right, now for Dumbledore." Xander sighed as he marched Harry into the next cell.

The old wizard was sitting peacefully with his eyes closed.

"Ah, Mister Harris and Mister Potter." He greeted genially. "Has the Ministry demanded my release yet?"

"Why would they do that?" Xander asked.

"I am a well respected member of society, even without my positions in government." He rebuked mildly.

"Not anymore you're not." Harry muttered.

"The British Ministry of Magic has undergone a regime change. They have no interest in you other than trying you for various miscarriages of justice." Xander stated emotionlessly. "We are not here to debate with you." Xander said fore-stalling Dumbledore's impending outburst. He really didn't care about his opinions.

"Veritiserum or oath. Those are your choices to ensure you are truthful as we question you." Harry informed him.

"Surely you don't need to resort to such methods?"

"Yes!" They both stated.

"Pick one or we'll just go with the serum." Xander frowned.

"Very well, I will take the oath." He sighed.

Xander handed over the paper. "And no, you can't change it. Try to do so and I will just pour the serum down your throat and have Godric read your mind."

Albus frowned at the oath. It left little to no wiggle room and the only difference from veritiserum was that it left the person experience emotions.

"I req- " He stopped as Harry thrust a wand in his face.

"This is not my wand." Albus frowned.

"Any wand will do." Harry smirked. He wasn't going to let Albus near the Elder Wand. It probably wouldn't work for him, but there was no telling what he might try, Ollivander had been very reluctant to let Harry leave his store after he fell to his knees in supplication upon seeing the fabled Elder Wand. Fortunately, Xander turned up and he found the need to have him try new wands.

Albus had planned on snapping the Elder Wand. Paranoia was good for something.

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, swear on my life and magic that everything I say in this cell will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." A flash of magic and he handed back the wand.

"In general terms, what types of crimes have you committed?" Xander began.

"Now, surely we ca – urk – *cough* -"

"You're under oath, remember?" Harry smirked.

"But I rrrrkkkkk."

"We made a mistake Harry." Xander sighed. "We forgot that he's a politician. He's incapable of telling the truth voluntarily."

This statement caused Albus to scowl at Xander.

"Stick out your tongue Albus." Xander sighed as he uncorked a vial and stepped forward.

"I was given a choice!"

"And you also took an oath, and you can't even keep that! I suggest, if you want survive this interrogation and not die of lies as your magic kills you, that you say 'ah' and not speak unless you are under the serum!" Xander snapped.

Harry snatched the vial from Xander and fired a spell at Albus, his tilted back and his tongue stuck out.

Seeing the curious look on his father's face, Harry shrugged. "It's a spell for reluctant or unconscious patients."

"Doesn't this go against your oath?"

"The oath never took, remember? Besides, I'm kinda using the advice the Australian Head gave me, just altered, basically, the wizarding world is my patient and he is a symptom or illness."

"Whatever floats your boat." Xander smirked, but Harry just stuck his tongue out.

"We could have just waited for him to kill himself with lies. Anyhow, he's under."

"Right then, Albus, in general terms, what crimes have you committed?" Xander tried again.

"Kidnapping, unauthorised obliviation, attempted murder, theft, engaging and supporting corruption in government and treason." Albus recited emotionlessly.

"Who did you kidnap?" Xander demanded.

"Harry Potter from the Tonks family."

Harry was raging so Xander silently called for Fawkes. The Phoenix appeared in a flash of flame and settled on Harry's shoulder cooing gently.

"I assume you obliviated them?" Xander asked.

"Amongst others."

"Who did you try and kill?"

"Harry Potter."

"Great, two dark lords after me." Harry muttered. Fawkes began trilling gently.

"When and how?"

"A few weeks after he was placed with his family, I entered the house and cast the killing curse on him."

"You tried to kill a baby?"



"To ensure the prophecy was fulfilled."

"Why do you trust Snape?" Harry asked wanting to avoid more news of attempts on his life, however futile they appear to seem.

"He showed true remorse regarding his actions concerning Lilly Potter."

"What actions?" Harry frowned.

"He revealed the prophecy to Lord Voldemort."

"Did he know it referred to Harry at the time?" Xander asked quickly.

"No, it was made long before Harry or Neville was born."

"What does Neville have to do with it?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Either yourself or Neville could have fulfilled the prophecy."

Xander and Harry just stared at him for a few seconds.

"Ok, I'll bite." Xander shrugged. "Why could Neville fulfil the prophecy?"

"Both were born as the seventh month died and both their parents defied Voldemort three times."

"We'll explain his error later." Xander assured Harry.

"Wait… if I had died from your killing curse, would you have cast it on Neville as well?" Harry demanded.

"Of course. Voldemort could not be allowed to return. I failed." Albus stated sadly. The veritiserum had worn off.

"You are one sick and twisted individual." Xander sneered.

"Everything I did, I did for the Greater Good." Albus argued.

"Who's Greater Good?" Xander snapped back.

"Everyone's!" Albus declared heatedly.

"Impossible! Harry is someone and therefore a member of the collective group known as: 'Everyone'!"

Xander's right eye twitched slightly as he tried to stave off the headache that his own statement was causing, he had nearly confused himself.

Harry, however, was still trying to process the statement.

"How is trying to kill Harry and subjecting him to ten years of torment with the Dursleys, for the Greater Good of 'Everyone' if that doesn't include Harry?" He demanded.

Albus also needed a bit of time to process that statement.

"I concede that the term 'Everyone' was poorly chosen. Perhaps I should have said: The Greater Good of the Wizarding World."

"Of which Harry is also a member." Xander noted. "Maybe you're just too stubborn to admit that your 'Greater Good' only includes a select few, and those select few are chosen by you. Nothing gives you that right. That is exactly the type of thing Riddle is doing."

"I believe the fact that I am still breathing proves that I am not lying, otherwise my previous oath-"

"That only proves that you believe what you are saying. Which in some ways is worse, it means you aren't fit for society." Xander added in disgust.

"I believe a trial before my peers will determine that." Albus declared pompously

"Still can't accept the fact that you are a Goblin prisoner? Or that the Ministry is now under the jurisdiction of the Crown?" Harry asked rhetorically. "I thought of the perfect sentence for Albus, Riddle and Snape." Harry declared with glee.

"Oh?" Xander asked.

"Well, for starters, I think we should let him have his trial. A public trial in full view of the public. Maybe on the steps of the Ministry."

"He doesn't deserve a trial, Harry." Xander said in disgust.

"He doesn't deserve a trial he can manipulate." Harry corrected. "We just have Neville prosecute and do the same thing we did with Hermione's trial. Combined with an oath or veritiserum and his reputation will be shattered."

Albus was growing concerned at that.

"The man is an egotistical narcissist with delusions of grandeur. After the trial we let him read all the various news articles about him. It should serve as quite the punishment." Harry said bouncing on his feet.

"That's it?" Xander asked sceptically.

"Nah, we bind his magic and place him in a cell visible to the public where they can look at him with disappointment and disgust. For the rest of his life, or until he becomes too weak and ill to leave in view of the public."

"And Riddle and Snape?"

"Not entirely sure about Snape, but Riddle, if he doesn't die, can again, have his magic bound and forced to serve and take care of Albus. In a publicly visible cell."

"Can't we just kill them? So much simpler!" Xander whined.

"We could get away with killing Riddle, especially in battle. But people will not be pleased if you just kill Albus."

Albus at this point was becoming very unnerved by the very casual discussion as to whether to kill him or not.

Xander and Harry were fully aware of this and were secretly enjoying it.

"Treason is a capital offense. We can kill him for that, but only once he's been tried and convicted." Harry continued.

"And what if my fellow wizards find me innocent of your accusations?" Albus queried.

"They don't get a say in the matter." Xander said dismissively.

"So you are to play Judge, Jury and Executioner?" He stated disapprovingly.

"Well, Judge and hopefully executioner, but no, your jury, the individuals responsible for deciding your fate, will be a pair of Phoenixes."

Albus felt his confidence rise… until he recalled his recent confessions under veritiserum. He really didn't think he could talk his way out of this one.

Harry and Xander shared a smirk as they realised that Albus had come to the same conclusion. "Oh well, someone will be along to pump you for information, see you at the trial!" Xander said with a cheery wave as he ushered Harry out the door.

"Harry is a horcrux!" Albus blabbed in a panic. Anything to gain an advantage.


There was a sudden burst of hysterical laughter from outside the cell, it grew louder as Sal stumbled in.

"Oh god! That's brilliant!" Sal gasped.

"It is hardly a laughing matter!" Albus said indignantly. "It is the reason Lord Voldemort can not be killed until Harry dies."

"HAHAHA- Oh god! *gasp* Make him stop!"

"I don't think our brother agrees with you." Xander said in bemusement as he and Harry escorted the doubled over and still hysterical Sal out the door.

"And then – then he says: 'It is the reason Lord Voldemort can not be killed until Harry dies'!" Sal burst into laughter again, only this time he was joined by Joyce, Godric and Rowena as the rest of the family looked on in amusement, obviously not in on the joke.

"When you've regained your equilibrium, perhaps you can explain for the rest of us?" Minerva asked tightly. A threat had been levelled at her son. She was tempted to go down to Gringotts and kick Albus' arse. Especially considering he confessed to his attempted murder.

"We're sorry Minerva, it's just… you can't make an accidental horcrux. You have to perform a binding ritual which is very intense and involved." Joyce explained as she calmed herself.

"But Dumbledore said that you had to commit murder to make a horcrux." Hermione pointed out. She wasn't accusing and the family knew that. She was just querying the error.

"No, not to make a horcrux. But Voldemort didn't just make a horcrux." Godric said seriously. "He has clearly split his soul. That would require a vile act. A most heinous act of murder and torture that I cannot even conceive of." He spat.

"There are other reasons why Harry can't be a horcrux." Sal said, most of his mirth had died down at Godric's explanation, but he still had a small smile. "Basilisk venom and phoenix tears are two of the most powerful elements in existence. Harry has both in his veins. Or had anyway. There is just no way that a horcrux would be in him as the venom can destroy a horcrux and the phoenix tears would consider it something to be healed."

"I'm guessing that we would have noticed if there had been a piece of foreign soul in Harry?" Xander asked.

"Well, you saw what happened when Harry cleaned Ro's tiara."


"Harry would also know if he had a piece of someone else's soul in him." Joyce pointed out. "He could see the magic in the ti-diadem." She corrected herself as Rowena growled.

"So… why would Dumbledore think otherwise?" Hermione asked completely confused.

"Because he's an egotistical narcissist with a messiah complex." Joyce snorted.

"Dad said 'delusions of grandeur'." Harry noted with a grin.

"Probably a bit of both." Hermione mused.

"There is a far simpler term: idiot." Sal grumped.

"Are you really going to give him a public trial?" Hermione asked.

"It would be best." Rowena advised. "There would be public outcry if it was discovered that someone as famous and well loved as Dumbledore was imprisoned without one."

"The counter, however, is that revelations of his… crimes, could lead to the same, or worse. He did try to murder the recognised 'Saviour of the Wizarding World'." Godric sagely countered.

"When will all this happen?" Nym asked.

"This weekend." Xander stated firmly. "We will try Dumbledore and sentence him, then we will execute Nott."

"Please don't torture him." Fleur begged. "It isn't right, Luna wouldn't want that."

"He needs to pay." Xander snarled.

"Then feed him to a Dementor." Nym asked, just as distressed. "It's considered just as horrific. But you won't be seen by anyone doing… that."

"I agree. I can't allow you to torture him like that." Neville said calmly as he stared Xander straight in the eyes. "Your heart is still good enough for Fawkes to stay. But your actions… Fawkes won't allow you to corrupt yourself. He couldn't stop Dumbledore, he will be damned before he fails you."

"Erase the House of Nott." Godric said quietly, everyone looked at the large man curiously. "He is a Pureblood. His House, his lineage is everything to him. He could be a near squib but as long as he is a Pureblood he will be happy. Before you kill him, claim everything he owns. Then destroy it in front of him."

"Give his money to the poor. Like we did with the other Death Eaters." Harry added.

"Should we just shoot him?" Xander asked knowing that they were right and that he was seeking vengeance and not justice.

"I –" Harry swallowed uncomfortably. "I will remove and destroy his soul."

"Harry! The Killing Curse?" Hermione asked in horror.

Harry didn't blame her for thinking that, it would be close enough. "No, the Killing Curse only separates body and soul. I… I never told anyone this, but I saw Cedric's soul torn from his body. I can see the souls leave their bodies as they die and… they move into a light."

There were gasps of horror and shock.

"We really need to find out what is happening with you kiddo." Nym said as she and Joyce joined Hermione in hugging the clearly upset wizard.

"I… I went to see Mr. Lovegood. I think Neville and Fawkes should help him die. His soul is trying to leave, I think it's trying to join Mrs. Lovegood."

"We'll go tonight." Neville assured his friend.

"I think I can remove his soul and destroy it, and let everyone see me destroy it." Harry said quietly. "That should scare Riddle."

"You understand what you will be doing, little brother?" Godric asked his face tight.

"I will literally be erasing any form of him from existence. There will be no afterlife for him." Harry said quietly.

"So… just to clarify, Harry will be making sure that whatever existence there is after death… it won't be cursed with the presence of that bastard?" Nym asked cautiously. "Yep… I can live with that." She said happily.

"I can't say I see a problem with it. We aren't condemning him to torture, menial labour or anything that could be considered punitive." Godric nodded slowly.

"I think the only real concern is that Harry will be the one who has to do it." Fleur said.

"If nobody finds fault with it, and Neville and Fawkes agree, then I'll do it." Harry said looking to his best friend.

"Can't say I feel it is wrong, lets ask Fawkes though." Neville conceded as the aforementioned Phoenix appeared. "Well? Completely destroying and annihilating the soul of Theodore Nott, and eventually Voldemort… ?" He put forth to his avian mentor.

Fawkes turned his head to regard Harry quizzically. He then looked Neville straight in the eyes whilst trilling softly.

He then hopped onto Neville's shoulder.

"Strange, he doesn't say why, but there is no reason for us to disapprove, but he says Nott should be held prisoner as Harry is not ready yet. But, like I said, he didn't say why you aren't ready."

"What about Albus and Snape?" Xander asked.

"Their crimes could warrant death or standard imprisonment. It seems a waste to dispose of Snape, why not get an Unbreakable Vow from him and force him to create potions whilst imprisoned."

"I suppose, but he'll still be doing what he enjoys." Harry groused. "Can't we just confine him in a cell with only werewolves and goblins for guards… especially werewolves on a full moon!" He suggested gleefully.

"We will probably do that anyway, but we will allow him to work on potions and be brewing factory." Xander decided. "He did try and do the right thing… he just… sucked, big time!"

"And Albus?" Minerva enquired with distaste.

"Confinement with access to headline news so he can see just how wrong he is."

"Make him produce potions as well. He was a renowned alchemist after all." Godric suggested.

"A wizarding chain-gang." Xander mused to himself.