

Harry's plan had been rather simplistic. An armed team of non-magicals would covertly infiltrate the Ministry and subvert the Minister of Magic. They would take him into custody but use his office to issue commands to other Ministry officials, this would give them complete control over the magical world with the people being none the wiser.

Harry had planned to use intimidation on Fudge, but none of the other parties involved from Xander to the Queen liked the idea of relying on unsavoury methods, they were proven to be unreliable.

Moody's news that the Ministry was compromised by disguised Death Eaters also changed things up.

Harry had offered to morph into Fudge's form and play imposter himself. But between his absence in class and anyone trying and failing to bribe Harry as Fudge, it wouldn't last long.

Especially as Harry had a terribly short temper and he would sooner eat a villain than lead him on.

Fudge marched (Read: waddled) down the corridor to his office. It was rich and opulent. Dragon skin couches and chairs, unicorn tail hair curtains and even phoenix feather quills. It was the seat of power for the Magical British Empire. When visiting dignitaries visited, they knew they were dealing with a man of power.

Of course, there hadn't been a visiting foreign dignitary for many years.

'Bah! Foreigners, the world would be a better place without them or with them under our control.' Fudge thought as he swung his office door open. Cypress wood with pure gold handles. (They had to be repaired a minimum of once a month due to their weak structure.)

Fudge made to move to his desk when he found himself shoved to floor and something that felt like a knee in his back.

"Morning Cornelius."

Oh Merlin, he hated that voice. "Harris." He spat, although it was partially muffled as his head was being forced into lush carpet.

"That's Lord Hogwarts."

Wonderful, the Potter brat was here too. "You've done it now! This will mean war! You can't hide behind your precious sovereignty, the ICW will have no choice but to support us!"

"Why? Because I'm talking to you?" Xander asked as Fudge felt himself hauled up and thrown into a very uncomfortable wooden chair. "I'm only here at the request of the British Magical Government." He smiled as he sat down behind the desk in his chair.

"We made no such request, and we definitely would not allow muggles to dirty our doors." He spat as he noticed the black clad men with muggle toys. "I thought Skeeter was off her rocker!"

"Rita Skeeter?" Harry asked.

"She said you were conspiring with the muggles. Looks like she was right."

"Doesn't matter, you are no longer the government. You have been found lacking in the fulfilment of your duties to the crown and they have seen fit to have you replaced."

"The muggles have no authority over us!"

"It's irrelevant, Cornelius. The deed is done. You have been ousted. All that remains is for Her Majesties investigations to conclude and your trial and judgement. Until that time, you have been handed over to the Goblin Nation for holding." Xander smiled fakely. "First things first, you need to give us your confession."

Fudge then noticed Sirius Black walking over with a vial of clear liquid that he had no doubts about it's contents.

What followed was a question and answer session regarding known Death Eaters in the Ministry and any safe words they might expect. In order to save time he was then sent to the Goblin prison till he could be questioned further about his criminal dealings. It seems that Fudge was supporting the Death Eaters even though he wasn't one.

"Ok, Moody should be in position. Let's initiate the lockdown." Xander ordered. "Harry, let's get started. Call in our first guest please."

The doors were guarded by werewolves, goblins and non-magical soldiers. The entire floo system was shutdown for the Ministry by Alastor. The building was already warded by anti-apparition and portkey wards.

What followed was a complete parade of every Ministry employee from the house elves to the current undersecretary.

Every now and again they came across an imposter.

"Mr. Scargill. It says in your employee file that you have been an employee since September 1990. Right out of Hogwarts." Xander began.

"Yes, that's right." The man responded confidently.

"You started in the Miss-use of Muggle Artefacts department with Perkins and Weasley?"

Scargill frowned. "Not that I recall."

"Oh yeah, it's in the wrong file." Xander shrugged. "Oh, please, no drinking in this office." He smiled genially as the man pulled a small silver flask from his robes. He had seen that same type of flask no less than five times already.

"I… er… it's for a medical condition."

"Really? What's the problem? Maybe I can heal you straight up? No more need for the potion." Harry offered from his position standing guard at the door.

'Scargill' sighed. "I guess the jig is up. You're onto us?"

"We caught five of you so far." Xander shrugged.

"You'll never find us all." The man smirked. "We studied our covers and know exactly who we are impersonating. We don't all drink the potion at the same time either."

"We already know who all of you are. Harry can see the potion magic at work." Xander chuckled as he pointed to his son.

'Scargill' looked at the young lad who smiled and waved back.

"So why the charade?"

"Well, we wanted to lull you into a false sense of security. No need to have you panicking and causing a scene. Plus it gave Harry time to deactivate the various portkeys and emergency items you might have."

Xander chuckled as 'Scargill' frantically began checking his pockets, pulling out various nick-nacks and then discarding them.

"He had some other enchanted stuff too." Harry noted. "I think I managed to drain them."

'Scargill' growled angrily. "You will pay for this. Our great lord will-"

"Huh, this one seems far more confident than the last ten we caught." Xander interrupted. The previous five polyjuice and five non-polyjuiced death eaters working at the Ministry had become petrified when confronted by their cover being blown by Lord's Hogwarts and Gryffindor. The usual response was along the lines of: 'Oh god! Oh god! Don't kill me!'

Occasionally the 'kill me' was replaced with 'eat me', but the message was the same.

"Looks like his polyjuice is wearing off." Harry commented as the man began to morph.

"Wait a minute, I know this one." Xander said as he began rifling through the papers on his desk. His mantra as always was: 'The PC is coming! The PC is coming!' He'd already started on the basic ones available, but he was longing for the end of the 90's.

"Dolohov, Anton Dolohov." He said as he found the relevant page.

"You were one of the ones who broke out of Azkaban!" Harry exclaimed.

"The Dark Lord was powerful enough to control the Dementors and break into the most feared place in the country. You won't stand a chance when he comes for you." Anton smirked maliciously. "The Purebloods will take back this land and our rightful place over those of lesser blood."

"Now, you see Harry? Anton here, can pull off the evil rant. Tom just sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon villain." Xander said mockingly. "The bad news for you, Anton, is that you will probably be dead by tomorrow. So whatever Tom manages to achieve won't benefit you."

"And your 'Powerful Dark Lord' who is going to bring Purebloods back to power… he's going to be in charge of all of you right? Lead you all?" Harry asked.

"As is befitting a Noble Lord of his breeding."

"Yeah… he's less than a muggleborn." Harry shrugged.

"Blasphemer!" Anton spat.

"Nope, he is the son of an inbred squib and a muggle."

"You lie!"

"Why would I need to lie? You're gonna die tonight. You can't do anything with this information."

Anton Dolohov sat there chained to the chair. The conflict was clear on his face. The two men were confident, they had no reason to lie. A sliver of doubt entered his mind.

But pure stubbornness won out.

"I don't believe it. It wouldn't matter anyway, Purebloods will rule again."

Xander and Harry didn't care. They were done with the bastard.

"30 polyjuiced imposters and 23 employed Death Eaters." Xander sighed as he dropped onto the sofa between Nym and Fleur.

He and Harry had just returned from the final executions. Harry and Xander had handled the initial interviews before handing the Death Eaters over to various teams of Goblins, Werewolves and MI5/Unspeakable agents for a full interrogation. All Death Eaters were given a mandatory death sentence. The Ministry of Magic was now Death Eater free.

"What about the polyjuice victims?" Nym asked.

"The Unspeakables are currently running rescue missions with the Goblins and Werewolves as we speak. There was a surprising number of foreigners, seems Tom is calling in recruits from across the Empire."

"Does that mean you two are on call?" Joyce asked.

"Only if they come across Tom."

"So, did you catch any big names?" Neville asked.

"Anton Dolohov, Alecto Carrow, Charles Yaxley and… Rabastian Lestrange." He said looking steadily at Neville.

"Di… Did they have the location of the others?" Neville asked shakily, the thought that one of the people who tortured his parents was dead was… shocking news.

"No. They seem to have made use of the Fidelius."

"But Harry can crack that." Hermione pointed out from her position snuggled against the aforementioned Harry.

"Only if he can track someone entering the protected area. Short of using the Imperious, I don't see that happening.

"Tomorrow we need to deal with Albus, Severus and Nott. We've had them in holding, but we need to deal with them." Xander said tiredly.

Whatever responses were coming were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Xander called out tiredly.

The door opened to reveal someone who had been missing for a few days.

"Perce! How you doing?" Xander asked as he waved him in.

"Better, thank you." Percy said as he shuffled uncomfortably. "I… I've been asked to bring you to meet someone."

"Ha!" Neville barked. "Finally gotten fed up of waiting?"

"So she tells me." Percy smiled softly. "If you wouldn't mind Xander, I think you should meet them."


"I have been sworn to secrecy… and considering how she helped me these past few days, I am inclined to honour that." Percy interrupted with a smirk.

"Fine, lead on." Xander groaned as he stood up. Fleur and Nym gave him help in the form of a push.

Xander was a little surprised to suddenly found himself standing in a corridor somewhere in the castle.


"Neville taught me. I'm under the oaths." Percy explained.

"You keep anticipating what I'm gonna ask and I'm gonna start calling you Radar." Xander muttered. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

"You to open the door, I'm no longer needed here, I will go and check in with Penelope and my family." Percy smiled as he vanished.

"Right… open the door. What door?"

A door materialised in front of him in the wall.

"That door." Xander straightened his shoulders, swung open the door and marched into an office.

There was a desk, a large desk. A big comfy chair behind it and two comfy chairs in front of it. There was a nameplate on the desk that read 'Headmaster Hogwarts'. There was a huge window behind the desk that looked out onto the Black Lake.

Of course on the left wall there was a huge window overlooking the gates and Hogsmede and on the right a huge window overlooking the grounds up to the Magical Forrest.

Xander just rolled his eyes and muttered "Magic" under his breath.

"It's about time you got here Xander." A feminine voice smirked.

In the chair behind the desk a familiar tall, raven haired woman appeared.

"Rowena?" Xander asked in surprise.

"Only sort of." She smiled as she came around the desk and hugged her 'oldest brother'.

"Sort of?"

"I'm not really Rowena, not a horcrux, or a ghost or an immortal. I'm similar to a magical portrait, only no paint and no confining frame… just a confining room." She smiled sweetly.

"So… what are… wait! This is your secret room!" Xander said in realisation.

"Exactly! And you should have found it ages ago!" She said slapping his arm.

"Because you did such a good job of labelling this place? Because you told people where to find it?" Xander asked mockingly.

"Because I built it for you and I figured you would ask the house elves!" She cried in exasperation. "You are in charge of security, seems like the smart thing to do would be to interview the caretakers." She mocked back.

Xander blushed. Rowena was right, he had overlooked a valuable source of information. Willow and Giles would never have let him live that down.

"You built this for me?" He asked hoping to change the subject.

Rowena smiled indulgently. "Yes, an office or base of operations. I based it on the Star Trek stories Mother used to tell us. She said you enjoyed them and that everyone wished they had-"

"A HOLODECK!" Xander shouted in shock. "You made a Holodeck?"

"Just for you… well, other people have used it, but only you can control it properly."

"How do you mean?"

"The room will cater to the needs of an individual. But you can order the room to do what you want. You could tell it to become the moon if you wanted." She shrugged.

"Hmm… nice big hot tub sounds about right." Xander sighed, only for the room to flicker and change to an Olympic sized swimming pool with an attached Jacuzzi.

"Sweeeeeet!" Xander crowed as he transfigured his clothes to a towel and his boxers to swimming trunks. He sent out a message to the family and the room was soon filled.

"Rowena?" Joyce whispered.

"Just a portrait, Mother." She smiled as she moved to hug the older woman.

The reunion was interrupted by the indignant complaints of Fleur. "Nym! I am not decent! Change it back!"

Everyone turned and saw Nym in a very revealing… practically non-existent bikini, with her wand pointed at Fleur who was wearing an even skimpier bikini that was also nearly transparent!

Fortunately for Fleur, Harry's sense of decorum kicked in and a solid wall of stone shot up separating the two women from view.

"I was enjoying that!" Xander moaned.

"Unfortunately for Fleur and Nym, so were we." Harry pointed out,

"Why Nym? She seemed happy enough." Hermione queried as she transfigured her own clothes into a modest two piece bathing suit.

"Nym won't be so happy when Fleur is finished with her." He explained.

There was a splash and the two ladies swam up to Xander, Fleur was now in a one piece much to Nym's displeasure.

"Takes all the fun out of it. I have perfectly hot girlfriend/slash sister wife and I can't enjoy her gorgeous br-"

"Nym!" Fleur cried.

Rowena and her brothers just giggled as Minerva and Joyce rolled their eyes.

"Don't worry, this room is Xander's personal… area." Rowena told them. "He can set it up for you whenever you want."

"So these are his quarters?" Hermione asked.

"Quarters, office, training room… Star Trek re-enactment area… whatever he wants."

"Wait… we can actually see Star Trek properly now?" Sal asked earnestly.

"You could just watch it on TV." Xander said.

"But now we can live them!" Sal countered.

There was an unholy gleam that sprang up in Xander's eyes.

"I'm so glad my dad isn't here." Hermione sighed.

The evening was spent getting wrinkled in the hot tub. Rowena was brought up to speed on what was going on so far whilst Nym spent her time thinking of all the fun things she and her lovers could get up to in the room.

Rowena was very pleased to hear that Harry was starting to work with the non-magical government.

"Uncle Arthur would be very upset to hear that the two worlds were separated." She told them. "Often he would wander through Camelot and the surrounding towns fixing things for people and using magic where needed. Dad would do the same, teaching us all to do it as well."

"It was a bit disconcerting to see an old lady struggling with bags and not be able to do something as simple as lighten them for her." Sal said sadly.

"Didn't stop you from dragging me along to carry her bags though, did it?" Harry smirked. "Took me a good ten minutes to convince Grace that we weren't con-men or thieves and that Sal just wanted to help.

"It then took another five minutes to get her to accept our help in the spirit it was meant and not as in insult to her abilities."

"Where was this then?" Joyce asked.

"Newcastle. We were working on renovating Azkaban last Spring." Sal said.

"Have you taken the current monarchy to Camelot?" Rowena asked.

"Camelot?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"Haven't been in contact with them enough to get to that point." Sal said side-stepping Hermione's query.

"Do so soon. It could greatly aid Harry as he tries to join the two worlds." She instructed sternly.

"Where is Camelot?" Hermione asked more firmly.

"That is a family secret, one that even Harry and Xander don't know yet." Godric said sternly. "Camelot was entrusted to us. The line of Arthur was lost many centuries ago. There maybe descendants out there, if they are found they are to be presented to Camelot, if Camelot finds them worthy then they will assume the throne as High King of the British Isles."

"And if they aren't found worthy?" Neville asked.

"The castle will remove the memory of it's location and eject them."

"Is there a way to find a descendant?" Hermione asked.

"Not unless you want to parade the entire population of the planet through Camelot." Sal grinned.

"6 billion people through one doorway… could take a while." Xander mused.

There was a moment of contemplative silence as they each imagined the sight, logistics and general headache that would be caused by trying to move 6 billion individuals through a single building.

Rowena cleared her throat. "Whilst I will leave you to ponder the ridiculousness of that idea on your own, I have something that Xander and Harry need to deal with." She said as a small feminine crown appeared in her hands.

"Aw, your tiara." Joyce cooed.

"Diadem!" Rowena objected.

Harry, however, was moving away from the diadem and dragging Hermione with him.

"What's wrong, Harry?" She asked.

"That thing is surrounded by blackness." Harry spat.

"Black Magic?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Black spells." Harry clarified.

"There's a difference?" Nym asked.

"Magic just is. It's not white or black, good or evil. It's the spells that we create to utilise magic that are black or white. You can tell whether a spell is designed for good or bad by the colour of the spell, if it is black, it was designed with evil intent, if-"

"Wait a minute, I have never seen a black coloured spell." Nym interrupted.

Neville just chuckled. "Harry sees the magic, not the light that spells cause. The same way he can see the magic on the… diadem. Phoenixes can't see the magic, but we can sense it. Harry's method is definitely more refined."

"I just wish we could all learn to do it." Hermione sighed.

"I still don't understand how just because Harry can suddenly do things, like re-grow limbs, that everyone can do it. Surely someone would have managed to do it before now?" Minerva asked. It was one of the things that bugged her. For decades, people had tried to fly without broomsticks or carpets, walk through solid objects or become completely invisible. The closest they came was a form of self-levitation, walking through permanent illusions like the barrier at King's Cross or disillusionment which still left a visible shimmer.

"Oh, that's all Xander's fault." Rowena said absently as she placed the diadem in a box that had suddenly appeared.

"Me? I just play with what's there, Harry's the one who seems to be messing up known laws!" Xander said defensively.

"Which he can only do because you unlocked his magic. Or more accurately, you liberated his views on magic." She explained.

"How does that enable everyone else to do what Harry and Xander can?" Neville asked.

Rowena thought for a moment. "Think of it like… an illness. Now, Xander had the illness first, a very contagious illness and he coughed – and I apologise for the analogy Harry – on Harry who is the food supply. It's a rough and slightly inaccurate analogy, but that is how it works. Xander is the source, he changed how magic is used, he affected those closest to him. Harry, being the huge magical source that he is, caused it to spread out to other people. The 'virus' then spread on from them.

"If it was just Xander, and Harry wasn't around, it could take years. But according to Percy, the entire world has access to Harry's healing methods."

"Sounds complicated." Sal remarked, Xander and Nym where nodding along in agreement with Sal, they got lost a while back.

"Fine, it's all Xander's fault." Rowena sighed.


"Ah, much simpler, and makes perfect sense." Nym agreed smugly.

There was a loud splash as Nym suddenly vanished underwater as Xander dived at her and began tickling her mercilessly.

"How isn't she drowning?" Sal asked after a few minutes.

"Localised air bubble around her mouth and nose. Xander seems to have put it up." Harry commented as he stared at the shadows of his dad and his wife frolicking under water. "Nym seems to have turned the tables though."

"I suppose someone has to go and sort them out." Fleur sighed, but her lips where clearly fighting a smile as she dived in.

"Rowena, could you divide the pool into two rooms?" Hermione asked nervously. "Once Fleur get's there, it won't be long before Nym has them all stripped and… well… you know!" She blushed as she explained to the curious adults.

"Ah." Was the collective response.

A wall was soon erected.

"So, what's with the Dark Tiara?" Sal asked with a smile.


"A certain Dark Dipstick found it and decided it was his to do with as he pleased." Rowena scowled. "He murdered someone and stuck part of his soul in it."

"Tom Riddle!" Hermione gasped.

"It's a horcrux? Like the diary?" Harry asked.

"Diary?" Rowena queried.

"In his second year, a diary was introduced into the school to one of the younger children. It was a horcrux with part of Tom Riddle's soul. It tried to possess the girl and released Slinky with orders to kill non-Purebloods." Sal explained. "It's also when they woke me from stasis."

"So there is more than one of these things?" She mused. "Can you imagine the horrors if we had split Mother's soul for a horcrux."

There was a collective shudder from the three Founders and Joyce.

"What would have happened?" Harry asked.

"The castle would have become a tormented place. Anyone who tried to live here would be tortured and driven insane. They would become tools of the castle." Godric grimaced.

"So… like Azkaban with Dementors?"

"What are Dementors doing in Azkaban?" Rowena asked turning to Sal.

"Long story." He sighed.

"The Ministry used it as a prison and staffed it with Dementors." Harry piped up.

Sal rolled his eyes. "Then again, not so long."

"What exactly am I supposed to do with your… possessed diadem?" Harry asked.

"Well I'd prefer it if you could remove the piece of soul, otherwise, just destroy it." Rowena said sadly.

"Destroy it! But that is supposed to be one of the greatest treasures of Wizarding Britain!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Not any more it's not!" Sal retorted. "Besides, she can always make another one, right?"

"No Salazar, I can't. I needed to infuse my blood with it. I don't currently have any blood." Rowena drawled.

"Pass it here then." Harry said holding out his hand for the box.

"You're going to do it here? In the tub?" Minerva asked.

"Minerva, my dear, I hardly think there is a protocol for such things." Godric chuckled.

"Still, we aren't exactly fully dressed, and there is a piece of a Dark Lord's soul in that box. Doesn't that seem somewhat… improper?"

"Sounds symbolic if you ask me. Cleansing the magical tiara-" "DIADEM!" "-in an object linked with cleansing itself." Sal shrugged.

They were all startled as a loud screeching and wailing suddenly sprang from the box.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Xander demanded as the wall vanished, Fleur was clearly not dressed as she was hiding behind Xander, behind her was an equally unclothed Nym.

Unfortunately, in front of them was a very naked Xander.

"Oh god, I don't know what's worse, the wailing or seeing Dad's… thing." Harry moaned, but the wailing was so loud that only Hermione heard him.

"WOULD YOU CONJURE SOME CLOTHES!" Hermione yelled as she slammed her hand over her eyes.

A quick hand wave and their swimsuits were back on.

"WHAT IS THAT NOISE!" Nym yelled.

"It's from the box, I think it's the diadem." Hermione sent mentally.

Unfortunately the box exploded showering everyone in debris. A black mist that looked disturbingly familiar to Xander rose up and flew through the walls.

"Why does that look like Riddle did when I killed Quirrell?" Xander asked tightly.

"Because it was a piece of his soul. A horcrux." Rowena frowned. "But it shouldn't have been able to detach from the diadem on it's own."

"Harry, what did you – HARRY!" Hermione screamed as she turned and saw her boyfriend poking at a large piece of wood sticking out of his heart.

"I'm fairly certain I should be dead. Right Dad?" He asked nervously. "And in substantial pain?"

"Can you fix it?" Rowena asked calmly as everyone was frozen, no one wanted to touch him for fear of making it worse… despite the fact that Harry seemed fine… stake in the heart notwithstanding.

"I healed a shot gun wound, so this should be easy… I'm more worried about the fact that I'm not dead. My heart is stopped, and severely compromised. I should have died before I knew I was hit." Harry said uneasily.

Hermione suddenly vanished only to return with Poppy, who was not pleased to find herself waist deep in a hot tub with her clothes on.

But her professionalism kicked in as she saw the stake and slow trickle of blood running down Harry's chest. She quickly began casting diagnostic charms.

She froze. "Why aren't you dead?" She asked warily.

"I KNOW!" Harry exclaimed agitatedly as he threw his arms up. "And why the hell doesn't it hurt!"

"Are you feeling anything… bad?" Joyce asked.

"It hurts a bit, but nothing like when I was shot or… tortured." He said with a shudder. "Ok, I'm going to remove it and try and seal the damage." He said as he gripped the offending object. "Ok, this is going to hurt." He said with a wince as a spike of pain lanced from the wound.

"Harry! Wait!" Hermione shouted. "Maybe we should… make sure it's safe."

"Hermione, I have a piece of wood in my heart and I should be dead… I doubt I'm going to get any worse." Harry snickered. He wasn't sure if he actually found it funny or if the stress was getting to him.

"He's right, he registers as alive and dead." Poppy said exasperatedly. "I have no idea how to help him."

There was a horrible tearing noise as Harry cried out in pain. They turned and saw him pull the wood free with a disgusting pop.

"How's… it look?" Harry panted.

Poppy peered into the gaping wound. "Your heart isn't beating yet. It has a nasty large hole in it."

"Yeah, I'm stopping my magic." Harry sighed.

"Why would you do that?" Hermione demanded.

"Just trying to brace for the pain." And then Harry started to groan. Poppy and Hermione watched carefully as they saw the heart start to heal, just as the layers of flesh and skin started to form they saw the heart take it's first beat.

Seconds later, Harry didn't even have a scar.

"Huh, didn't really hurt at all." Harry muttered in surprise. "Oof!" He suddenly found himself with an armful of Hermione. "I'm ok Hermione. I think."

Her head shot back as she looked at him sharply. "You think?"

"I should be dead and I just pulled a chunk of wood out of my own chest… I don't exactly have a baseline for my health at the moment." He shifted Hermione to the side, still holding her as she held him. "Poppy, how do I register?"

Waving her wand she checked the readings. "Still dead and alive. But at least you are intact and registering healthy."

"How can he be dead and alive?" Minerva demanded.

"Mum, relax. It could be any number of reasons." Harry said soothingly. "The fact of the matter is, my heart is beating, I am breathing… and I don't have a chunk of wood sticking out of my chest."

"Always a good thing." Xander muttered.

"Rowena, can you change the room to something more appropriate to this discussion?" Godric requested.

Rowena blushed, especially as she noticed the red hue the water had taken on from Harry's blood.

They found themselves lounging in an exact replica of the Apartment's lounge, complete with windows.

"Right, can someone explain to me how my son managed to wind up staked?" Xander demanded as everyone conjured clothes to replace swimwear.

"Ro' had another of Riddle's horcruxes. She had it in a box but something happened and the soul escaped causing the box to explode." Sal explained.

"That might have been my fault." Harry admitted. "I was examining the magic I removed the binding magic, the same stuff that holds Mum to the castle and Rick to the hat. I returned that magic to it's natural state, but then the soul piece was free."

Joyce rolled her eyes. "And what have you learned?" She asked patronizingly.

"Don't free the soul whilst it's in a wooden box?"

"How about 'warn others before you start experimenting in a room full of people'?"

"Or 'always set up a few shields both magical and non-magical before playing with strange objects'?" Hermione scowled at her boyfriend.

"Research, research, RESEARCH!" Xander shouted as he tapped Harry repeatedly on the head.

"Hey! I did research! I've been researching horcruxes for years, ever since we found out about them. I've been investigating the magic since I learnt to see magic. I wanted a way to allow Joyce to leave the castle."

"I can't, Harry. If I leave the castle, I lose control of the defences." Joyce said softly. She was touched that Harry was spending time thinking of her.

"No. I can see the magic that gives you control of the castle, it's different than the magic that makes you a horcrux. I've compared it to Rick and the Sorting Hat." Harry corrected.

"How do you mean?" Godric asked.

"Hard to explain… the magic just looks different." Harry shrugged.

"Let's keep focus here. Harry seems invulnerable and a piece of Riddle's soul just escaped. Why don't we shelve Harry's revelation, considering he is definitely not going to die from it, and focus on Riddle." Xander ordered. "Why was the soul attached to this," he held up the diadem, "and where did the soul fragment go?"

"Maybe Riddle thought that he would achieve immortality if he hid more pieces of his soul in things." Hermione hypothesised. "And maybe the soul fragment was returning to join with the rest of the soul."

"That is both disgusting and amusing." Godric grimaced. "Hermione is probably right on both counts.

"It would explain why Riddle is so hell bent on cruelty to others. Without his entire soul, he has no moral compass, he was already a deviant little bastard to try and split his soul in the first place, but now he has lost all of his humanity and inhibitions.

"The funny thing is, if that piece of soul makes it back to Riddle, he is going to feel like crap for a bit as he deals with some humanity returning."

There was a few moments of contemplation.

"I've got to go and speak to the Ministry and the Prime Minister." Xander sighed. "Riddle will likely take out his anger on innocents. Harry, alert the werewolves and goblins and suit up. As soon as we get reports, I want us on the move."