

Xander was on night watch. He couldn't do it often as he essentially had three domains to rule over and his time was very precious. But every now and again he would sit with the werewolves and goblins on duty and watch the big map that showed the status of Hogwarts and its residents.

It was currently 11pm and well after curfew.

"I've got a Gryff leaving his common room." Gerald, the werewolf on duty commented. "Seamus Finnegan."

"Ah, Seamus. Such a wonderful little troublemaker." Xander chuckled.

"My Lord, I have a Hufflepuff leaving his dormitory. He is Ernie MacMillan and he appears to be moving off." The goblin reported.

"No girls leaving?" Xander queried.

"None that we can see." Gerald answered.


"Err… no, they both appear to be heading to the Astronomy tower and there is no one else there."

"That's a new one. I thought Seamus was dating Pavarti Patil. Maybe they are being pranked." Xander mused. "Send a patrol to intercept them when they arrive. Find out why they have both decided to go there."

"My Lord, we have movement in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Several groups of girls and a few boys have assembled in their common rooms and appear to be preparing to leave."

Xander stood up quickly. "Joyce!" The lady in question quickly appeared. "Are the wards all up?"

"Yes, I don't know what they are up to." She confirmed. "What are you thinking?"

"Our recent security measures are only known to a few. I think the two boys headed for the Astronomy Tower are a misdirect and something is going on with the girls."

"My Lord, one of the Ravenclaws is Princess Luna." The goblin gasped.

"Why would Luna be there?" Joyce queried. "I just left the apartment and I was sure she was there."

"You called Xan?" Nym said as she and Fleur arrived, dressed and ready for action.

"Check out the map." Xander ordered as he turned back to Joyce. "Is Harry still out?"

"Yes, but Hermione is with him also." She frowned. "But I don't believe they would abuse their abilities just to fool around and bypass the wards."

"Nah, I think it is something far more important than that."

"What do you mean? Harry's gone?" Nym asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it. I'm aware and for the moment it is none of our business." Xander said firmly.

Nym did not like that, but held her tongue, Xander was not the type to hold information without reason. But it had better be a doozy! Fleur simply trusted Xander implicitly.

"My Lord, they are currently exiting the common rooms and appear to be heading for the entrance." The goblin reported.

"Ok people, any ideas on where they are headed?" Xander asked loudly.

"The Magical Forrest." Joyce said firmly. "It is the only place where they can leave the castle and escape the wards."

"Portkeys and Apparition?" Nym asked.


"What about teleportation?" Xander asked. "Do we have any method of preventing it? Some of those kids are capable."

"Hermione and the twins figured out how to alter the wards slightly to emit an electromagnetic field that can disrupt it. It's the same as the protections on the holding cells." Joyce answered.

"Shouldn't we be heading out there to intercept them?" Nym asked anxiously. She was still an Auror at heart and sitting back whilst the children were seemingly in danger was not in her nature.

"Don't worry Nym. I've already signalled the werewolves to move on them. Sal is also on route with the dragons to cover them from the air." Xander assured her with a squeeze of her arm.

"Joyce, prepare the cells for prisoners. Alert Poppy for wounded, I've called for Harry and- speak of the devil."

"What's going on Dad?" Harry demanded.

"Several students are leaving the castle for an unknown reason." Xander explained quickly.

"Ginny and Luna are there as well." Harry commented with complete calm, something that Xander was quite proud about. "They would never do something like this without warning someone, they would never allow their fellow students to endanger themselves either."

"They are likely there under duress." Hermione added. "Did Luna join them from her room?"

"Yes, she went to bed hours ago." Joyce confirmed.

"She probably had an idea of what was going to happen and joined them to give us reason to stop them… being a member of the goblin royal family." Hermione explained.

"Then we should put her idea into practice." Xander stated. "Come on, they are outside, lets put an end to this."

The plan was simple. Take the girls at wand point into the Forbidden Forest where the Dark Lord's Death Eaters would be waiting. They would take the girls and then they would return to the castle and no one would be the wiser.

So far the plan was running smoothly. They had even managed to somehow capture Luna Lovegood. The Headmaster's adopted daughter. That would wipe that stupid smile off his face.

They had just managed to get the girls outside. The threat of pain and torture was a good motivator. They ignored the tears and sniffling and occasionally a shove was administered. Hopefully the girls would soon have those damned charms removed and they could have some real fun. Provided the Dark Lord allowed them to leave the castle and finally join him.

Theodore Nott had his eyes on some of those girls and he wanted to be the one to break them in.

They were nearing the Forest when they were suddenly blinded by a brilliant light.

The air was filled with cries for help.

"SILENCE!" Roared the familiar voice of Xander Harris. "I don't know what the hell you think you are playing at, but detention is now the least of your worries." He snapped angrily. "Drop your wands."

Theodore had no intention of surrendering. His father was an Auror and had taught him to survive in these circumstances. Not only did he know exactly where the edge of the forest was, but he could also heal his own eyes.

As his vision cleared he glanced around quickly and saw the perfect target. He aimed at the head of long blond hair and fired off an overpowered Diffindo.

He immediately took off, running as fast as he could for the edge of the forest. There was a sudden burning sensation and he found himself flying to the ground, he quickly tried to get to his feet but they didn't seem to respond. He chanced a glance at his legs and froze.

Lying two metres behind him were his legs. Sliced off straight through the thighs. There was no blood, but the pain hit him instantly as realization screamed into his brain and out of his mouth.

Harry Potter stood there with his sword of light, his face black as thunder and magic snapping like lightning in the air. There was no pause as he turned to the sight of his friends and family gathered around the body of his beloved sister.

The small group of family and friends were sat around the large conference table in an unused classroom. Depression and despair were the emotions that made the air so thick.

Tears were in short supply, they had run out the previous night.

Luna Lovegood was dead.

Harry had been able to heal her body, but her soul refused to return. As per Xander's insistence, Fawkes cremated the body on the spot and her ashes were scattered over the Black Lake. Years of experience had taught him the dangers and horrors of leaving a loved ones body available to evil after death.

As soon as word had spread to Ragnok, he had requested the presence of their king and his family.

"My Liege, as you are well aware, confidentiality is a cornerstone of Goblin culture. A week ago, Princess Luna came to me to record her Will. It was the most unusual recording I have ever heard, but she was insistent that as soon as I learnt of her death I was to call in your family and her friends to hear it."

Xander nodded. He understood that Ragnok couldn't break Luna's trust.

Ragnok placed a Pensieve on the conference table and waved his hand over it. A smoky image of Luna rose up.

"Hi everybody!" She declared happily in a terrible American/Spanish accent.

Harry just snorted. "Hi Doctor Nick!" He said quietly. Harry seemed to be the worst hit, he seemed to be in physical pain over the loss of Luna, but he soldiered on, being highly experienced in pain.

Luna sighed. "Well, not exactly very enthusiastic, but thank you Harry."

That statement made everyone sit up and take notice.

"Let's try again, shall we? Hi everybody!"

This time they all said or mumbled: "Hi Doctor Nick."

"Meh, lacking in enthusiasm still, but much better group participation." Luna shrugged.

"Erm… Luna?" Hermione asked curiously.

The images head snapped to Hermione and grinned. "Yes, Hermione?"

"How are you doing this? You're… dead."

"I should hope so! Otherwise Ragnok will be in biiiiiig trouble for showing you this early."

Ragnok just smiled fondly. Princess Luna was always fun to be around.

"I've already Seen what would happen and I am just responding appropriately. Like reading from a script."

"I love you Luna." Joyce declared suddenly.

Luna gave her a brilliant smile. "I love you too Mummy Joyce. And you Mummy Minnie and Daddy. I love you all, especially my big brother.

"Ok, time to get down to business." She suddenly declared. "I don't own much, so I don't have much to give away. But everything I have I want to go to Ginny. Especially the Quibbler. She ran it with me and it was our thing, just let Daddy help you.

"Also, please let my family take anything they want to remember me by. I'd much rather they share memories though."

"I will Luna." Ginny sniffled. Godric who was seated next to her pulled her on to his lap and hugged her tightly, Godric was very much a grandfather to the Weasleys. She held onto him like a little girl, letting him comfort her.

"Ok, now that is why I wanted to have you all here!" Luna declared with a huff as she pointed at Godric and Ginny.

"There will be NO crying and mourning! You can be sad, but you will have a farewell party in my honour. But there will be no weeping and moping!' She declared in a huff.

"Now, Harry, lets get something clear. You could not have saved me. I saw my death ages ago.

"I have some simple messages for you. Hermione, great happiness lies with Harry, provided you are adaptable and accepting of those highly unusual circumstances we discussed, you know what Harry needs, make sure he gets it."

Everyone looked between Harry and Hermione for more clues. Harry looked completely befuddled and Hermione just blushed.

"Sirius, find a nice woman and settle down. Harry doesn't hold anything against you and you don't need to be paying penance! You could always produce an heir and make Harry the godfather.

"Harry, you are probably destined for big things… only I have no idea what as you and Daddy are like giant enigmas when it comes to Seeing anything. But, just remember all the lessons you were taught and all the things you taught me."

"I taught you stuff?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes dummy! Like defending the innocent! Protecting the weak! And one that is very important in your future, rescuing the damsel!"

"I thought she couldn't see your future?" Hermione pondered.

"Hey! Don't be rude, I am right here you know!"

"Hermione!" Joyce scowled playfully.

"But it's just a recordi-"

"Yes, a recording, which I essentially made whilst sitting there with you from my point of view."

Luna paused for a second. "At least I hope I have this right… otherwise I guess half of this recording won't make any sense.

"Anyway, to answer your question, Hermione. I might not be able to see Harry or Daddy's future, but I can see their future as it connects to others.

"Which makes it a shame I never met Riddle as I could have told you how to kill him.

"Now, Daddy, I love you and my mummies soooo much. Thank you for loving me. I've been really happy since Harry saved me and you adopted me. But now I am with my birth mummy and hopefully birth daddy will join us soon.

"I expect you, Nym and Fleur to provide lots of brothers and sisters to tell about me… Harry, I'm expecting Nieces and Nephews from you.

"Well, that's all of it from me. I know you think I had a short life, but it was a good one, and I've seen most of what will happen in yours, so I am happy and I was fully aware of what was coming.

"I love you all. Bye."


"Yes Harry?"

"If you knew what was going to happen, why did you join the others? You were already safe."

"The same reason you would have done so in my place. If I wasn't there, someone else would have died instead." She said with a sad smile. "Love you!"

And then the image vanished.

"Dad, we need to talk."

It had been two days since the reading/hearing of Luna's Will. They were still saddened, but often laughed and giggled as they found little notes left all over the place by Luna, always appearing when they needed it the most.

Harry was still in pain and Hermione was worried about him. He was often found sitting at the window just staring at the sky.

"Oh god, you got Hermione pregnant." Xander groaned.

Fortunately, some things never changed.

Harry and Hermione both blushed brightly.

"No! We haven't done… that." Harry said tightly.

"Oh thank god. I'm too young to be a grandfather."

"Could you be serious for a minute!" Hermione snapped.

"So… this about where Harry's been running off to at night?" Xander grinned.

"You knew?" Hermione asked appalled.

"Of course he knew!" Harry said with a roll of his eyes. "The map room is always manned by at least one goblin and one werewolf. You don't think they wouldn't pay extra attention to me and… Luna."

"But why all the secrecy!" Hermione demanded.

"Harry has earned my trust." Xander said seriously. "He might be a teenager, but he has the experiences of a man. Now, what do you need to talk about?"

"Lot's of things…"

Over the next hour, Harry told Xander all about his investigations and subsequent visits with the Queen and Prime Minister and their discoveries about Sirius, MI5 and the Order of the Phoenix.

"So, we were thinking we should deal with Dumbledore and the Order first. You should be involved as you are technically in charge." Harry finished.

"Technically, Neville and Fawkes are in charge. I would just be a mouthpiece for Fawkes." Xander mused with a small smile.

"You really think you can break that Fidelius?" Xander asked, still smiling.

"Won't know till I try, and please don't quote Yoda." Harry added quickly.

"Ok, why don't you head up to Godric's Hollow tonight and examine the Fidelius around your old home. Get a feel for the magic. If you think you are ready, we'll try tomorrow."

"Alright Pup, here I go!" Sirius declared as he marched across the street of Grimauld Place.

Harry had spent the previous evening cleaning his old home as he investigated the Fidelius charm more thoroughly. Hermione had also offered him the opportunity to investigate her own charm. Harry had done so… despite considerable blood flow issues.

Now he watched the magic as Sirius vanished in front of their eyes. Neville, Xander, Fawkes and Hermione watched as Harry began to tear apart the magic they couldn't see.

Harry's ability wasn't that he could disrupt magic or remove it, but that he could alter and absorb it. He could change the nature of the magic, turn it into raw magic that he could absorb into himself, or turn to another nature.

Harry had managed to alter the Fidelius Charm on Godric's Hollow. He had remodelled the secret and made himself he Secret Keeper. This was his plan for Sirius' home. He could always remove it later as Sirius might want to entertain guests, especially considering his social standing.

Finally he turned to Xander, Neville and Hermione and grinned. "The home of Sirius Black is Number 12 Grimauld Place."

He watched as the expressions of realisation and amazement appeared on their faces.

"You know… I can't help but wonder what it looks like when a woman reveals the secret of her Lilly Charm." Xander mused with a grin.

This earned him a chuckle from Neville and a slap from Hermione.

"Come on, lets go introduce ourselves to the Order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken." Xander sighed.


"OW! Jeeze sorry guys." Xander apologised to Neville and Fawkes as he rubbed his head which had been under attack from a peeved Phoenix.

He sighed in defeat before starting to cross the street.

"Hold up." Harry called out and Xander paused and looked back. "Perhaps we should make… an entrance?" He suggested with a grin. "After all, this is the Order of the Phoenix and two of us are Phoenixes."

Fawkes trilled and Neville directed everyone to place a hand on Xander.

A flash of fire and they were standing in the kitchen of Grimauld Place we a host of shocked faces staring at them.

"What is the meaning of this?" Albus roared.

"Erm… I think that is my question." Xander said with a cheeky smirk. "This is the Order of the Phoenix, right?"

"How do you know about that?" Came a snide voice. It was no wonder that Sirius was angry if he was being forced to allow Severus Snape to enter his home.

"It is called the Order of the Phoenix, I am the companion to the Phoenix you swore your oaths to. That Phoenix has designated me leader of this organisation."

"Dumbledore is our leader." Declared an old man at Dumbledore's right hand. Snape at his left.

"That's fine by me, but not whilst you are members of this group." Xander returned. "I am the official designated leader of the Order of the Phoenix, not Colonel Sanders here."

Hermione blushed as she attempted to cover up her laugh. Harry and Neville just openly laughed.

"Who is Colonel Sanders?" The old man demanded.

"Xander." Came the gravelly grunt from Mad-Eye.

"Hey Moody, bet your glad I'm in charge now." Xander grinned.

"Damn straight." He snarled as Albus and the others gasped in shock. "But there is some bad news you need to know, It's about Arthu-"

"Alastor! You will cease immediately! That is classified information." Albus said angrily.

Albus suddenly found himself bound, gagged and disarmed.

Xander simply ignored him and turned back to Alastor.

"Arthur Weasley was killed two nights ago."

Xander growled as Hermione began to cry.

"What the hell happened? Why wasn't I called?" Harry demanded. "I could have tried to heal him!"

"I was under orders, orders bound by my oaths." Alastor admitted sadly.

"Does Bill know?" Xander asked.

"Yes and no. He was obliviated by Dumbledore. He knew because of that family clock of theirs. Dumbledore destroyed it."

"Harry, Neville. Escort Albus Dumbledore to the Goblin Dungeons and stand guard until relieved by Goblin guard." Xander ordered.

"Hermione, go and alert Ragnok, have him send the guards."

The three young adults vanished silently along with Dumbledore.

"There's something you lot need to realise." Moody growled at the assembled order. "Our oaths to the Order actively prevent us from giving details about what we know. But considering I could do that without Albus' permission, it's just further proof that Lord Hogwarts here, is the rightful leader of the Order. Especially as we actually made our oaths to Fawkes. Something I am now very glad I insisted on back when we started."

"You maybe, I gave my oath to Dumbledore. So my secrets are my own, not even veritiserum or legillamancy well make me tell." Snape smirked.

"Actually, Harry can break every oath including an Unbreakable." Xander smirked back. "Which probably means we should rename it." He mused.

There was a flash of red light and Snape was unconscious on the floor. Everyone turned to see Moody with his wand out and pointed at heap.

"You couldn't have let me do that?" Sirius whined.

"Do what?" Harry asked as the three returned.

"That!" He said pointing at Snape.

"Might want to lock him up as well, Lord Hogwarts." Moody suggested.

Harry didn't bother waiting, he just vanished with Snape.

"See here, Snape is a trusted member of this organisation! Albus vouched for Snape himself!" The old man objected.

"Shut up Diggle." Sirius snapped. "Albus' word means nothing. Not after everything Albus did to Harry and the Weasleys and me."

"Ok, enough." Xander declared quietly. "Let's start with important business.

"This is a voluntary organisation. Anyone who wants to quit will be allowed to after they have been debriefed and then obliviated of all knowledge of the Order's operations and members."

"I am definitely quitting, but I shall not be obliviated and I reveal my knowledge to only Albus." Diggle said stubbornly. Very few people seemed to be backing him up though.

Fawkes gave a trill to Neville who transformed into his Phoenix form and stared at Diggle. After a few moments of nervous staring back, Neville reverted to human.

"Ok, you can have Godric obliviate him. I have his knowledge." Neville shrugged.

"That easily?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"This is the Order of the Phoenix, apparently they didn't specify Fawkes, as such they aren't allowed to keep secrets from me. It's simpler for me to have the knowledge as I can communicate easily with humans, Fawkes can only do so with Xander and myself."

"Neville, would you please escort Diggle to Godric and explain the situation?" Xander requests. "Return as soon as you can, but wait for more reinforcements, Hermione, can you sort that out?"

Both teens acknowledge the request and vanished, Neville taking Diggle with him.

"Is anyone else wanting to quit? For the record, this is a voluntary organisation. Even if you stay, you get to voice your opinions and refuse certain tasks.

"Considering that you are going to be obliviated if you quit, I'll give you a basic run down of what the future holds.

"Harry has been in contact with the non-magical government and the Queen. Both of which are legally in charge of the Ministry of Magic. I don't know the details but Harry can fill you in." He handed over to Harry.

"Within two weeks I have arranged for the non-magical government to remove the corrupt government. We intend to do it covertly. This will minimise the amount of bloodshed.

"The second phase will involve stationing non-magical guards around the magical communities to bolster the current undermanned Auror department and to respond to attacks by Tom."

"Excuse me, but who is Tom?" A young woman with black hair asked. She must have been a new recruit as she looked younger than Sirius.

"You are?" Xander asked curiously.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Hestia Jones, Milord." She blushed.

"No worries, for the record, you should probably introduce yourselves as we don't necessarily know who you are.

"Tom Riddle is the true name of the terrorist calling himself 'Lord Voldemort'. We will be writing up a file on him and you can all see it as we intend to disseminate it to the public in general. Most of it at least."

"He's a half-blood." Harry added. "His dad was a muggle."

"The Dark Lord is a half-blood?" An older gentleman exclaimed.

"Yes, yes he is, Mr…?" Xander queried.

"Oh, Elphias Dodge My Lord Hogwarts." He said respectfully.

"Thank you." Xander responded. "Now, I believe that is the most important information you will need. I don't want to get into anything at the moment that we can handle at another meeting as I need to see Bill Weasley. Is there any other pressing business I should know about?"

"What do you want us to do about the guarding of the Hall of Prophecies?" Moody asked. "It's a pretty pointless setup as only those named on the Prophecy can actually access it. Arthur died for nothing." He spat.

"Do we know who is named on the Prophecy?"

"Albus, Tom and Harry and Sybil Trelawney."

"Then leave it alone. Harry and I will go in and get it now and take it back to Hogwarts, we'll view it and decide what to do next."

Bill was understandably distraught and livid when he heard what Dumbledore had done. Winky didn't fare much better as she had fallen deeply in love with her new family and Master Arthur was just wonderful. Xander ordered them both to Hogwarts to stay for a few days. The rest of the Weasleys were pulled from classes and Joyce provided them with apartments. Xander also personally teleported to Charlie to bring him home.

Ginny was hit the hardest. First her mother, then her best friend and now her father. Her life seemed to be falling apart around her.

Dan and Emma moved into another apartment in the castle to help the Weasleys. They were a lovely family and it hurt to see them suffer.

"Percy, I thought Xander told you to stay away from your office." Joyce admonished lightly as she appeared in the chair across from Percy's desk.

"My Lady." Percy said formerly as he stood and bowed.

"Percy." She said warningly. "You need to stop hiding. Your family needs you."

Percy's shoulders slumped and his head bowed.

"More importantly, I believe you need them. Penelope is here, you know?"

Percy seemed to sink even further.

"Are you really going to let them go through this without you?"

"WHAT ABOUT WHAT I NEED?" Percy roared angrily startling Joyce. "They need me? What about me? Why can't I grieve in my own way? Why can't I have just a bit of time to come to terms with this?" He pleaded, his eyes filling with tears.

"You don't need to do it alone." Joyce implored.

"What if I do?" Percy countered. "What if… what if this is what I need to do? For me? What if being with my family or forcing myself to grieve with others is bad for me?"

"Surely you don't believe that?"

"Surely you don't believe that what you believe applies to everyone?" Percy snorted tearfully. "Can't you just trust me to know what's best for me? I do have nearly two decades worth of experience."

"Can't you trust my thousand years?" Joyce pushed.

Percy just caved and collapsed on himself, crying his eyes out.

Joyce moved quickly to cross around and hug him only to find herself confronted by an irate Fawkes.

Fawkes squawked angrily before alighting on Percy's back and flaming out.

Joyce was about to call for Xander and demand an explanation when Neville flamed in.

He didn't teleport, he flamed.

"Leave it be Joyce." He pleaded. "Percy is a unique individual. Just like everybody else on the planet. You can't apply a generic template to everyone and expect it to work."

"But he's in pain and suffering. He needs people who love him around him." Joyce reasoned.

"Says who? You may have a thousand years of experience, but Fawkes has far longer. Both of us as Phoenixes have a deeper insight into the human psyche. Just leave him be."

"And what about his family? They need him." Joyce could see Neville's point, but she still felt she was right.

"They have each other. They have you and the rest of your family. They have what they need. Why shouldn't Percy have what he needs?"

"Where is Percy?" Joyce asked in defeat.

"Safe. He has access to what he needs and that includes someone to talk to should he need it." Neville didn't give her a chance to respond. He flamed out. He had to inform the rest of the Weasleys that Percy was ok.

"Fawkes?" Percy sniffed as he took in the sight of the room he was in. It was an exact replica of his office. "Where are we?"

Fawkes trilled quietly before flaming out.

"Don't worry Percy, this is your temporary sanctuary."

Percy spun around to find an unfamiliar women smiling softly at him.

"Xander, we need to talk." Moody said gruffly as he marched into the Great Hall the next morning. "Potter! You too!" He barked over his shoulder.

"Subtlety, Alastor! Learn it! Know it! Use it!" Minerva snapped.

"Time an' a place, Minnie. Time an' a place." Moody said dismissively.

"And you don't think a hall full of children eating dinner is either of those?" Godric asked in amusement.

"War is here, these kids know it, so why coddle them?"

"Because they are children, Alastor." Joyce rolled her eyes.

"Look, can we get this done or what?" Moody barked.

They vanished silently as Joyce waved her hand. "Ignore them children, Professor Moody clearly enjoys his entrances."

"I believe the Headmaster would call him a member of 'The Amateur Dramatics Club'." Minerva groused.

"Alright, what's the big deal, Alastor?" Xander asked as he sat down behind Minerva's desk. One day he should probably get his own office.

"Information you need before you start planning your muggle based incursion." Moody groaned as he sat down. The way the pain in his hip joints eased off was practically… orgasmic!


"A lot of people have recently taken to drinking regularly." He said with a pointed look. "Once an hour?" He added.

"Polyjuice?" Harry asked.

"Aye. The juice. At least, that's what I assume it is. Unless of course Fudge has pushed them into the drink. But it is a bit too regular for my tastes."

"So… Death Eaters in disguise and the Ministry has already been compromised." Xander sighed. "What does this do to your initial plans, Harry?"

Harry thought for a few seconds. "Not much. We just have to be aware that many of the people at the Ministry are likely to be hostile and throw AK's."

"I assume you intend to use veritiserum or oaths on everyone once you've secured the place?" Moody asked.

"Seems like the thing to do."

"Then we need to seal the place tightly. We can put a huge dent in Tom's forces if we capture them."

"We'll also need to find out where they are holding the people they are imitating." Xander added. "Moody, you are coming to our planning sessions, you get to meet the Queen!"