

Five weeks. Five whole weeks of popping from country to country and meeting to meeting. Harry was now a highly experienced lecturer and orator. Poppy had been with him for most of them, helping him and introducing him to experts in the field (when she wasn't gushing and blushing over her heroes). Harry had successfully taught the Healers how to grow metal limbs. He had even taught them how to combine their magic as an average person could comfortably grow a finger, but it took a lot more power to grow a full limb.

It had been a gradual process where Harry began by teaching small groups of four or five in the British Isles but increasing his class size as he moved East into Europe. Poppy handled the majority of the talking and lecturing, but once Harry began answering questions he quickly forgot his fears as he enjoyed discussing various methods of healing. He learnt far more than he taught.

Harry had nearly caused an International incident when in Australia during his fifth week of touring. He had been bored and snuck out at night, curious about the non-magical side of medicine. He came across the emergency wards first where he observed the doctors and nurses invisibly. He couldn't replace limbs on non-magicals as there was no way to explain a metal limb. But he paid attention to how the drugs worked and what they did.

It was when he came across a young girl who could only be ten years old that he found himself unable to remain an observer. The doctors said she was dying as her kidney was shutting down. She was in a car accident and her other kidney was destroyed.

After ten minutes of hard work the doctor called the time of death and the medics moved away disheartened as unknown to them Harry sat in the corner watching and crying.

But Harry was now the Man-Who-Saved (thank you very much Cedric Diggory!) He cast a Notice-Me-Not charm on the door and examined the body. With his magical sight on he could see that there was still some life in the body. Casting silently and using magic he began vanishing the remains of the destroyed kidney. He then began pouring a trickle of magic into the stem that was left as he simulated CPR with his magic.

Apparently the Canadians had long since developed a spell that would simulate mouth to mouth and chest compressions and it was commonly used by anyone not constrained by the primitive and backwards Magical British Empire. Teaching Harry had been a joy for them.

Harry focused his magic on imagining what the kidney should look like based on the kidney that had failed but not been destroyed. Slowly he could see the tissue begin to grow, the blood was flowing out of the open blood vessels but Harry diligently teleported the blood back into veins. After five long minutes the kidney was whole and well.

Harry turned his attention to the kidney that had failed. Poppy had taught the Champions how to heal bones and various injuries at Viktor's suggestion. So Harry had a fairly good idea how magic healed. He began to focus on the second kidney; he poured the same spell that knitted bones together into the damaged tissue. Harry's theory was… one spell fits all, as magic at the end of the day was just that: magic. In a much shorter time the kidney was healthy.

Deciding to finish the job he began healing the surgical openings the doctors had made as well as the cuts and lacerations from the accident itself. Ten minutes later and a healthy young girl was lying on the bed.

It was time for the moment of truth. Harry turned down the amount of magic he was using on the heart and lungs to invoke circulation and respiration. But the lungs slowed so Harry upped his power.

He hadn't come this far just to make sure she was a pretty body for her funeral. He examined the body again to make sure he hadn't missed anything. That's when he noticed the natural energy and magic that made a person live was still dimming and nearly gone. Harry didn't know if he could fix that. Until he realised he hadn't tried the one thing he was recently famous for.

He pooled a bit of lighting in his diamond hand and touched it to the girl's heart.

He grinned as he saw the magic pulse brighter. It was working, so he did it again but held it a little longer.

The magic grew brighter to the level that the average non-magical should have… but slightly brighter. She looked a bit on the level of Argus Filch. Harry worried that he might have accidentally created a squib somehow.

But the magic dimmed back to regular levels. Harry removed the Notice-Me-Not Charm and cast an enervate just as a doctor came storming in.

"IN HERE!" He shouted out as he rushed to the side of the wakening child.

"How come we couldn't find it before, it's obvious now where it was coming from." Another doctor scowled.

Harry wondered what they were talking about.

"Later, the girls not dead, check her vitals and prepare a sedative, she's waking up and I hate to think how she'll suffer with those open-" The doctor stopped and stared at his patient. There were supposed to be open and exposed sections of kidneys. But now there smooth unblemished skin.

"Terry… wasn't this the car crash victim?"

"Yeah… what the hell happened… she should be dead but… do you think there is a hallucinogen in the air?" The other doctor asked nervously.

"What? And we are all hallucinating the same thing?" The first doctor snorted derisively.

"And you think the alternative is more likely? That this girl was miraculously healed?" Terry argued. "Dammit Corden, I had my hand on that girls kidneys not twenty minutes ago! You yourself declared the T.O.D.!"

Harry cringed as he realised what he had done in healing the girl. Sure he had saved her life, but he had also caused a lot of problems for the doctors. They might think they were going mad or something just as bad.

"It was me, I did it." Harry said quietly as he dropped his invisibility and re-cast the Notice-Me-Not.

Both doctors jumped at the voice.

"You can't be in here lad." The first doctor, Corden said sternly.

"I was here the whole time you were working on her." Harry said with a small smile. "When you… stopped working on her, I tried to heal her. It was my first time trying something like that." Harry admitted.

Neither doctor was entirely sure how to respond to that.

"Are you, by any chance, a patient from the fourth floor?" Terry asked kindly.

"No… what's on the fourth floor?"

"Erm… the er…"

"Ah… the mental patients." Harry chuckled. If Xander or Sirius ever found out about this he'd never live it down. Not that he had any intention of telling them.

"I am a wizard." Harry stated quietly as he showed them his diamond hand and lit it up with electricity. "We are a secret society, but generally peaceful."

"Oh god." Terry moaned. "Won't you get in trouble with the coppers? What about the Statute of Secrecy?"

"You're not a wizard… or a squib." Harry frowned as he examined the doctor's body for a magical core or high levels of magic.

"No, but my sister is a witch."

"Ah… right, well… if you don't tell, I won't tell?" Harry asked sheepishly.

At this point Harry's plans were shattered as two men in uniform robes marched in.

"Excuse us, has anyone seen- oh Merlin it's Harry Potter." The elder man sighed as he saw the young man with a diamond hand.

Harry's world tour of the medical circuit was international news. His face was splashed across all the papers, although Harry refused to do a picture without at least Poppy or Cedric in them. Harry had to go out in disguise or invisibly or he was mobbed, he had never been more grateful for Nym teaching him how to use his metamorphmagus skills.

"You do realise this is a non-magical hospital… right sir?" The younger one asked warily.

"I couldn't sleep and was curious about non-magical medicine. This girl was practically dead… I had to do something!" He argued.

"Wait… I think I have a solution… I come from a first generation family." Terry interrupted before things got out of hand.

"I hope so, otherwise we have a lot of memories to work on." The older one said.

"Only myself and Doctor Corden know this girl is well, Corden is a good man and I can explain the situation well enough for him. It's not unusual for patients to seem dead. We just say that she wasn't dead dead and one of you puts an illusion on her so she looks like she's been in a car crash. We call the nurses back in and you modify their memories so that they think she miraculously started living again but we still had to stabilise her and patch her up. Then you just put an illusion of stitches that will fade after a time… job done."

The two men considered that for a moment. The other option involved clearing memories and changing a lot of paperwork.

"Hate to throw a spanner in your plan, Terry, but… kid, what did you do with her kidneys?" Corden asked hesitantly.

"Merlin… please at least call him Harry… Mr. Potter would be preferable, he's world famous in our community and highly respected." The older man moaned.

"Harry is fine." Harry snickered. "The kidneys… I healed one but had to remove the other and re-grow it."

"You re-grew a kidney… from scratch?" Corden asked sceptically. "This is normal in… your world?" He asked the two men.

"Actually no." The younger one smirked. "But Mr Potter here-"


"Harry – sorry – is known for doing the… impossible… I guess."

"Improbable… nothing is truly impossible… merely improbable." Harry grinned.

"A learned lad, good enough for me." Corden grinned.

What followed was enough to make the younger of the wizarding police turn pale and have to leave. Harry had made the three of them invisible and unnoticed but before the doctors called the nurses in, Corden pointed something out.

"Unless one of us is her consulting doctor, we are going to need to make an incision that will heal naturally."

"Magic will make it look like she was opened up." Terry pointed out.

"But what happens when they do blood work and find discrepancies or try to examine the incision? What about when the girl wakes up and starts scratching… she can't be more than 9 years old."

"Ten actually." Harry said as he made the three visible.

"Unfortunately you are right about the little girl scratching, the illusion will not pass her scrutiny. But as for the rest, I am a qualified Healer and doctor. It is why I am assigned to monitoring hospitals. Just put me down as her consulting doctor and I'll make sure she flies through without trouble." The older cop answered.

After Harry made them invisible again, Terry and Corden gloved up and began making the necessary incisions… at which point the younger cop bolted for the nearest bucket.

Unfortunately he forgot he was invisible and had to obliviate several nurses who had seen vomit spurting from mid-air.

The situation with the girl was sorted fairly easily after that with Terry promising to explain magic and the sort to Corden.

But Harry was another matter. He had broken the International Statute of Secrecy.

He was quickly taken back to where Poppy and he were staying. Xander, Fleur and Nym were training a professor at Beauxbatons to begin teaching Xander's methods. Poppy teleported to Xander and dragged him back in a bath towel.

"Seriously… I have two wives, I'm not looking for a third!" He groused.

"Not now Xander, your son has got himself in trouble – of the legal kind." She added quickly at his sudden growl.

Xander looked around and saw two men in uniform robes and Harry sitting on the sofa in the hotel.

"Harry… I thought we agreed not to conquer the world this year." He said sternly. The younger uniformed man seemed to take Xander seriously until he noticed his older compatriot snickering.

"Good morning sir, I am Officer Dundee and this is Officer McClay… and no I am not related to a guy named Mick." The older officer said with a roll of his eyes as Xander began to open his mouth. "At 1:05am this morning we were called into St. Barnabus' hospital to a report of magic being used. We arrived to find your son openly discussing magic with two doctors. One was already in the know, but the other wasn't.

"That was the small problem. The bigger problem was that Harry had apparently just completely healed and resuscitated a recently deceased girl, he completely repaired and re-grew the girls kidneys."

Xander groaned and slumped into a nearby armchair.

On noticing the Officers staring at the ceiling he quickly crossed his legs and transfigured his towel into some clothes whilst glaring at Poppy.

"Guys, I can understand the mess he caused and we'll gladly pay the fines, but I honestly can't condemn his actions regarding the girl."

Officer McClay looked ready to protest but Xander interrupted.

"Let me explain, in the reality from which his mother and I originate, his mother, Lady Hogwarts died from complications from surgery on a tumour in her brain.

"Harry's best friend's parents, where tortured into insanity by the Crucio. They couldn't be saved and their bodies were… killed, I guess, by a Phoenix."

"My point is, that if Harry can help people, I can't stop or think badly of him. Hell, I'm going to ask him to teach me!"

"I understand, really I do." Dundee said calmly. "I'm a doctor myself and have agreed to take the young girl on as her consultant to ease some of the issues. But we all know what will happen if muggles got wind of magicals."

"Doesn't mean we can't help non-magicals with medicine!" Harry argued.

The four adults looked at him sadly. "Think about it!" Harry said heatedly. "Why not set up specialist hospitals, we let certain non-magical specialists know about the magical world and about the specialist hospitals. When the specialist hospitals get called in they send a healer and recommend a harmless but common treatment and then call them back every few days or weeks and gradually heal them. They'd never know the difference!"

The four adults shared dubious looks.

"It's a noble goal… but a crap plan." Xander sighed. "That said… it is a plan or the start of one."

"One I support as a Healer and Doctor," Dundee nodded, "I recommend hijacking your next speaking engagement. Tomorrow, I believe… or today." He mused as he checked his watch.

"I don't do any speaking!" Harry said a little wild-eyed.

"Ha! I was at the meeting on Monday where you spoke on the Killing Curse and I have booked my seat for today's lectures on your Lilly Charm. You spoke well enough in answering your questions."

Harry shrank a little into himself at hearing Dundee had heard him speak. When on the stage he tended to un-focus his eyes so he couldn't see the crowds of people watching him and Poppy intently.

"Ah! None of that!" Xander snapped lightly. "You only deserve their respect because you earned it, but you still need to make sure that they actually show it. You are a Prince and Future King after all."

It wasn't much, but it was a start. Dundee himself had set the ball rolling by asking a question as an officer of the law and a healer and doctor.

"Mr. Potter, last night you were taken into custody for revealing magic to a muggle after fully repairing a failed kidney and re-growing the other. I have two questions: One what possessed you to reveal magic and two, could the method you used to re-grow the kidney be used to re-grow severed limbs instead of the metal constructs you currently create?"

Harry was stumped. He hadn't considered the second question. He looked down at his own diamond hand and wondered if he could do that… would it hurt?

He wouldn't have much to lose, he could always re-create his diamond hand after all.

Harry cast a numbing charm on his wrist, then quickly sliced the diamond hand off with a slicing hex and vanished it as the assembled crowd of medical professionals gasped in shock and horror.

Harry stared at the stump of his wrist and ruthlessly buried the fear and terror of the memories that threatened to overwhelm him. Godric had worked hard with him to be able to cope with his nightmares and now he and Hermione were able to sleep apart… although they missed each other's company.

Harry shook his head to try and get his mind back on track. He stared at the severed bone and veins, skin, blood vessels and arteries. The particular numbing charm he had used was designed for surgical use and had been taught to him by French Healers during his visit there. It held back the flow of blood, allowing for easier work.

Slowly he began to pour his magic up through his wrist, just like he had done when he created his diamond hand, but this time he focused on the cells, the various parts that made up the human hand. The bone began to reform, the muscle grew back as the blood passages began to flow around them, the skin growing with it.

The crowd watched in awe and a small amount of terror as they watched the young boy slice off his own diamond hand and re-grow it before their eyes.

"I guess I can." Harry muttered.

Harry then had a very devious and un-Harry-like idea.

"I can teach you how to do this. Like with petrification reversal, it might take more than one person. But! I will only teach you if you figure out a system to help use magic to heal non-magicals with magic, specifically the magic I taught you." He said with a smug grin.

There was uproar in the crowd as they were outraged at the idea. Dundee was sitting there chuckling. He had hoped to give the lad the opportunity to begin a serious debate regarding the issue. Instead he had provided him with the opportunity to hold a bargaining chip over the magical world. Clearly the Goblins had been teaching him.

The clamouring eventually died down as one man, who clearly thought of himself as a respected leader, stood up and spoke.

"The Statute of Secrecy clearly prohibits what you are asking! Furthermore, would you really condemn thousands of witches and wizards over this?" The man wasn't a pompous arse like Fudge, he spoke with respect and passion. Nothing he said was demanding or condescending. Harry felt himself able to respect the man, at least for now.

"I did some research on the Statute. It is very specific, it only prevents us from revealing magic to non-magicals. It doesn't say anything about using magic on non-magicals.

"And, I am not saying you can't have it, I'm saying you can have it but only if everyone can have it."

At this point, Poppy stood up and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder to provide him with support and give him a short respite. She stood next to Harry as she spoke.

"Last night, Harry said the same thing after he healed a ten year old girl who's kidney's were destroyed. She was a non-magical and her non-magical doctors had just pronounced her dead.

"That young girl will never know that magic was involved. The Statute has been upheld." She told them seriously. "However, Harry did have to reveal what he had done to two doctors. One was fortunately related to magicals. This led Harry to suggest to us that we should inform certain non-magical doctors about us so they can refer patients to us and we can heal them under the guise of 'alternative therapy'."

"But we will still have to break the Statute to tell those particular doctors!" The man argued.

"So get an exemption from the ICW for this specific purpose." Poppy said with a shrug.

"Look, I know the magical world fears discovery." Harry said with a sigh. "But, one way or another, the magical world is going to be revealed. Whether by accident or on purpose. There is a dark lord currently trying to conquer England, but he wants to take over the whole world. If he steps up his campaign then the magical world will be at real risk to exposure.

"So, what is better? The magical world seeing us for the first time as a threat as we send killing curses at each other, or seeing us as healers, helpers and as friends of the whole world?"

Harry ran a hand through his messy hair and Poppy seeing him get a little stressed, rubbed his back gently.

"I don't want to withhold this technique until you have set it all up and got it working. If you, or the recognised medical leaders of say, five leading countries, take a wizards oath to fight for this in the ICW and do everything in their power to make it happen legally and effectively, then I will teach you straight away."

There was more grumbling and shouting, but also a lot of consideration.

"Enough!" The man who had challenged Harry earlier, roared. "Lord Gryffindor is quite correct in his stance. As the leader of the Australian Medical Council, I will gladly give my oath. I lost my great granddaughter to kidney failure, magic could have saved her. There are many others out there that need our help, the non-magical world should see us as friends, not a threat." Harry then remembered the mans name was Arthur Bramble, he was supposed to meet him later.

"But what about when they start demanding our help?" An older gentleman challenged.

"Since when do countries and nations give into the demands of others?" Poppy snapped. "We are not required to render services at their demand!"

"Madam Pomphrey is quite correct." Bramble acknowledged. "There are countries out there in the muggle world suffering from persecution and torture and yet the muggles do nothing but send one or two diplomats and some packets of food and medicine.

"When a man comes in demanding we treat his little boo boo immediately, do we capitulate and kiss his feet?" Bramble demanded. "No! We tell him to sit down, shut up and wait his turn. This is no different. Lord Gryffindor is suggesting that we only make our medicine available and in secret. If muggles turn around and start demanding our destructive abilities, we can simply demand their nuclear weapons first… that ought to set them straight!"

Harry was beginning to feel confident for the first time since he got up there. Not only did he have Poppy helping and supporting his ideas, but Arthur Bramble was standing there passionately smacking down any arguments with well reasoned counter-arguments.

And Harry didn't really have to do anything.

After the heated yet productive debate at the seminar, Harry and Poppy were escorted to Arthur Bramble's office for their scheduled meeting. They were surprised to see Officer Dundee and the main opposer there.

"That was the most fun I have ever had!" The opposer said gleefully.

Arthur just chuckled. "Lord Gryffindor, Madam Pomphrey, allow me to introduce Healer Mark Collins, a good friend and fellow conspirator."

"Conspirator?" Poppy asked.

"Whenever there is a matter of controversy to be debated or decided, like the one you brought up today, one of us plays devil's advocate and argues all the points against it whilst the other counters them. That way we cover all the points and still win. When Jack here," He gestured to Dundee, "told me what you intended to do I immediately called Mark and we brainstormed the argument all night… my wife was not pleased a being kept up." He said with an amused look.

"So… you were acting?" Harry asked.

"In a sense." Mark admitted. "Our points were valid and pertinent, but the… vigour and manner in which I presented them was merely to ensure that people thought I was truly against it.

"I'm not, I will likely be part of the team from Australia who will take this to the ICW."

"Anyway, that isn't why we are all here today." Arthur said with a smile. "When Jack relayed what you did last night with the young girl, he pointed out something that we can't really ignore. You are a Healer in all but name."

"But I haven't been apprenticed yet."

"Oh? So I haven't been a good enough mentor then?" Poppy asked in amusement.

"You've been the best, but I didn't take the oaths like you explained."

"Yes, because the Ministry wouldn't approve my request. Probably Fudge again." She snarled.

"But that is not a problem here." Arthur said genially. "As you know, the Healer qualification is an International qualification handled by an International body. The British Ministry really has no authority to deny Madam Pomphrey's request."

"Please, just Poppy."

"And Harry."

"First names all round then." Arthur smiled as the other two men nodded. "Anyway, today I witnessed you perform several acts of advanced healing, you even taught new methods.

"I would consider it an honour if you would allow me to take you on as my apprentice so you can attain the role of Healer." Arthur said seriously.

Harry was gobsmacked. Being a Healer was something he really wanted to do. He had wanted to tour St. Mungo's and try and clear out some of the wards, but they wouldn't let him as he wasn't even an apprentice. Nym's mother, Andromeda, offered to mentor him, but the Ministry had denied any attempt by Harry or for Harry to become a Healer or apprentice. Fudge had been rolling out all sorts of excuses from him being a foreign diplomat to serious doubts about his sanity due to the claims about You-Know-Who.

"I- that sounds great, but I can't leave home yet. I haven't even finished my OWLS!"

The three Australians just laughed. "Perhaps I wasn't clear, Harry." Arthur chuckled. "You would be my apprentice for the length of time it takes you and I to go through your oaths to graduate to a Healer.

"You have already shown yourself to be very skilled Healer. You are also destined to be a pioneer in medicine! You would simply take your oath as an apprentice Healer and straight after that you would take your oath as a full Healer. When you leave this office today, you would do so a Healer."

Harry had the oaths memorised as it was his goal in life, but there was one thing that held him back.

"I can't… I'm supposed to kill Tom Riddle… Lord Voldemort." He added at the looks of confusion.

"First of all, Harry, sometimes death is the ultimate method of healing. There will be a patient that the kindest thing you can do for them is kill them. Remember, 'first do no harm', if you allow some one to suffer, then you would break your oath… it's a catch 22 situation where any method you choose would satisfy your oath."

"Just as when Fawkes dealt with Neville's parents." Poppy added.

"Fawkes?" Jack asked.

"Fawkes is a Phoenix. He destroyed the living bodies of my best friends parents because they had been tortured into insanity and were pretty much brain dead." Harry said sadly.

"Interesting, and something that needs to be documented as a Phoenix judgement is something we should pay heed to." Mark mused.

"Yes, but, back to Harry's dilemma. My second point spins off from my first point. There are worse things than death. You are clearly the single most powerful wizard known to the magical world. You are also very ingenious. Between you and your father, you could easily come up with a way to defeat this Dark Lord without you needing to kill him."

"That's what Dad says, he says he plans to try and kill him the first time he sees him."

"There you go then, besides, killing this… Lord Voldemort, would likely save hundreds of people. Sometimes we need to cut into a body to remove an infection or cancer. Voldemort is nothing more than that." Arthur said seriously.

"So I woul-"

"Harry! Trouble at home!" Neville interrupted frantically as he suddenly appeared in the room.

"What now?" Poppy asked wearily as she placed a hand on Harry's shoulder to prevent him running off without her.

"Hermione and Luna were attacked by Dementors, their fine but the Ministry has put out an arrest warrant for Hermione!" Neville snarled angrily.

"Why on earth would they do that?" Arthur asked.

"To get back at Harry and Xander, they can't touch them because they are Goblin Royalty." Poppy sighed. "They are going after his loved ones."

"I believe I can safely offer a tentative offer of asylum for Miss Hermione should she need it. I will be speaking to the Prime Minister about it regardless." Arthur scowled.

"She's fine for now. She's at Hogwarts and they can't touch her there." Neville grinned.

"Perhaps we should conclude our business here so Harry can return to England?" Mark suggested.

"Do we have time?" Harry asked anxiously. He really wanted to get back to Hermione.

"Absolutely! It's just a simple oath that you probably already know and Miss Hermione sounds like she is in good hands for the next ten minutes or so." Arthur assured him.

Arthur stood up and rounded his desk to stand in front of Harry. He indicated a framed piece of writing on the wall. "That's your oath Harry. Say the Oath Harry and I will accept it."

Neville realised what was happening and stood silently in respect as his best friend took the oath to fulfil his dream of becoming a Healer. Poppy and the other Healers looked on with proud smiles.

"I accept and acknowledge your oath, my apprentice." Arthur said proudly as he touched his wand to Harry's head.

Arthur frowned. "I accept and acknowledge your oath, my apprentice." He repeated as he again tapped his wand on Harry's head.

"Something wrong?" Neville asked.

"There is supposed to be a flash of light, it signifies magic's acceptance of the oath." Jack explained.

"Does this mean I've been… rejected?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Err… no, if that happened, we would definitely know as you would have a nasty scar on your forehead." Mark assured him.

"You mean like this one?" He said lifting his fringe.

"No Harry, a black scar that signifies something else entirely. Nothing like yours." Poppy said as she placed an arm around his shoulder.

"This is highly unusual!" Arthur said in frustration. "There should have been some reaction… not an absence of reaction."

"Let's be precise about this Arthur, it's not just unusual, it's literally the first time it has ever been recorded!" Mark scowled.

"Does this mean I can't be a Healer?" Harry asked sadly.

"Honestly Harry, I don't know what it means." Arthur sighed as he leaned back against his desk.

"There're a lot of… unusual things… about Harry." Neville mused. "He has Basilisk Venom and Phoenix Tears in his blood. He also happens to be a Dragon Shifter and the most powerful wizard on the planet."

"Your point Neville?" Poppy asked curiously.

"It could be anything from Harry being too powerful to be bound by an oath to something to do with Xander's influence."

"So we might never know." Poppy said with a roll of her eyes.

"There are, what? Four registered Healers in this room?" Neville asked. "Why don't we agree for now that the considered opinion of those respected Healers and two Phoenixes is enough to consider Harry a Healer?"

"Two Phoenixes?" Mark asked in surprise.

Harry sniggered. "Meet Neville Longbottom. The only known Phoenix Magimagus."

Neville promptly transformed before them.

"Oh!" Mark exclaimed. "I had no idea. An honour to meet you sir." The other two men also offered their respect at the revelation.

"What do you say gentlemen?" Arthur asked the other two Australian Healers. "Lord Longbottom-"

"Neville." Neville interrupted.

Arthur smiled an inclined his head in thanks. "-Neville has declared Harry worthy and I assume can speak for the other Phoenix?"

"Fawkes, the Phoenix was the one who supplied the Phoenix tears for Harry." Poppy offered.

"Good enough for me." Jack agreed readily.

"Very well. Mark, Jack, if you would kindly sign this certificate, Poppy sign here."

In short order Harry was sent off with Neville and Poppy to see to Hermione with his proof of being a Healer in hand and a promise to figure out why the Oath didn't work.