

Remus Lupin was being run ragged as he desperately threw orders around to the various werewolf teams designed to take charge in the event of a Hogwarts evacuation to the Lunar Village.

He had first received a call from Minerva informing him that an attack had occurred and to expect refugees.

In any normal year this would mean an influx of approximately three to four hundred pupils and staff.

But this was not a normal year. This was the year that the Tri-wizard Tournament was being held. The year that Hogwarts was playing host to two other schools, two exceptionally large schools. The magical population of Bulgaria and France far exceeded that of Britain. Without Pureblood inbreeding and the persecution of non-Purebloods, their magical families had thrived. Bulgaria managed to educate around one thousand students a year whilst France held three thousand. A select fifty students from each school were receiving their education for a year at Hogwarts.

To compound the issue, this was the day of the Final Task. Hundreds of dignitaries from around the world had assembled along with the parents and families of the various pupils. Combined with the missing thousands of students transported over for the tasks themselves.

Remus Lupin's tiny werewolf village which housed a maximum of three hundred individuals was having to cope with over five thousand refugees fleeing from the panic at Hogwarts.

Fortunately he was backed up by an army of Goblins and Centaurs.

At first the refugees had arrived in groups of fours and fives as the Champions and Xander's family and friends began teleporting people in. Soon Joyce was able to confirm that the castle itself was secure so to alleviate some of the strain, all Hogwarts pupils were teleported to their house common rooms, the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang where teleported to the Great Hall along with their teachers.

This left Remus to deal with around a thousand individuals consisting of parents, dignitaries and various politicians. Most of whom hated werewolves with an irrational fervour.

"Stay away you mangy freaks!"

It wasn't the worst thing they had been called but this particular individual was definitely the loudest. Cornelius Fudge rode again.

"Minister Fudge, we merely trying render aid to those who need it." Remus reasoned.

"You will not approach any of these good people you cursed monster!"

"Fudge, you are truly an imbecile." The Bulgarian Minister sighed.

"Headmaster Lupin, I am fully aware of just how peaceful you and your village are. But perhaps it would be safer if you could point us in the direction of a safe clearing where those that fear you can wait."

"Thank you sir." Remus said with a slight bow. "The entire forest is safe. But I recommend against leaving as it is quite large and easy to get lost in. We have a greater advantage with our acute sense of smell and Centaurs are expert trackers."

"Then we will leave and you will come and find us when the danger has passed." Fudge ordered.

"I'm afraid I have been given orders not to leave the village. We have all been confined to the village until Lord Hogwarts says it is safe for us."

"Our king has also stated that anyone who leaves the village this night is forbidden from returning and will find no aid in the forest." A well dressed Goblin stated as he stepped from amongst the Werewolves.

"Lord Ragnok." Remus said with a bow.

Ragnok was the highest ranking Goblin after Xander and his family. He was also the previous Goblin leader prior to Xander defeating him in combat. It was an honour for a goblin to serve a skilled warrior like Lord Hogwarts and Ragnok brought much honour to his clan by holding his position in the king's court.

"We don't need Goblins or Werewolves to help us! We are wizards!" Fudge declared as he began marching towards the edge of the village away from Hogwarts and the fighting.

"I wouldn't go that way, Minister." Ragnok stated calmly. "The only way to exit the forest in that direction is by swimming ten miles out to sea where the anti-portkey and anti-apparition wards end. Your only exit is through Hogwarts or portkeys made by Lord Hogwarts and his family."

"The Bulgarian people are happy to accept the hospitality of the Lunar Village." The Bulgarian Minister stated with a smile. "Ve recommend everyone else do the same. I can not see Lord Hogvarts taking too long vith only twenty vizards!"

"Twenty? Are you blind? There were at least a hundred!" Fudged exclaimed.

"Actually, it wasn't twenty, it was nineteen." Xander smirked as he appeared next to Remus.

"YOU!" Fudge screeched with rage. "You couldn't keep us safe for even a few hours! You will suffer the consequences!"

Fudges lackeys were scowling and nodding. But the foreign dignitaries were scowling for another reason.

"Vas it not your own Head of Magical Cooperation who tried to murder our Champions?" The Bulgarian Minister snarled angrily. Lord Hogwarts was clearly a good man, he had even provided much needed aid for their werewolf communities and begun to open the eyes of the French to their irrational fears.

"Not to mention zat it was Lord 'ogwarts' people 'o rescued us and bought us to safety." The French Minister added.

"I see he has blinded you as well!" Fudge sneered. "First he brings panic to our country with tales of the return of the Dark Lord and now he seeks to undermine the British Ministry by staging these coups and attacks against our people!

"Things will be very different this coming summer. Mark my words. There will be precautions put in place."

"Fudge… shut up and get off my property." Xander said dismissively waving his hand causing him and his lackeys to vanish.

"Will zere be trouble for you, Lord Xander?" The French Minister asked worriedly.

"Possibly, but I have plans to deal with Fudge's plans." Xander said. "And I really didn't mean to sound so cryptic." He sighed.

"Wakey wakey!"

He had a vicious headache. It was so vicious it had actually been a part of his dreams. This person trying to wake him up was very impolite. He would be having words with that fool of a House Elf for letti-

"Blurgh! *cough* *cough* *splutter*"

Thoughts of future actions were interrupted as water suddenly went up various holes required for breathing.

Crouch shook his head to clear the water and found himself in a cave with bars on the entrance but no door or gate. On the other side of the bars were Bones, Alain Delacour, Hogwarts and Potter. The events of the previous night came quickly back to him. He smirked inwardly as he recalled he made at least one triumph for his Master.

"Why am I here?" He demanded pompously.

"Because you tried to kill hundreds of people last night." Delacour snarled.

"Preposterous! I must have been under the Imperious." He declared. "Release me from this hole. I demand to be handed into the custody of the British Ministry of Magic."

"You committed crimes on sovereign territory against foreign diplomats." Xander said calmly. "Bottom line… not even I can claim sole jurisdiction. Now, open wide and say 'ah'." He grinned as he magically pulled Crouch towards the bars of the cave a bottle of clear liquid in his hands.

Crouch began to panic and futilely tried to scurry backwards. He was soon in arms reach and Xander grabbed his jaw and pried it open to poor the veritiserum in.

Amelia began the interrogation.

"How long have you been working for Lord Voldemort otherwise known as Tom Marvolo Riddle?"

"Since we both graduated and he laid out his plans."

"You aided him during the last war?"

"I kept the Aurors from receiving word in time and provided him with locations and details of weak targets."

"Who was responsible for Lord Potter's name coming out of the Goblet of Fire?"

"I was."

"How did you achieve this?"

"I placed the brats name on a piece of parchment with no school and cast a Confundus Charm on the Goblet."

"Were you responsible for causing the Grindylow to attack Fleur Delacour?" Xander interrupted, knowing the serum would wear off soon.


"Why did you do it?"

"To ensure the Potter brat would win the tournament and face the might of the Dark Lord."

"Were you responsible for Lord Potter being abducted from the Three Broomsticks?"


"Did you know it would happen?"

"No." Crouch began to smirk as the effects began to wear off. "But I wish I had been there to see it, my son redeemed himself for getting caught all those years ago."

Without a word Xander drew and ignited his lightsaber and stepped into the cave phasing through the bars and without hesitation sliced Barty Crouch senior's hands off, much to the shock of the other two adults in the room. Harry tucked his diamond hand into his cloak protectively.

Crouch screamed in shock and pain until Xander stunned him.


"Why in Merlin's name did you do that?" Amelia asked as Alain tried to regain speech.

"Any doubt he is guilty?" Xander asked emotionlessly.

"Of course not, we all heard him."

"He's dead. One way or another, he will die. The only question is who will claim his execution. Me, Harry, Cedric or Amos Diggory." Xander explained calmly. "I took his hands to ensure he couldn't harm anyone."

"That… that's a little cruel Xander. Even for you." Amelia frowned. "I have no… objections to his humane execution, but cutting off his hands is far too cruel and barbaric."

"The ICW will be in uproar." Alain finally contributed. "They will not stand for the abuse of prisoners, especially like this."

Xander appeared unmoved as he hid behind a passive face. But he noticed Harry back in the corner of the corridor staring at the severed hands and hiding his own artificial appendage.

"Harry? What do you think?" He asked calmly.

Harry seemed to get smaller as if afraid of what Xander might do to him if he answered wrong.

Alain smacked Xander's shoulder sharply. "You are scaring the boy!" He hissed angrily.

Xander was not pleased by that fact, a fact he could plainly see was true by the fear on Harry's face. But Xander had trapped himself behind an impassive face and his emotions were tightly bottled lest his anger hurt those around him.

"My Lord? Is everything ok? We feel a disturbance moving up towards the… My Lord what is wrong?" Ragnok asked as he came rushing in, only to stop as he realised the disturbance appeared to emanating from this area.

"Lord Ragnok, it appears that Lord Xander has inadvertently scared Lord Harry." Amelia explained respectfully.

"How would he achieve that?" Ragnok asked doubtfully. Although it was clear that Harry was petrified, Ragnok could not conceive of a scenario that would cause Prince Harry to fear his father, they loved each other far too much.

"We were questioning Barty Crouch, on the conclusion of the interrogation, Lord Hogwarts requested my wand and without warning sliced off the prisoners hands." Alain explained heatedly. "Needless such an act has had an effect on Lord Gryffindor."

And now Ragnok saw the problem. As much as the Goblin Nation respected and loved Xander and Harry, they often forgot that they were not Goblins. Although Xander came pretty close at times. Coupled with the horrors that Harry had been forced to endure, horrors that would scar a Goblin, it was understandable why this would affect the Goblin Prince.

Ragnok cautiously approached Xander.

"My Lord… Xander." He began, switching to informal address as he felt the situation called for it. "You should return to your wives. You seem stuck in a form of battle state. Let your wives help you resume your usual demeanour and allow me to deal with your son. I will have Minerva come quickly to aid me."

"Take me with you so I can explain it for you." Amelia instructed as she grabbed Xander's hand.

"I will remain here to offer my support for Harry, with Lord Ragnok's consent."

Ragnok nodded in agreement of Alain's suggestion.

Xander blinked slowly. Then nodded before vanishing.

Ragnok sighed and turned to Harry who was now sitting back in a corner as far as he could.

"Harry, you should know as well as I do that your father would kill himself before he knowingly harmed a hair on your head." He said softly as he lowered himself to sit opposite Harry. Alain stayed back, allowing the Head Goblin to handle things. "Now… do you honestly fear Xander?"

Harry shook his head vigorously.


"He cut off his hands!" Harry whispered harshly. "He wasn't even doing anything… couldn't even do anything… and he just… cut them off!"

"You… disagree… with his actions?" Ragnok asked carefully.

Harry just shrugged.

A larger shadow fell upon them as Alain joined them on the floor, folding his legs under him.

"Do you perhaps believe he went to far?" Alain suggested. "You were where when he took the hands of the Death Eaters on the grounds of Hogwarts, yes? Perhaps it is because then they were in combat, but here he was a helpless prisoner?"

Harry ducked his head tightly against his chest. Both Ragnok and Alain shared a look of understanding.

"Harry, you are my Prince and your father is my King. The whole of the Goblin Nation expects you to challenge your father for our leadership at some point, and we look forward to it.

"That being said, if you believe someone… even your father, has crossed a line or is pushing a line, you must speak up. No one is punished for having a belief or opinion- or rather, no one should be punished for having a belief or opinion."

"Lord Ragnok is right." Alain concurred. "Even bigots are not punished for their beliefs. Only if they decide to impose their beliefs on those who do not share them. You heard Amelia and myself challenge your father regarding his actions, you should feel free to do the same. Xander himself expects it."

Harry looked very doubtful about what they were saying.

"Harry, who do you think will set the rules when Xander and your parents are gone? When Alain and I are dead and buried? It is the next generation. You! That is why you start to voice your opinions now, so that you can gain experience whilst we are there to aid and guide you." Ragnok tried, his speech imploring.

Harry sagged, he understood what they were saying. He knew what would be expected of him with regards to the Goblin Throne and being an adult in general. Dan and Emma had taught them about voting and how it was a responsibility.

But Xander was not just his Dad. He was his father. The man he looked up to and respected. Harry wasn't worried about Xander hurting him. But Xander's actions had scared him severely. Harry didn't know how to say this to his father. How to express the fact that he thought there was something wrong with what Xander had done. He had never had much respect for authority until Joyce came along, somewhere along the way Xander had become Harry's hero and most respected person in his life. As well as the most loved. After Hermione.

Seconds past, then a minute. Alain and Ragnok just sat there with Harry, they could see him thinking, both men were fathers and knew when to let the children work things out themselves.

They were soon interrupted by Xander being teleported in by Fleur, Nym and Minerva.

"Fix this!" Nym ordered him as she pointed at Harry.

Alain and Ragnok slowly stood and made their way to the newly arrived ladies. Xander slowly and very sheepishly made his way over to Harry and took a seat on the floor in front of him that the other two males had just vacated.

"I'm sorry Harry." Xander sighed. "I didn't mean to go all Terminator on you."

Harry just ducked his head.

"Eyes up Harry." Xander ordered sharply. "What I did today was wrong on certain levels. But you need to learn to stand up to people. Especially me.

"One day I might be the one to nearly make a huge mistake. You might be the one who has to stop me, maybe by taking, physical intervention or even plain old killing me."

Harry's head shot up in shock at that.

"Remember my stories about Willow? They weren't made up stories. I can show you my memories, even the best of us can go bad. We need our friends and family to keep us grounded."

Harry nodded.

"Good. Now, what do you think I did wrong?"

"Hurt and tortured a helpless man." Harry said quietly.

"Yeah. That was bad. I wasn't being malicious in my intent. I was merely trying to ensure he would not be any form of threat. But I should not of removed his hands whilst he was awake like I did." Xander said somewhat shamed.

"Ok, the bottom line is that he is going to die. But I will have a healer brought in so he isn't in any pain." Xander said. "And Harry, I am very sorry for what I did. I very much crossed the line."

Harry nodded again. "Could I give him temporary hands?" Harry asked nervously.

Xander was very surprised by Harry's request. This was the man who had only hours earlier tried to kill him and successfully (albeit temporarily) killed Cedric. It was a true testament to the size of his sons heart.

"Tell you what. We'll call in Poppy and her colleagues and you can use him as a test subject to teach them."


In an act of true horror the final task of the famous Tri-Wizard Tournament being held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the British Ministry Head for the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Bartimeus Crouch Senior, surprised all present when he viciously, without warning or provocation, cast the Killing Curse at Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived and Tri-Wizard Champion.

In an act of true selflessness and heroism, fellow Champion, Cedric Diggory, jumped in front of the Killing curse taking the full brunt on his back. It appears he died instantly as the others fought back and men in black robes and masks began attacking innocent spectators.

But this reporter was present and witnessed something truly amazing and inspiring. Instead of leaving the body of Cedric Diggory and joining the fight, Harry Potter immediately began performing Muggle resuscitation procedures. For those who are not aware, this involves alternately breathing into the mouth of the victim and compressing the chest to attempt to restart the lungs and heart.

Potter maintained his actions for a good two minutes before casting some sort of spell that looked like lightning and caused Diggory's body to arch off the ground. After performing this several times, the unbelievable happened…

Cedric Diggory became the second person to survive the Killing Curse as he lived once again.

Unfortunately I was unable to see more as I was transported to safety away from the fight that was occurring around us.

But what does this mean for the wizarding world? Is the Killing Curse no longer undefeatable or does Harry Potter have some power over death? Hopefully we will have answers soon, one thing we can be sure of: The Boy-Who-Lived has once again given us hope, perhaps now we should call him 'The Boy-Who-Saves'.

Fudge slammed the paper down in disgust. He wouldn't have cared so much if it was a foreign paper, but this was the Prophet! He would have to speak with the editor, convince him to see that Potter and his Father were not the angels they made themselves out to be.

Harry groaned and began banging his head on the breakfast table as Hermione finished reading the article out loud. His friends all snickering around him. The younger students looked on in awe though.

Harry's head shot up, there was a gleam in his eye and a grin on his face.

"Cedric, if you agree to take the publicity for this I'll agree to teach healers how to create the electricity that got you… running again."

Cedric frowned. "Why would they be interested in me?"

"Didn't you hear, Ced?" Fred asked with a grin.

"You're the new 'Boy-Who-Lived'!" George continued.

"It would be very helpful." Hermione added. "We all know that Harry hates attention, and you did sign up for a very public tournament which promised 'Eternal Glory'."

Cedric shifted uncomfortably. "Actually I just liked the idea of the contest, I checked and couldn't find much on previous champions so I figured it would be a very limited amount of 'Eternal Glory'."

"Pleeeaaase Cedric!" Harry pleaded.

Cho meanwhile was looking between the two males, when she whispered in Cedric's ear.

Cedric suddenly had a very goofy looking grin on his face as he listened to Cho. The boys looked interested and the girls just giggled.

"Ok, I'll do it. But I refuse to be called the 'Boy-Who-Lived'. I'll have them call me the 'Man-Who-Lived' or I'll never get a job. I'll also try and get them to call you the 'Man-Who-Saved'."

"Oh god, I'd rather just be anonymous." Harry groaned.

"Cho, hurry up and finish, you need to tell us what you said to Ced' in order to make him agree." Tracy ordered.

Cho just blushed. "It wasn't anything like that!" She protested. "I just reminded him of how much he liked my outfit for the Yule Ball and that we would probably be invited to lots of other dances for me to wear new outfits for him."

"My guess is he's more interested in what's under the outfit." Seamus grinned with an eyebrow waggle.

"Ginny, you're closest."


"OW! Merlin woman! What was that for?" Seamus found himself on the receiving end of multiple feminine glares. "Right… sorry." He said shamefaced.

"It's been a very active year." Xander said as he addressed the assembled schools for the leaving feast. "Hopefully some of you have had a good year. Some of us have suffered terribly." He looked at Harry sadly.

"This year has brought with it the worst news possible. Tom Riddle Junior, A.K.A. Lord Voldemort," Xander sneered derisively, "has come back.

"I have been to each of your parents with Professor McGonagall and informed them of the dangers. We have provided each home with an emergency portkey that will bring you straight to a safe house at an undisclosed location in an emergency. Some of your parents weren't interested." He said with a roll of his eyes.

Needless to say that the Pureblood parents didn't believe there was any danger or were probably already signing up for Riddle's cause.

"The train ride home will be a little different this year. Instead you will be travelling home by Floo.

"Next year will likely be filled with plenty of problems. The Ministry has already indicated that it will be interfering, but make no mistake, they can do what they want with your education, but your safety is my domain." Xander told them seriously.

After the Leaving Feast the students gathered outside to say goodbye to their new friends from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. Many students left with pen pals and promises to visit. Although it was a given that none of the foreign students would voluntarily set foot in Britain till it was safe.

Viktor was to be the new teacher at Durmstrang, teaching the methods he had learned from Xander and his family. He wasn't permitted to create new teachers but he could make recommendations to Xander and be a part of the approval process. He was also required to get oaths from all students regarding not teaching others.

Fleur was not returning with the other Beauxbatons students. She was a married woman and firmly bonded to Xander. As a Veela this meant she inspired a lot of physical contact… which Nym took joyous advantage of.

Harry and Xander's summer was fully booked, only the last few weeks of August would see them have any rest. Rest was what they sorely needed after the year they had had.