

A week before the Yule Ball Draco and his instructors who had been arrested for the First Task debacle, were to be transferred from Goblin custody to international holdings in France.

They never made it as the party was caught up in an unusual trap that intercepted the Portkey as it travelled over the English Channel. All that arrived in Calais was four dead prisoners four dead French Aurors and six dead Goblins.

All international Portkey and Apparition travel was immediately halted whilst this was investigated. This effectively placed magical Pureblood Britain in quarantine as wizards had no intention of mixing with muggles to use their trains and boats.

Fudge was furious that he was once again being sidelined, as this was another international incident and he was being forced to allow the ICW to investigate, any other action would result in international incidents.

The investigation was relatively short. The location where the trap was cast was easily tracked due to the high level of magic… and because the French Aurors knew what they were doing. But they were unable to locate the perpetrators or any evidence. As a result, the investigation was left open and Draco and his instructors were tried and sentenced posthumously in the interests of justice. Needless to say he was found guilty of multiple counts of manslaughter and recklessness.

Xander and his brothers were in no doubt that Lucius had killed his own son to prevent him from telling any secrets that might lead back to him. Xander was trying hard to restrain himself from simply killing the bastard.

It had been a tiring few weeks for Xander. He had desperately been trying to keep Harry and the kids out of the adult business. Especially the situation with Malfoy and his subsequent demise. There had been a few times when he wished he was back in Sunnydale facing the Hell Beast. But he wouldn't leave Harry and Luna for anything. He loved them. They where his children and he would kill anyone who tried to hurt them. He would die for them.

But long ago in another reality he had learnt it is a far more difficult yet impressive effort to live for someone. But his kids where worth it.

Harry, Hermione and Neville had been continuing their instructions for the other Champions. It had been decided that they would try their animagus transformations after the second task. They had successfully mastered phasing, teleporting and mental communication but were still having issues with casting wandlessly, wordlessly and without relying on spells. But they were improving.

A few days before the Yule Ball the Weasley children returned to Hogwarts. They were a subdued group who were still coming to terms with the fact that they were the product of a farce of a marriage and that most of their childhood was a lie in some shape or form. At first they were sneered at by the Slytherin's and other purebloods, but only the Slytherin females who had been in Draco's group joined in. The other females were more sympathetic as they realised that what Molly had done to Arthur Weasley was something that they were at risk of having done to them.

The twins did their best to joke at the female attention they were being lavished with, but it was clearly forced. Xander spoke to Nicholas after the mornings breakfast when the Weasley's had turned up, that evening after they had finished the meal Xander and Nicholas both stood up.

"Believe it or not, we do actually pay attention to you guys." Xander said. "We can see a lot of worry and fear that you might be a victim like Arthur Weasley and his children were. Professor Flamel and I have come to an arrangement."

As Xander stood aside, Nicholas came forward and raised his wand. "I, Nicholas Flamel, swear on my magic that I have never and will never use potions to maliciously affect any student who is a member of this school."

There was an air of confusion as no one could understand why the 600 year old man would make an oath like that.

"The meal that you just ate, contained a general neutralising agent that will make sure that you never get dosed with love potions or slow acting poisons. As long as you eat at least one of your three meals a day you will not be affected by someone secretly drugging you. If you are still worried, remember that our lovely School Nurse is always available to speak with you." Xander explained as Poppy stood and blushed prettily.

This announcement was met with relief from a majority of the school. Especially people like Neville Longbottom and Susan Bones who came from prominent families and would be prime targets for something like this.

From a distinct group of purebloods and obsessed Harry Potter fans that felt it was their right to use love potions to make the object of their obsessions notice them there was a lot of grumbling. Xander carefully made a mental note of a few young females who were clearly outraged at being stopped before they could start.

The Great Hall was sparkling in golds, silvers and whites. A far cry from the usual dreary stone. The students were currently milling around in their dress robes and gowns. Even the parents were there. All that was missing were the guests of honour. The Yule Ball was about to begin.

The doors to the Great Hall opened and Percy announced in a loud voice. "Introducing our esteemed guests…"

Various adults in varying styles of dress robes and gowns flowed slowly in as Percy announced each one. There were the various heads of governments for both the three participating countries and countries that were interested in some form of international games, but obviously not ones that caused mass murder.

After the dignitaries had entered, the Heads of Schools were announced.

Xander was leading this group as the reluctant public face of the School, what shocked the assembled was his date, Fleur Delacour.

It was only the night before that Nym and Luna had sat Fleur and Xander down to talk.


"Xander, I love you, I intend to marry you, but you need to start dating Fleur." Nym stated seriously.

Xander just stared at her calmly. He began to look between Luna and Nym. Luna had a rather gleeful smile on her face. "Two wives, Luna?" He asked his beloved daughter.

"For now." She shrugged cutely.

Xander squeezed his eyes shut tightly and rubbed them with his thumb and forefinger. "Any chance we can do this after she graduates?" Fleur was legal but it would still be scandalous.

"No, and don't talk about Fleur as if she isn't here." Luna admonished sternly.

"Sorry Fleur, just a little tired and confused." Xander apologised.

"It's ok, I'm still trying to understand it as well." Fleur admitted.

"And you are ok with this?" Xander asked Nym.

"Luna warned me before we started dating. I've had a lot of time to come to terms with it." She grinned saucily.

Xander groaned, apparently one of his future wives now had designs on the other. "The reasons?" Xander asked Luna.

"There is no such thing as a 'male Veela'. Veela can only give birth to females so most Veela are married into families with more than one son or to a man with a human wife.

"Also, you are King of the Werewolves and a Veela wife would be great for Veela/Werewolf relations." She explained happily.

"You've 'seen' all this?" Xander asked making air-quotes.

Luna nodded like a bubble headed doll with an over dose of the Joker's Laughing Gas.

"You two are happy to try this?" He asked, turning to each of the ladies on either side of him.

"I have been taught that this may be the only way I would find a husband." Fleur admitted a little sadly.

"Which makes me sound like a last ditch effort." Xander said a little whiningly.

"She's for it, she just never thought it would be with the king of the goblins and werewolves." Nym admonished. "We've already discussed this Xander and wouldn't have approached you unless we were agreed."

Xander sat forward and put his face in his hands as he contemplated this potential relationship minefield.

Xander's experience with the 'fairer sex' was spotty… or more accurately, disastrous. The fact of the matter was that half of the women he dated, really didn't fit too well under the banner of 'fairer sex'. Mantis Teacher, Ampata, Anya, Cordelia, Faith… that's not to say they were all evil… Mantis Teacher not withstanding, but each one had ended in a disastrous fashion.

On the other hand… he was being offered every guys dream. Two hot chicks who were willing to share and work together.

"Right, fine. But you can make the important decisions like when we get married and you can propose." Xander said a little heatedly. He stood up and marched to his bedroom.

The three girls looked nervously at each other, Luna knew what the future held, but not what the journey to get there would be like.

Xander returned and held out a small velvet box to Nym. "I'm assuming this changes things so now you get to make the decisions." He said wearily.

Nym paled. She knew what was in the box. Even pureblood wizards used engagement rings.

"You… you were going to propose?" She asked shakily.

"I love you Nym. I have a much better support group around me than the last time I tried to get married so I figure this time I can do it right." Xander explained tiredly. He had been planning this all week, stressing and fussing. No one but Joyce knew. Not even Harry, and that was the one person he was worried about. Joyce had said it would be ok and he should let Harry find out with everyone else.

Luna sighed and rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Daddy, the only thing that changes is the timing. Everything else stays the same. You and Nym get married. The only question is when and will you be marrying two women at the same time."

"Ok, just… give me some time to deal with this. You all have obviously been getting used to this for some time. Just don't get upset with me if I seem uncomfortable at first." Xander warned. "It's late and I need to sleep." Xander declared as he stood and made his way to his bedroom.

He paused at the threshold and turned back to look at his two… girlfriends. "Nothing physical can happen between us beyond little kisses and from now until you graduate we are to be chaperoned at all times." He told Fleur firmly. "I can't afford to have my reputation tarnished, what with the Ministry breathing down our necks and I definitely don't want yours damaged as it's not exactly shiny in this country due to your being a Veela."

"Mummy can do it in school and Aunty Gussy can do it outside." Luna declared firmly.

"I suggest you have Luna help you ask her. I would love to see her try and turn down that face." He grinned as he saw the happy smile on Luna's face.

"Love you Daddy!" She declared in her childlike way.

"Love you too sweetie." Xander chuckled as he headed into his bedroom.

"That went well." Luna grinned.

Nym and Fleur just stared at her.

End Flashback

Xander thought Fleur was hot, and a great person. Anyone who both his adopted children liked was someone he liked. But he had honestly never considered her as a girlfriend. Fantasised, sure. He had no idea his girlfriend was lusting after her or that his daughter was trying to set the three of them up.

Nym had insisted that he take Fleur as his date to the Yule Ball as it would be the perfect first date. Every girls dream come true. Xander had a hard time believing Faith would agree, but he accepted the sentiment.

Nym would be escorted by her cousin, Sirius just as Godric would escort their mother, Joyce.

As if Fleur and Xander weren't scandal enough, Percy's next declaration caused the hall to completely shut down in shock.

"Headmaster Remus Lupin of the Lupine Academy and Miss Narcissa Black."

The Lupine Academy and Remus himself had recently become very public after the farce of a First Task of the Tournament. Having the premiere school of Europe in alliance with a school for Werewolves was a scandal bigger than when Sirius broke out of Azkaban. Many were enraged that the children were being placed in close proximity to the evil and dangerous creatures. Two thirds of the parents involved were partially convinced by their children that Professor Lupin was one of the nicest and best teachers they had ever had, aside from the loveable Professor Flitwick.

Xander, Luna and Remus produced several articles in the Quibbler about Werewolves. Many read with scepticism until Xander and Remus gave a series of interviews on the WWN. They ended with a demonstration on the steps of Gringotts where Remus was caged during his transformation and then released and revealed to be nothing but a loveable puppy.

The Ministry of Magic decried the whole thing as dangerous and immoral. Even Amelia Bones was against it for fear of inciting mass panic. As a result of the Ministry's public objections, the entirety of Diagon Alley was filled with witches and magicals whose morbid curiosity drew them in like a moth to the flame. Views and attitudes were slowly changing.

A simple experiment revealed that Xander didn't need to be present anymore for the werewolves of the Lupine Village to retain the benefits of keeping their minds. Xander was trying to come up with a schedule for him to visit villages in Bulgaria at the request of the Bulgarian Minister who had been made privy to Xander's status.

Regardless of the recent revelations, the sight of the Pureblood Princess, Narcissa Black on the arm of a werewolf was a huge scandal. The Blacks were known to have had the 'purest' of blood. It was impossible to find a half blood or first-generation in their family tree for as long as the tree existed.

And here she was on the arm of some dirty mongrel. The papers would have a field day.

Especially when Lord Black would reveal they had his blessing. Lucius Malfoy would go ballistic, not that he could do much considering the blackmail material Narcissa had on him.

Finally the Champions were announced, which meant that Xander had teleported himself and Fleur back outside. Percy was doing his best not to laugh as he re-announced the couple. Viktor and Luna were outright smirking, as were Cedric and Cho. Harry just looked plain nervous as Hermione held his arm tightly and spoke soothingly over the mental link along with Joyce who was already seated with her other sons.

"The Heads of School will now open the first dance." Percy announced.

Madame Maxine had come on the arm of Hagrid who was dressed in a dashing set of dress robes. Minerva and Nym had both agreed that what Hagrid considered 'dashing' others considered 'not quite dead'. They had enlisted Salazar and Sirius and dragged him off to Madam Malkins. The proprietor herself had seen to Hagrid with a fervour that had landed her on her back for a few hours after climbing so many ladders.

Igor was accompanied by his wife Lynette who had travelled from Bulgaria especially for the event.

The four heads took to the dance floor with their partners. It was clear that Xander and Fleur would be garnering most of the attention with Remus and Narcissa coming a close second. They moved fluidly with the music, flowing around the floor like leaves on the wind.

After a short while Harry encouraged his fellow champions to take to the dance floor. Eventually Harry and Hermione were able to slip in with the others as there were plenty of other dancers for Harry to be lost in.

It was a long dance, but just the one before they were all seated and Percy announced the feast would begin. The Champions, much to Harry's relief were seated separately on a long table in front of which were numerous round tables where the other students and guests sat. Behind them was an even longer table where the nobles, politicians and school heads sat.

The evening was filled with light banter, it was a feast to celebrate cooperation and unity between nations and schools, politics were left at the door, even Albus Dumbledore and Fudge were there. Xander had managed to put aside his burning hatred for Dumbledore at Sirius' request. Lord Black had reasoned that the ancient wizard would be an invaluable ally when Voldemort returned.

That said, Xander avoided the man as much as possible.

He had no say over Fudge.

After the feast the dancing resumed. For around half an hour, ballroom dancing took place before Joyce divided the hall neatly in half and erected a sound proof wall. On one side was the original ballroom and the other held an enlarged replica of the Bronze from back in Sunnydale. Most of the students headed for the Bronze. Those brave adults who also ventured forth were soon scurrying back as they were assaulted by a veritable wall of noise.

The Champions were required to mingle with the dignitaries, something that Harry was relieved about. They moved as a group and protected him from anyone like Fudge who clearly wanted to parade him around in front of the representatives of other countries. Xander and Fleur took great pleasure in having Fleur's father introduce Harry instead of Fudge. Fudge could do nothing but stare on in impotent rage and plot his revenge.

Both parties wound down and the students were sent to bed. Xander, with Fleur at his side stood at the door to the Great Hall as the dignitaries left, many offering help with security for the next task in February. Xander assured them they would be fine.

The following day, instead of the students heading home for Christmas, the parents of students were ferried to the school by Harry Air. Harry was not entirely happy about this. The Hogwarts parents were easy, any parent coming would meet at Kings Cross Station and Harry would teleport them all whilst they sat in the Hogwarts Express.

Unfortunately, Harry had never been to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang and had to take a Portkey. Harry spent most of the time glaring at Xander for volunteering him.

"Why couldn't we just send the carriage and boat back for them?" Harry whined as they stood over the long stick that Minerva had made into a Portkey for them.

"We could, but I want you to know where these places are so you can get there on your own." Xander explained.

"You're making me transport them back as well, aren't you?" Harry frowned suspiciously.

Xander just grinned. "Some times a display of power will make you valuable allies for the future, or at the very least, dissuade possible enemies from taking up against you."

"Fine, but in return I want permission to visit the Dragon Reserve in Romania when I have my free time." Harry argued.

Xander thought about it for a moment. "Ok, but you will need to let Joyce know before you leave and I would prefer you have someone accompany you. Even if it is just Hermione or Neville."

"Not Luna?"

"Luna doesn't have access to a powerful magimagus form like them, and she doesn't seem to want to learn anything beyond the basics of what they know for how we use magic. It's as if she's Seen something." Xander explained referring to Luna's visions and knowledge of the future.

Christmas day had promised to be full of joy and fun. Right up until a special edition of the Daily Prophet was delivered to everyone at the Christmas feast.

Hogwarts' Giant Mistake!

By Rita Skeeter

It has come to the attention of this reporter that for the past fifty years or so, Hogwarts has been terrorized by a vicious giant! Rubeus Hagrid, the so-called 'Keeper of the Keys of Hogwarts' and Care of Magical Creatures Professor, was originally a student at Britain's premiere seat of education. His violent tendencies were evident even then as he was expelled for opening the Chamber of Secrets and releasing Slytherin's Monster.

Even now his classes in Care of Magical Creatures are potentially life-threatening as he has had students mauled by hippogriffs, dragons, basilisks, nifflers and a monster of his own creation which he calls a 'blast-ended skrewt'.

The article went on to give Hagrid's history and life story. Much of which was clearly fiction or biased.

There was a rustling and banging from one of the tables as Hagrid tried to stealthily sneak away.


Hagrid knew that Xander would never hurt him, unless he turned evil, not that anyone thought the loveable giant would. But when Xander was angry his voice held an animalistic growl.

Xander spoke loudly and addressed the students and parents.

"Many of the parents here were once students at this school. Most of you were here during the last fifty years. Fifty years during which Hagrid was working here.

"I know Binns was a boring old sod, but most of you should have learnt about giants since then. Anyone who couldn't tell Hagrid was a giant, or part giant, clearly wasn't smart enough to attend classes here.

"So I don't really know how Rita Skeeter managed to make it through Hogwarts and graduate.

"I will be heading over to the Prophets' offices after the feast to have a word with their editor. In the meantime, I think Hagrid could use some friends around him and assurances that we don't think he is a violent and barbaric oaf."

There was a moment of stunned amusement as Luna and Ginny shared a look and suddenly rushed to the half-giant and hugged the stuffing out of whatever part they could reach. Then many of the younger years followed suit. Hagrid just sat there patting the heads of those he could reach as he silently cried at the love he was being shown.

Sirius then stood up. "I think we can turn this into an impromptu 'roast', as the non-magicals call it! If you have a fun or moving story you want to share then come up to the podium and the rest of us will continue our meal and await our turn." He grinned mischievously.

Surprisingly, the first person to approach the podium was Harry. The podium was enchanted to carry a persons voice so they didn't have to cast a charm on themselves. Harry was grateful for this as he hated public speaking.

"My story, is of how Hagrid saved the Saviour of the Wizarding World. It began a few days before my eleventh birthday when a letter was delivered through the front door letter box…"

Harry held the group of parents, students, professors and families in awe and rapture as he told his story. There were tears as Harry revealed what his home was like, how he was trapped in a cupboard under the stairs.

There was laughter as he told of how hundreds of owls delivered hundreds of letters through every orifice the house held… and some it shouldn't have.

The tears flowed again as Harry spoke of how he spent the last few minutes of his tenth year with no one to celebrate, and barely a sheet to keep him warm.

"I was just so alone and depressed. I was being forced to leave and be dragged through the wind and rain because of letters addressed to me and I still didn't know what was in them!" Harry wailed.

"It was about a minute to midnight. My last sixty seconds of being ten. I remember I drew a birthday cake in the dirt on the floor I was lying in and when the day ticked over I blew on the candles I drew.

"That's right when the banging sounded.

"Not like someone knocking on the front door, but a heavy thunder like bang on the huge wooden door of the building we were in. The Dursley's woke up and Uncle Vernon grabbed his gun.

"Then… the door fell in and standing in the doorway was my saviour. Rubeus Hagrid." Harry declared happily as he pointed to his very first friend who was crying himself in memory.

Harry went on to tell how Hagrid had effectively neutralised and terrorised the Dursleys. The room was filled with cheers and laughter at the telling of Dudley's tail.

Harry told them about the day in Diagon Ally and how Hagrid bought him his first ever present. Hedwig made an entrance at this point and landed on Harry's shoulder.

"I think we can all agree that this is one of the few times when it is ok to 'buy your friends'." Harry quipped earning himself a few laughs much to Sirius and Xander's pride.

"For years I was lauded as the 'Saviour of the Wizarding World'. For something I didn't even remember doing. For me, Hagrid is my hero and my saviour." Harry declared firmly. He stood back from the podium and faced Hagrid and offered a deep bow before returning to his seat.

No one knew who started it, but gradually the hall filled with applause as everyone stood in a united show of respect and love for the loveable Rubeus Hagrid.

Nobody wanted to follow Harry's epic tale so nobody did.

Later that afternoon Xander stormed the Daily Prophet offices with Neville, Harry, Sal and Sirius. Five noble lords against some common wizard who had the audacity to print rubbish about their friend.

"If I find you have printed one word of untruth about our dear friend, I will see to it that you are made a laughing stock in the wizarding world." Salazar threatened. Despite his assurances that he was not anti-muggleborn, most people still regarded him as fearsome. Much to the amusement of Neville and the others.

"Add to that, she claims to have spoken to several students." Xander added. "If I find any of your reporters on my property again, I will have them arrested for trespassing and have the charges levied against you as well, as their employer."

The following day Xander gathered together a select group, Joyce, Sal, Rick, Sirius, Hermione and the Weasley twins.

"I've called you all here today, because I know who the murderer is!" Xander declared.

The room was filled with blank looks… except for Joyce who was snickering away and Hermione who was shaking her head with her face buried in her hands.

"How did you survive all those years with him?" Hermione asked Joyce woefully.

"Please! Xander was a breath of fresh air, even before I knew about my eldest daughters night time activities." Joyce scoffed.

"Should you really be disrespecting your boyfriends father?" Xander asked imperiously.

Hermione just stared at him.

"Right… moving on!" Xander declared with a clap of his hands. "I think Nasty Rita snuck onto the premises and spied on us and spoke to students. I called the twins and Sirius in because they are good with this." He held up the Marauders Map. "Joyce, Sal and Rick are good with the castle and wards and Hermione is… too damned smart. I want you to make a larger version of this and have it automatically track and alert us about unauthorised visitors."

"So… nothing too hard then?" Sal asked sarcastically.

"Better get Moony in on this. He was the brains behind our outfit." Sirius recommended.

"Right then, I have done my part! I'll leave it in your capable hands." Xander grinned.

"And just what was your part?" Hermione asked.

"I came up with the idea!"

"Can't argue with logic like that." George nodded sagely.

"Unless you're a wizard dear brother." Fred corrected.

"Ah yes! Cause according to Hermione-"

"We don't have any!" They chimed together.

"And with that I am leaving before I catch the crazy… buh bye!" Xander waved before he vanished.

Replicating the map in a larger size was a fairly simple task for Sirius and Remus. Localised versions of the maps were made for the heads of each house so they could keep a closer eye on their students common rooms.

Giving the map the ability to determine whether a person was authorised to be in the castle was down to Godric. His ability to work with magical signatures is what had helped him develop the sorting hat that was his horcrux. The hat was also the source of updating the admissions book that showed the names of the new students and their addresses.

Within the day they had managed to create a map that would alert them if they had an intruder. Hermione had vanished into her and Luna's room for the remainder of the week claiming she had a theory she wanted to test.

This left the three official Champions to practice their animagus meditations on their own.

Unfortunately for Xander, a certain beetle had been listening in and now knew she had just lost her greatest source of information. She would have to stick to Hogsmede and fiction… well, pure fiction at least.