

"There is no way this tournament is happening if I don't know what the events will be." Xander practically shouted.

"Tradition dictates that only the event organizers may know the details. The heads of the schools are prohibited from knowing in the spirit of fairness." Argued the British Head of International Co-Operation, Barty Crouch.

"Then I will state unequivocally that I will not allow my school to participate."

Xander was seated around a table in the Great Hall along with two department heads from the Ministry as well as the Heads of the other two schools, Madam Olympe Maxine of Beauxbaton and Igor Karkarov of Durmstrang. They were meeting in the second week of the holidays, the first week of August, to discuss arrangements of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Somehow Sal had managed to fob off the Tri-Wizard tournament duties onto Xander. He would pay eventually… yes he would.

"That is not your decision to make." Crouch hissed.

"My school, my students, MY RESPONSIBILITY!" Xander roared.

"I agree wiz my colleague, Monsieur Harris." Madame Maxine declared sternly. Xander gave her tight nod of thanks. "Some traditions are simply not worth ze lives of our children."

"I am not sure I understand the issues." Karkarov stated with some confusion. "Surely the age restrictions and such vill ensure that the tasks are not beyond the abilities of the students?"

"Igor, let me put it to you this way," Xander began calmly, "if this tournament were to be held at your school, would you allow them to bring various dangerous creatures to your grounds that could destroy your property or injure your students?

"I want us all to know so that we can be prepared to protect all our students, not just the competitors. I fully intend to provide the selected competitors of all the schools with whatever additional training I can."

Igor frowned and steeped his fingers tapping his lips with the tips. "Hmm, I see your point." He mused. He then turned to Crouch. "Not only do I agree vith my colleague, but I must say that it is both foolish and arrogant of you to insist othervise." He reprimanded with a small yet calm scowl.

"Come now Barty, surely we can make some compromises?" Ludo Bagman, the Head Magical Sports and Games said jovially. The man rubbed them all the wrong way, he was simply… annoying.

"You would throw away countless centuries of tradition because of a few measly concerns?" Crouch asked incredulously.

"Get over yourself!" Xander scoffed. "This school has only been around for a thousand years, that's only ten centuries… not 'countless'. These traditions weren't even started with the original tournaments, you even changed the name!

"According to Lady Hogwarts, Lord Slytherin and the late Lord Gryffindor, this tournament is nowhere near what the original games were like. The written records reflect as much as well."

Crouch looked ready to spit fire. He was one of those who didn't believe that Joyce and her sons were the original founders and that they were imposters. Despite the evidence they provided.

Olympe stepped in before Crouch could erupt. "I believe, zat if you wish zis tournament to proceed as a government sponsored event, you will need to learn to compromise.

"But I warn you, we will not compromise on ze safety of our children."

"God I need a drink!" Xander groaned as he knocked on the door of Number 12 Grimauld Place.

Sirius had enlisted the kid's help in renovating his family home. Dan, Emma and Minerva were also helping out.

The door suddenly swung open and Xander was greeted by a screeching banshee.


"For Merlin's sake get in here!" Sirius hissed as he grabbed Xander and dragged him in and straight an irate portrait and into the living room.

"Is there a reason you like having that woman screaming at visitors? I'll admit it would be a great deterrent to JW's."

"We tried everything!" Hermione moaned. "Silencing spells, cutting spells, axes, hammers mum even went and brought in some hydrochloric acid!"

"I was considering trying to contact some buddies back in the army for some C4." Dan murmured. "But I figured that might be overkill."

"No such thing, Dan." Xander grinned.

"In short, there is nothing we can do. Other than be very quiet." Neville sighed.

"Or you could give her a reason to behave." Xander shrugged.

"My mother's portrait is practically indestructible. We can't do anything to it." Sirius moaned.

"We could torture her mentally." Xander suggested.

"Torture?" Hermione asked. She had learnt not to jump to conclusions, Xander's idea of torture may not exactly match up with what other people thought of torture.

"Yeah, give me an hour to get some supplies and I'll sort it out." He said as he vanished.

Xander returned in less than half an hour carrying bags from the local Dixons and B&Q, an electronics and hardware store respectively.

"Right then, wasn't sure how well this would work, so I got a few extras." He explained as he began emptying the contents.

"A handheld TV?" Dan asked in amusement.

"And a video recorder?" Hermione asked intrigued.

"Yeah, I got two though."

"Xander… what are you planning?" Dan asked.

"Back in my old world, I wound up living with an annoying vampire; Spike. He had this unhealthy addiction to a soap opera called Passions. Unfortunately Joyce seemed to like it too. The rest of us hated it. Couldn't stand it. So, I figure we set up one of these TVs in front of the portrait and make it so it is the only thing she can see and hear. We set the VCR's to record the most annoying soap operas we can think of and show them to her non-stop. We make sure the last episode on each tape is a cliff-hanger and we don't show the next episode.

"Either she becomes so addicted that she will beg for the next episode or she will hate it and she will beg us to turn the rot off."

"Plus we can put a silencing spell on the sound proofing instead of the portrait." Hermione added.

"And what? We use this as a way to keep her in line?" Sirius asked.

"Yep, if this doesn't work there is show that is coming out in a few years that will really send her nuts, Teletubbies!"

"We could also let her watch the news. Maybe if she sees what non-magicals are capable of, she might change her tune." Emma suggested.

"Good idea… but I want to have my fun first!" Xander asserted.

In short order, Xander had created a makeshift arm for the small television and Mrs. Black was ensconced behind it watching the BBC's 6 o'clock news. He had consulted Joyce for he spells that powered the electronics and now they just had to wait… or do nothing as she was no longer a problem for them.

Meanwhile they where recording everything from Eastenders to Neighbours to prepare the torture. The old bat wouldn't know what hit her!

Harry, Luna and Hermione had spent the summer with Sirius, Minerva, Dan and Emma. Xander had been bouncing back and forth around Europe to meet and prepare for the upcoming Tri-Wizard Tournament after Sal had said he was no longer a head and they needed a head to represent them. Xander had asked Sirius to take his place with his family as it would be a good time for him and Harry to bond.

They had spent some of their time at the family home on the same street as the Granger's, much to Sirius' relief. He loved his godson and his friends, but had no idea how to deal with children… he was barely an adult himself… mentally at least.

Luna had invited Ginny over many times as the two were fast friends. Ginny often helped Luna with her newspaper articles, another thing that Sirius was grateful for as he worried the girl was slightly unhinged with her talk of unheard of creatures. Minerva soon explained her ability to see into Xander's old reality, it wasn't much of a comfort for the Marauder.

Today they would be travelling to meet the Weasleys at the campsite next to the stadium. Something that Xander ranted about continuously due to the copious amounts of unnecessary spells being cast on non-magicals. This had then set Hermione and Emma off. Before long, Luna had dedicated whole pages of the Quibbler to the crimes committed against muggles.

Harry and Hermione had made the most of their summer holidays. On advice from Dan, Sirius, Xander and most importantly, Emma, he had taken Hermione out on a few proper dates. Minerva usually played chaperone at a very discreet distance.

Emma had made sure Hermione understood that she may have to lead the relationship and suggest dates as Harry was still fairly stunted in his social development.

Together they enjoyed all the things that a young teenage couple should. Pizza, movies, snuggling, water being thrown over them when they got too amorous… the usual.

The most noticeable problem that Harry seemed to have, was that he didn't cope well in crowds. Dan said that was understandable for someone who spent most of their childhood locked in a cupboard living with cruel humans.

Hermione couldn't understand how he coped with Quidditch and meals in the Great Hall.

"Quidditch is easy, Dad helped me by pointing out that the crowds would be far more interested in the faster game between the chasers and beaters than watching me hunt for a snitch.

"The feasts and meals are harder, I'm just glad Dad gave me my own room in the apartment. I didn't like sleeping with the others, I rarely had a good nights sleep before Dad arrived." Harry explained.

They had tried going out to restaurants early in the summer, but both Minerva and Hermione had noticed that Harry was exceptionally jittery and barely ate anything. He was constantly on edge and looking over his shoulder. Hermione had called Minerva over they paid the bill and left quickly.

Once they got Harry to his bedroom, he broke down in tears and admitted he had been terrified and ashamed in the restaurant but didn't know why. Minerva and Hermione spent the night comforting him as he refused to let go of Hermione. All future meals were taken in a private room at the Three Broomsticks where Madam Rosmerta took it upon herself to see to their needs. Minerva usually enjoyed a meal herself with Sal in the main seating area.

Harry, Neville and Hermione had hit a growth spurt. Harry now reached Xander's shoulder Neville was slightly taller and was to his chin. Hermione was at that perfect height to rest her temple on Harry's shoulder. A position they were often found in.

They were seated at the perfect height to watch the game. The private box. The Ministers of both participating team's countries were present. Much to the kids delight, Fudge was ignored by the Bulgarian Minister in favour of Xander.

Fudge was annoying, what was worse was the Malfoys. It appeared that Lucius was no longer as interested in taunting Arthur and the other Weasleys as he was Harry… he still got his shots in though.

"My, my, my!" Lucius drawled. "Did you get lost Weasley? Surely you should be downstairs with a mop and bucket, not here with your betters?"

Arthur bristled but held his peace.

"Oh dear." Lucius said with mock disappointment as he spied Harry and Hermione. "You dragged such poor examples with you and… MUGGLES!" He shouted in horror. "You are so stupid as to bring muggles!"

Dan just grinned. "Em, sweetheart, remind me to always carry my muggle gun with me in the future."

Lucius just paled, especially as a hand appeared in front of Dan with a very familiar gun in it. Dan took the gun from Xander and expertly checked it.

"Lucius, unless you want to have another little midnight chat with me, I suggest you move along and keep your mouth shut." Xander said cheerfully. The Bulgarian Minister looked on with a frown. He had not approved of the white haired man's words. Had he said that to him or his family he would have demanded a duel.

"You should not have allowed him to say such things."

"Don't worry, Lucius fears me. He fears Harry too."

"That is not the point." The Minister said sternly. "If he believes he can say such things, then others vill too. Eventually they vill band together and you vill have much bigger problem. Vhen you defend the honour of yourself and your family, you allow others to follow your lead and defend themselves from such fools."

Xander frowned and thought about this. "Strange, I never thought of it like that. We said the same thing to Harry. His old guardians were abusive. We told him that if he didn't go through with the prosecution, they would just move on to others."

The Minister nodded approvingly.

Fudge was scowling ferociously. Not only was he being snubbed by the foreign dignitaries but now he had to warn Lucius to curb his ways. He doubted his white haired benefactor would want to try and take on a man who could kill a horde of Dementors.

Hermione and Harry were worried about an elf that was seated in the row behind them. She was obviously petrified of heights but was bravely holding her position for her master. She wouldn't move even though Harry and Hermione offered to save her seats for her.

The opening celebrations for the games began. The Irish Leprechauns were fun to watch, they had all been warned about the disappearing gold, that didn't seem to stop Ron from trying to horde as much as he could.

It was the Bulgarian Veela that nearly caused problems. Xander couldn't see why they affected the men like they did, but he, Godric and Arthur had to stop all the males from trying to leap off the edge to get to them. This unfortunately included Lucius and Fudge. Xander vowed to scrub himself raw after having to do something so dirty.

Luna and Ginny had to stop Sirius from taking a dive, but Hermione wound up fighting a very angry Harry and Sal had to step in.

"It's ok Hermione, I just need to get Harry away from here, we'll be back later." He assured them as they vanished. Luna and Emma took to comforting Hermione and keeping her calm.

Harry and Sal reappeared on the grounds of Hogwarts.

"Easy Harry, it's all gone now, try and relax and calm yourself." Sal said as he ran his hands soothingly through his brother/nephew's hair as he held him tightly.

Harry sat loosely on the grass as the trembling subsided.

"Harry, Sal, what's wrong?" Joyce asked as she appeared.

"There were creatures called Veela at the world cup, they seem to have a hypnotic and seductive ability. Harry doesn't have the necessary mind protections, but he was fighting. Fighting but failing, he was beginning to shift to his dragon form in defence." Sal explained quietly, trying not to agitate Harry.

"Oh dear, I have never met a Veela, but I have heard of them. They aren't evil, but they have the ability to be very dangerous. They are classed as dangerous and dark creatures in Britain, which is stupid. They are as dangerous as the average wizard." She scoffed.

"I'm going to research and see what I can discover, in the meantime, I believe Godric needs to train Harry." Sal declared.

Sal left Harry in Joyce's care and returned to the match to update everyone. Hermione decided to leave and join Harry as she only had a real interest in Quidditch when Harry was there. Emma joined her leaving Dan behind to enjoy the match.

Xander had the twins pay close attention to the match so Harry could watch it later in the Pensieve.

The match was a non-stop ride of excitement as the Irish Chasers practically demolished the Bulgarian defence and the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum, led the Irish Seeker on a very dangerous chase.

It ended badly for the Bulgarians as they lost the match when Krum caught the snitch as he realized his chasers had no chance of gaining on the Irish. The Weasley twins were ecstatic as they had made a bet that the outcome fulfilled completely. They were about to become very rich.

Harry, Emma and Hermione rejoined them at the campsite to at least enjoy the party. Harry needed cheering up as he was very down at having missed the match. The tent was filled with music and dancing, much to Hermione's delight as she loved to dance but was unable to take Harry out due to his issues with crowds. But here in private, with just their friends, he was able to relax and have fun with his girlfriend.

"It was brilliant!" Ron enthused. "The Irish Chasers were unbeatable and Krum was a hero!"

Hermione didn't really appreciate Ron calling Krum a hero. All he did was catch a little golden ball with wings. And he was paid to do it. Harry and Xander were true heroes. They fought a troll, a basilisk, Dementors and evil wizards. It seemed insulting to them. But she held her tongue as Harry and Xander said nothing and didn't seem to mind.

Harry had just finished watching the match as Joyce had given him the Pensieve to take with him. He had to admit it was a very exciting match. He suggested to Xander and Sal that they put the Pensieve memory up for viewing at the start of term for the rest of the school.

"You're really sad that you missed it, aren't you?" Hermione asked as she snuggled into Harry's embrace.

"Yes, but I'm more worried about the Veela thing. If I am vulnerable to their allure, then what about the Imperious Curse and compulsion charms?" He admitted.

"Well… you did say that Joyce and Sal were talking about having Rick teach you mind arts for protection, so hopefully it won't be a problem for long." She said as she gave him a squeeze.

"I'm just worried as I didn't know if I would be fully in control if I shifted. I didn't feel in control and I don't like the idea that the dragon would hurt someone… if that makes sense. I mean… I am the dragon, it's not a thing that possess me like a demon… but… I guess it would be like a werewolf without Wolfsbane or Xander around, I would give in to the more… dragon like behaviours."

"Baser or primitive instincts." Hermione said providing him the words he was looking for.

Harry nodded fervently. "Yeah… that's it exactly. All instinct and no control. We all know that Riddle will be back, he likes the Unforgivables, I don't want to lose control to that."

"Don't worry." Hermione assured him with a quick kiss. "That's why Xander is here, to help and train you. Now, are you up for another dance?" She asked coyly.

Harry nodded and gently pushed his girlfriend to her feet. They were just to the floor when they heard a commotion outside, the sounds of terrified screaming could be heard.

"Stay here, I'll check it out." Xander ordered.

Hermione clung to Harry with Luna grasping her big brother like a lifeline. Bill and Charlie Weasley instantly stood guard over Ginny and their younger brothers.

Sal, Sirius and Godric stood guard at the entrance to the tent as they watched the mayhem of people running and screaming outside.

"Dammit!" Sirius cursed. "We need to get out there and do some crowd control."

"Agreed, how is your teleportation?" Godric asked Sirius.

"I'm good to go. I can take three people to anywhere or anyone just like Hermione. I don't have the power like Xander, Neville or Sal to take more."

"Very well, I will stay with the children, you two head out and begin transporting the most vulnerable to Hogwarts. All the staff are there so there will be plenty of help." With that Sal and Sirius ran from the tent to help where they could. They could hear them calling out instructions with the Sonorus charm on.

"Hermione, go to Joyce and inform her of the situation. Have her prepare for wounded and refugees. Harry send the Weasleys and Grangers there as well." He turned to the aforementioned families. "Do what you can to supplement the castle workforce. They will likely need the help."

Seconds later the tent was filled with only Godric, Harry and Neville. Xander returned a minute or so later.

"Death Eaters have turned up and begun playing with a family of non-magicals. Amelia and I will be having words as there are no Aurors around." Xander growled.

"Whilst you guys handle the Death Eaters, perhaps I could be more useful calming the crowds?" Neville offered. "With phoenix song." He added at their confused looks.

"Yes! Excellent plan, Sal and Sirius could use the help." Godric said excitedly.

Neville ran out of the tent transforming in mid stride, the soothing sounds of the phoenix were soon heard and the crowd.

"Plan?" Harry asked.

"Find the Death Eaters, you teleport the non-magicals and Godric to Hogwarts Hospital Wing and then we take out the perpetrators." Xander said grimly.

"And by 'take out'… you mean…?" Harry queried.

"Capture is preferable, but don't let them get the drop on you. Remember that the only safe enemy is a dead enemy."

"Why didn't you just teleport us here?" Harry whispered as they approached the edge of the trees. They could see the men in robes and masks levitating the non-magical family above their heads whilst sending curses at them. There were children there and the woman was being degraded. Harry was getting very angry and having trouble staying in human form.

"Because you never jump blind into an unknown situation." Godric growled as he too was affected by the sight.

"Harry, send the non-magicals and Godric to the Hospital Wing, then you and I will instigate a little fear before we deal with these fools." Xander growled.

Ever since Xander had arrived in this reality, he had absorbed as much as he could about Tom Riddle and his Death Eaters. It seemed the self styled Lord Voldemort considered himself immortal. Or that at least seemed to be his goal.

Everyone has some fear of death… if they don't they have other mental issues. But someone who strives for immortality truly fears death and would gladly throw others in Death's path to avoid it.

Xander had decided sometime after learning of Riddle's desired name and the name of his followers that he would adopt his own name and wield his own weapon of fear.

As the Death Eaters realised that their 'toys' were gone there were shouts of anger and confusion.

"Who dares to interfere!" One of them demanded.

"I dare." Xander declared loudly as he stepped out of the tree line wearing a dark cloak and a hood to conceal his features. His yellow eyes glowed ominously as though floating in the darkness.

He was an impressive sight. One that made the Death Eaters take an involuntary step back.

"And who are you to keep us from our noble work?" The same Death Eater and clearly the leader demanded.

Xander chuckled darkly. He had called upon all his knowledge of Evil Overlord clichés and put together a persona for both himself and Harry.

"You may call me 'Death's Hand'." He said quietly. A modified Sonorous made certain he was heard despite his calm and collected voice. A truly terrifying Evil Overlord was one who seemed in complete control and never really lost his temper or raised his voice.

"We are Death Eaters, we serve the Mighty Lord Voldemort! Surrender now and we will make your end quick."

"You name yourselves after Death, yet my master does not know you. This will be a problem for you should he turn his attentions upon you."

Another thing Xander had decided, was that he would be the visible and active part of the partnership with Harry. Harry would play the role of Death, rarely seen but greatly feared. Harry was to work either behind the scenes or invisibly.

Clearly some of the Death Eaters were getting very scared as one of them snapped and began sending curses at Xander. Xander shielded as they hadn't resorted to Unforgivables, but just in case he began to sink into the ground looking eerily as though returning to the grave.

A new voice was heard that came from everywhere and had no discernible source. It was deep and booming, yet just as calm as Xander's.

"You claim my name and assault my servant. You are not worthy of my gift, so you will face the justice of your peers." The voice declared.

There was a sudden squeak from one of the Death Eaters as he noticed he was sinking into the ground even though the ground was not opening up. The other Death Eaters caught on and began to try and free themselves, but they couldn't move and were soon buried up to their necks.

Xander slowly rose from the ground combining phasing with flying. He was brimming with ideas for Halloween.

"My master has spoken. Be mindful of your actions lest you cause his eye to return to turn upon you." Xander declared as he vanished. He couldn't believe they were buying his hammy little act.

Xander and Harry returned to the campsite to aid Sirius and Sal only to find that the Aurors had finally arrived.

Xander was about to give a cover story when a green light lit up the sky and an image of a skull with a snake coming out of it's mouth hung in the sky.

"The Dark Mark!" An Auror gasped.

"Quickly follow me!" Sirius ordered.

The Aurors were highly trained sheep. Someone barked, they followed. As a result Sirius was leading a substantial crowd to the origin of the Dark Mark.

"Everyone, blanket stupefy!" Sirius shouted.

The field was suddenly lit up with red light.

"Every one move forward in a straight line and check the ground, someone could be there under an invisibility cloak or disillusionment."

It didn't take long before one of the Aurors called out that he had found something.

"It's an elf… isn't that your elf Barty?" Amos Diggory asked. "What's she doing with a wand?"

"How about you wake her up and ask her?" Xander suggested with a roll of his eyes.

Barty was clearly enraged and was tightly wound. He gave a sharp nod to Amos who revived the elf.

"Master Crouch sir!" The elf squeaked. She started looking around nervously as if she had lost something. "Where is Mas-"

"This means clothes Winky." Barty growled. "You know the law. Elves are not allowed wands, and here you are not just with a wand, but also casting a Dark Mark!"

"But Mas-"

She was cut off as Barty removed a glove and threw it at Winky who immediately began bawling her eyes out.

"Winky. Go to Hogwarts. I will find you a family to love and love you." Harry said firmly. He didn't bother waiting for the small creature to respond. He simply waved his hand and sent her on her way.

"You are an idiot." Sirius snapped. "Elves can't use wands. How the hell would she cast a Dark Mark?"

"She was found at the scene of the crime in possession of a wand. That was enough."

"She was found lying next to a wand. Not even touching it. Who's wand is it?" Xander demanded.

"Hmm, looks like Ron's wand." Arthur mused. "I wonder how it got here."

"Obviously your boy is into some dangerous and illegal stuff!" Crouch accused.

"Or… considering the fact that as soon as the commotion started Harry sent Ron and everyone else to Hogwarts, someone else stole it." Sirius countered in exasperation.

"You think the elf stole it?" Amos queried.

"Possible, but I doubt it. Winky seems dedicated. A dedicated elf would die before they disgrace the family. I have an elf who hates me. He wouldn't steal from someone else, but he would steal things if I threw them out."

They were interrupted by an Auror coming up to them out of breath. "Mr. Crouch… Death Eaters… captured!"

"Really!" Crouch said as grinned maniacally. "Lead the way."

"We'll be heading off then. I have to go and sort out the refugees at Hogwarts. Can we get the wand back?" Xander asked.

"It's evidence." Crouch snapped.

"It's fine. They can keep it. It was a second hand wand, Ronald could do with a perfectly matched one and we have enough money for it now." Arthur said as he led the others away.

Seeing that they had things in hand they left for Hogwarts to find the place in chaos.

Humans are panicky individuals who are prone to mob rule at the best of times. Wizards are worse. Magic makes them lazy and feel entitled to immediate results. It takes little more than a flick of a wand and a broken glass of milk is repaired and refilled. They expect the same with everything else.

The adults that had been transported to Hogwarts were demanding action and results. The children were frightened and scared. Joyce was getting ready to call in the suits of armour to knock some heads together.


The Great Hall came to a standstill as Xander's voice boomed out.

"I seriously doubt that any of you are going to accomplish anything by shouting and making demands!" Xander snarled from the dais where the staff table sat. "I suggest, that unless you wish to spend a few nights in a goblin jail cell, you sit down and SHUT UP!" He roared.

"Who the hell are you?" One young man demanded.


"Yes Dad?"

"Knock him out."

"Yes Dad."


"Yes Dad?"

"Magic, not fists."

"Yes Dad."

There was a thump as the upstart hit the floor.

"Next time someone might want to catch him." Xander pointed out.

"Why Dad?"

"Shut up Harry."

Sal and Godric soon began clearing the castle of anyone they could. They took the simplest method of grabbing the closest person to the doors and finding out which categories they belonged in:

Whole, hale and adult… send them home via the Floo which Joyce provided.

Whole, hale and underage… send them to a dorm room to rest whilst parents or guardians are contacted.

Injured… Hospital Wing and a stern tongue lashing as to why they aren't already there.

Anyone who decided they didn't fit into those categories usually found themselves in the depths of Gringotts for the night.

It was just after 2am before Xander, Sal and Sirius were able to join the kids in sleep. Minerva offered to stay up and watch over things with Joyce and Godric. She was promptly sent off with the reminder that the dead don't need to sleep. Which made Xander very unhappy as he had lived his more recent years by the motto: "You can sleep when you're dead!"

Three hours later and Xander was tempted to curse his own mother. Or the closest approximation, which in this case was Joyce.

"Joyce, it's like 5am, I'm just a mortal man, what could be so important that I need to be up now?" He moaned.

"Amelia is here. She has important questions about last night." Joyce said urgently as she kept shaking him. She knew that if she let up for a second he would simply fall asleep again.

"Xander, get up and let me sleep!" Nym moaned from next to him.

"Why do I have to get up and you get to lie in?"

"'Cause I'm cuter than you."

Xander groaned and sat up. "Not that I disagree with the cute factor… 'cause, you are adorable, but what the hell does that have to do with you getting a lie in?"

"You really want me grumpy? You've seen me during my time of the month."

"Right… sleep tight." He conceded as he kissed her forehead and followed a smirking Joyce out.

"Amelia… it's 5am… what the hell do you want?" Xander demanded angrily as he stomped into Minerva's office. He had just left his warm bed and his even warmer girlfriend.

"You know very well what Lord Hogwarts." Amelia growled. "We found five men embedded up to their necks in the ground. Only you and your family know that type of magic and everyone but you and Harry have been accounted for."

"Actually, you only know that me and my family know that magic. There could be plenty of others out there that have developed something similar." Xander corrected as he kept his expression clear. "Besides, what possible motive could I have for attacking these men?"

"You are well known to despise bullies and stand up for the innocent."

"And these men did neither?"

"These men are suspected of being the ones who tortured the muggles at the riots last night."

"So arrest them and interrogate them with the truth potion." Xander shrugged. "Or do you need me to help extract them from the ground?"

"We got them out and separated the embedded dirt from them, it was a very painful process." Amelia admitted with a grimace. The five men had been purebloods who squealed like pigs, her ears were still hurting.

"Then why are you bothering me with this?" Xander asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Because, you idiot, if you had stuck around for the Aurors I would have had no choice but to accept your demands and word regarding their actions. As it is, one of them was Lucius Malfoy. He has once again bought his way free."

Xander growled as his wolf eyes glowed. "Don't you dare blame me for this Amelia! It's not my fault your Ministry is so corrupt. I'm not the one who let them get away."

Amelia sighed and slumped in her seat. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just so damned frustrating. One of them was Lucius!" She moaned.

"So you said." Xander nodded grimly as relaxed back. "I will see if I can arrange some leaks to the press, I'm sure Luna will be able spare some space."

"Couldn't you just come forward and make a statement?" Amelia begged.

"No. It could be the catalyst for a war with the Goblin Nation, or even the Werewolves. It's exactly the reason why we hid our identities." Xander said adamantly. "I can however, arrange for my family to speak out against the Ministries actions and cause some issues and mayhem in the Wizengamot."

"Better than nothing I suppose." Amelia muttered dejectedly. "Sometimes I just want to quit and take Susan elsewhere."

"I know the feeling." Xander commiserated with a small smile. "But I doubt you or Susan would feel good about abandoning everyone else. Let's face it, would the person who took over from you be as corrupt as Fudge?"

Amelia thought about that for a second and then shuddered. "There would be a persecution of muggleborns and non-humans." She admitted.

"If worse comes to worse, I'll be sending the kids to Beauxbatons until they are old enough to legally make their own choices. Which means that Harry and Neville won't be going anywhere thanks to their status as Lords." He said grouchily.

"Surely they don't abuse that privilege?" She asked slightly shocked.

"Nah, they don't care that they are superior in rank to people like Malfoy. They trust Sirius and myself to handle the responsibilities, I just mean that they would use it to stay and protect others. It's the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in them."