

Albus Dumbledore was becoming extremely worried. Lord Voldemort was somewhere in the world, albeit as a wraith, but he was there and he was looking to return. He had long since predicted the fact that Lord Voldemort would return and it appeared he was getting closer.

It all began with young Harry Potter's first year. Professor Quirrell had gotten himself possessed by the Dark Lord and attempted to get the Philosopher's stone. When that avenue was removed he decided to claim revenge on young Harry. With that, the news that Lord Voldemort was alive, sort of, was revealed to the world. He had tried to keep it from the papers and the public but that blasted Xander Harris had insisted on reporting it to the proper authorities. All semblance of control seemed to have slipped through his fingers since that annoying man and his mother arrived.

He still wasn't convinced that Joyce Summers was, as she claimed, the Spirit of Hogwarts. If she was, then surely she would have revealed herself to him decades ago when he proved himself a formidable wizard of the light. No, she only revealed herself because of a small boy who survived a killing curse. That didn't add up in his book.

This year had brought about some nasty revelations. Young Harry turned out to be a dragon animagus. Although according to legend, there was no such thing. There was however legend of what was known as a Dragon Shifter. Salazar Slytherin made some vague references to it.

Salazar Slytherin, now there was another possible disaster. Salazar Slytherin was well known to be a proponent of the Pureblood movement. Today's modern movement was based on his legend. This would not be good for muggleborns and half-bloods.

There was hope as the man calling himself Salazar Slytherin (and there was very little proof in Albus' opinion) recognized the man calling himself Godric Gryffindor as his brother. Hopefully this 'Godric' would be able to keep 'Salazar' in line.

The most horrific revelations of the year were the horcruxes. Albus had already determined that this was how Lord Voldemort had achieved immortality, but the news that the castle and sorting hat were both horcruxes was beyond the pale. And Joyce Summers and Godric Gryffindor had made some poor excuses about them being aids to helping others was a clear sign that they were not as light as they claimed. There was no way that Godric Gryffindor would have anything to do with such dark and evil magics. No, the man had to be an imposter.

This Xander Harris had taken Harry from his guardians. Albus had placed the boy there so he would be out of the spotlight and under the strongest protections known to mankind… or wizard-kind at least. Albus knew of the hardships the boy suffered there but it was a price worth paying for the boy's life to continue with the added bonus of preventing the boy's ego from growing.

Albus knew that it would come down to a fight between Harry and Lord Voldemort. The prophecy said as much. One of them had to die so the other could die, otherwise they would be immortal. Albus knew this. It was one of the things he had done in his life that he was deeply ashamed of, but knew it was for the Greater Good. He had cast the killing curse at Harry Potter.

It was a few weeks after they had dropped Harry off at the Dursley's. He had snuck into the house and simply cast the curse. But nothing happened. The green light of the spell seemed to be absorbed into him.

This was how Albus knew that both Harry and Lord Voldemort were immortal. It didn't really matter to the Greater Good who killed whom. All that mattered is that one of them died. If Harry died then Albus would be able to kill Voldemort. If Voldemort died, then Harry could live what he could of his life.

Albus believed that the 'power' mentioned in the prophecy was likely love. Or more specifically, self-sacrifice. By sacrificing himself to Lord Voldemort he would void the immortality clause making the Dark Lord vanquishable.

But Voldemort would be harder to kill than Harry. Especially with these Horcruxes. He knew there were more, Lord Voldemort always had backup plans. Albus hated to admit it but Lord Voldemort was far smarter than himself, his power levels were not however and nor was his skill. These reasons where why he was still the only wizard Voldemort feared.

Albus had resolved that Harry would meet Voldemort as soon as possible and regrettably die.

But Xander Harris happened.

The man had arrived from practically nowhere. Removed the boy from his control. Removed most of the school from his control. He had trained the boy in magic that he refused to share except amongst a few. And Albus was not one of those few.

He had somehow charmed or confounded the head of the DMLE and two Aurors and managed to conquer and claim the Goblin Sovereignty. Fortunately, Albus still held sway with the Minister, despite having to compete with Lucius Malfoy's bribes.

To top it off Harris had somehow managed to corrupt and steal his phoenix. It was his symbol and proof that he was the most 'light' wizard alive. Possibly ever. Harris must have known some powerful enchantment to steal Fawkes.

Xander Harris bore special watching to ensure he did not become a threat to the wizarding world.

His most immediate concern was the recent break out from Azkaban. Sirius Black had escaped. Black was one of the many incidents he regretted having to be party to. But his incarceration was necessary for the greater good. He would be a bad influence on young Harry and he needed to be out of the picture. It was most fortuitous that Sirius had provided his own downfall… with a little help from Peter Pettigrew.

But now the fool had decided to break out. But how? And why now? Harry had been at the school and in the public eye for two years now. What had caused the lunatic to escape Azkaban now?

Albus did not know, but he intended to make sure that Sirius Black was either returned to his cell or killed. He was too great a risk to the fate of the wizarding world.

Currently Harry was with Harris in Romania visiting the dragon reserves with Salazar and Godric. Hopefully he would be able to contain the situation before they returned and discovered the truth.

The Weasley family was having a wonderful summer holiday. It was just what was needed after the horrors of the previous school year. Arthur had won a prize draw of 1000 Galleons. They had planned to take the family to Romania to visit Charlie Weasley, but Xander had told them to save the money and that he would cover the whole cost as part of Ginny's and the family's recovery. This led to the Weasley's, the Grangers, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood and Xander Harris travelling as a group for six weeks to Romania.

The press had a field day.

Harry and Hermione played tour guides as it was their second visit. Ron spent the first week grounded after making rude comments about Hermione being a know it all. He was also threatened with his Aunt Muriel. He quickly learnt to keep his mouth shut.

Harry also introduced them to his dragon friends.

Salazar was given a hero's welcome by the dragons. Dragon Shifters were apparently so rare that Harry was the first since Salazar. The dragon's genetic memory meant they knew exactly who the man was. Much of Harry's time was spent playing and fighting with the dragons. Usually he could simply over power them as he was much larger. But he soon learnt the benefits of skill.

During the second week Xander noticed that Arthur and Molly were far to focused on Ginny and their children. It was understandable in a way. They had almost lost Ginny and all year there was the threat of petrification. Xander gave Arthur strict instructions to take his wife on a private holiday. Molly took some convincing, but as was pointed out, there were two professors, two Founders, two other parents and two responsible older brothers to keep the kids in line. And if worse came to worse, Harry and Sal could have the dragons keep the twins in line.

Ginny definitely improved. She had lost her clumsy star struck stupor around Harry and Xander. She was becoming fast friends with Luna. Years ago, before her mother died, she and Luna had been playmates as they lived a bare few miles apart. With Luna's mother's death and her father's illness that came to a sudden end.

It was the final week of the summer holidays and everyone was back in Great Britain. Xander was furious to find out that there were monsters roaming his school; Dementors. He had stormed the Ministry and demanded their removal or he would raise his Goblin Army and consider it an invasion.

The Dementors were swiftly gone from the lands of Lord Hogwarts, but they remained on the edge of Hogsmede.

Harry was told the story of how Sirius Black betrayed the Potters and killed their close friend Peter Pettigrew along with a whole bunch of non-magicals. The story both angered and intrigued him. After Amelia gave them the report on everything that had happened with Black all those years ago and in the present, Harry asked if he could see all the paperwork. He wanted to know more about his past, there were some things that even Minerva and Remus didn't know.

What really piqued his interest was the Fidelius Charm. It seemed to be the perfect way to hide something. He wanted to know how it worked and what it could be used on. He had some ideas he wanted to experiment with.

The other thing that bothered him was that his parents had chosen someone other than themselves as a secret keeper. He wanted to find out why. Why would you have a secret so important but leave access to the secret out in the open. Everyone seemed to know Sirius Black was the secret keeper.

For Harry, this was just another avenue to learn more about his parents and life before the Dursleys. Even if it was a very dark time with a tragic ending, it gave him a sense of comfort knowing where he came from.

The train ride to Hogwarts was full of speculation about Black's escape. Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville and Ginny were all riding in the rear carriage. Luna and Ginny wandered off after a while to find their friends leaving the other three waiting for Xander and Remus to return from their patrols. Xander had co-opted Remus as he was considered the most knowledgeable in defence. The other teachers well versed in the area were Minerva and Filius but they had other responsibilities.

Godric was back at the castle assisting Joyce whilst Salazar was helping Nicholas Flamel.

Xander and Remus were making their second patrol of the journey. They were halfway to Hogwarts. There didn't seem to be any problems, most of the students were quite well behaved. That was until the train came to a screeching halt and all the lights went out.

"What the hell can cause magical lights to fail?" Xander asked Remus.

"Many things, none of them good." He said as he drew his wand and cast a Sonorous. "THIS IS PROFESSOR LUPIN. ALL STUDENTS ARE TO ENTER THE NEAREST COMPARTMENT AND STAY THERE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE."

"And that is why I wanted you on this trip." Xander grinned. "Good call."

"I'll go check the front and you take the rear?" Remus suggested, knowing Xander would want to check on Harry.

Xander nodded and the pair made their way. As Xander made it towards the second to last carriage he heard a very familiar scream. Hermione. He teleported straight to the final carriage with his sword out.

There, hovering over his son was a Dementor. Dementors were the first signs of demons he had found in this universe. He could abide a live and let live policy with them as long as they stayed away from the populace. People seemed to find them hard to be around as they made them ill. Xander found no such problems.

This one Dementor had crossed the line. Hermione and Neville were trying to send up shields and teleport away but the affect of the Dementor was far too much.

Xander's sword swung as the magical compartment expanded to allow his movements. Harry was dropped to the ground as the creature's skeletal head hit the floor.

Hermione was on Harry in seconds whilst Xander checked the body. Just as Remus came charging in.

"Is that a Dementor?" He asked in horror.

"Not anymore." Xander growled. His voice had taken on the same timber as when he was in wolf form. He was seriously pissed. "Bastard tried to suck out Harry's soul."

"Sweet Merlin!" Remus exclaimed as he dropped to the ground next to Harry and reached into his pocket. "Harry, come on, eat this. It's chocolate, it counters the effects of the Dementors."

Harry gently roused as Remus with Hermione's help got the chocolate into the weak boy's mouth. Remus held it as Hermione melted it with her wand.

"What was that?" He asked as he gradually grew stronger.

"Dementor. They just committed an act of war. Fudge better have a damned good explanation or I'll be mounting his head next to Quirrell's."

"Why did we stop?" Neville asked. The young boy was still in a ready mode. He was tense and ready for action.

"Dementors attacked the engine first and killed George the driver." Remus reported.

"Shit. Neville, Hermione. I want you to go straight to Joyce. Tell her what happened, I want Sal back here now." Xander ordered.

"I'll get Sal, you tell Joyce." Neville said to Hermione before he vanished.

Hermione gave Harry's cheek a quick kiss and vanished.

"Did Neville just come up with a better plan?" Xander asked.

"Pretty much."

"What the devil?" Sal exclaimed bewilderedly as he appeared with Neville holding his arm. "Xander? What's goin… Neville, did you just kidnap me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm a kid. No time for me to try and convince you, better for Xander to do it." Neville answered shortly. He was still tense and very upset.

"Sal, the train was attacked by Dementors. The driver is dead and we are dead in the water. Remus and I are the only adults onboard other than Jen the Trolley Lady. I want you and Remus to head through and calm the kids. Make sure there are no other Dementors." Xander ordered.

"Damn, I don't have a sword."

"Will an axe do?" Xander asked as he pulled out his axe.

"Been a while but I'll manage." Sal grimaced. "Come on Remus."

The pair marched off with a purpose.

"Harry, how are you feeling?" Xander asked.

"A bit shaky. Nauseous and very sad." Harry admitted.

"How's your magic?"

"Fine. I only feel physically bad."

Xander knelt down by his son who was still lying on the floor. "Harry, son, I need this train at Hogwarts now. Can you do it?"

Harry closed his eyes. He felt for his magic and reached out.

"Yes, but I'd rather be on top of the train so I have something to see."

Neville and Xander helped Harry up. Harry's limbs were aching and his head was spinning. It was unspoken between the three that Harry was far to weak to be doing attempting this physically, but if his magic was able then it would only be a matter of staying awake.

The three appeared on the top of the rear carriage, the train laid out before them. Harry was feeling more and more tired.

"Put me down, I need to try something." Harry groaned.

"Now is really not the time to be experimenting, Harry." Xander argued.

"Says the man who wants me to teleport the entire train for the first time?" Harry retorted.

"Right… stupid point. Carry on."

Harry sat down crossed legged and felt for his magic. He could feel it as always, instead of just feeling it though, he attempted to breathe it in, to feel it filling his lungs, his stomach, his limbs and his head. He felt the magic flow and imagined it making him more awake and alert.

Harry opened his eyes. "Much better." he grinned.

"Bloody hell Harry!" Neville cried as Harry looked at him.

"Harry, please don't look at us, your eyes are shining worse than your Lumos spell. I think you just blinded Neville." Xander said as he quickly moved to Neville. "Neville, can you get to Poppy?"

"Yeah, not like I am going to walk into any walls on the way." He griped. "I'll get you for this Harry!" He warned as he vanished.

Harry nearly looked at Xander but remembered Neville and kept his eyes forward, the bright white light cutting into the distance like a laser.

"Do you want it at the station or-"

"No, drop the whole thing by the lake. I want the train inside the walls of the castle grounds." Xander said firmly.

Harry took a moment to contemplate the train and his destination. And then they were there. The Giant Squid splashed as the appearance of the large object startled it.

"Nice work Harry. Now take yourself up to Poppy and keep your eyes closed." He ordered.

Harry sighed but vanished without arguing.

Xander teleported back into the carriage and attempted the same charm Remus had on his voice, except he imagined his voice being projected into each compartment instead of being amplified.

"This is Professor Harris. Harry has just teleported the train to Hogwarts by the lake. Prefects will disembark first and assist the other students in exiting the train. First years will remain on the train until I call for them. Carry on."

Xander looked out the window and watched. He was relieved to see the prefects exit; his little spell had worked. He teleported straight to Sal and Remus.

"Sal, can you go and inform Hagrid we are here and grab Norbert. I want the two of you as dragons guarding the students as they head to the castle. Remus, stay on board and mind the children, send the first years off to Hagrid and accompany them when he arrives."

Sal vanished utilizing the methods Xander had Harry teach him. It was quite the turn of events to be taught after many years as a teacher, especially by one so young.

"What's your plan now?" Remus asked.

"As soon as the students are settled in the Great Hall, I am going to get Amelia, Nym and Kingsley. Then I am going to pay a visit to Fudge." Xander said with disgust.

One moment Cornelius Fudge was seated in his living room with his wife sipping a fine brandy the next he was standing outside surrounded by Dementors.

The Dementors were suddenly excited at the appearance of food. They had been forbidden from eating the local populace yet they were removed from Azkaban, the only other source of sustenance. They were ravenous. They quickly began circling.

Fudge scrambled for his wand, only to realize he didn't have it. "I am the Minister of Magic! You will stand down and defend me!" He tried to be firm and authoritative, but he was more like a scared kitten.

There was a deep chuckling from behind him and he spun around. "I don't think they care who you are." Xander said as he walked up.

"We have to run man! These creatures are starving and they will devour our souls!" Fudge pleaded. He was feeling very ill and depressed, the Dementors took their toll with their very presence.

"You maybe. They really don't seem to like me." Xander said with a slight smirk.

"Then it is your duty to defend me!" Fudge squealed.

"Defend you!" Xander laughed derisively. "Why the hell should I defend you?"

"I am the Minister of Magic!"

"And I am the King of the Goblins and Lord Hogwarts. Furthermore, you killed the driver of the Hogwarts express and nearly killed my son."

"I did no such thing!" Fudge cried as he dropped to the floor to avoid a swooping Dementor.

"These friends of yours," Xander indicated the swarm of demons, "attacked the Hogwarts Express. They killed the driver and attempted to suck out my son's soul. They were there on your orders."

"They were never ordered to attack or board the train. They were ordered to watch the train and apprehend Sirius Black."

"Did you order them not to board the train?" Xander asked.

Fudge kept mum, he knew his answer would leave him stranded in hell.

"That's what I thought. Your careless stupidity cost a man his life and nearly cost me my son. Now, I could leave you here to die at the hands of your own weapons, but I have different plans for you. You will make a public apology. You will apologise to my son in person in front of the whole school. You will then apologise to the students and staff. Then you will apologise publically and privately to the driver's family and arrange for sufficient compensation so that you cover the loss of wages that the driver would have earned."

"But he was just a squib!"

Xander growled angrily and Fudge found himself floating up towards the Dementors.

"What are you doing!" Fudged screamed.

"Taking out the trash!" Xander shouted back over the increasing moaning of the Dementors as food approached.

"Wait! I'll do it! I'll do it!" Fudged wailed, the fear of the Dementors being compounded by the fear created by the Dementors.

Fudge suddenly fell to the floor with a crash. Instead of the cold floor of the outdoors it was a table full of food. Fudge was a small man despite his generous girth, the table held under the weight of the Minister of Magic.

Fudge groaned in pain as he raised his head to take in his surroundings. Then he froze in fright. He was lying on the staff table with every student looking at him. Not to mention all the professors, the Headmaster, Lady Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin.

All he needed to make the evening complete was a photographer.


And there it was.

"I think you came here for a reason, Minister." Came the cold hard voice of Alexander Harris, Lord of Hogwarts.

Fudge raised his head to glare at Harris, but then noticed the cold dead look and decided to cut his losses and get on with it. He gingerly tried to peel himself off the table, he had to be magnetized as every bloody dish seemed stuck to him.


Bloody little shutter bug.

With as much dignity as he could muster (which was none) he cleared his throat and addressed the student body.

"Is Mr. Harry Potter here?" He asked with a near perfect façade of calm.

There was a general muttering and whispering amongst the populace before a young girl stood up and addressed Fudge timidly.

"Harry's not here, sir. He is in the hospital wing after a Dementor tried to suck out his soul."

Bloody great. Now he had to have that announced, as if they didn't all know that the Dementors worked for him.

"I'll go get my son." Xander growled as he leaned into the Minister aggressively before vanishing.

Fudge stood there as the students stared at him.

The seconds ticked by.

They had to have been gone five minutes by now! Fudge checked his watch. No, just thirty seconds.

The stares were getting to the Minister.

Then came the whispers.

The whispers grew into murmurs.

The murmurs grew in to mutte- murmurs were curtailed by a cleared throat from the deputy head.

Two whole minutes passed. One hundred and twenty seconds of standing in front of the future adults of the wizarding world. His career could still be salvaged, but it had a definite shelf life of seven years as the none of students would ever respect him as Minister of Magic.

Xander arrived with the Potter boy and several other students. They just arrived out of thin air without a sound.

Potter was wrapped in thick blankets as if to ward off a chill. This was not good. Fudge could use a few himself after being stuck in that swarm.

Potter was in a wheelchair. Fudge could definitely do with a sit down himself. Not to mention a stiff drink.

Potter had several females with their hands on him comfortingly. Fudge wanted his mummy.


And now he wanted his Blanky.

There was a quiet growl, which Fudge soon realized was coming from Harris. Fudge realized this was his cue.

"Mr. Potter, it is with deep regret that I apologise for the actions of the Dementors earlier this evening. They were not authorized to enter the train. Th-"

"Were they authorized to suck out his soul?" Sal asked with a glare.

Fudge swallowed. They really weren't making it easy. "No, they were not authorized. I am sure it was just a misunderstanding."

"They somehow managed to mistake a thirteen year old boy with a thirty something man?" Godric asked.

"No old man! The Dementor probably walked past whistling a tune and it sucked too hard on the inhale and poor Harry was just nearby." Sal said mockingly.

There were a few sniggers from the students.

"Rest assured it will be investigated." Fudge declared.

"And if it turns out that this 'accident' was your fault?" Joyce asked.

"I- erm- We must trust justice to prevail, madam."

"Personally, I would be more in favour of goblin justice." Minerva commented glibly.

"As much as I am sure the Minister is enjoying this little tête-à-tête, the students have yet to eat." Albus said rising from his seat regally.

"Unfortunately you have a point, Albus." Xander conceded. "I believe you have one last apology to make here tonight and an announcement before you head to the ministry to begin the investigations?"

Fudge stalled mentally for a second as he tried to remember- Ah! Yes, apologise to the students.

"I also, of course, apologise to you the students and staff of Hogwarts for the unfortunate events of today and… erm… oh! Yes! The Ministry will be ensuring that the family of the train driver who was killed today-"

There was a sudden collective gasp from the students and staff.

"Erm… you didn't know?" Fudge asked nervously.

"Of course they didn't know you idiot!" Sal said scathingly. "Why the devil would we tell them that at the dinner table?"

"Ah… erm… yes. I er… apologise. Again. I believe I should leave you in the capable hands of your professors." Fudge said as he wrung his hands.

"Yes." Xander drawled. "Doors over there." He said indicating the large entrance way at the other end of the hall. Past all the students. Who were staring at him.

Somehow Fudge made it all the way without running. He was walking very quickly at one point.

"Oh Fudge!" Xander called out. "I left you a present at the entrance to Hogsmede. Make sure you pick it up."

Fudge was confused. And scared. There was no way any 'present' from Harris to him would be good.

Argus Filch held the door slightly ajar so the man could escape. He was hard pressed to maintain his grouchy demeanour.

"Colin, I won't give you detention or remove house points for that camera if you hand it over now and allow Miss Lovegood to use copies for tomorrows special edition of the Quibbler. You will of course get copies." Xander said with narrowed eyes.

Colin had been warned about using the camera on people without permission. He had spent all summer working hard so he wouldn't have to be held back a year, which would have been embarrassing as his brother started this year. He was also still grounded by his parents. If he got in trouble before the feast even began… his parents just might kill him.

He handed the camera over.

After the feast Xander, Minerva, Joyce, Salazar and Godric headed up to the hospital wing to check on the kids. Ginny had joined the four others as she had grown close to Luna over the summer. They had all spent the feast up in the wing in private to keep Harry company. Neville's sight was easily restored by Poppy and the light had dimmed somewhat in Harry's eyes, but it was still there. It was remedied with a pair of sunglasses for Harry.

"You three feeling better?" Xander asked as they appeared in the wing.

"We're feeling a bit sick." Hermione said weakly. "Poppy keeps stuffing us with chocolate."

"A shame it wasn't Ron who was caught by the Dementor. He would be in heaven right now." Ginny snickered. The boy ate like a horse… a herd of horses. Many a time over the holidays Charlie had complained that they would be kicked out of the country because Ron was causing a famine.

Hermione and Luna joined her laughter, but Harry and Neville were decidedly glum. Joyce and Xander shared a look before Xander sent a mental message to Minerva to take the girls and his brothers elsewhere for a bit.

Soon the two boys were alone with Joyce and Xander.

"Ok, spill." Xander said as he sat down on the edge of Harry's bed. "You two seem to be very down as if the chocolate isn't working."

Neither boy seemed inclined to talk.

"What did the Dementors make you relive?" Poppy asked quietly as she entered from her office.

"Relive?" Xander asked.

"Dementors can make a person relive their worst nightmares or events." She explained.

"Damn." Xander whispered quietly. "Poppy we need counsellors here ASAP, I have a feeling several of the children will be having very sleepless nights."

"I have been working with Nicholas to make enough Dreamless Sleep potion for everyone." She assured him, but went off to make the calls.

"Neville, what did you relive?" Joyce asked. She was familiar with the boys history. There was one defining moment in his life that stood out in his life. The torture of his parents.

"I heard them screaming. And the others laughing as they were hurting them." Neville said as the tears fell silently. "And now they don't even know their own names."

"I think we can look at new avenues of help for them." Joyce said as she pulled him into a hug. "Godric is a master of the mind arts. His hat is part of that. We'll have Godric take a look and see what can be done, ok?"

Neville knew better than to get his hopes up. His whole life his father had been little more than a lump in a bed and his mother was less than a child. He wouldn't expect miracles.

But he took comfort in Joyce's loving hug.

"Harry?" Xander queried his son softly.

"My dad… he told my mum to take me and hide. Mum told Tom to leave me and take her. If he'd gone for me first, they'd both be alive."

Xander pulled him closer. "That's not how it works when you love someone. I would gladly die for you or your friends. I know for a fact that you and Neville would die for each other or the girls. It's part of that stupid Gryffindor personality. When you find someone to love, you will realize that you would die for them."

"What about the other kids? They must have felt it too?" Harry asked.

"There's that Gryffindor selflessness." Xander chuckled softly.

"Please, they all got that from my stories of you!" Joyce chided lightly. "Who was it who dragged a vampire into Master's lair to save a friend? Who stood up to that same vampire to defend his friend despite being outclassed and unarmed? I have a substantial list, so don't you go blaming your brother for that!"

Xander just sighed with a roll of his eyes. "That would be why I never told anyone about them. I still want to know how you know."

"I had my sources." She smirked.

Xander sighed again. "Fawkes." He called softly. He entered by a burst of flame. "Hey, the castle is hurting. The attack on the train by the Dementors has affected these two harshly. It probably had a bad effect on the rest. Do you think you can sing through the night to ease their rest?"

Fawkes trilled lightly before flaming away. His song could be heard throughout the whole castle as he flew around the walls. It permeated the whole area bringing calm and peace to the troubled young minds.

"Get some sleep boys. Stay here for the night so Poppy can give you a dreamless sleep potion if you have nightmares still." Joyce ordered.

Amelia Bones arrived at the castle the next day with Nym and Kingsley in tow.

"Lord Hogwarts, with your permission I would like to permanently assign Auror Tonks and Auror Kingsley to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She requested without preamble.

Xander just shrugged. "Sure. Do they need accommodation?"

"That would be appreciated." Kingsley admitted with a slight nod.

"No problem. We'll talk to Joyce and the boys and find the best place for security."

"The boys?" Kingsley asked.

"Godric and Salazar."


"Xander…" Amelia began hesitantly as she thought of the best way to ask her question. "How did you kill all those Dementors?"

"What?" Nym asked in shock. Kingsley was not far behind.

"Last night that idiot Fudge came barging into my office saying you had kidnapped him and forced him to make a spectacle of himself. He demanded I take a squad of Aurors personally to the edge of Hogsmede to investigate a 'present' you left for him. When we got there, there were about twenty Dementors. All dead. Or deader than they were before. How?"

"I cut off their heads." Xander said simply.

"But the only spells that work on a Dementor is the Patronus Charm or Fiendfyre." Kingsley argued.

"Who said anything about spells?" Xander asked as he pulled out his sword. "Most things die when you remove their head. Worked for Quirrell after all."

"But… how in Merlin's name did you get close enough to do that? The average wizard can barely function within ten feet of a Dementor. They become blubbering messes at the distance you had gotten. Probably catatonic considering there were twenty." Kingsley pointed out.

"Yeah, it was fun to watch Fudge scream and cry whilst they were flying about us." He chuckled.

"But they didn't affect you?" Nym asked.

"Nope. They made the air cold, but that was it."

The three just stared at him open mouthed. Xander began to feel uncomfortable under their gazes.

Amelia eventually shook herself. "Do you think you can teach that?"

"Some how I don't think so." Xander said thoughtfully. "I think it probably has to do with what I experienced back home."

"Such as?" Amelia asked with a hint of hope.

"He's been possessed far too many times. Seen things done to humans that no one should ever see. Faced and defeated demons of pure fear. And he's looked in to the mouth of hell." Joyce said as she walked up behind Xander.

Throughout her speech Amelia, Nym and Kingsley grew paler and paler.

"How the hell are you still sane?" Nym asked with horror and a hint of awe in her voice.

Xander just grinned. "Who says I am?"

"It is no wonder Dementors have no effect on you." Amelia said with pure awe.

"Amelia, won't you, Nym and Kingsley join us for breakfast? I am sure Susan would love to see you." Joyce offered kindly.

"Please, that would be wonderful. I also have business with Lord Slytherin today. If he has the same morals as Lord Hogwarts… it will not be pleasant."

Towards the end of breakfast the Great Hall was swamped by owls delivering the Daily Prophet and special edition of the Quibbler.

Both the Quibbler and the Prophet held the same image on the front page. A Dementor attempting to suck the soul out of Harry Potter just before Lord Hogwarts removed it's head.

Both held the same story of what occurred on the train. The Quibbler held quotes from staff and students of Hogwarts, including Xander, Minerva, Joyce, Sal and Godric.

The Prophet, not having access to the students, had quotes from various parents and pundits.

It was the articles below the fold that differed.

The Quibbler held the story, complete with images, of Fudge's apology.

The Prophet delivered the story of the twenty odd Dementors found dead outside Hogsmede.

"Where did you get these photos?" Kingsley asked.

"The one of Harry being attacked is from Hermione's memory. The others were taken by Colin Creevey. I confiscated his camera, he's not getting it back till he gets home." Xander smirked.

"The parents aren't going to be pleased when they read this." Nym said seriously.

"They already know. I had the werewolves tell the muggle parents last night and the elves tell the magical. All the parents will be entitled to visit their children here over the course of the week. I've suspended classes till next week anyway."

"Smart move on the Were's." Nym remarked. "The Purebloods would throw a hissy fit.

"How is Harry?" She asked.

"Getting there. Last night Fawkes serenaded the castle. He is keeping Neville and Harry company for now."

"Neville? Did he get attacked?" Kingsley asked.

"He was in close proximity to Harry and the Dementor. Both boys have a specific event in their pasts that affects them greatly." Joyce said quietly.

No one needed reminding of what the events were.