
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

I'm Strong

Beep! Initial Startup complete.

Welcome to Djinn System User Draven.

Draven then saw multiple Panels appear on the screen one was a picture of a body titled Stats. The next was a picture of some kind of wand and a sword called Skills. The third was a bag called Storage, and lastly a picture of a bag overflowing with coins called Shop. He quickly used his finger to press on the stats tab, but his finger just went through the screen, and nothing happened. "What the hell? Am I not able to interact with the screen?" he thought to himself. He looked at the screen again and focused on the stats tab and then the screen changed. "I guess I just think of what I want to do then?" He quickly scanned the stats tab.

User: Draven Morgan

Rank: Novice

Race: Human, Djinn, Ancient Dragon

Level 0

Class: None


Health: 20/20

Mana: 1500/1500

Strength: 11

Agility: 7

Stamina: 10

Intellect: 15


Armor: 14 (3)

The stats all seemed very familiar to Draven "Wait aren't these the same main stats used in World of Battlecraft?" "Did I die and get reincarnated to Azanoth?" He thought to himself. This was all too much Draven didn't know if he should jump for joy or cry about his death. I'm going to have to just accept this reality for now until I get more information.

He carefully looked through his stats and out of all of them his agility was the lowest "I have no reference to base my stats on, so I don't know if I am strong or weak." He pondered "I can't even base this off the game since I can't remember what stats at level 1 even look like anymore and I'm not even level 1 yet!" he exclaimed. Draven quickly jumped into the skills tab.

Racial Skills: 

Hatchling Scales raises armor rating by 11

Fire breath

Draconic Aura

Djinn Mana 1% multiplies base mana by 10

Mystic Regen

Mystic Eye


Melee Skills:

Slash, Bite.


Magic Skills:

Affinity for Fire Magic

Affinity for Water Magic

Affinity for Earth Magic

Affinity for Wind Magic


Before I could ask what any of these skills did as if an imaginary cursor hovered over them the description of the skill appeared.

Slash: Your nails are now retractable Dragon claws that can be used to slash your enemies.

Bite: Your teeth are as sharp as a razor and can penetrate most skin and leather armor.

Fire Breath: Summon a great fire from within and once launched will burn your enemies with dragon fire. Cost 15 Mana

Novice Fire Magic: gives affinity and knowledge of Fire elemental magic up to Novice grade. Simply imagine Fire and the form it should take and launch the spell with the desired force. (Note the greater the shape and stronger the force and concentration of magic the more costly the spell will be. Feel free to experiment.)

The description for the other elements was the same so Draven skimmed over them.

Mystic Regen (Novice): While in a meditative state, the user can restore an average of 50 mana per minute. (The greater the concentration of magic in the area the faster your mana will be replenished.)

Mystic Eye: The User can see the stats of enemies such as name, health, mana, and level, up to 10 levels above the user. This skill will also allow the user to identify objects and their uses. No cost.

Draconic Aura: The User can choose to expel the Aura of a Dragon, many creatures will tremble before your bloodline while those of intelligent races may respect, fear, or even admire your presence. No cost.

After reading and rereading all his Skills Draven hands started to shake with excitement. This has to be strong. I will have to confirm this later when I can compare it to others I meet but this has to be strong. Draven immediately imagined fire materializing before him and sure enough an orb of pure fire appeared in front of him Feeling a strange energy leaving his body but still somehow connected to him, he tried to exert more of that energy out of his body and the orb grew larger.

He then imagined it taking the shape of an arrow and it became an arrow. The arrow was a bit larger than what he had expected. Draven looked at the arrow in amazement before swinging his arm towards a tree which caused the arrow to launch like a bullet rather than an arrow, it struck a nearby tree with great force. Boom! The arrow embedded itself halfway into the tree trunk causing the nearby bark to break off due to the sheer force. I immediately checked my mana bar it showed:

Mana 1480/1500

He could feel a small portion of his energy drained as if he had just run around the house. "This is amazing," Draven thought to himself. "I just used actual magic!" Draven instantly began to imagine all the things he wanted to do with his newfound power. An evil grin started to form on his face even Draven had to reel his thoughts in. "Let's at least get out of the forest before I let my power corrupt me." He said out loud for no one else to hear. His nose began to twitch "What's that smell?" Draven asked as he looked around and saw that the tree, he had hit with his arrow caught on fire!

"Crap!" He yelled; He did not want to be the cause of a forest fire! He started to run in circles trying to come up with something. I need water! But I'm in the middle of the forest, where am I going to find water? His thoughts focused on finding water as suddenly in front of him a ball of water started to form. "Oh right, I can create water!" He immediately felt relieved "I need to get used to this magic stuff," he thought to himself as he frantically poured a chunk of mana into the spell causing a large wave to crash into the tree. Slightly out of breath, Draven checked his mana stats.

Mana 1200/1500

"Ok that might have been overkill," he said looking at the tree that was now halfway torn out of the ground from the impact of the wave.

Draven sat down by another nearby tree and decided to investigate the next tab of his menu screen.

Storage: currently empty can store up to 100 cubic meters

An upgrade is currently unavailable.

"That's a decent size storage you can fit quite a lot in such a space I should count myself lucky." Draven admired. Draven grabbed a nearby rock and tossed it into the storage menu and sure enough it disappeared and an icon of a rock with 1x next to it appeared in the storage menu. Draven reached out while thinking of the rock and pulled it back out of the storage. "Not bad that's nice and simple." He thought to himself.

Draven proceeded to check out the last tab. Draven always hated in-game shops as they made the game pay to win but now, he greedily opened the shop thinking "This is real life who cares take my money and make me OP!"

The shop opened and the first thing he saw was a bunch of greys. Nearly everything was greyed out. Draven couldn't even see what the things were that he couldn't buy. When he hovered over them with his imaginary cursor it simply read level insufficient to view. Multiple tabs simply state that they are currently unavailable. "What kind of shop is this!" Draven yelled out all these years they tempt you with all the goodies in the shop but the second it's real life they play hard to get! As He scanned through, he did see a lit-up box in the bottom corner of the screen. Beginners supply packages. Do you wish to open it?

YES, OPEN IT! He yelled in his thoughts a bright light manifested in front of his eyes as a small pile of loot dropped in front of his feet. Using his Mystic eye, he could read what the items were as he picked them up. He began to list them out in his mind.

1x novice sword

1x novice gear set

5x daily rations

Draven equipped all of his new gear he was now covered in leather gear from boots, pants, chest, and gloves. In the game, the shoulders were a separate slot but here the chest piece simply had some extra padding on the shoulders which makes sense why would the shoulders be a different piece of gear from the chest piece? With everything equipped Draven found the resolve to begin his favorite pastime. "Let's start the Grind!"

Sword in hand Draven nervously began to walk through the forest. Now that he was alert and actively looking and listening for signs of life, he noticed that all of his senses were heightened, he could see much farther and objects could be seen with greater detail than before. He could smell the individual flowers that were around him and could pinpoint which flower a particular scent came from. His hearing could pick up the sound of a twig breaking, and he could accurately tell which direction the sound came from and how far away it was.

Draven crouched down and slowly walked toward the area where the twig broke. "Kekeke…" Draven could hear someone giggling. Draven's heart began to lighten as he immediately thought of a chance of seeing someone else in this forest. As he was about to call out to the person but quickly stopped himself after hearing something being stabbed.

He decided to stay quiet, cold sweat formed on his brow as he looked toward the area from behind a tree. There he saw a deer lying on the ground while a small person with green skin and long pointy ears lay on top of it. This person gleefully stabbed the deer over and over until it sunk its teeth into its carcass. "Was this green child going to eat the deer raw?" As Draven looked closely, he activated his mystic eye.

Goblin level 2

Health: 15/15

Mana: None

It's a Goblin!