
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · Fantaisie
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48 Chs


James found himself on a beautiful Cruisliner that would make port in Bora Bora. He had saved for a few years so that he could afford this Trip for the twentieth anniversary with his wife. Draven was a teenager and would be fine with Grandma taking care of him for a few weeks. He was sitting across from his beautiful wife Jasmine She had long black hair and tanned skin her eyes hazel. She was wearing the black dress he had bought for her and she was stunning. They talked for hours about how cranky Draven was getting now that he was in puberty and Jasmine had complained that he was spending too much time on the computer. Blaming James as he was one to play games as well. "He looks up to you and is always watching what you do James so be a better role model. Maybe help me with the work in the garden. I'd love to plant things with you we could have a he and hers garden next to each other. " She said getting all giddy just thinking about it. "You're right I'll cut back on it. And sure why not maybe I can show Draven how to build a fence ours needs to be replaced soon anyway." James said earnestly. 

"So since we're on this big ship there is one thing I've always wanted to do on a ship this big," Jasmine said looking excited. James' eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah and what would that be he said already looking for the waiter to pay his tab as soon as possible. "I want to reenact that scene on the Titanic where Rose is standing in the front of the ship and is being held by Jack as she lets her arms go wide trusting that he will hold her. James nearly collapsed from disappointment. That ancient movie again? he muttered under his breath. Oh cmon it's my favorite movie and when will I ever have the chance to do it again?" She said pleading with him with puppy dog eyes. "Well, how can I say no to that" James said smiling. Alright, let's do it then as he got up to walk with her. "Really? Ok while you pay the waiter I'm going to ask around and see if someone is willing to take a picture or two or 3 or hundreds. I'll meet you there she said running while giggling out of the ship's restaurant.

Whatever makes you happy sweet heart he said to himself as he held on to the ring he was going to give her at this dinner but perhaps she would like it even more after the romantic Titanic scene. He wanted to redo his vows with her and remarry in Bora Bora. Just the two of them. After finally getting the waiter's attention and having to wait another 10 minutes before he came back with the check. James was able to make his way to the front of the ship. It was already night time but the weather was nice and warm. James walked past the long wall on allowing him to see the front of the ship and in the distance, he saw his wife being pressed up against the railing of the ship. He immediately started running towards her and saw the man's hand on her wrists the other covering her mouth it looked like nothing had happened yet to James' relief as he prepared himself to pummel this guy into oblivion. Get your hands off my WIFE! He screamed as he continued to run as fast as he could. The man turned around and saw James sprinting towards them. He then pushed Jasmine off the railings and ran in the opposite direction covering his face with his jacket. JASMINE! 

James' eyes shot open They were blood red and with a fiery roar, the pod exploded around him allowing him to step out. His scales shone a bright red and had a polished look to them as if they were made of metal. Two horns had sprouted from his head they bent outwards and up before curving back down slightly forming a shape similar to the letter C. As he stepped forward everything he touched began to melt. His feet sunk into the metal floor as it melted to the shape of his feet with every step. James then launched himself out of the guild hall punching a large hole into the wall and making his own exit. He then stood in the center of the village looking everywhere around him enraged. Spreading his new draconic wings that were the same red as his skin and scales adorned with spikes wherever they could fit. He roared with all his might as flames enveloped his body. "RAAAHHHH!"

Draven POV

Draven woke up bright and early and headed downstairs to eat some breakfast. His ribs were still slightly sore but seemed to have healed for the most part overnight and that was good enough for him. He began to fry up some crab meat for everyone along with the clam meat. Until the Farm produced some crops they were all on a strict meat diet. Some mushrooms were edible but Draven was not a fan at all of the mushrooms. Maybe he should have a group go out and look for some berries or fruit trees he wanted some change in his diet. after 20 minutes the food was done and Draven began a new routine that would become his favorite part of the day. Draven went up to everyone's rooms and knocked loudly on every door. Everyone wake up let's eat and get a move on, he yelled out. Both Greg and Ross were dressed and out the door in record time. Celine joined as well shortly after them. That leaves the two sleepy heads Draven said as an evil grin started to form on his face. He opened their doors and formed a water ball the size of a coconut that hovered above their heads. 

"KYAAA!" They both screamed. Draven didn't wait to see their initial reaction and was already downstairs again when he allowed the water ball to fall on them. But hearing the loud thuds he could only imagine them falling off the bed panting in shock from being yanked from their slumber with ice-cold water. After another 10 minutes, they also made their way downstairs. "Was that really necessary Draven?" Rebecca pointed at him furiously. Her hair was still wet. "No, but it was fun and you're awake now so all that ends well right?" he said laughing. Before Rebecca could pounce on him for his transgressions Draven chimed in again. "On a side note, I made breakfast." Rebecca's and Jennifer's eyes went wide as Draven received an instant pardon for his sins and started digging in. 

Once everyone finished eating and gathered all their equipment they exited the town hall and heard a thundering roar coming from the center of the town. Worried that they were being invaded again Draven rushed to the scene while the rest did their best to chase after him. Draven quickly found his way to the source of the roar and saw his father standing in front of the Guild that had a large hole in it. His father was surrounded by flames roaring his heart out. Thinking he was somehow set on fire Draven created a bathtub worth of water and drowned him in it. "Dad what happened are you alright?" he asked running over to him to see if he was injured. But instead of seeing his father, there was only a beast in front of him. Draven could feel the draconic aura emitting from his father trying to suppress him but he was able to withstand it. Before Draven could say anything else he got punched into his stomach with enough force to launch him into the blacksmith building across the street. 

"Give her back!" He screamed as he flew incredibly fast through the opening caused by Draven's body breaking through the stone walls of the shop. "Fuck that hurt," Draven said but as soon as he opened his eyes his dad was already on him and started pummeling him into the ground. Draven covered himself in scales before kicking his dad off of him. His ribs started to hurt again but he needed to get his dad under control and did his best to ignore the pain. Draven then sprinted out of the store as he knew he was faster than his dad. "System any ideas on what is going on with him?" He asked desperately searching for any information on how to resolve this without beating up his father. 

<Beep! Dragons are very possessive creatures and known to go into a rage when their treasures stolen from them this also applies mates or offspring killed. They will an uncontrollable destroy anything within sight in the hopes of retrieving what was lost them. This is why adventurers were often sent on quests slay such dragons.>

"And how do I make him stop?" He asked frantically. He could see his dad taking flight to chase after him and if he didn't use lightning legs he would catch up. 

<Beep! A dragon will only stop its rampage when it has been defeated, retrieved what lost, or expended all energy after destroying everything in wake.> 

"Great option C is out of the question so let's figure out what he's looking for," Draven said. He stopped running away and turned around. He had long left the town and was now standing near the split in the mountain leading towards novice village. Draven mentally prepared himself to beat up his dad. James nosedived towards Draven who had stopped running away and crashed into him. Draven grabbed a hold of his dad's arm and went for a swing at him. He then punched James in the chest purposely targeting the scales. James was knocked back a few feet before charging again. Give her back! He yelled. 

Draven was confused. Give who back? Was someone kidnapped? Did he have a secret girlfriend that left what was he talking about? "Give who back?" he yelled back at James. "Give me my Jasmine back!" he roared as his body was once again engulfed in flames. Draven was shocked. he was talking about Mom. But she died a few years ago why is he now bringing this back up again? While lost in thought James began another barrage on Draven and even began to breathe fire on him. Draven snapped out of it and did his best to protect himself. He was fire resistant especially when he was fully covered in scales but those punches were not light and he couldn't allow himself to continue taking that kind of beating. Draven got angry as his father was forcing him to relive his memories of his mother. He activated the runes in his right arm and hit him on the scales on his cheek causing James to to crash into the ground his body bounced slightly back up after the impact. Draven didn't stop and brought both his hands together forming a single fist and hammered James' body back into the earth. "Mom is dead and she ain't coming back!" He yelled as he punched him again. "You didn't protect her!" He screamed and punched him again. "She got chopped up by the propeller of the fucking ship and we buried an empty coffin!" He roared and punched him again. 

James remembered that night he had jumped off the ship to rescue her and couldn't find her in the water until a stream of red trailed behind the ship. "Aaaaahhhh" he roared as he kicked Draven off of him and furiously swiped his claws at Draven like a mad beast. He managed to slice into the scales on his arm as he raised them to defend himself. It didn't cut deep but he knew he couldn't keep defending this way. "She was taken!" James roared as he continued his onslaught. "Because you weren't there when she needed you!" Draven roared back. "It was your fault!" Draven screamed at the top of his lungs as he formed a giant fist made of earth that slammed into James from the side and punched him into the side of the rocky mountain. Tears started to stream down Draven's face. He was sad and angry he couldn't hold back anymore. As he began to form another fist of earth to hit him again he heard someone call out to him. 

"Draven stop!" Jennifer screamed from the sidelines as tears ran down her cheeks uncontrollably. The rest of the party had arrived a few minutes ago and had heard everything but were too scared to get in the middle of their battle. They would die instantly if any of those attacks hit them and they didn't want to hurt James either. James got back to his feet after tearing the fist made of earth away from him. He heard the voice of Jennifer and immediately went on the attack without a second thought. Wings spread James flew straight for her with his claws extended. "Jennifer!" Draven screamed in terror as he activated both the runes in his legs and traversed the short distance nearly instantly. Draven tried to grab his dad's hand but he was too strong there was a red mist surrounding his wounds and he overpowered Draven as his claw buried itself into the right side of his chest. Draven held James' arm in place and looked into his eyes. Tears were flowing from them as he thrashed around trying to free his arm. 

Draven had never seen his dad cry before and all his anger vanished. "I'm sorry Dad... I didn't mean what I said earlier... It wasn't your fault... I forgive you." Draven said as he felt a gigantic weight lifting off his shoulders as he said those words. Draven smiled and remembered every single detail he could remember about his mom and formed a person with her features made of earth and then used illusion magic to make her look realistic. Seeing Jasmine suddenly appear next to him all the rage left James as his mind began to clear. He woke up with tears in his eyes hugging his wife with one arm while the other was still buried in Draven's chest.

James' eyes went wide when he saw he had attacked Draven. He immediately pulled his claws out of him causing dark blood to spurt out of his chest. "Draven! I'm here son. I'm so sorry I don't know what happened." He said in shock. James grabbed him as he looked at Jennifer who was behind Draven. "I'm taking him to a med pod." "No," she said grabbing ahold of Draven as well. The scales cut her arms but she didn't let go. "He can't use the med pods." Dark blood began to rush out of his wound pooling on the floor beneath his feet Jennifer laid him down on the ground. "May! Quick heal him!" She yelled but May had already run over and began to cast a large heal while placing her hand on his chest. The wound began to slowly seal shut but one cast wasn't enough. After the second cast, the wound was fully sealed and the scales had repaired themselves as well. Draven sighed in relief as the pain subsided. He was getting severely injured too often. he thought as he got back to his feet. "I'm sorry Draven I don't know what came over me. I was so angry I couldn't control it." He said as he pulled Draven into a bear hug. "It's ok Dad it was the dragon rage I explain it to you later." After a few seconds passed they released their hug and looked over to the illusion of Jasmine.

"I can't keep that illusion going forever, Dad." He said without taking his eyes off of her. James nodded as he put his arm around Draven and stood in front of his wife. "Let's say our goodbyes then." He said gripping Draven's shoulder tightly. Draven walked up first and looked into the emotionless eyes of the illusion of his mother. 

"Goodbye, Mom I love and miss you. I won't ever forget you." Draven said doing his best to keep his tears from falling.

"I'll take care of our boy Jasmine. He has gotten so strong you would be so proud. He even got himself a girlfriend now can you believe it?" "Dad!" Draven said as his cheeks began to heat up. Jennifer's tears came to a halt as her face turned bright red hearing this. James chuckled with a smile on his face. "See he's doing alright. I love you, Jasmine. Goodbye."

Draven released the spell and she crumbled into dust and flew away in the wind.