
DJ's Marvel Academy

26 Year old Damien James hates his life, and one day he gets an anonymous text of he could leave world for Marvel's will he, find out. -------- I will try my best to upload at least twice a week. Also write in the comments if the chapters are too long. Sorry for changing the name late, but it feels better to me. *Disclaimer* I Do No Not Own Marvel or Naruto or any Third party refrences.

Rad_da_Boss · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

2 Marvel Academy

(4 Years Later)

There is a volcano in Japan called mt. Fuji and inside this volcano sitting on top of a small square which is on a sharp point and is above very hot very dangerous magma. Who is this person sitting there? It's our very own DJ, why is he there you ask? Let's go back to 4 weeks ago.

(Flash back)

DJ: You want me to what?

Molina: Train your endurance and stamina by meditating in a volcano.

DJ: But that's suicide, I thought you loved me?

Molina: We do, that's why this is important you're lucky getting to go somewhere warm, where did we go Jared?

Jared: The Himalayas for 7 days.

DJ: How are you alive?

Molina: You were born nine months later.

DJ in shock

DJ: You mean you two-

Jared: Nonstop.

DJ shook that thought from his head.

Molina: Also it will give you time to work on your chakra, it's been years since you learned how to harness it.

DJ: True, but it's still dangerous.

Jared: Yup, so don't die son.

(Back to reality)

While DJ was here for those three weeks sitting there not moving an inch not even scratching his nose keeping his eyes closed. His final power revealed itself Sage Mode, because unbeknownst to him he was drawing in life essence and chakra. Today was his final day and his endurance and stamina skyrocketed. His right ear twitches after hearing a stick break he opened his eyes showing frog pupils over his byakugan, the corner of his eyelids were orange.

DJ: Guess it's time to go.

He carefully stood up turned to his right and jumped to an edge and walked to a hole in the wall and went through it, behind him the square fell into the lava. Outside the base of the volcano DJ walked out to greet his parents.

Jared: Son.

DJ: Pops.

Jared throws DJ a bottle of water, DJ catches it and drinks some.

Molina: You completed your training now we have something we want tell you.

Jared: We enrolled you at Marvel Academy.

DJ nearly choked on his water.

DJ: what did you say?

Molina: It's true with your abilities you will fit right in, you start Friday.

Jared: We realized that you're 15 years old, and you need friends and a good education.

DJ: What about you guys, I won't be around to help out anymore.

Molina: Aw, our little man is worried for us.

Jared: Don't be, we will be fine, and besides the principal of Marvel Academy is an old friend of ours.

DJ: Really who is it?


DJ is in the principal's office setting everything up, seeing the man in front of him he was surprised it was Former Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Darik Coulson son of Phil Coulson.

Coulson: Okay Damien that will be all.

DJ got up and started to walk out then he turned around.

DJ: I prefer DJ, sir.

Coulson: I'll try to remember that.

DJ left the room he started down the hall going to class he puts sunglasses on, then someone bumps his shoulder going in the same direction the kid wasn't looking where he was running he was on his phone and not paying attention, we was about run into lockers, but DJ reached out and grabbed the kids backpack before he hit the lockers. Realizing he wasn't moving the kid turned around seeing DJ holding him back.

???: What gives man?

DJ points to the lockers.

DJ: Almost kissed the lockers good morning.

???: oh thanks, um I'm Miles Jr, you?

DJ: DJ..

Miles: Nice to meet you DJ.

DJ nods

{School bell rings}

Miles: Oh crap we are gonna be late, man, my own sister can't even wait for me.

Miles takes off running DJ follows.

Miles: What class you in?

DJ: Mr. Coulson said mrs. Romanovs' class.

Miles: Cool me too, follow me.

They run to the class they are going to and entered everyone looks at Miles and DJ.

MR: Oh, good you're here mr. James. Class this is Damien James he is our new student please tell everyone a little about yourself.

DJ walks up.

DJ: Hi, first of all I prefer DJ I'm an expert in all forms of animal style kung fu, my hobbies include cars and music, as for my powers I have super strength, I have a special type of healing factor which will allow me to heal others as well as myself, I can generate lightning in my left hand, I also have what I call Sage Mode it gives me the power to increase my strength and speed tenfold,  and lastly-

He removes his sunglasses.

DJ: I call this Byakugan it increases my line of sight to see for miles and near 360° it also allows me to see the energy in people, and when focused at the top of my fingers I produce and energy known as chakra that allows me to turn off my opponents nerve endings making them virtually useless.

He puts his sunglasses back on.

MR: Thank you, DJ please take a seat is there one left.

Miles raises his hand.

MR: Oh right there between the Morales siblings.

DJ walks to the seat. He sits in it looking at both Miles and a blonde girl on his other side.

DJ: Hi I'm DJ.

???: I'm Gen Morales, Miles' sister

Miles: Hey DJ, isn't animal style kung fu like an ancient martial art.

DJ: Yeah it is, but it's been secretly alive within my family.

Gen: But isn't your last name James?

DJ: yes, my parents changed their names.

Gen: What were the original names?

DJ: Akito and Yuki Onizuka.

Miles: You mean like Ninja onizuka?

DJ: yup.

Gen: they are legends.

MR: Okay you three back there pay attention.

All three nodded. Later in the cafeteria DJ looks for a spot, he then sees Gwen and Miles, Miles waves at him. DJ walks over.

DJ: Thanks it's crowded in here.

Gen: Yeah you should see it on Taco Tuesdays.

DJ: Ooh I like tacos.

Miles: Who doesn't, anyway got any plans after school?

DJ: Mostly training, but other than that no I'm free.

Miles: Oh cool, do you mind if we train with you?

DJ: What are your powers?

Gen and Miles: Spider powers.

DJ: Like Spiderman okay so you're agile good you'll need it.

Miles: Oh yeah what room number are you in?

DJ takes out a small piece of paper.

DJ: 320

Miles: This is awesome we're roommates.

DJ: Neat-o

Gen looks over DJ's shoulder and sees three people, one tall blonde boy oozing Asgardian royalty, one black boy screaming Wakandan prince, and the third has billionaire playboy written on his face, they are eye balling DJ.

Gen: Hey DJ don't look now, but the seniors are staring daggers at you.

DJ turns to them, and shrugs.

DJ: I'm not scared of them.

Just then a hand lands on his shoulder.

???: You should be, my friend they are the three kings of Marvel Academy.

DJ: And you are?

???: James, James Rodgers.

DJ: As in captain America Rodgers?

James: Yeah that's my grandfather.

DJ: cool, and yeah no those three couldn't take me if I were blindfolded.

James: Wow, I'm glad to see someone so confident.

The billionaire playboy walks up behind DJ.

???: I'll say, so kid you think you can take us?

DJ: All three at once.

Bites into a sandwich.

???: Want to test that theory kid?

DJ stands eye to eye with the senior.

DJ: Most assuredly.

???: Today at 4pm in the gym school.

DJ: Done

Gen: Do you know what you just did?

DJ: Yeah, the three kings challenged me to a fight and I accepted.

Miles: And that was Joey Stark as in Iron Man Stark.

DJ shrugged and kept eating.

James: You are very sure of yourself.

DJ: I am.

Hope you enjoy this new chapter, write down in the comments what the grandson of Thor's name should be please I can't think of one.

Oh yeah I have a YouTube channel, Rad 'da Boss go check it out I will soon be talking mostly about Pokémon, at 60 subs i will reveal my face and at 100 subs I will shave my head.

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