
Divinity’s Ascent: The Death God Chronicles

In a world steeped in darkness, the enigmatic figure known as "Zero," Zac Frost, endures years of torment and subjugation by a malevolent organization. With his frail body on the brink of collapse, he stumbles upon a chilling revelation: a vast, uncharted realm that may hold the key to his survival.

DARKFR0ZT_ · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Confrontation Outside the Hall

Bella, adopting a composed demeanor, conveyed, "In our current circumstances, delving into such matters seems futile. Our foremost priority must be the augmentation of our abilities."

Recalling a previous request, she continued, "You tasked me with compiling a comprehensive list of strategies to expedite the enhancement of your strength. I have the compilation ready," she stated with grave earnestness.

Eager to learn, Zac responded, "Please proceed."

Bella proceeded to outline the methods, injecting a touch of professionalism and entertainment into her discourse. "A substantial portion of the strategies aimed at bolstering your overall strength necessitate active engagement on the battlefield."

She elaborated, "Our initial focus should be on expanding the size of your undead army. Unfortunately, we've been unable to allocate time for recruiting additional undead minions. However, this endeavor becomes feasible once we arrive at the Vampire-Werewolf battlefield."

Zac inquired, "What actionable steps can we take from our current position?"

Bella offered a strategic suggestion with a touch of wit, "A prudent move would be to upgrade the weaponry within your undead arsenal and procure additional arms for the impending reinforcements. The Crimson Family likely possesses a surplus of these low-level weapons, surpassing the craftsmanship of our current makeshift arsenal assembled from scrap materials native to your planet."

After a contemplative pause, she suggested, "Furthermore, it's advisable for you to consider a weapon upgrade. As your level ascends, your current weapon's efficacy diminishes. Time for an equipment refresh, I'd say."

Zac acknowledged the advice with a nod, signaling his readiness for the proposed enhancements.

Bella confidently stated, "The Crimson Family's weapon storage is likely well-stocked with Ethereal Stage weapons."

Intrigued, Zac inquired, "Ethereal Stage weapons? I'm not familiar with that classification."

Bella, realizing the oversight, responded with a self-administered facepalm, "Ah, I neglected to brief you on the hierarchical categorization of weapons in this realm. Zac, weaponry here is organized into distinct stages: Ethereal, Radiant, Obsidian, Prismal, Ecliptic, Nocturne, and Abyssal. Each stage, from Ethereal to Prismal, is further stratified into seven levels, each determined by its quality, potency, and unique attributes."

Zac, delving deeper into the intricacies, queried, "And how about the Ecliptic, Nocturne, and Abyssal Stage Weapons?"

Bella, the bearer of knowledge, elucidated, "Upon entering the Ecliptic Stage and progressing through Nocturne and Abyssal Stages, weapons undergo a transformative phase. They are intricately inscribed with various runes, each conferring distinct abilities. Notably, within these three stages, there exist four sub-levels: Novice-Tier, Master-Tier, Grandmaster-Tier, and Supreme-Tier. While additional specialties exist, their revelation is reserved for when you attain the corresponding levels of mastery."

Bella concluded her explanation, leaving a tantalizing promise of more revelations as Zac ascends through the stages.

Zac sought further avenues for empowerment, asking, "Are there additional methods to enhance my abilities?"

Bella, ever the strategist, responded, "Certainly. Engaging in the practice of Martial Techniques is another avenue for elevating your combat prowess."

Perplexed, Zac inquired, "Martial Techniques? Another unfamiliar term."

Bella clarified with a patient gaze, "Think of Martial Techniques as intricate methodologies devised by individuals well-versed in the understanding of Laws. While these techniques may not directly harness Laws themselves, they leverage principles rooted in those Laws. Consider it akin to acquiring a superpower—instead of inherent traits, proficiency is attained through dedicated practice and comprehension."

Zac, brimming with curiosity, inquired, "Where did you acquire these Martial Techniques?"

Bella, adopting a casual demeanor, responded, "I possess a comprehensive collection stored within my system, courtesy of the civilization that brought me into existence." Nonchalantly, she downplayed the magnitude of her repository, which in reality constituted a vast library encompassing diverse techniques.

Eager to commence, Zac queried, "Can we initiate the learning process immediately?"

Bella affirmed, "Indeed, you can commence your training promptly. I've curated a selection of techniques tailored to your profile. I'll initiate the transfer now, allowing you to delve into their intricacies. However, it's imperative to note that true proficiency is honed through the practical application of these techniques in battle."

Zac, mindful of potential repercussions, posed a cautious question, "Considering these techniques are from beyond this world, could it pose complications if the inhabitants of this realm become aware of them?"

Bella, the voice of wisdom, responded with a reassuring tone, "While these techniques may be relatively uncommon in this world, it's not accurate to claim they're entirely absent. The locals here have their equivalent known as Battle Arts, sharing fundamental principles albeit with nuanced distinctions. The key is exercising discretion—avoid an overt display of too many techniques."

Suddenly, Bella's ethereal essence, residing within Zac's soul sea, seamlessly transmitted four techniques into his consciousness. As Zac delved into the intricacies, he discovered a trio named Shadow Step, Shadow Veil, and Shadow Blade—each interconnected in its shadowy prowess. The fourth, ominously titled Death Armor, promised an additional layer of formidable capability.

Analyzing the techniques, Zac unearthed the potency within. Shadow Step, a movement-focused skill, proved invaluable for both offensive maneuvers and swift escapes. In its initial stage, it endowed the user with the ability to seamlessly traverse between shadows, accompanied by a noteworthy boost in movement speed.

Shadow Veil, a concealment technique, allowed the practitioner to meld seamlessly into the shadows during its preliminary stages, enhancing stealth capabilities.

The aptly named Shadow Blade, a true augmentation of offensive prowess, enabled the coating of blades with energy for heightened attacks. Its distinctive feature involved generating multiple shadowy replicas of the blade, confounding adversaries and making it challenging to discern the real strike. At the onset, this ability conjured four shadowy blade replicas.

Zac, exhibiting prudent caution, decided to set aside the enigmatic Death Armor for the time being and focused his attention on delving into the intricacies of the three revealed techniques. Bella had assured him that the more advanced stages of these techniques would unfold with his increasing mastery.

As Zac prepared to undertake the arduous task of understanding these shadowy arts, Bella issued a solemn warning, "It's time to embark on your journey of comprehension. However, do not let the apparent simplicity of these techniques deceive you—they harbor formidable power. According to the wealth of information within my system, many have faltered in their attempts to cultivate any one of these techniques."

In a display of determination, Zac nodded sagely and assumed a cross-legged position, embarking on the intricate journey of comprehending not one but three techniques simultaneously. While conventional wisdom dictated a singular focus on one technique at a time, Zac's audacious choice stemmed from a belief in his capacity to manage the challenge. His intuition whispered that the failures of many were rooted in the isolated cultivation of these techniques, leading him to the unconventional decision to explore them collectively.

Unbeknownst to Zac, his instinctive choice aligned with the unique nature of these techniques. Originating from distinct powers in Bella's world, they had never been cultivated in unison before. Contributed by different entities during Bella's creation, these techniques found cohesion in their similarities, a fact Zac remained unaware of as he delved into the multifaceted process of mastering the paired trio. 

As Zac delved into the simultaneous cultivation of the shadowy techniques, Bella, far from idle, assumed a cross-legged posture herself, engaging in a cultivation method that remained shrouded in mystery, promising an intriguing surprise.

The cultivation persisted for two days, a testament to the exceptional endurance afforded by the energy coursing through Zac and Bella. Unlike ordinary humans, they could sustain themselves without the need for food or water. Abruptly, the bell strategically placed beside Bella resonated through the space, jolting her from the depths of her meditative state. An unmistakable smile graced her countenance, suggesting a profound satisfaction with the outcome of this cultivation session.

In harmony with Bella's awakening, Zac, too, emerged from his meditative state, completing a cycle of focused cultivation that held the promise of newfound mastery. 

In contrast to Bella's contentment, Zac wore a discernible frown as he scrutinized her with a perplexed gaze. Seeking insight, he inquired, "How did your cultivation session go? You appear quite pleased."

Bella, maintaining an air of mystery, responded with a slight smile, "Indeed, I accomplished the objective I had set for this session. As for the details, consider it a surprise—something you'll unravel in due time."

Curiosity piqued, she turned the question back to Zac, who expressed his disappointment, "Not yet. I sense that I'm on the verge of comprehending these techniques, but an elusive element seems to elude me. Identifying what's missing remains a challenge."

Bella, adopting a reassuring tone, offered sage advice, "Do not let such momentary setbacks weigh heavily on you. The path of cultivation is lengthy and intricate. While talent and resources hold their significance, paramount are patience and unwavering willpower. Enlightenment often arrives when least expected, perhaps during our journey to the battlefield."

The resonant chime of the bell echoed once more. "Enter," Bella called out.

In response, Seraphina entered the room with an air of reverence. "Miss Clarisse has completed her breakthrough. She is on the verge of her awakening, and she requested me to convey the news," Seraphina reported respectfully.

Zac, concluding their own cultivation efforts, suggested, "Our tasks are concluded as well. Let's proceed to witness the awakening ceremony." Bella nodded in agreement, and the trio, led by Seraphina, made their way toward the Awakening Hall.

As they approached the hall, their progress was impeded by an unexpected encounter with a woman who stood in their path.

The obstructing figure revealed herself as a middle-aged woman, radiating a magnetic charm that effortlessly seized attention. Cascading waves of jet-black hair framed her confident and alluring face, creating an image that seamlessly blended strength and grace. Her imposing stature, coupled with a voluptuous figure, further underscored her commanding presence.

The woman's eyes, deep orbs of onyx, possessed a captivating quality, their pupils seemingly devouring the surrounding light. These hunter's eyes spoke volumes of keen intelligence and unwavering determination, projecting an individual constantly attuned to her surroundings. A sharp and focused gaze emanated from her, wielding the power to ensnare anyone caught within its grasp.

Her pride resonated in the meticulous presentation of her appearance, consistently adorned in impeccable attire. A fusion of sophistication and contemporary style accentuated her already striking presence. Whether navigating a crowded room or maneuvering the urban landscape, her charismatic demeanor marked her as a formidable force, leaving an indelible impression on those fortunate enough to encounter her.

Breaking the charged silence, she spoke with a voice steeped in killing intent, "So, you're the brats responsible for my son's death."